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PET hate music

08 Aug 02 - 08:22 PM (#762215)
Subject: PET hate music
From: GUEST,eoin o'buadhaigh

I started playing the Uilleann pipes back in '75 (that's 1900's) but through an operation on my hand that didn't work out the way it was expected I had to give them up. I recently took the plunge and 'blew the dust' out of them and started over again by teaching my daughter the basics. (which obviously got me involved once again) BUT I have got a NEW dog since then and -- YES! she hates the pipes! I can understand that it could be my playing,as I am rather rusty, But did she have to chew my bag beyond recognition. Has anyone else had the same problem and any suggestions as to over-come her hate/fear of the pipes. The insurance company laughed at my suggestion of claiming for the pipebag and even praised the dog. (Maybe I'm more rusty than I thought!

slan eoin

08 Aug 02 - 08:26 PM (#762223)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: smallpiper

Kill the dog!

09 Aug 02 - 02:46 AM (#762378)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Genie

Teach the dog to sing along, like JenEllen's Angus does. He's got about 4 songs in his repertoire by now.

Genie ¤;- )

09 Aug 02 - 02:52 AM (#762381)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: alanabit

My sister got bitten by the cat when she was practising the recorder. I understand the cat's feelings entirely!

09 Aug 02 - 03:01 AM (#762388)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Kaleea

My kitty just turned 19--yes, really!--and most of the time her hearing is OK. When it is, she is OK with most music. However, she is not crazy about the pennywhistle. When I used to have a clarinet student, she HATED that, & I mean a serious evil kitty I'm going to shred you into bits if you don't stop that kind of HATE! (her sister who is now with the Lord did not mind at all) Then I have a couple of pipe CD's which she does not like. When playing them, she will jump & run (for about 2 1/2 seconds--a marathon for her), & yowl at me & jump on me (whilst I'm in a chair or recliner) & stand on me, looking into my face--especially the CD with Uillean pipes & fiddle! I guess there's always a critic in every house.

09 Aug 02 - 03:07 AM (#762391)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: greg stephens

a lot of dogs really hate melodeons(button accordions) and howl when you play them (or perhaps they are just singing along?).This very irritating when youre busking.

09 Aug 02 - 03:21 AM (#762398)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Mr Happy

in the Gardener's Arms in Chester, where i sometimes play, there's a japanese Akita dog-a bit like a small alsation. when i play melodeon it howls & squeaks like its trying to speak or sing.

dogs in other venues sometimes do this too or run away & hide in fright!- i don't think i'm that bad though

09 Aug 02 - 05:38 AM (#762443)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: katlaughing

Good bits in this article about why it may hurt their hearing and cause such reactions: Beyond Human Hearing. Amazing creatures wiht their omni-directional, well almost, ears and ability to hear high frequencies. Just imagine what THEY must be hearing that we cannot when the pipes are on?!

09 Aug 02 - 05:46 AM (#762446)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: GUEST,Crazy Eddie

OP Wrote "But did she have to chew my bag beyond recognition? "
Am I the only one whose eyes watered when reading this- even knowing the context?

09 Aug 02 - 06:17 AM (#762463)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: smallpiper

pets are sometimes useful for tuning purposes they tend to yowl when your drones arn't in tune(its the harmonics) but once they are in tune they stop. or you can just kill the damm things (pets that is not drones)

09 Aug 02 - 06:27 AM (#762467)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

smallpiper-have you ever considered working as a slaughterman? I feel you could be very suited to this job!

09 Aug 02 - 06:34 AM (#762473)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: smallpiper

No not at all. Can't stand the sight of animals suffering. Just that I'm allergic to cats/dogs and other houshold beasties (except hamstas). They are like screaming kids and get on my tits. Control the buggers or get rid of them (pets that is not kids although I don't know......)

09 Aug 02 - 06:53 AM (#762484)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

My dog, (a brindle, red-nose, American pit-bull) will not permit me to play the piano (he uses his strong head to butt my right hand and then the left, persistantly, uncessingly) .... UNLESS, we have had a rollicking good session of vigorous play FIRST...

First HE plays....then I can play.


09 Aug 02 - 07:03 AM (#762490)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

smallpiper-".... can't stand the sight of animals suffering....", you soon get used to it!

John (licensed slaughterman)

09 Aug 02 - 05:31 PM (#762755)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Little Hawk

My impression is that dogs howl to music because they want to join in and sing along. There may be some exceptions to that, however...

