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Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR

30 Jul 02 - 09:57 AM (#756898)
Subject: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

Part THREE can be found over here.

Here continueth the Saga of Ye Runners-amuck.


30 Jul 02 - 09:59 AM (#756901)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

Joys of Camp Runamuck

My ankles are swollen, my toenails are chipped
I have nodes on my larynx and a bite on my lip
The skeeters know every red bloodcell by name
And the words I've forgotten would drive you insane

My bones they are weary from sleeping outdoors
My fingers are aching from playing strange chords
My voice sounds like gravel being poured from a truck,
And I owe all this pleasure to Camp Runamuck

We are Runamuck Folkies, stout heros are we
For we know every lyric and we play every key
And we pound on the banjo til the wild hills do ring
And at three in the morning we wake up and sing!

Oh, the neighbors are moving and selling their home
The eagles sing back-up, where the summer winds moan,
And the Ellensburg bobbies are bemoaning their fate
And the Police Blotter knows us by name, town and state.

Come give us a tuneing and sing us a round
Of a song that will shiver the hills and the ground!
Change keys, use the capo, and don't eat the ducks,
Oh, the times they are jolly at Camp Runamuck

There's a red-headed Princess they say is to blame
And the folkies insist they are here in her name
Though the cops know her address, her face and her look
But the folks won't quit singing long enough to be booked!

So break out your chanties, your ballads and songs
And sing them all right if you can't sing them wrong,
Run amuck, little folkies, and if you fall  too hard
There are stables unfilled at the Large Mammal Ward.

There are skeeters and kittens and banjos and brew,
And capos and tenors, and baritones too
And your voice grows as coarse as an old gravel truck
When you sing for the weekend at Camp Runamuck.

30 Jul 02 - 10:09 AM (#756905)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: MMario

you mentioned in part three "It must have been some party!"

Amos, don't you remember?

30 Jul 02 - 10:14 AM (#756908)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos


Further, deponent sayeth not!



30 Jul 02 - 12:47 PM (#756994)
Subject: RE: Pacific NW 'Catter Gather: PART THREE
From: GUEST,Mudjack

For Lane,the pleasure was all mine, I really enjoyed our music sessions and glad we connected. Meeting was rewarding.
Folks, I am here to tell you that the Mudcat has yet another talented singer/musician who has really good taste in selection of songs. Lane plays and sings the same songs I do. Look forward to more.

30 Jul 02 - 01:23 PM (#757017)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Love da song, Amos! (Can we improvise a tune and sing it at the August gathering?)

Mmario, you took the word right outa my mouth! LOL!


30 Jul 02 - 05:14 PM (#757142)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: mousethief

Remind us again the dates of the August gather.


30 Jul 02 - 07:11 PM (#757198)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Homeless

Hey, does anyone else remember passing this sign?

30 Jul 02 - 07:25 PM (#757211)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: katlaughing

LOL, Homeless! You don't know how often I've almost written that when sending her mail! Just seems a natural, eh?

I have the next one written on my calendar for the weekend of August 24th. I think that's still right.

30 Jul 02 - 08:02 PM (#757235)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amergin

are you coming katdarling?

30 Jul 02 - 09:57 PM (#757251)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Oh, THAT sign! Great pic, homeless! (You're from Peoria, eh? -- the former "sin capital of the US?")

Yeah, Kat, Aug. 24 is what I have, too.

Can you make it, Alex? (Love to have you guys, too, Kat and homeless, but you've got a lot further to travel.)


30 Jul 02 - 10:01 PM (#757253)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

Only about 3,000 times, Homel;ess!! Nice job!!


30 Jul 02 - 10:09 PM (#757255)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos


Feel free to dolly up a choon for it. Love to hear it on the outtake from the next round.


30 Jul 02 - 10:49 PM (#757272)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Lane

Well, Mudjack, thanks for your kind words... but I think you've over-sold me!


30 Jul 02 - 11:27 PM (#757288)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Amos, you forgot a verse:

Well, Camp Runamuck's not just for men
And women to revel and frolic chèz Jen;
There are felines observing from rafter and bar,
And a four-legged tenor who sings C.C.R.


30 Jul 02 - 11:48 PM (#757299)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

So run up some chords for the dog and the kittens
Our ears they have wooed, and our hearts they have smitten!
For you just haven't lived, through your wandering and strollin'
'Til you've heard Mudcat Angus keep Proud Mary rolling!


We are Runamuck Folkies, stout heros are we
For we know every lyric and we play every key
And we pound on the banjo til the wild hills do ring
And at three in the morning we wake up and sing!



30 Jul 02 - 11:54 PM (#757302)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

You could use "I've Been a Wild Rover" for ity, if you like, Genie!


31 Jul 02 - 12:04 AM (#757308)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: katlaughing

No, Nathandarlin'...just trying to be's too far for us right now.:-)

31 Jul 02 - 01:42 AM (#757349)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Either that, Amos, or "Sweet Betsy From Pike," or such.


