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BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)

26 Jul 02 - 08:18 AM (#754865)
Subject: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Skipjack K8

....... and our apologies for continuing this Shatneresque Limey equivalent.


26 Jul 02 - 08:27 AM (#754871)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: GUEST,greg stephens

Just out of interest,have any Mudcatters who dont live there ever been to Hull? Anyone know where it is?

26 Jul 02 - 08:28 AM (#754872)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

johN Don't let Oakleaf know you watch T.V without a lisense9


26 Jul 02 - 10:52 AM (#754951)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

Thanks a bunch Mr Happy!!! you've just ruined the third innings of the ancient North Lincolnshire sport of 'ull baiting just when we were on the verge of getting johN9 out dwyle before flonk

Gerry (with tongue firmly in cheek)

26 Jul 02 - 10:58 AM (#754957)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Jeri

9Isn't Hul9l some9where n9ear Halif9ax and 9Hell?

26 Jul 02 - 11:07 AM (#754964)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: GUEST,Oakley

Hull's spanish quarter is home to at least 2 'Catters, jOhn, Ossenflags, who else? I will tip you off if I see the dEflector van9 so don't worry.

The Humberside Police (Bazouki Squad, I think, but I couldn't see the Insignia on the tunic), criticised my Hiace's windscreen yesterday in Grimsby. The cheek of it! I am raising this with the Special Whistles Division at Goxhill on Wednesday, informally at first. He is boozing in the old town AGAIN, as we speak.

26 Jul 02 - 11:09 AM (#754967)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Skipjack K8

Spot on Jeri,or at least is in on 9jOhn's keybord! Nice to see some cross-pollination from the former colony!


26 Jul 02 - 12:07 PM (#755001)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: mooman

Do they still practise that ancient sport in 'ull where men with butterfly nets gather intently around the person clipping his toenails?

(Readers of the old Fosdyke Saga may remember that)


26 Jul 02 - 12:31 PM (#755017)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: catspaw49

I dunno' mooman, but I'm pretty sure John needs to be netted by a couple of guys in white coats and sent to the NYCFTTS. If you and Skipjack want to net him, I'll send the Insanevac Chopper right away. Ca,, me if you don't have white coats and I'll send you a couple.


26 Jul 02 - 01:49 PM (#755046)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: mooman

Not sure 'Spaw. I don't know whether the NYCFTTS has sufficient expertise in this type of case. When I see Skip (perhaps in September) we'll discuss the proposition anyway. The white coats would be handy as Skip only has frilly knickers...


26 Jul 02 - 02:05 PM (#755052)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Willa

You lot'll be in Depp trouble when jOhnn sees this 9 He'll set his hampster on you9

26 Jul 02 - 02:07 PM (#755053)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: MMario

as long as he doesn't upset his dumpster. Nothin' worse then an irate dumpster on the loose!

26 Jul 02 - 02:14 PM (#755056)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

Wake up Oakleaf the aaaaaaaaaaamericans have arrived


26 Jul 02 - 02:39 PM (#755068)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Oaklet

Jesus Gerry, I heard you shout and came as fast as I could. What? real Americans? Crikey!

Ahem...Hello Americans!! Welcome to a UK thread. This is what we have to put up with when you are asleep. Drivel of the highest quality, but some of the UK people will insist upon that damned thread-drift thing, which I personally find so irritating. But we do try to leave things nice and tidy for when you wake in the small hours, and start to do your American electric writings. So how is America then?

jOhn will either go bannnaaannas or be chuffed to bITs9, when he comes round. What do you say John?

Gerry, I hope that the Americans stay around a bit, say something encouraging and welcoming to them. After all, you're the one with the bloody flower on the skin of your banjo.

26 Jul 02 - 03:13 PM (#755089)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)
From: GUEST,me

jon from ull thanx couldnt reply sooner unfortunately i had abit of technical probs will catch you in south lincs

26 Jul 02 - 03:19 PM (#755092)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)
From: Oaklet

GUEST,me, Hi. What's going on in South Lincs?