- LH

10 Aug 02 - 08:58 AM (#762985)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: GUEST,Fred

My cat hates harmonica, especially blues harp, and will slap at it. To play I have to keep moving. It's gotten easier, because she's very old, 126 yrs old, which in cat years would be 880 something. No, that can't be right, it must be 126, cat years. So she's 18. fred

10 Aug 02 - 01:52 PM (#763056)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: rangeroger

My older sister quit playing the clarinet when the parakeet fell over dead on its' perch while she practiced. Funny thing was, it never fell off. Just slowly rolled over til it was hanging upside down,but deader than a doornail.


10 Aug 02 - 08:19 PM (#763181)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Dorrie

oh i thought you meant music that was your pet hate! like pop music you love to hate it

11 Aug 02 - 11:24 AM (#763389)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Maryrrf

Sounds like sirens, some kinds of whistles, and probably pipes for some reason grate on dog's ears, I think. My dog loves to hear me sing and play the guitar - always listens to my practice sessions attentively. But your dog may have chewed your pipes just because he (she) likes to chew. When mine was younger she chewed everything - furniture, shoes, hats, you name it! She did outgrow that eventually.

11 Aug 02 - 02:46 PM (#763447)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Little Hawk

If the dog walks over and contemptuously pees on your leg while your playing...or on the instrument...then you may be sure he doesn't like the music. If he leaves the room, he doesn't like it either. If he stays and howls, chances are reasonably good that he does like it, but there may be exceptions to that. There are high-priced animal psychologists in Hollywood who can settle this mystery for you for a mere few thousand dollars....

- LH

11 Aug 02 - 03:43 PM (#763462)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Oaklet

I tried an experiment with the cattle this morning. When I sang to them, they tried to kill me by crushing me against the stall barriers. When I stopped, they tried to crush me against the stall barriers. But I realised that every time we have an encounter, they try to crush me against the stall barriers, so I'm not really any the wiser. They are just psychopaths. But lovely psychopaths.

11 Aug 02 - 05:11 PM (#763493)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Liz the Squeak

And so tasty too......

Dogs howl to get the pack together.... if doggie is howling, maybe he's trying to drum up support or gather the rest of the family (his pack) together...

That's why some dogs howl to the theme tunes of programmes that all the family watch on TV. The tune comes on, it's Pack time, so come on down and howl!


11 Aug 02 - 06:01 PM (#763516)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Catherine Jayne

My cat loves the sound of the flute. When I amplaying she will come and try to sit on my knee and make herself comfortable. When I play the fiddle she jumps into the case and goes to sleep. WhenI play th epiano she thinks it's time to play and walks accross the keys!!!!!

She likes to listen to the singing on Paltalk and jumps on my knee to get closer to the computer.

She doesn't like the sound of the penny whistle or the accordian. When I shared a house with an accordian player all the cats used to leave the room!!!


12 Aug 02 - 01:50 AM (#763682)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

oAklet-if you want any of your cattle killing just let me know, i have got plenty of experience. This is one of the things I usually turn me hand to during the summer months as Gary will confirm.During the summer ie, July, august & september, the curry ship is quiet, as mosy of my customers are students, so I usualy do other stuff during the summer, 9short contract work, such as killing, butchering etc) though this year I havn't bothered as I couldn't be arsed.Last year during the foot & mouth outbreak I read an article in one of the papers, I belive it was The Times, but I'm not sure stating that slaughtermen were earning in excess of £1000 a week.I promptly contacted DEFRA, and genourosly offered my services, they replied stating that the newspapers were talking bollocks and they had all the staff the needed at the present time.So don't believe everything you read in the papers, 9The Times is full of crap) 9allegidly).john

12 Aug 02 - 04:58 PM (#764007)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: CapriUni

Yesterday, as a lark, I tried to see if I could get through the whole of "Tam Lin" (go ahead and smirk, it's more interesting than "The Bear Went Over the Mountain")... I got to around verse 10, when my cat, who was lying on the table next to my computer, got up very deliberately, looked me square in the eye, and very gently stroked my cheek with her paw...

I wonder if she was worried by by repetitive vocalizations...

Has anyone else had a cat react to your singing that way?

13 Aug 02 - 12:50 PM (#764491)
Subject: RE: PET hate music
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

refresh for Ms. Rustledge.