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Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...

26 Jul 02 - 03:30 PM (#755096)
Subject: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond

He's finally made it...

After how many years of toiling in the folk mines, the big guy finally has a greatest hits CD!


Titled "All That Is" it has a great picture of him on the cover, dressed in the same sweater and coat as inside "Firefly" (which is a killer good look for him I might add)...

And it features a truly touching intro on the back written by a dude who's name escapes me at the moment... (D'oh!)

His website is unfortunately un-updated, but keep yer eyes open for it... I stumbled over it at HMV last night...

I have all the songs on it, so I didn't buy it... I'll wait till I can get it off the dude himself at a concert, and get him to sign it...

Way to go Garnet!


26 Jul 02 - 03:59 PM (#755111)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: GUEST,Valerie Rogers

Hello Clinton,

The liner notes were written by Greg Brown, a close friend of Garnet's. It's not so much a "greatest hits" CD as a introduction to the U.S. market using some of his best songs. The songs were all taken from Garnet's recent CD's which were only available in th U.S. at Garnet's concerts there. This one will be in stores there. Anyone who has all of Garnet's previous CD's won't "need" this one, but it's a good choice for someone who only wants one.

Valerie (who will now return to lurk mode)

26 Jul 02 - 04:12 PM (#755116)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Charley Noble

You never know who's lurking out there! Looking forward to Garnet's next tour to New England.

Charley Noble

26 Jul 02 - 04:12 PM (#755117)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond

Greg Brown! That's the guy... Thanks fer the prod Val...

(I've got a mind like a sieve over here... )


And well, when it comes to Garnet CD's... need isn't much of a factor... it's more a WANT thing! LOL!!!

Looks like a damn fine selection of songs...

26 Jul 02 - 04:14 PM (#755122)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Mudlark

Is that THE Greg Brown, of Prairie Home Companion fame?

26 Jul 02 - 04:15 PM (#755124)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond

Oh Val!

If ya come back, how goes the work on the Garnet Music Book?

We die-hards await!


26 Jul 02 - 04:52 PM (#755149)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: open mike

of course--he and garnet have bben touring together for years now..most recently i've seen them perform together at the Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival. Greg Brown and Garnet Rogers are a great combination to hear! It is possible that Greg's music company/label Redhouse is the source of the Garnet c.d.//// Garnet is the brother of Stan Rogers, Canadian musician who died some years ago in a plane wreck--some of the best musicians have been victims of airplanes... they must log more miles than most folks.. Garnet has a song about a rescued race horse called small victories or something like that which always makes me sweet-- he and his wife raise race horses in canada. his site is here:

26 Jul 02 - 04:57 PM (#755150)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: open mike

valerie rogers--any relation??

26 Jul 02 - 05:11 PM (#755153)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: open mike

here is a web site with stan rogers featured.. also there is a musician david rogers, whose step father was stan rogers.. he also has a recording available.. and there is a stan rogers festival-- in nova scotia--ariel rogers , stan"s wife is listed in the credits here... i suppose both garnet and dave play there?? over 13.000 people attend.....

26 Jul 02 - 05:30 PM (#755159)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond

Redhouse is the source of the new Garnet c.d.. thanks for reminding me OM...

Oh ya... and Valerie is Garnets mom...

26 Jul 02 - 09:29 PM (#755258)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: GUEST,Alex

All of Garnet's songs are hits imho. Clinton, I don't know if you meant to praise him but your first post comes across as really sour, especially the "LOL" comment. I invite you to redeem yourself.

26 Jul 02 - 10:19 PM (#755272)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond

You don't think the concept of a Greatest Hits CD from a guy so far under the radar (thankfully) of 'popular culture' is funny?

I do...

Doesn't mean I'm not wishing him all the best!


27 Jul 02 - 12:39 AM (#755320)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Melani

Why on earth would anybody only want ONE Garnet Rogers CD???!!! Incidentally--I know I'm gonna get jumped on for this--I like his voice better than Stan's.

27 Jul 02 - 12:57 AM (#755330)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: katlaughing

Wasn't he "made" when he played Rick's old Lowden before Rick sold it to WillieO?**BG**

Congratulations and I look forward to getting this one!



