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Who is Isla St Clair ?

01 Aug 02 - 01:46 PM (#758248)
Subject: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Wesley S

Coming to town { Ft Worth Texas } next month is Isla St Clair and the Gordon Gunn Band. I've never heard either of these artists but that doesn't mean a thing. There are a lot of wonderful singers I've never heard. So I was wondering if any of the Mudcat folks would be familar with either performer and could clue me in.

She's discribed as Scotlands leading traditional singer. So if this is a concert not to be missed I'd like to know about it and a little more about the artists. Thanks - Wesley

01 Aug 02 - 02:00 PM (#758255)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Jock Morris

I would never have classed her as Scotland's leading traditional singer. She had a short tv singing career in the uk about 20 years back and seemed to disappear from the public eye (here in Scotland at least).

I vaguely remember her as being a reasonably good singer, but a bit too sugary sweet for my liking.

Probably better than sitting at home watching the TV, but nothing to bust a gut to get to see.


01 Aug 02 - 02:02 PM (#758257)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: nutty

Try here for more info and a sound clip

Isla St Clair

01 Aug 02 - 02:12 PM (#758259)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Long Firm Freddie

I saw Isla St Clair at an open air concert in Cannon Hill Park in Birmingham in the 70s. She was magical, and just as good some years later at The Red Lion in King's Heath. Most people in the UK remember her from being on a game show, Larry Grayson's Generation Game, but it was a waste of her undoubted talent. I'd definitely recommend seeing her.


01 Aug 02 - 02:42 PM (#758270)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: katlaughing

Thanks for asking, Wesley. Thanks, nutty, for the link. She's got a lovely voice. I love learning on the Mudcat!

01 Aug 02 - 03:07 PM (#758286)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Peter K (Fionn)

OK, but not worth a big effort to see - and that was 20-plus years ago. I'm in Jock's camp on this.

01 Aug 02 - 03:25 PM (#758297)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Bullfrog Jones

Nice lady, good singer, much better than she was 20 years ago (but aren't we all?)

01 Aug 02 - 03:30 PM (#758306)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Malcolm Douglas

I've heard quite a lot of her again in recent years. Certainly not "Scotland's leading traditional singer" -that's concert promoter's hype- but entertaining and very good value; rather better than Jock and Fionn suggest, I'd say. I should see her if I were you.

01 Aug 02 - 03:43 PM (#758311)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: harvey andrews

Very popular with the "ordinary" folk of my village who enjoy a fine professional with a winning manner and some excellent songs combined with a good voice.

01 Aug 02 - 03:49 PM (#758318)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Dave the Gnome

I used to really fancy her when I was about 20. A year or two ago... But then again I really fancied Wilma Flintsone as well!

She does indeed have a good voice nowadays but adding tae the above 'Scotlands leading traditional singer' is pushing it a bit.

Enjoy anyway.



01 Aug 02 - 04:07 PM (#758328)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Skipper Jack

Have any of you heard her since her "Generation Game" days? She is, as it's already been said a fine traditional singer of Scottish folk songs. She came down to Swansea one year and was rewarded with a pitifully small audience. I met her at Scarborough about two years ago when she was relegated to singing in a shopping precinct somewhere. In spite of her TV "fame", it has never done her any favours.Isla certainly deserves better.

I wish her well on her America tour. Wesley S, go and see her. I think that you will be presently surprised.

01 Aug 02 - 04:17 PM (#758333)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: radriano

I have an old lp of her. Haven't heard anything from her in a number of years but she's a fine singer - I'd go see her if I had the chance.

Sugary? Yeah, maybe a bit, but not overly so.


01 Aug 02 - 04:30 PM (#758344)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Ron Olesko

I interviewed her a few years ago for my radio program on WFDU-FM.

Very pleasant voice, interesting stories and knowledge of her material, and I would certainly go see the show!

She recorded a number of songs for a series of films on the bagpipe that aired on PBS a few years ago. Mostly traditional, but some original songs dealing with historical events. I enjoyed it. (The name of the films escape me at the moment).

