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BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

16 Aug 02 - 03:17 PM (#766598)
Subject: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Don't know how long this will last, as any threads I start now are being censored pretty routinely by Joe. But I thought I would satisfy a few people's curiousity about me. So here you go.

Some of this is a summary of my two most recent posts in the Ladies Only thread.

No one has to read my posts. But a helluva lot of folks ain't following their own advice on that one are they? Nope they ain't! EVERYBODY is responding to MY posts, and telling me I shouldn't be saying what I'm saying. That nobody should listen to what I'm saying. Yet, for some reason, everybody does just that, don't they?

I'm also probably the most censored contributor to Mudcat these days, which I consider to be an honor, in an "honor among thieves" sort of way.

So just who is it that needs to follow the advice about not reading and responding to the things you don't like here, hmmmm? The Guest With a 1000 Faces, or the rest of you? If you don't like what anon/pseudonym posters are saying, follow your own bloody advice, and don't read and comment on their posts!

There is not one shred of evidence on Mudcat that talking politely gets more attention from other posters. Quite the contrary, in fact. Controversy sells. That's why I'm the success I am today in Mudcat. It is like moths to the flame. Everyone always says they are going to ignore me. Many will post to threads I contribute to and tell others not to respond. Which might work in that thread, but not in others.

This is a self-control issue. I'm merely exploiting the fact that a core group of Mudcat members have no self-control. They all know who they are, but they refuse to admit they have this self-control problem. They just have to leap in the fray, and tell others how to behave. Of late, the saddest, most predictable people in this regard have been folks like McGrath, Big Mick, harpgirl, Amos, artbrooks, MMario, Joe Offer, BillD, and SharonA. That list of folks likes very much to leap right in and tell people what to do. They are controlling type people, and a person like me, who is beyond their reach, freaks them out to the point where they have no self-control when it comes to responding to me, even if it is to say "don't respond to this troll". But even feeling the uncontrollable need to say that, is still responding. Posting empty threads with your names in the from line as petty protests, is still responding. But hey, OTOH, Jeri, Catspaw, and katlaughing have gotten much better at not responding.

But even if they all got their impulses under control today, there would be a new crop of people tomorrow to take their place. That is the sadly predictable part of this. There are always people who pay lipservice to loving the anarchy of the web, so long as they aren't personally confronted by it. I am a poster with anarchic sensibilities and style. The fact that I disappear and reappear is no mystery, of course. And it is known by all that I post both anonymously and using many pseudonyms, both male and female. There are many people who claim certainty in knowing who I am, where I come from, etc. Max can easily track this, but has some liability if he chooses to trace the identities of all the people who use the machines I use. Max knows I always use computers with multiple users, don't you Max?

I'm a phantom menace aren't I? I'll be leaving you all very soon though, and heading back to my homeland to go college--I graduated from high school this past June. I've only been in Mudcat for a little over a year now. I got hooked in to Mudcat using computers of an employer (I work in the US as a domestic servant and nanny for several families), as one of my employers lurks here but doesn't ever post. I've enjoyed using Mudcat as an acting lab for creating characters--and don't worry, it doesn't matter how badly I did it. It is all experience I can use. Folk and blues music isn't so bad, but my main love is hardcore punk. I'm absolutely brilliant at using Google, and so can pull up information to use against the lot of you very quickly.

And I have had an internship while I've been here with a local social justice organiztion. I am not nearly as old as most of you like to think I am. Which gives me a great deal of satisfaction, considering how smug, self-righteous, and anti-youth this place is. And that is in addition to the racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism and anti-Semitism regularly exhibited here. This place really is an adult sewer. I even wrote about it for one of my final papers for sociology class my senior year. Got an A, and the teacher finds the lot of you to be pretty appalling.

That is about it for now. Max can block the IP if he wants, or publish the names of all the users of the computers I come from on the front page, for all I care. Of course, those people might get a bit pissed off if he does, but Max can deal with the lawyers, can't ya Max? Doesn't matter to me, as I've said, I'm outta here in a matter of days.

Maybe I'll drop back in now and again just to say hi. What will all of you do for entertainment when I'm gone?