26 Jul 02 - 03:24 PM (#755094)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

errrr welcome America (how's that Dave did i do well or what9


26 Jul 02 - 03:31 PM (#755097)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Oaklet

Gerry, I think that they've gone. Rats! Look, I leave you to do one simple bloody thing, whilst I try to find jOhn on another thread, and look what happens. No Americans. Zippo. Zilch. Next time I'll prepare something to make 'em stick around. Maybe saspirella on rye, or something. Look, make sure to shout me, the minute you spot one, do you hear?

26 Jul 02 - 03:34 PM (#755100)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)
From: GUEST,me

being a blonde meant south ferriby soz for any confusion

26 Jul 02 - 03:41 PM (#755105)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: fat B****rd

When I die I'll go to heaven 'cos I've spent sometime in Hull !!!!!!!!!! come on the Mariners !!!!!!!!! Sorry, it's been a hot and stuffy day in the warehouse.

26 Jul 02 - 03:43 PM (#755107)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)
From: Oaklet

What, GUEST,me, you really coming to the gig? Make yourself known to Ossonflags and he'll buy you a bear. So will I, come to that. The Hope and Anchor is on the A1077 between Barton and Winterton. Head for the cement works and a fine heard of 18 freisians. The pub is at the confluence of the Humber and the River Ancholme, just near to the lifting bridge. See ya!

26 Jul 02 - 03:46 PM (#755108)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)
From: GUEST,me

catch up l8r work beckons

26 Jul 02 - 04:22 PM (#755129)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Nancy King

Well, I'm an American and I've been to Hull. How weird is that?!

26 Jul 02 - 04:27 PM (#755133)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Catherine Jayne

I've been to Hull.....It was raining.....all day......there was a possibility that it was going to sink so we left!!!

Did a large amount of shopping there which meant I spent a large amount of money....oh well!!


26 Jul 02 - 04:39 PM (#755144)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Oaklet

Banjo- Flowerrrrrrrrrrr!

I've got two of them on now!!! What do I do? OK.

Errr... Hello to you both and you are very welcome to this UK thread. It's er.. simply a pleasure to have you aboard as it were, Er... I am especialy glad that you've been er.. to Hull, indeed it er.. certainly is the most splendid of places, I trust you'll agree. Er.. sorry about the dratted rain, the bloody weather is completely hopeless. Er... will you please excuse me for just one moment....

Gerry!.... Gerry!!.... GERRRYYYY!!!

26 Jul 02 - 05:17 PM (#755156)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

Don't panic mr oakleaf there's only one of them cos catsPHiddle is english on the other hand i think you ought to really panic cos she's a friend of JeZeBel and i'm really quivering in my sandals whatever you do do'nt mention that you wear shorts (oops run Dave run9

I'M not Gerry really Emma (honest)

26 Jul 02 - 05:31 PM (#755160)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Dave the Gnome

wElll iv'e nut been to hu9ll but Icntspellortypeverywell either. I d'ont tHInc its a lysdexical thnig.

Sorry, John. Couldn't resist. Keep wearing the hat:-)



26 Jul 02 - 05:39 PM (#755162)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

Where the bloody 'ell is skipjack when you need him he speaks american (he's just been on a refresher course) I bet he's swanning about in his fannymobile9


26 Jul 02 - 05:45 PM (#755163)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

And where's johN? his very own thread and he's nowhere to be seen


26 Jul 02 - 05:48 PM (#755165)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Oaklet

Gerry, thanks for soothing me. One, I can cope with (as long as he or she is friendly), the presence of two reveals my complete inability to deal with group dynamics. Unless they are freisians, when I become becalmed.

Watch the for the thread entitled "Oakley sacked from Punch the Horse for wearing shorts at gig". Ossonflags is showing his disquiet at the inevitable sartorial mess and atonomical diversity to be displayed tomorrow9.

Where is yer man anyway? I thought that he'd have got wind that he now has his own thread9, and thrown a sickie at Mustafa, in order to get comfy and gush forth. He now has a soulmate by the way, in Dodgy bird - another of the sisterhood of the strangely configured keyboard who owns a hamster and drinks bear. Are you there jOhn9?

26 Jul 02 - 05:56 PM (#755169)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

Perhaps Mustafa has pacified him by feeding him sume real english food (pizza wiv sume french fries9

Greg (still hiding from JeZeBeL9

26 Jul 02 - 06:11 PM (#755175)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Mrs Cobble

HI Banjo-Flower stop being a wuss its jOhn9 you should be hiding from *BG* !!!