The Gordon Gunn band who you also mentioned are also wonderful on CD! I hope they come through the NYC/NJ area!


01 Aug 02 - 04:36 PM (#758349)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Ron Olesko

Just remembered - the documentary was called "When the Pipers Play". It was part of a trilogy that explored the history of the bagpipe as an instrument of war.


01 Aug 02 - 06:35 PM (#758366)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Morticia

I have a more recent album of hers and was very impressed. She has a real feel for the folk heritage of her nation and a fine voice....and anyone who dated Aly McBain can't be all bad.

02 Aug 02 - 02:34 AM (#758552)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Boab

Morticia---perhaps you are confusing Isla's ex-husband with Aly Bain the Shetland fiddle maestro. Isla was, if I remember rightly, wed to Hamish Bain [McBain??], one of the original McCalmans group. She moved to London after the parting, and besides having a t.v. spell, gotinto some unfortunate personal problems [no names, no pack drill!], but seems to be making something of a comeback. Good luck to the Lassie---I like her singing.

02 Aug 02 - 03:19 AM (#758562)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: alison

I like her....... she did a kids program (at least it was put on in the kids time slot).... called "the song and the story" about 20 years ago... it was probably my first introduction to english and scottish folk songs.... I loved it..... and I think she had, and I'm sure still has a lovely voice..... but what I remember most is the way she told the backgrounds to the songs.... made them come alive..... I'd go see her...



02 Aug 02 - 06:43 AM (#758628)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?

Yes - she's worth hearing.

02 Aug 02 - 07:49 AM (#758645)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,dograt

A bit right wing - seems to think US gun culture worthy.

If you ignore what she has to say between songs and can cut through the sugar to the tune and the lyrics, you'll be fine.

02 Aug 02 - 07:54 AM (#758649)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?

For the record, Isla was married to Hamish BAYNE. She is a bloody good singer, and there are few if any Scottish female traditional singers I would rather spend an evening with.

Her success outside the realms of folk music is guaranteed to earn her the opprobrium of the Scottish folk community for ever. Just like Barbara Dickson.


02 Aug 02 - 08:13 AM (#758663)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Peter K (Fionn)

I should have realised that she might have improved with age. Like Marianne Faithfull. I can't ignore the opinions of people like Ron and Marray - I'll make sure to get to one of her shows, and update my own!

02 Aug 02 - 08:15 AM (#758665)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Ned Ludd

I'm in the 'bloody good singer' camp. And I still fancy her!

02 Aug 02 - 08:34 AM (#758677)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: DaveP

She appeared at a club I and my wife frequent a couple of years ago.

My opinion, for what it is worth.

An attractive, down to earth person. As in a lot of UK clubs some floor singers did their bit before her act. She did listen to the locals, unlike some 'super stars' who think they are 'super stars' She has a good voice and a good understanding of the origins of the songs she sings (at least those she performed when I saw her). Her accent is a 'soft' Scottish one which should be easier to understand than some of the more 'harsh'ones you may have come across.

She also appeared on a TV show with Morcombe and Wise, a very well loved UK comedy duo from the last century!

My advice - go and see her!

02 Aug 02 - 08:45 AM (#758687)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Trevor

She's a fairly regular performer at one of our local haunts and she's good. Clear voice, good rep, worth listening to.

02 Aug 02 - 01:21 PM (#758814)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Nerd

Isla, if I'm not mistaken, is from the Aberdeen area and before her TV career was in fact a purely traditional singer--I think as a youngster she recorded some songs for the School of Scottish Studies. She went into being a folk club performer in her teens, then the famous TV gigs followed, etc.

She suffers from her publicity a bit, I think. Because her publicists call her Scotland's leading traditional singer, we folkies rebel against what we rightly perceive to be unfair hype and decide that she's crap! But in fact, as several have said here, she's very good. I bought two recent CDs she put out of trad ballads. The only complaint I have is that they were only about 35 minutes long, so they both would have fit on one CD!