31 Jul 02 - 02:04 AM (#757357)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: JenEllen

Well.....I hesitated to say anything before, but Angus has a NEW favourite song. He insisted that I call his "Auntie Kat" so she could hear it first, before I spilled the beans.....

...While recording Lane's tape, we hit the spot where Mag sings Waltzing With Bears and his ears perked right up. Yup, you guessed it. The mutt now "Worf Worf Worfzses" with bears. All of the sudden his head is swelling up so big his collar hardly fits anymore, he wants a star on his food bowl, and Sully is contracting to be his agent: "Hey, man, 10% of the people-food you get, that's my take..."

I tried explaining to him that he's hardly likely to make it big singing folk music, but he just gives me the puppy-eyed look that says "You don't have to be a star, baby, to be in my show." Hopeless creature.

31 Jul 02 - 02:12 AM (#757361)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

I love it! Can't wait to hear Angus's new song! And I can just see Sully as his agent!


31 Jul 02 - 02:19 AM (#757367)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: katlaughing

JenEllen, you tell him Auntie Kat has loadsafaith in 'im and you can eat our dust on the highway to fame!**BG** They got a singing parrot on NPR fercrissakes; she's got her own CD!! AngusBaby has got that bird beat paw and claws down!

We'll get bet's "Spooks" to do backup with those deep woo-woos and if we can isolate Merls...he could throw in a few wah-wahs, too! It'll be the first all Mudcat Gone to the Dawgs CD!!

31 Jul 02 - 08:02 PM (#757797)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR

Well, JenEllen, you almost got me a ticket this morning. I tossed your cassette in the player on my way to work (6:30AM)and was reduced to tears by the folk process and Itsy Bitsy Spider and WILD THING. By the way: Who did put the bop in the bop shebop shebop? I'd like to shake his hand.

I was hoping for a chorus of "Desiree" but the crowd settled into the "Auctioneer Song" and I arrived at the office. More tomorrow. Thanks - I needed that!BR>Mary

31 Jul 02 - 08:39 PM (#757815)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos


I hope you're taking notes about the effects you created while wading around "out of your league!!". Indeed, I'd say you defined a league of your own!!


31 Jul 02 - 09:37 PM (#757848)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: GUEST,from the library mouse

O sola league-o!


01 Aug 02 - 11:22 AM (#758152)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Deda

I think that ought to be "O solo league-o" -- unless Alex is feminine, or (more likely) unless league is.

01 Aug 02 - 04:24 PM (#758339)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

I am sure in this sense it woulld have to be -- after all, it is a matrix of jealous attention that makes one look good as long as one treats it

(Ducks and runs)


01 Aug 02 - 04:45 PM (#758353)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Throws things at Amos as he ducks and runs...

01 Aug 02 - 06:52 PM (#758381)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: mousethief

Sticks out his leg in the path of Amos as he ducks and runs...

01 Aug 02 - 06:58 PM (#758385)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

Leaps over legs, ducks girly-throws, disappears stage right...

01 Aug 02 - 09:21 PM (#758443)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

"<u>girly throws</u>????!!!  To quote Lucy Van Pelt,
"I know when I've been insulted!!"

01 Aug 02 - 10:05 PM (#758461)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

Now, Genie...ya wouldna want me to be ignboring your gender, wouldja?

(D'ye think I know enough to quit while I'm behind? Naaaaaw!)


01 Aug 02 - 10:51 PM (#758484)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: MAG

Some of us got a wicked overhand, Amos ... maybe a bit wild, but strong.

01 Aug 02 - 11:16 PM (#758493)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

You tell 'im, Mag!

01 Aug 02 - 11:25 PM (#758494)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos


I'm gonna quit before I have to eat both my feet!! Ya knows I loves ya -- I yam just bein' bad!! NOI, I promise.


01 Aug 02 - 11:53 PM (#758501)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: MAG

And if only my knees would let me waltz ...

01 Aug 02 - 11:56 PM (#758503)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: rangeroger

with bears


02 Aug 02 - 12:12 AM (#758515)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Now, we're back to Angus again! LOL!

02 Aug 02 - 01:47 PM (#758831)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: mousethief

Bad news! Turns out very close friends are having their housewarming/blessing on the 24th and there is no way socially-wise-speaking that we can miss it. Sorry! I shall miss all you dear people! Sing some doo-wop in my honour!


02 Aug 02 - 02:00 PM (#758842)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Amos

All hail and toast to the King of Shanana!!



02 Aug 02 - 03:47 PM (#758916)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Awwwwww! I wanted you and whatever other guys were there to sing "The Male Bonding Song" (which Charley Noble posted today).

You can count on us doo-ing some doo-wop, and we'll surely miss your "dip-di-dip" and "sha-na-na" as we do.


02 Aug 02 - 04:42 PM (#758937)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: mousethief

Thank you so much, you guys, and I mean it from the bottom of my diddip, diddip, diddip-diddip.


03 Aug 02 - 03:56 AM (#759170)
Subject: RE: Pacific Northwest Cat Gather: PART FOUR
From: Genie

Alex, you Wild Thing (Owwwwwwwwww!)!!