'ull is a good place to come FROM, I was born there, but escaped !!!

Mrs C

26 Jul 02 - 06:52 PM (#755189)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)

It really isn't funny to ridicule someone like this, but then this lot is not noted for politeness, is it? So now, go ahead and slam me for posting anonymously and leave John alone.

26 Jul 02 - 07:08 PM (#755198)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Dave the Gnome


Figure it out yourself.


26 Jul 02 - 07:54 PM (#755226)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Catherine Jayne

Banjo_Flower you have nothing to worry about the friendship you refer to is null and void and no longer exists! I am a Yorkshire lass and nice one at that (when I want to be!).....what was that about shorts?????


26 Jul 02 - 09:04 PM (#755250)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

hEllo, i hAve just got back from werk, 9it was really bisy) and i dident have time to put my bear in the fridge, so i will do it now.john Ps Jeri-What do you call you're gas? Another Ps I am just going to put mr bear in the fridge but i will be back soon.john

26 Jul 02 - 09:41 PM (#755261)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Helloo, 9I am back now), i have just realised i have met everybody in this thread exept Gary Stephens, Jeri And MMMario, but this is ok because me and Gary 9Skipjack8) are going to flie a plane to America, for the big international mudcat gathering 9Eric the Viking is going to hire a plane, and me and Gary are going to fly it) I have never flied a plane before , but i am definetley willing to have a try, i think the hardest bit is getting it in the sky, after that it is just like driving a car. If any inglish mudcat peepol want to go then just see me or eric or Gary, .I don't know whoich airport we are going from yet, but Umberside is probably best 9it is neeerest for me and Gary) I think we can even have a couple of bears while we are flying it, because there is nothing to crash into and no police to pull you up and gibe you hassle.john

27 Jul 02 - 04:58 AM (#755395)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: ossonflags

Hi Nancy king welcome to the drivel pool.We also extend fraternal greetings to all our Colonial Comrades,and wish for a long and meaningfull relationship with y'all!

How wierd is this then? im from 'ull and been to America AND drank bear there AND have relations on the pacific seaboard AND have had two of Punch the Horses CDs (the band me and oakley play in ) played on local wireless (radio you would call it) as we speak our latewst CD "Andy's for Sevan" is being played somewere in Carolina.

ps. I am told that in America they have white bear,is this true?

27 Jul 02 - 05:58 AM (#755407)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: mooman

HI 9Johnn! Good to speak to you again! Does the 9Viking know what plane he is chartreuseing yet? I'm personally glad you will be flying it, even after a couple of bears! I hope it's a Bowing 979 and not one of those awful DC9s.

I hop9 to be up near 'ull/Goole in September to see and meet this Rick9 Fielding chappie that everyone on the other side raves on about so I hope we'll bump into each other again and I'll definitely buy you a bear. (I can bring a white bear from Belgium with me if you like!)


27 Jul 02 - 07:54 AM (#755431)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)
From: ossonflags

Hi guest me, let on to us tonight.If you can get to us for all the adoring fans,groupies,bear and hamsters.Not forgetting the mock up of the Somme battlefield were pete the axeman usually stands.I am the elderly gentleman with the earing and beard doing most of the singing,not to be confused with the one withouit earing but with beard and undraped lowerlimbs, who does most of the fiddle playing (well all actually).

looking forward to seeing you.

27 Jul 02 - 12:11 PM (#755482)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: GUEST,9Skipjack8

Dang, just had a six hour defrag, as this useless crate crashed. I dunno, you play a tune on jOhn's Fender, and before you know it, you're co-piloting Brian on a 979.

Eric, BTW is on his cycling hols in Holland; I waved him goodbye from the south bank.

I'm off round to No.21 South Ferriby now, to comfort Mrs Drinkall. The climactic screams usually drive Oakley to the pub, but he's probably already there, subtly detaining 'lodger' Frank, whilst I instruct Nozzer and Mrs D how to attain greater enjoyment through tantric sex, through the vogue keep-fit craze of striptease aerobics. She will keep calling it a basque, but a corset's a corset!


27 Jul 02 - 12:27 PM (#755491)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Jeri

jOhn, we call our petrol 'gas' (short for 'gasoline'), but we call our gas 'Mariah'., that's just what we call the wind. Gas is gas too. We're such a gassy place, it's odd the Good Ship Vindaloo isn't as popular here as it is there. And now, I'm starving. John, could your shop fax me some curry?

