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BS: forms of feminine shaves

12 Aug 02 - 08:37 PM (#764111)
Subject: forms of feminine shaving
From: paddymac

If you are a staunch - well, I'm not sure what kind of " -ist" to use, but anyway, I'm curious. I have noticed that some members of the fair sex on occasion resort to, hmmmm, "artistic tonsorial practices." I freely admit to a healthy curiosity (well, at least I think it's healthy) as to the frequency, motivation and, ahem, appreciation, of the art form. I wonder who the artist usually is, and whether there might be a specialty niche in the various forms of the hair dressing trades for such artistry.

12 Aug 02 - 08:55 PM (#764120)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

And the reason why you think this is the appropriate forum to discuss the subject is...?

12 Aug 02 - 09:00 PM (#764122)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: smallpiper

Speed dancing, it reduces the amount of drag....... or not

12 Aug 02 - 09:10 PM (#764125)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: harpgirl

...gee Pat, you're being so polite about this question I don't even understand what you're talking about!!!! So I guess you're not at the Shenanigan's jam tonight either, eh? hg

12 Aug 02 - 09:14 PM (#764126)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

This is just another example of the low the Mudcat has slipped to. Is it any wonder that people in the newsgroups ridicule us?

12 Aug 02 - 10:08 PM (#764141)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Little Hawk

All I can offer on this is that Sweet Nell used to suffer at least one close shave in every episode of Dudley Doright...usually tied to a railroad track by that infamous scoundrel, Snidely Whiplash. Fortunately, Dudley would always arrive in time to save the day. One can't wonder, though, why Sweet Nell did not simply move to some safer Schenectady. Probably she secretly enjoyed the attention.

Regarding the newsgroups...perhaps we should ridicule them in return. Tit for tat, so to speak.

- LH

12 Aug 02 - 10:21 PM (#764148)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Penny G.

Twit for Twat , so to speak

12 Aug 02 - 10:30 PM (#764155)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: paddymac

I'm sure that there's a song hidden somewhere within the topic, but I'm content to wait until some wordsmiths more able than I come along. Maybe there's related theme emerging here - what kind of "-ists" see neither beauty nor humor in the thread. "Misophists?" Nah, that's someone who likes exotic soups.

12 Aug 02 - 10:51 PM (#764161)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Little Hawk

It's a damned shame that flattop is not posting these days, paddymac, as I am sure he could meet you on even ground, so to speak. What we need here is a wordsmith who is not afraid to say in plain words what most people cannot even manage to say in convoluted, obfuscational, dilletantish gibberish, whilst hiding their skeletons adroitly in the closet and whittling on a quill pen. Why do they do it? Is it because others let them, or is it merely because they can?

- LH

12 Aug 02 - 10:56 PM (#764163)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Peg

I do think the question pushes at the boundaries of taste and decorum a bit and I am sure there are other places on the internet to discuss such things, if you are truly interested. You might even find pictures.

12 Aug 02 - 11:08 PM (#764165)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Amos

Shave the Beaver

Tune: "Trail the Eagle", Boy Scouts Songbook

Shave the beaver, shave the beaver,
Shave it high and low!
From your thong, or summer shorts,
Oh, let no curlies show!
Just pretend they never grew there,
Shave it slick 'til Fall,
Shave it sisters, 'til we're all
Like Baaaarby Dolls!

Shave the muff, now, shave the muff now
Make it clean as snow
Surely then a handsome "ten"
You'll quickly take in tow.
But, fair sisters, you must ask
A question hard but true --
Do you want him. if that's why he
Falls f-o-o-o-or youuuuuuu!!!??


Hieronymous O' Bsession

Defrocked Prelate

Temple of the Golden Curve

Do you want a guy who

12 Aug 02 - 11:19 PM (#764173)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Tweed

ROTFLMAO! Your killin' me here Amos! I wasn't gonna post nothin' to this, I was just gonna check it out and then it turned into "Shave The Beaver"...gahhhhh...Budweiser is bad goin' out the nose....Which Mudcat CD will that one go on?

12 Aug 02 - 11:48 PM (#764179)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Amos

Aw, Peg, dearest lass, I do apologize -- if I'd seen your firm but fair remarks before I let loose that doggerel, sure I never woulda posted it for not wanting to offend.


13 Aug 02 - 12:01 AM (#764184)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Penny G.

Pusstophists should seek safe shelter.Most mudcats are not smutcats.

13 Aug 02 - 12:05 AM (#764185)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Peg

too late, Amos. Oh well. thanks anyway. :)

interesting song, though, in its way, as it comments on the motivation for women doing this being in what men want them to do; I am guessing a fair amount of women do this sort of thing because it is what they themslves want to do...

What I am somewhat offended by is the initial tenor of this thread which seems to be seeking some sort of voyeuristic thrill in discussing a specifically feminine grooming habit. (I may be wrong about the motivation there).

It reminds me of when I worked retail in western Mass. This one guy called a couple of different shops I worked at, always asking about pantyhose. It was clear he got off listening to women talk about the different types available, etc. although he would call up asking as if he needed something specific for a female partner. Sick.

Then again, people may think I am sick because I used to work as an exotic dancer. It takes all kinds.