02 Aug 02 - 02:30 PM (#758863)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?

The Kate Rusby of her day? I have some old issues of Folk Review magazine in which a very young Isla St Clair appears, complete with glowing write-ups. She was, indeed, one of the best of her generation before being seduced by television game shows. As the Steve Benbow thread suggests, once you down the road to commercial success, we folkies can be a nasty bunch with extremely long memories.

02 Aug 02 - 04:51 PM (#758942)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Wesley S

Thanks for the imput folks. I was a bit put off by the ad I was sent in the mail. I was especially nervious when they said she had worked with Charton Heston and Phil Collins. Not exactly pillars of the traditional music world. Thanks again.

02 Aug 02 - 05:02 PM (#758949)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?

Her latest release, that I know about, consists of songs written by her late Mother, which Isla discovered post mortem, and put to music. What I've heard of it is good, she is a lovely lassie wi' a lang pedigree, and as has been said earlier some of the finger-in-the-ear traditionalists resent her small commercial successes outwith the folk scene. Go see her, you'll enjoy yourself.

03 Aug 02 - 06:29 AM (#759195)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Mac Tattie

I'ts not her commercial successes that are resented I'ts her thin, reedy, uninspireing voice and, too often, chringe makimg stage performances that get most folks dander up. I have suffered her in concert(but not concert pich)and won't be repeating the experience. The Gordon Gunn Band are worth a listen and are a big step up from the usual "tartan-for-the-tourist" band. cheers

03 Aug 02 - 07:34 AM (#759218)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

Isla St Clair, came form the North east of Scotland, she then lived in Troon in Ayrshire.

I think that she is a great singer, and I would go and see her.


04 Aug 02 - 08:47 AM (#759563)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Julie B at home

Went to see her earlier this year. I'm sure that she is good at what she does, but, not being Scottish myself, I found it hard work trying to understand the many traditional dialect songs (which formed the majority of the set). Most of the audience were also unable to join in with choruses, as encouraged, for the same reason. One of my friends found the songs in th first half just too 'same-y' and left in the interval. I have to admit, I wanted to enjoy it more than I did. But I'm certain that if you are Scottish, or like to hear mainly dialect singing then you would enjoy it. The second half was more accessible, with less dialect and some more familiar songs.

04 Aug 02 - 09:17 AM (#759567)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Sloop

Isla is a beautiful lady (who - like a good bottle of wine gets better with age - she was 50 this year)with a beautiful personality, speaking and singing voice (the best I've ever heard). Definitely go and see her. She has appeared on radio 2 when it had folk music programmes (especially with Jim Lloyd) when she was outstanding. Yes buy those two "Tradition Collection" CD's mentioned earlier - they are very short but are also inexpensive. I've never seen them in the shops so seek out the website. Beware! Some of her other recordings are overproduced with innapropriate backings.

04 Aug 02 - 01:05 PM (#759621)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Jim McLean

Wesley S, give her my warm regards, Jim McLean

05 Aug 02 - 04:35 AM (#759914)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Harry Basnett

Not sure but I think we've booked Isla for the Open Door next year...we do not make bookings lightly!!

I remember 'The Song and the Story'...come to think of it, I've even got the book!

All the best............Harry.

05 Aug 02 - 08:15 AM (#759967)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,T-boy

Her mother was a genuine traditional singer who also wrote stuff. Isla sings a lot of material from her mother which otherwise would not be sung. So that makes her too important to miss, IMHO. Don't forget, you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

06 Aug 02 - 01:13 AM (#760454)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Nerd

Sloop--as to the CDs being inexpensive, I bought them in a shop and they were full priced CDs. So buyer, beware! But they are good, despite the brevity and some silly sleeve notes.

11 Oct 02 - 06:31 AM (#800928)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Bullfrog Jones

So Wesley.... how was she?


11 Oct 02 - 10:47 AM (#801092)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Michael in Swansea

Say her name with reverence. Say it loud and there's music playing, say it soft and it's almost like praying.
I love Isla


11 Oct 02 - 05:35 PM (#801374)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: fiddler

Load of old cynics -worse than me.