27 Jul 02 - 01:57 AM (#755352)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: GUEST,Alex

Clinton, Valerie has explained that this is a sampler rather than a "hits" release. It is titled "All That Is" NOT "GARNET ROGERS GREATEST HITS" as you imply. Many folk artists with several albums do this in order to promote their careers. From your reply I conclude that you are sourly launching a personal attack on a folk artist held in high regard by many fans in Canada, the USA and Europe. Your comments do not in any way constitute artistic criticism of the album. I suggest you withdraw and offer an apology. (BTW According to mafia rules he is not a "made man" until he actually kills somebody.)

To Joe Offer: I was under the impression that personal attacks were not sanctioned on the Mudcat. I realize that it took Clinton several posts before he admitted that this was personal.

27 Jul 02 - 02:32 AM (#755369)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: GUEST,Alex

Clinton, I checked out your web page. You don't get out of Windsor, Ont. much, according to your gig schedule? Your music downloads consist of some kind of a TV commercial with Irish-sounding music in the background (talked over by the chick in the picture) and you claim a backup track on somebody else's album on that old Scottish/Irish chestnut "Wild Mountain Thyme". It that all there is? Where do you get off criticising professional artists?

27 Jul 02 - 08:20 AM (#755435)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Jeri

Alex, you're really stretching the credibility of misunderstanding, dude.

I have some of Garnet's recordings and will probably opt for filling in the missing older ones rather than this best-songs recording. I often end up liking songs that aren't the most popular ones. If he's played in New England, I've missed him.

I hope somebody posts about the music book when it's available.

27 Jul 02 - 08:59 AM (#755439)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Jeri

Silly me. Found and after following the musi-cal link, found he was playing near me THIS weekend! Notice too short and not enough money for a festival, but at least I know where to find his gigs now!

27 Jul 02 - 11:20 AM (#755465)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: GUEST,Glade

Thanks for the CD news, Clinton. Can't wait for it to hit the shops here. Hope 'Small Victories' is on it. Didn't even know there was a songbook coming out. Your post WAS witty and NOT sour at all and your appreciation for Garnet Rogers comes through.


27 Jul 02 - 11:39 AM (#755469)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Art Thieme

Sooooooooooooo, how does Garnet pronounce Cockburn, darn-it ;-)

Art (from the Come For To Sing days)

27 Jul 02 - 01:01 PM (#755501)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond


As my mom would day...

"Give yer head a shake"

I'm criticising Garnet not at all... the dude is probably my #2 (if not #1) musical hero...


Ya... there is only one reason to own ONE Garnet CD... and that is to then get the rest of them! ;-)

Glade... Yup, Small Victory is on it... and ta fer the support...

27 Jul 02 - 01:21 PM (#755507)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Devilmaster


After reading your replies i can conclude you are one of two things:
1. A complete moron who should not be posting because you do not know how to interact with other people, probably because you haven't interacted with a stranger for two years, as you haven't left mommy's basement and you have a nice white glow from sitting in front of your monitor... or...
2. A troll who thought with some semi-big words you could get Clinton's tit in a knot, which would never work btw, while trying to wreck a thread about a singer who you claim to like. So that technically means you are still a number 1(see above)

Get out and get some sun, junior! it's a big world out there! Turn the monitor off, shave, shower, and see the world.

Some people's children! :)

LOL! (and that was directed at you, ya moron!)


27 Jul 02 - 02:27 PM (#755533)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Big Mick

I think Clinton is an self righteous horse's ass about a third of the time, a real wit about a third of the time, and a pretty nice guy the other third of the time. I believe he is fascinating all of the time, and has invested in the music heavily. That puts him in pretty good company, and high on my list of folks I must meet. Most of those ingredients could be applied to most fascinating people. I am going to give Alex the benefit of the doubt and just assume that he hasn't been here often enough to know the characters.

Alex.........I am not sure how you figured Clinton was being disrespectful, but it was clear to me that he has the greatest respect for Garnet. And by the way............he is a pro musician.

Now..............go take a shower, grab yerself some chow, settle down,........and come back later and try again.

All the best,


28 Jul 02 - 01:20 PM (#755955)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond

Hey BM!

My wife read the thread, and wants to know how long you and I have been dating...



28 Jul 02 - 02:24 PM (#755980)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Big Mick

That is too funny!! My wife read it and asked if I was describing meself.


28 Jul 02 - 03:45 PM (#755999)
Subject: RE: Garnet Rogers, A Made Man...
From: Clinton Hammond

Great minds eh...


Or should I say rather, "Great wives, eh!"