28 Jul 02 - 08:24 PM (#756105)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Gary did you forget we are flieing to america? it was in the mudcat world gathering 2206 thread, maybe we could borrow a plane from brittish aroespace, it is in brogh, i think Fender means bumper in american, so the americans mught think you have been p;aying with my bumper.
Jeri-thanks for explaining that, we have not got a faxer, but we have got a website, have a loook if you like, it is a bit crap, but is was cheep, the boss does not licke spending muney, have a look abd see were i werk.A ref clik here.john

28 Jul 02 - 10:36 PM (#756158)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Ebbie

Please- What's 'poppadom'? Sounds like popcorn?

29 Jul 02 - 12:21 AM (#756175)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: wysiwyg

Papadum? Indian food?


29 Jul 02 - 04:44 AM (#756239)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

29 Jul 02 - 04:47 AM (#756241)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

Poppadom ?it's the start of the William Patel Overture you kknow the one that goes Poppadom popadom poppa dom dom dom(Boom boom)


29 Jul 02 - 06:15 AM (#756270)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Catherine Jayne

The spouse of a mommadom???

29 Jul 02 - 07:20 AM (#756288)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Bullfrog Jones

A poppadom is a giant Indian crisp. (Except crisps are chips in America). They serve as hors d'ouevres, and you use them to soak up a) the beer, or b) the minty yoghurt stuff whilst waiting for you curry to arrive.

29 Jul 02 - 07:27 AM (#756291)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Skipjack K8

Madonna immortalised them with the seminal curry anthem 'Puppadom Preach'.


29 Jul 02 - 07:52 AM (#756302)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Bullfrog Jones

Seminal curry? Yeeeuchhh!

29 Jul 02 - 07:52 AM (#756303)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: CarolC

But, but, unhhhhh... I need to know about the Friesian splatterbottoms. I didn't get any sleep at all last night for wondering about them. Somebody help me, please?


29 Jul 02 - 08:18 AM (#756316)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Banjo-Flower

They serve as hors d'ouevres, ?? do horses wear duvets where you are then Bullfrog ?

Gerry (continuing the drivel9

29 Jul 02 - 09:50 AM (#756362)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)


29 Jul 02 - 09:55 AM (#756364)
Subject: RE: punch the horse at durty nellies hull (UK)
From: GUEST,Oakley

Hi Deanmeister, how's it hanging?

29 Jul 02 - 10:04 AM (#756374)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: GUEST,Oakley

CarolC, I think he may have been referring to my beloved herd of 18 Friesian cows. Fresh grass pasture and being pampered to death, (particularly being fed extra-stong mints) does sometimes, make then a little loose in the bowel. Sorry for the sleepless night.

By the way, isn't this shaping up nicely to becoming a classic thread?

29 Jul 02 - 10:51 AM (#756382)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Jack the Sailor

I've been to Hull lotsa times. It's across the river from Ottawa, nothing but government buildings and French Canadians. It's nothing like you describe.

29 Jul 02 - 11:01 AM (#756387)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: GUEST,oakley

Aha, but does the Canadian version have a lively and vibrant Spanish quarter, inhabited entirely by folk musicians and hamsters?

29 Jul 02 - 02:49 PM (#756518)
Subject: RE: BS: jOhn from Hull, in Hull, on Hull 9Part3)
From: Willa

Poppadum 'low no guitar playin' in here?

29 Jul 02 - 06:55 PM (#756614)
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse at Dirty Nellys (PART 2)

Slightly to the left, as is my usual preference, Oakster.

29 Jul 02 - 06:59 PM (#756617)
Subject: RE: punch the horse at durty nellies hull (UK)


30 Jul 02 - 06:20 AM (#756832)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: GUEST,DeanMeister

Is this thread linked to the other one? How did that happen?? Not being technically minded I is all confused....

30 Jul 02 - 08:47 AM (#756870)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Davetnova

I almost went to have a deck at hull but bowed out after a stern rebuke from the wife , I didn't want to anchor her wroth]9

30 Jul 02 - 08:23 PM (#757245)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: harpmaker

Pete, I have some new recording software comming soon, so, I will let you know when this happens. We can test it out.John.