Lets think in 21st century when we use microphones and PAs and sing or play to audiences of thousands or more what is traditional.

Traditional now back before we were lads was pop!

Therefore shouldn't we all stand up and sing Spice gilrs, Oasis and who was Jimmi Hendrix anyway!

The Woman (who I don' personal get off on) has a good voice and a good patter and has been making a good living for years. Some folk as can be seen above adore revere and worship her.

Personally what about Moira Anderson?


11 Oct 02 - 06:38 PM (#801414)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Madam Gashee

Revere is one description of michael's adoration!
I can tell you that he sleeps with a photo of her under his pillar and
when we stayed in the same hotel in Scarborough as her....

12 Oct 02 - 04:21 AM (#801601)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Boab

Moira Anderson? A great voice, and not the worst singer of Scottish songs by a long way---but she'd benefit her folksong style by a spell with Bab Dixon, or Jean Redpath---as happened to her pal McKellar who "learned" a thing or two when he did a series with Jean and Alastair MacDonald some years back----

12 Oct 02 - 07:17 AM (#801648)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Michael in Swansea

Why would I keep a pic of Isla under a pillar?
I do have an Isla screen saver.

12 Oct 02 - 09:53 AM (#801704)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,shonagh

Isla is from a fishing town called Buckie which is about half an hour from where i live. Personally, when i started out singing i had all her cd's but i didnt listen to her for her voice, i mean it is a good voice but not my kind of thing, but i listened to her cds for her songs. Wonderful ballads!

17 Mar 12 - 03:57 PM (#3324258)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Guest FC

This is a few years late but maybe someone still follows this thread. I met Isla at Marylebone Station, London, in the early 90's while on a year's return to the UK from Canada. I was delighted to find she lived in a village near where I was staying and saw a fair bit of her over the next months. Born in Edinburgh, I loved her music and thought her voice was amazing, particularly as in those days we were both smokers - and both tried to quit together! We lost contact but I still check out her website and listen to her CDs. I would attend a concert in a flash.

17 Mar 12 - 05:56 PM (#3324313)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: stallion


17 Mar 12 - 07:33 PM (#3324352)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Seen her twice in concert in just the last couple of years, and was very impressed: good voice, presentation, and at her best when doing songs from the Banff/Buchan/Buckie (N-East Scotland) area, tho' I'd never describe the accent there as "soft'!

18 Mar 12 - 08:52 AM (#3324496)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Doc John

I used the fancy her too like Dave above. She is - or was - an all round entertainer appearing with Larry Grayson on a game show and the like; not my style at all. But she's a beautiful singer and a beautiful lady. Those two CD's mentioned above show her at her best as - as mentioned above - much of her material is overproduced, a frequent problem, I find. She was superb on Folk on Two several years ago.

18 Mar 12 - 09:01 AM (#3324504)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Steve Shaw

There's a rumour that she married Barry White, divorced him then married Bryan Ferry. So now she's Isla White-Ferry.

I'll get me coat then...

18 Mar 12 - 09:02 AM (#3324505)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Georgiansilver

Found on Youtube recently... enjoy!

18 Mar 12 - 10:14 AM (#3324535)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Steve Parkes

Steve, I'm gonna pinch that joke & try it out on the caulkheads here!

18 Mar 12 - 10:26 AM (#3324544)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: eddie1

Isla keeps trying to persuade me to give up my long-running relationship with EmmyLou Harris in favour of her. She might just succeed!
Murray eat your heart out!


18 Mar 12 - 02:06 PM (#3324666)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Merek'n'Dary

Isla is anything but out of the picture! She has a huge following in Banbury, having lived in the area and is the Patron of Banbury Folk Festival. She regularly appears at the Festival and at Banbury Folk Club. She is still a great singer with a huge repertoire of Scottish traditional songs. She learnt these at her mother's knee and was singing around the clubs from the age of 14 - long before she ever became a TV star. She is a lovely, warm person with a great personality to boot!