16 Aug 02 - 03:21 PM (#766599)
Subject: RE: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Bill D

"What will all of you do for entertainment when I'm gone? " quietly among ourselves...

16 Aug 02 - 03:23 PM (#766602)
Subject: RE: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Fat chance of that BillD. That isn't what the archive shows, as all the threads I refreshed last night, but Joe Offer deleted, demonstrated. I'm not the reason for the discontent here--the members' discontent is. It was here long before I came here, and will be here long after I'm gone.

16 Aug 02 - 03:24 PM (#766603)
Subject: RE: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: michaelr

Yes, a thousand faces... and they're all ugly.

16 Aug 02 - 04:26 PM (#766626)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: EBarnacle1

The loud frog in a small pond is oft hear. When the Fall comes he shall be gone to a better place. Your mention of your age says it all. As I said to my 11 year old the other day, "Act your age." His response was "I am."

16 Aug 02 - 04:37 PM (#766632)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Hi, I just finished asking if you were grown-up on your other thread.No hard feelings, you're just going through that stage of needing attention, and I'm glad you got some. Your sophistry ought to improve, usually when you are a sophmore, after that you begin to get tired of it, become embarrassed by your neediness, find better things to do. You'll feel pangs of embarrassment when you look back, but don't feel too bad. We all need to think we're smarter than everybody when we're going through that. Good luck in college, best wishes. It's really sort of a funny project, in a Rushmore sort of way.

16 Aug 02 - 04:43 PM (#766635)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Can we read your sociology paper? I'm curious.

16 Aug 02 - 04:59 PM (#766646)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

The paper was about the generational differences regarding posting in chat forums. This isn't the only forum I use. As I said, my first love is hardcore punk, and so I compared those chat forums to this one.

Anonymous and pseudonymous posting is de rigeur among my generation, and we see it as no big deal--pretty much the exact opposite. Though the none of the other chat rooms I used had a shadow forum like this one does (ie the PMs), people of my generation both chat and use IM.

16 Aug 02 - 05:00 PM (#766648)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Seriously, I want to read the paper!

16 Aug 02 - 05:15 PM (#766655)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Blues=Life

"I even wrote about it for one of my final papers for sociology class my senior year. Got an A, and the teacher finds the lot of you to be pretty appalling.

Several points: I, too, would like to read your paper. Do you have the intestinal fortitude to post your true words to this forum? I doubt it. You have yet to show any guts here yet.

I imagine the teacher would find the lot of us to be pretty appalling, if seen through your eyes. Since you are always correct, and by your own admission quite a bit smarter than us, we probably are truly an adult sewer. (Of course, as you get older, you might figure out that the teacher worries just a wee bit that some teeenage psycopath who sees themselves as the be-all and end-all of human knowledge and wisdom, and who has considerable computer knowledge and skills, might turn out to be more than just an annoyance. Some high school teachers fear their students, and in some cases, rightfully so. You don't walk around in a black trenchcoat by chance, do you?)

Finally, the advice I have given to many freshmen in college. This ain't high school no more, so grow up. In college, you will be held to the adult standard that you clearly loathe, and many so-called "student pranks", like the stuff you pull here, are not accepted by that standard. There will be consequences to your actions, and you can't beg off with "but I'm just a kid!" Good luck, with your maturity level, you will certainly need it.



p.s. hardcore punk is the music of 20+ years ago, and all the truly great innovators of this genre are now, dare I say it, ADULTS! (or dead.) If you truly want to be a rebel, and not just a wannabe and a poser, go out push the envelope with your own music. That is, if you have talent for music, and not just for pretending to be that which you are not. (Save the vitriol, because all of this is said with love and understanding... not that you would have the knowledge, wisdom or understanding to comprehend this fact. Why? I'm not anti-youth, you're just young. That means I have an overwhelming intellectual and spiritual advantage over you... I survived youth, and you have not, yet. I truly hope that you do.)


16 Aug 02 - 05:30 PM (#766665)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

No, I won't post my paper here.

The teacher didn't see Mudcat only through my eyes--I printed out the text of messages and used them in the paper, but the teacher also went to all the chat rooms on their own.

As to the crack about punk being passe, I could certainly say the same thing about folk music, now couldn't I?