13 Aug 02 - 12:17 AM (#764190)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Amos

In all honesty, Peg, while I have as much interest in female bodies as any tame male, I have no judgement as to what will motivate someone to shave, pierce, paint, pad, dye, emboss, wax, polish, carve, remove or add to the natural body parts they were handed by Nature's own crapshoot, regardless of their gender. I do think there is an unnecessary degree of emphasis put on the symbolism of body parts, as contrasted with the communication -- alive and present -- that you can use such a fine vehicle to accoomplish. But that's just me.

I grew a beard, mostly because I was tired of shaving so often. But I don't think it represents me! :>)

I suppose if I was in the throes of the madcap courtship dance I might think differently, and I am sure it is not for me to judge another's decisions, as like as they don't expect me to wear a Mohawk. **bg** Anywhere.



13 Aug 02 - 03:17 AM (#764230)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

Prime reason for shaving is the vastly improved sense of touch. Men seem to like the visuals too.
And there are also men that shave down-under - its not just a female thing.

13 Aug 02 - 03:25 AM (#764231)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Mr Happy

down under? you mean Australia?

13 Aug 02 - 03:52 AM (#764239)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

Yes - and then they spread on some vegemite......

13 Aug 02 - 04:49 AM (#764257)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: smallpiper

Oh dear...... loved the song and who said this wasn't a folks music thread?

13 Aug 02 - 04:51 AM (#764259)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Mr Happy

it's tasty,tasty, very very tasty, it's very tasty!

13 Aug 02 - 07:49 AM (#764317)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

Several people posting to this thread have now said that because of the sensitive nature of the subject, and it's potential to offend some, perhaps even many people here, that this subject might better be discussed in an appropriate internet forum for it--of which there are many.

Of course, if being offensive is your point to begin with...

13 Aug 02 - 08:23 AM (#764330)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Skipjack K8

Let's get back to the business of manly stubble!

13 Aug 02 - 08:32 AM (#764334)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Little Hawk

I think what we really need here is a comment or two from Ms. Penelope Rutledge to set things straight.

(See "Punch the Horse Part 99" thread...)

- LH

13 Aug 02 - 08:34 AM (#764335)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

With reference to Peg's comments, I do happen to know of a certain Mudcatter who has such pics as a screen saver...

13 Aug 02 - 08:57 AM (#764347)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: GUEST,Not quite Ms Penelope Rutledge

All right, I have had just about enough of this unutterable poppycock. You people have violated all common bounds of decency and good taste in this ridiculous series of "front bottom shaving" threads, and it is becoming so tiresome that I feel I must register a strong, an absolutely vehement protest! Desist at once. This is supposed to be a folk and blues forum, an arena of serious, intelligent discussion of traditional music forms...not a public venue on which to vent puerile humour and hatred toward pubic hair. You people should be ashamed of yourselves! "Shaving" indeed! I refuse to believe that anyone in the English speaking world would put up with your offensive jokes for very long. We certainly do not tolerate it in Twillingsgate. Kindly take your silliness somewhere else. Not quite Ms. Penelope Rutledge

13 Aug 02 - 09:21 AM (#764357)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

I once did and regreted it for quite a while......

13 Aug 02 - 09:55 AM (#764368)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves

It seems overtly stereotypical that the only reaction to those of us who voiced objections to the appropriateness of the subject matter in this forum, is lampooning us as prudes.

Apparently there is a dynamic being adhered to here by those of you who feel you have a god given right to be in our faces with explicitly male oriented sexual talk about women's genitals. It seems you don't really give a shit who you offend, or who you insult, or who you hurt.

Are we supposed to be impressed?

13 Aug 02 - 11:01 AM (#764413)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: EBarnacle1

One of the beauties of this sort of artistry is that, in the event of a mistake, it will (usually) grow back. It can also be a source of mutual fun and games. Of course, the original reason for pubic hair is to provide a place for pheremones [No, that's not fairy moans!] to concentrate and provide delicious aroma and taste.

13 Aug 02 - 11:25 AM (#764434)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: RichM

I don't know what's worse; sexually oriented topics being regarded as sinful (ie, bad taste, offensive, I-don't-like-it-so-don't-YOU-do-it!- )
OR the idea that all talk sexual should be antiseptic, clinical, and unerotic.

For heaven's sake (and ours)please don't search the digitrad database here using any of George Carlin's famous 7 words you wouldn't at one time hear on AmericanTV...

or better still, please DO , and then complain here about it.

13 Aug 02 - 11:39 AM (#764449)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: Big Mick

May I make a suggestion? Why don't we leave this thread to die. This will serve to do two things. First, it won't cause further offense to some very good Mudcatters, like Peg. She enunciated her objections fairly and I believe they deserve respect. Second, you won't feed the troll GUEST, who will use this as an excuse to start another 100 post discussion of what is wrong with the Mudcat, why we are the laughing stock of "serious" forums (despite the fact that this one still survives and eclipses most), etc.

It would be smart to just let this one die out as a tongue in cheek effort that just didn't work.

How about it, folks? No answers to any of this will short circuit the flame war.


13 Aug 02 - 03:30 PM (#764587)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: GUEST,Muddy Pussycat

I have only one thing to add to what Big Mick, the wisest of all gun-totin' Mudcatters, had to say and that's "meow."

13 Aug 02 - 03:42 PM (#764603)
Subject: RE: BS: forms of feminine shaves
From: RichM

A wise and timely comment, Guest Muddy Pussycat.
Ninja, Olive, Daisy and Littlest would like to add: *meow*