18 Mar 12 - 02:22 PM (#3324687)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Ray

I remember Isla from the latter half of the 1970s before she sought fame and fortune on the weekend TV saccharin circuit.

She was a competent, well regarded, Scottish traditional singer in those days, specialising in mouth music if I remember correctly, although, personally, I have little interest in such things. Assuming she still has a voice, I see no reason why she shouldn't still be worth seeing.

18 Mar 12 - 07:50 PM (#3324845)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: stallion

yup she lives in Byfield about 8 miles from Banbury

19 Mar 12 - 06:50 AM (#3325025)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Jim Martin

Ah Byfield - I remember trains going through there in 1963 on the long since defunct Stratford & Midland Jcn Railway!

21 Mar 12 - 07:28 AM (#3326208)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Dave MacKenzie

Isla was already a legend when she turned upin Sandy Bell's in a mini-skirt, aged 17, and made everybody very jealous when she married Hamish Bayne shortly afterwards. She had appeared at "Folksong '65" a few years previously singing 'The Dowie Howms o' Yarrow', when the sleevenotes of the double LP said: "The singer is Isla MacDonald,2 year-old daughter of Mrs. Zetta MacDonald of Aberdeen from whom she learned most of her songs. A big song for so young a performer but Isla is more than up to the task. Would that we could a lot more singing of this quality."

21 Mar 12 - 08:28 AM (#3326229)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Big Al Whittle

That business where you learn at your mother's knee - does the music come out of the knee, when you stand on the big toe?

21 Mar 12 - 08:31 AM (#3326233)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Steve Shaw

Hamish Bayne the concertina maker??

21 Mar 12 - 08:47 AM (#3326245)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Dave MacKenzie

I don't know if he makes them, but he was playing one with the McCalmans at the time.

21 Mar 12 - 10:07 AM (#3326305)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Ray

I don't know if he makes them but he used to play one (+ mandolin) with the McCalmans.

The late Derek Moffat once told me that he'd set up a carpentry business.

21 Mar 12 - 01:57 PM (#3326467)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: eddie1

Haven't talked with Hamish in a long time but he was certainly making concertinas in Leith back then.


31 Mar 12 - 12:33 PM (#3331620)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Bill /Aberdeen

in the early to mid 1970s Isla did Islas Island for the then Grampian T.V. And also was on a lot of their locally produced entertainment shows...I remember being in the studio audience on some of those occasions and she was , and remains a good, value for money entertainer. it is rightly claimed earlier that she was the ideal foil for Larry Grayson and was a major reason why the Generation Game was still a success after Bruce left. I hope that her rejuvenated career of the last few years blossoms

01 Apr 12 - 05:12 AM (#3331905)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Big Al Whittle

Her record of that TV series and the book of folksongs accompanying it were remarkable. Most of Steeleye were playing on the record.
It won some sort of international TV award.

Its my favourite album of her.

Seen her live. I always think she could do with an accompanist keyboard or guitar.

03 Apr 12 - 12:13 PM (#3333116)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Tattie Bogle

She plays guitar herself (maybe not like Martin Simpson)! And uses it for some songs.

23 Oct 12 - 02:31 PM (#3424923)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?

Hi Im James Stewart and I was in Buckie Children's Home at Buckie with Jennie Stewart, and Elizabeth my two sisters, we went to the Buckie school with Veronica Erika, my Sister Jeannie was frends with them at that time and so was Isla St Clair, it brings me back to my younger days, when I went to see a man on a farm he had milking cows and I first met him throw a tv show, he wore thick glasses on his nose , he sung on tv bothy nights, but at that time I did not know him as Iala St Clairs father,ask Iala can she remember ald Doddie Duff from Buckie.                                                 from Maggie Stewart,s grandson,James Stewart ,Maggie Stewart she was the auntie to the late folk singer Jeannie Robertson fron Aberdeen