Our generation has expanded the punk scene a lot, which just goes to show how out of touch you are with the scene. There is a considerable punk scene in existence, from MTV rip offs the likes of the Warped Tour, to what I associate with, which is called straight edge hardcore, which defines itself according to it's ideals, which includes no drugs, alcohol, violence, and a very strong social justice orientation, especially regarding globalisation.

As to your advice--what makes you think I want it from people in this place? You people aren't exactly a paradigm of adult responsibility, in case you hadn't noticed.

16 Aug 02 - 05:34 PM (#766668)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Why won't you post your paper here?

16 Aug 02 - 05:42 PM (#766672)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: X

Guest wont post it's paper here because there is no paper, it's all bull shit.

16 Aug 02 - 06:09 PM (#766691)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Don Firth

I know a little bit about sociology, and if this paper actually does exist, I, too, would be curious to see it. Apart from the hostile and judgmental nature of your posts, you do write quite well. But frankly, I have my doubts. You see, I know a little bit about psychology, too.

By the way, apart from the "Folk Scare" of the Sixties, folk music has been around for centuries, if not millenia--and it will be around millenia from now. That's the nature of folk music. I don't think you can say the same about punk or any of the other pop music fads.

Don Firth

16 Aug 02 - 06:19 PM (#766693)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Just because something is old, doesn't make it of greater value to everyone. I like a lot of folk stuff. But for me, punk is here now, speaks to my experience, and that's all I care about. I don't expect a bunch of middle aged social conservatives to approve of any of the things I'm doing. Nor does it bother me one iota that you disapprove.

16 Aug 02 - 06:37 PM (#766699)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Gareth

Mmmm ! I did not know they were teaching sociology to 12 year olds, for my reading of Anon Guests posts, syntax etc. indicates that is his or her level of ability.

But remember the defenition of a social studies student.

One who knows all the answers, but has not experienced the question

I can imagine Anon Guest, sitting in front of his 'puter, acne oozing, drinking vanilla coke, and worrying if his mother would come into the room, and find him/her browsing the teenyboper tittylation sites.

Never mind, McDonalds may have a career for you. After all what do you say to the Sociolagy gradute who has a job ?

"Big Mac and Fries please"


16 Aug 02 - 06:42 PM (#766704)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Please, GUEST, I really am interested in your paper. I'm fascinated with sociology, and I've long been a lurker here; it affords an excellent opportunity to observe human behavior. Would it be possible for you to email it to me?

16 Aug 02 - 06:53 PM (#766710)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Shows what I know, I thought punk was a sub-category of folk music.

I started out as a soc. major, and speaking of psychology, if I was going to do it over again I'd like to investigate why Freud wrote so little about narcissism, and look at it from a sociological perspective. It explains so much about our odd behavior, after all.

Seriously Guest, I haven't noticed you wanting to do anything about social justice except use trumped-up silly platforms to vent self-righteous self-aggrandizing, confused, nonsense. You could influence people to understand something, if you really gave a rats-ass, but you turn every subject into a discussion of you. Instead of seeing that people were trying to help you, though they don't entirely agree, you try to ridicule them for responding to you at all. Doesn't it occur to you that people can tell you are needy, whatever mask you think you wear, and are being kind to talk to you at all? I bet could get more responses than you by posting a "B.S. I want attention please" thread. And I may as well, sometimes--actually I think I did, sort of. Thanks for showing me how decent and patient some of the people you ridicule are. I'm pretty surprised.

Think twice, it's not alright. Best wishes, Fred

16 Aug 02 - 10:49 PM (#766783)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

I'm sick today, and goofing around here is all I'm able to do.

What's so bad about responding? I admire some of these responses a lot--harpgirl, among others, was an inspiration. I don't blame people losing their patience. I also admire Max's insistance on another thread that this is an open forum. Membership or or not I'll have to throw some support here if only for that. I think Don has said that some of the threads are embarrassing, it would be hard to recommend to one's folk-heros, and I can see that, but if I explained beforehand that it was inclusive, tolerant, and plain good, I wouldn't be the least ashamed because of topics like nether-grooming. So what. Really, so what?