31 Jul 02 - 02:17 AM (#757366)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: GUEST,mooman (in the middle of nowhere: Sothern In

Look you lot! Just because I'm literally in the middle of the jungle down here doesn't mean I have to miss out on the fun...specially when it's concerning Indian food...I shall be living on the stuff, morning noon and night for the next three weeks!). Any questions about Indian food...I'm your man.

Bet you didn't think you could get rid of me that easily! Even Buddhist monasteries in the jungle (where I'm doing some voluntary biology teaching) have internet these days!

P.S. Am I the first 'Catter posting from a Tibetan settlement monastery in Southern India! Or the the whole of India (1 billion people!) for that matter!

All the best


31 Jul 02 - 09:19 AM (#757501)
Subject: RE: BS:Punch the Horse(Part two9
From: My guru always said

Ahem, sorry two interupt, but I think there's a wheely bin enquiry on the other line.... unless I'm mistaken

31 Jul 02 - 10:33 AM (#757529)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: GUEST,Rara Avis

The nearest I've been to Hull is Skegness, Leeds, and Whitby. And I've heard a brass band from Grimsby. To my cost I've somehow managed to skirt Hull in my travels. All this nattering makes me think I've missed something, erm, well, maybe I've not missed anything after all. Still, perhaps I should call in next time I'm in the neighborhood. Does Wetwang have anything to recommend itself (besides the name)?

31 Jul 02 - 12:08 PM (#757578)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Oaklet

Only Mayor Richard Whitely. And being in the heart of the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds. I am glad that you appreciate the drivel; because we got told off yesterday, or rather Banjo-Flower did. For being frivolous.

31 Jul 02 - 02:29 PM (#757631)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Willa

I'll aft ter tiller you, you mizzen use that there nautical lingo on this thread, or you'll find yourself the focs'l of attention; better change tack99

31 Jul 02 - 03:19 PM (#757660)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Linda Kelly

Mooman, glad to see you made it to the monastery!!! Wetwang has nothing to recommend it -other than it is very near a medieval village called Wharam Percy which is very isolated and a lovely spot for picnics or outdoor sex depending on your leanings!

31 Jul 02 - 03:29 PM (#757670)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: GUEST,Rara Avis

Ah, well. One person's drivel is another's lighthearted banter. Lucky you in Yorkshire. Haven't been there in a couple of years. How's the weather today? We're perishing in a hellish heat-indexed 102 degrees here in Pennsylvania. Wish I were there.

31 Jul 02 - 03:34 PM (#757674)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: The DeanMeister

Hey chaps. I have joined!! Are you proud of me? I can now launch wholeheartedly into the drivel pool. Hope I don't get told off by Doug.

31 Jul 02 - 05:32 PM (#757712)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Catherine Jayne

A friend of mine in Yorkshire phoned me today to say that it was raining but was still quite humid, at least he is not in one of the areas with the flash wouldn't think it was the end of July!!

Linda, I didn't know Yorkshire was the place for out door sex, if it was then I probably would have stayed longer!!!LOL!!!


31 Jul 02 - 05:53 PM (#757726)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Les from Hull

I must add that my partner Maggie was one of team responsible for cleaning out Wetwang's village pond. Who put the Wet in Wetwang?

31 Jul 02 - 07:43 PM (#757779)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Oaklet

And Fridaythorpe is only a couple of miles up the road. If you ever fancy 6 days of isolation and peace, with views that could maim, walk the Wolds Way from the Humber Bridge to Filey. Done it twice and sometimes I feel I really need to do it again.

31 Jul 02 - 07:50 PM (#757787)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Banjo-Flower

Did you have a picnic Linda or what? if what which way did you lean?


31 Jul 02 - 07:52 PM (#757790)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Catherine Jayne

Was it on the 1st of May????

"First of May, First of May, Outdoor sh****ing starts today!!"

Sorry, couldn't resist!


31 Jul 02 - 07:56 PM (#757793)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: The DeanMeister

Oakley, are you there?