24 Oct 12 - 04:24 AM (#3425239)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Mick Tems

Isla was just 17 when I heard her first LP; it may be the School of Scottish Studies recordings that other people have mentioned. I was greatly impressed by her clear, strong voice and the vast wealth of traditional material in her memory. As James and other people have said, Isla was steeped in Aberdeenshire tradition. I booked Isla for the Valley Folk Club in Pontardawe; it was the time of a national beer strike, and nobody knew whether the pubs would be open or not. Nevertheless, she came down and wowed everybody with her singing. Later on, I was playing concertina on a TV programme in The Song And The Story series (filmed at The Museum Of Welsh Life in St Fagans, Cardiff) and Isla showed her professionalism. Recently, I saw her at a folk club in Newport, Gwent, and the club gave her a rapturous encore. Isla is still a very fine singer whose breadth of knowledge commands a great deal of respect from me.

Mick Tems

17 May 13 - 06:00 PM (#3516305)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Loughborough folk festival 1978ish

Isla captivated a lecture theatre full of folk enthusiasts late into the night. Unaccompanied her version of "follow the herring" - memorable!

17 May 13 - 07:28 PM (#3516325)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?

Isla is a true quality singer.
If you want to hear her at her best, listen to her version of Ian McCalman's beautiful & haunting song "The Shian Road"


18 May 13 - 05:11 PM (#3516554)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Arkie

Nice to see this thread. I stumbled upon Isla St. Clair a couple of months ago and wondered why I had never heard of her before. Beautiful voice and sensitive feeling for lyrics. I would go to see her if I had the chance. Did not find Shian Road among the St. Clair recordings at emusic but it is on youtube. Glad to hear it.

Shian Road

19 Jul 20 - 04:30 PM (#4064972)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Folklore Quine

my one experience of meeting her at Cullerlie Singing Festival was not a good one - I used to admire her and want to be her! But she is arrogant and rude - she objected to me recording her singing - she should have known that the organisers of the festival record ALL the sessions, why should she have the monopoly? It was a public session, I just wanted to learn one of her songs. I was so angry I deleted the recording right away. So much for "humble local quine"! She is not! Undeniably good singer, but personality is a bit of a disappointment, I would not ever want to see her on stage again.

19 Jul 20 - 04:44 PM (#4064974)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Ray

I think the decision as to whether a person can be recorded lies with that person (+ whomsoever they may have a recording contract with) and you should respect that. Why should she have know that the organisers “record ALL the sessions”? Was it in her contract?

19 Jul 20 - 06:18 PM (#4064989)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: Tattie Bogle

Folklore Quine: did you ask BEFORE starting to record whether it was OK to do so, and/or state for what purpose you wanted to record? In this day and age of smartphones and other digital recorders, there are perhaps too many of them waving around recording either video or audio and distracting other concert/session-goers.
Having been an organiser at other singers' events (as well as an attender at Cullerlie and various instrumental workshops), we would ALWAYS ask any of our guest artistes for their ground rules about recording BEFORE any sessions or workshops started, and communicate the artistes' preferences to participants. Most, with few exceptions, would say it was fine for personal learning use only, but absolutely NOT to be broadcast on any social media such as Facebook or YouTube, and this was taken on trust. This should apply whether or not the whole procedure was being recorded.

20 Jul 20 - 03:23 AM (#4065033)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: GUEST,Howard Jones

Any arrangements by the festival organisers to record proceedings will have been agreed with the performers beforehand. That does not give anyone else carte blanche to record. It is basic courtesy to ask the performer for permission, often this will be given but where it is not (and there could be many reasons) that must be respected.

It seems particularly unpleasant to revive an old thread in order to complain this.

20 Jul 20 - 05:03 AM (#4065044)
Subject: RE: Who is Isla St Clair ?
From: John MacKenzie

Do you hear that Folklore Quine? If you want to complain about Isla, you should start another thread :)
Yes Cullerlie is run under the auspices of the University of Aberdeen's Elphinstone Institute, and it is all recorded for the use of students at the institute. However this is for academic use, and not public access. So if you want to record someone for your own private use, then it is polite to ask. I might add, that I also think it is rude to refuse, but that's a horse of a different colour.