Guest, I don't spend enough to keep up with music, so who is really good in straight-edge punk would help me out. It sounds interesting, because I liked the sound and energy of punk but felt the lyrics--back then--were usually kind of silly. Do you play, sing, write? My e-mail is, for now, and I hope I haven't offended you too much.

Your paper, the thing about young people posting anonomously and all--sounds like a veiled apology really. Good. There's no generational difference in taking responsibility for your actions--and speech is action--except that grown-ups are supposed to. But I doubt you so much lack courage of your convictions as lack all the convictions just yet to match your courage, so sometimes you use whatever's in the icebox. If you were sure you meant what you were saying I bet you'd sign it.

It's ridiculous to criticize the various individuals on this forum as if they were all a type, a breed, all responsible for each other's errors of judgement or taste. And to invoke the supposed opinion of some nameless high-school teacher, somewhere, well, most of us aren't in high school, don't need to care anymore. It's absurd, and so dumb it seems again like you're really just making an excuse for yourself. But for some damn reason I kind of like you, you pissant.

17 Aug 02 - 12:33 AM (#766819)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Blackcatter

"hardcore punk is the music of 20+ years ago, and all the truly great innovators of this genre are now, dare I say it, ADULTS! (or dead.)"

Ummm - most of them were already over 18 when they were creating their music. Their fans weren't adult (I know, I was one of them) Hardcore music today is different in some respects than punk, but rarely does it have the same depth of rage and hopelessness of some of the old stuff, nor does it have much of the humor of the 70s. Give me the Dead Kennedys over Marilyn Manson any day.

Oh, and GUEST - fuck off. Hopefully you're too stupid to have really metally harmed the kids you were nanny for, but you are a small-minded person.

I'm one member that is quite content with Mudcat and have been for 4 years.

pax yall

17 Aug 02 - 02:00 AM (#766846)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Don Firth

I've completed my goal of 2000 words a day on my current writing project, my wife has a meeting tonight, I've already practiced for an hour or so on the guitar, and tonight's television is a dismal bore. So in what I figure will be a total waste of time, I'll piddle away a few words in an effort to save you from the dismal nature of the life path you seem to have chosen. You don't need to thank me.

It occurs to me that if you're sociology teacher was "appalled," as you say, then I wonder how good your teacher really is. A sociologist's job is not to be appalled, it is to be non-judgmentally observant.

It is often the nature of the more avid adherents to a particular popular music fad to believe that, somehow, their music will change the course of history. This was one of the characteristics of the Great Folk Scare of the Sixties, and although it did play a salutary role in the civil rights movement, despite all the anti-war songs, we still seem to be involved in a perpetual state of international conflict. Well, it seems (from what you say) that the same claim is made by the fans (short for "fanatics") of hardcore punk as well. As a scholar, one should have sufficient objectivity to be aware when some sociological aberration might apply to oneself. As a fledgling sociologist, you especially should be aware of that.

I may be an old geek by your lights, but I've been around long enough to see a number of music fads come—and go. Punk is the bastard child of Rock 'n' Roll, which is, itself, the bastard child of rhythm and blues, which, in turn, is an off-shoot of—what? Blues—which is one of several forms of folk music. Sorry. Ya just can't get away from it. Yes, folk music is old. It's old because it has substance and it speaks to the human condition, which, although tragic in many of its aspects, it also contains great joy.

It's not that unusual for someone who is devoted to one particular category of music to be naïvely contemptuous of other forms. Unfortunate, but not unusual. It cuts you off from many things that, were you more open and broad-minded, you might find highly enjoyable. But it sounds like you are in danger of digging your own narrow little trench and missing most of the good things of life because you seem to view all else with contempt wrought by your own ignorance. Too bad. For your sake, I do hope you outgrow your adolescent attitude. And lest you try to accuse me of the same musical chauvinism you seem to suffer from, my rather protean musical taste includes the full range of musical forms—folk, classical, country, opera, rock, world music, everything. I prefer some types of music to others, but I'm open to all.

In other threads, I believe you were the one who styled yourself as "The Trickster." Just remember that, in the end, the main one that the Trickster tricked was—the Trickster. Joseph Campbell wrote of The Hero with a Thousand Faces. "The Punk with a Thousand Faces" just doesn't have quite the same ring.