31 Jul 02 - 07:56 PM (#757794)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: brid widder

Les is there a connection between Maggie clearing out the village pond and outdoor sex... sounds messy... fun but messy... ( and I've never heard it called a 'wang' before)

31 Jul 02 - 07:58 PM (#757796)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Banjo-Flower

Do you mind catsPHiddle I'm the the one thats supposed to be frivolous (allegedley9


31 Jul 02 - 08:09 PM (#757800)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Micca

Hi Banjo flower, I didnt know you frivolled!!!!
brid widder, the "transponders" call a certain part of the male anatomy a "wang"!!! it certainly added a certain spice to a wellknown company of adding macine and electronics engineers!!!!
so, 'ullites do it in ponds!!!! Druids do it in Groves and Witches do it in Circles!!!
Outdoors is not all its cracked up to be, sunburn of delicate parts, ouch!!!!

31 Jul 02 - 10:54 PM (#757880)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)


31 Jul 02 - 11:32 PM (#757890)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

a popperdom is a big crisp that you get with your curry, if you order from my werk, you get free popperdoms.If you order tell them you are a stewd ant , then you will get a 10 percent diss count.john

01 Aug 02 - 05:19 AM (#757985)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Catherine Jayne

Banjo_flower, ME ....frivolous.....never!!!!!

01 Aug 02 - 05:42 AM (#757991)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)

Deanmeister, don't worry, I'm here. I'm glad that you've joined and you lost your Goxhill-virginity. Please stay longer next time.

As long as you stick rigidly to the subject, avoiding drivel you'll be fine. Unlike he of the rosa-floribuna-on-the-bajno-skin, the varmint.

01 Aug 02 - 07:44 AM (#758029)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Banjo-Flower

You don't fool us that easlily Oakleaf,come out from behind that cow


01 Aug 02 - 08:46 AM (#758049)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: GUEST,Oakley

Like the Humberside Police Whistler, It's a fair cop, Gerry. I want to discuss scouting with you, if the rosa floribundi doesn't flare up and incapacitate you on Sunday. Or indeed if I am not sharing a cell with Gary after what we have meticulously planned in Beverley, also involving flares. And stop being frivolous.

01 Aug 02 - 01:35 PM (#758240)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Catherine Jayne

There's nowt wrong with being adds spice to your life!!!


10 Aug 02 - 08:46 PM (#763193)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I found my wheely bin, if anybody is interested.It was in Mick9 ossenflags) back passageway, I think the dussmen 9garbage collecters) put it there by mistake.john

10 Aug 02 - 09:35 PM (#763206)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Mr Happy


wh9y doesn't yor commers inklude 0 as wel as 9- theres 2 rownd commers. 9 is one & 0's the other.

as in (90)?

10 Aug 02 - 10:24 PM (#763228)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

mr hippy, what the heck are yoo om about, i read you message 3 time but, i stil do'nt understa'nd it.john
You talk about 90 , 90 what? 9I am very confused)

11 Aug 02 - 05:49 AM (#763301)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)


11 Aug 02 - 06:26 PM (#763526)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: GUEST,Skipjack

Me neither, jOhn.

I couldn't understand Mick's reluctance to sign up for the 'Helmets, but as you found multiple wheely bins in his back passage, I'd say he has a realistic grasp of what what is wise to attempt.

12 Aug 02 - 02:17 AM (#763691)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I think he is talking about 1990, but i'm not sure,
Mr Happy-Dont be looking at the past, try to focus on the future, 9it is 2002 now!).john

12 Aug 02 - 08:37 AM (#763773)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Mr Happy


wh9y doesn't yor commers inklude 0 as wel as 9- theres 2 rownd commers. 9 is one & 0's the other.

as in (90)?

is it clearer now? 9 is one & 0's the other, bob's yer uncle & fanny's yer aunt!

14 Oct 02 - 10:38 PM (#803222)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)

Something is strange.

15 Oct 02 - 05:43 AM (#803365)
Subject: RE: BS: John from Hull, in Hull, on Hull (Part3-Durty)
From: Dave Bryant

Brid Widder

I've stayed out of this green gingery thread up to now - although I must admit to having spent the odd few days (working) in Kingston-u-h (rather than Kingston-u-t where I am at the moment).

I was just going to point out that if you look up "Wang" in the DT yo will come up with two versions of THIS which defines the usage of the word very well.

One of my trips to Hull many years back was connected with Wang - but that was the computer manufacturer not the dangly bit !