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Message from Art Thieme

04 Aug 02 - 03:21 PM (#759673)
Subject: Message from Art Thieme
From: Big Mick

Hi folks. Art just gave me a call and asked me to pass on a message.

Seems that in his move he is having great difficulties getting the phone service moved. Hence he is offline and out of phone touch for the next 1 to 2 weeks. He didn't want his Mudcat friends and others to be concerned. He will be back soon.

He sounded great and more enthused than I have heard him in a while. He is going to be at the Fox River Folk Festival (?Chicago area......did I get the name right?) over Labor Day, if anyone wants to see him.

Mick, proud to run this errand.

04 Aug 02 - 05:35 PM (#759740)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: GUEST,fortunato at home

Hey, Mick, when is the fox river festival? regards, chance.

04 Aug 02 - 05:58 PM (#759749)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Big Mick

It is called "Fox Valley Folk Music and Storytelling Festival " and, according to Art, is on over the Labor Day weekend.

HERE is a link. Looks like a great one.

04 Aug 02 - 06:11 PM (#759755)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Phil Cooper

Yes, the fox valley folk music and storytelling festival is a good time. It is the Sunday and Monday of Labor Day Weekend in Geneva, Illinois. Good time to meet Art in person. Margaret and I are also celebrating the 20th anniversary of the first time we played in public (at the 1982 Fox Valley Festival). Some of the final workshop planning is still being done. It should be fun.

04 Aug 02 - 06:13 PM (#759757)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme

Thank you, Mick. A month without Art would have me worrying.

04 Aug 02 - 06:28 PM (#759764)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: katlaughing

He sure sounded excited about this move, said there'd be more room for him to get around, easily. Glad he was able to reach you and let us know...1-2 weeks to go up a couple of floors...seems like we could do some Mudcat juju and get the connection going sooner!*bg*



04 Aug 02 - 11:12 PM (#759862)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: bbc

Mick, I really appreciate you keeping tabs on so many of our folks. You are a special man! I was a little worried when I saw the thread title. I'm so glad it's *good* news!



04 Aug 02 - 11:16 PM (#759864)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Big Mick

No need for worry, m'dear. He sounds wonderful. We spoke for quite a while.


05 Aug 02 - 12:58 AM (#759879)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Blackcatter

Mudcat juju?

I thought that only worked on accoustic instruments and hand-cranked machinery.

Still, I know what Art's going through. BellSouth put the wrong new number on my old number twice. It has yet to be straightened out and it's been 4 weeks,

Pax yall

06 Aug 02 - 12:15 AM (#760436)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Amos

Ya know, I recall back in the days of POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) before Ma Bell broke up, you could have a phone line put in and fired up and owrking in a day -- or for some areas you needed to give them a few working days. But these horror stories seem to me not to have occurred back then. Of course the tech was simpler, the competition was nonexistant, and the number of lines was about half what it is now, but you would kinda like to think they could take advantage of all the high-speed technology to support an old-fashioned high standard of service, wouldn't you?



10 Aug 02 - 10:00 PM (#763218)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Art Thieme

Hey, kids, lets do the show right here!!!

It's Art here. All moved and back on line. Chris just did all my connecting in record time-----stuff that would've taken me a month or two to figure out. And we got to change Chloe (our granddaughter) four (or was it five?) times while he worked. And Ameritech did a fine job at connecting us up. Even came early in the morning after sayin' they'd be here in the late afternoon. Now, I mist post-haste go and toss those aromatic dipes down the shoot before I pass out.



10 Aug 02 - 10:24 PM (#763226)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: bbc

Glad you're back, dear! I just got some of your music from kat & I am enjoying getting to know you better.



10 Aug 02 - 11:17 PM (#763249)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: katlaughing

HeyaFineArt!! Nice to have you back!! Only a Grandpa and Grandma could be excited about messy diapers!**BG**

10 Aug 02 - 11:26 PM (#763250)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Francy

Hi Art welcome back.....will call you Sunday and get you up to date on the Oregon Coast happenings... Frank of Toledo

10 Aug 02 - 11:50 PM (#763253)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Amos

Usually I like to tell people to take a deep breath, Art... but in your case I'll make an exception!!

Welcome back to the zoo, pal. The keepers were going crazy looking for ya!! :>)


11 Aug 02 - 08:34 AM (#763343)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: Fortunato

Well, it's good to read you're back, Art. How's the new digs? Chloe? Well, that's a beautiful name. All the best. Chance

11 Aug 02 - 07:38 PM (#763559)
Subject: RE: Message from Art Thieme
From: kendall

Welcome back my friend.