Don Firth

17 Aug 02 - 02:23 AM (#766851)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,.gargoyle


Sorry you can't stick around longer.


17 Aug 02 - 02:52 AM (#766860)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: DougR

Yeah, Garg, but some folks would say you're a bit strange yourself. :>)


17 Aug 02 - 05:58 AM (#766899)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Oaklet

Guest with a thousand faeces, you remind me that I was a right little twat at 14 as well.

17 Aug 02 - 06:28 AM (#766906)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: John MacKenzie

Kids to-day! They all know their rights, but how many of them know their responsibilities. GUEST will find as he/she/it gets older that reality invades the cosy little self delusional envelope in which they exist. Then when maturity overtakes crack pot idealism, they maybe will look at life from a point of view other than their own. There is one more possibility, and that is that this particular GUEST is emotionally disturbed, so two reasons to feel sorry for them.
? Sincere condolences kid......Giok

17 Aug 02 - 09:39 AM (#766945)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Hippie Chick

One would hope that Guest w/1000 Faces loses his/her/its arrogance and self-absorption asap. Most college profs won't put up with the shit that h.s. teachers may do, as the high school teacher may be under obligation to a parent of one of their students.....much less likely in a university situation. In fact, some profs will laugh in your face IN FRONT OF THE CLASS, so be wary of your hot-air production, it may backfire on you.

HC has spoken.

17 Aug 02 - 09:54 AM (#766951)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Words like "Who the fuck do you think you are" were, I'm sure, the first that came to all of your minds. Right before "I'm going to give this kid the hell the deserve to rot in."

I am seriously laughing my ass off at the lot of you. I scare the ever living shit out of you. If I didn't, you wouldn't feel so compelled to come in here and try and "put the punk in her place."

Hey--where did I claim to be a sociologist? Apparently some of you majored in leaping to assumptions, and minoring in rushing to judgment when you were in school, eh? Now I know why none of the filkers hang out here anymore--you people are a fucking downer.

17 Aug 02 - 09:54 AM (#766952)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: van lingle

I hesitate to correct one as erudite as yourself, guest but didn't you mispell "Feces". vl

17 Aug 02 - 09:58 AM (#766955)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Oh, and keep proving me right everybody! I'm currently the most popular poster at Mudcat. Now lets see how fast we can break 100 posts with your sewer talk. C'mon now--admonish me! Cuss me out, curse me down, bitch slap me, get all that nasty aggression you keep deep inside towards your bosses, your co-workers, your significant others and especially towards teenagers who terrify you, out at me. I can take your abuse. But what does your profound need to heap it on me, to punish me, say about YOU, hmmmmm?

17 Aug 02 - 10:06 AM (#766962)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: artbrooks

Ho-hum. Is this the same ANON.GUEST that said he/she/it was leaving us forever a month or two ago? Maybe we should take up a collection to buy some new batteries for his/her/its Sooper Nintendo?

17 Aug 02 - 10:15 AM (#766966)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Another notch in my belt--artbrooks of the "I just can't NOT respond to this" school, weighs in. I expect to see the rest of you with self-control issues here commenting upon me soon.

SO fucking predictable.

17 Aug 02 - 10:25 AM (#766972)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

I know I'm scared, scared shitless, I've never in my life seen anything so strange, and frightening as this. You seem to see right through everyone--to their very souls! I feel like Clarice facing Hannibal Lector through bars of the internet!

Nobody thought you were a sociologist, they know you're a kid. They were just trying to take you seriously about something, anything. Just because people seem predictable to you doesn't mean you understand them. I know I'm going to go to my absurd futile job in a while, but I don't know why. Are people trying to put you in your place or help you out of a hole you're in? Both, probably, mixed motives. And there's a thing called a spurious correlation.

You're right, though, this is funny, in the Andy Kaufman vein. It's one of those embarrassing, awkward, icky uncomfortable situations you can't get away from, you can't just walk out on his bad comedian character, you have to watch.

17 Aug 02 - 10:31 AM (#766977)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Fred Miller is living proof that even if the catspaws and McGraths and Big Micks get better at not responding like the reactionary control freaks that they are, that there will always be someone new to come in to take their place.

Welcome on board Mudcat, Mr. Miller. You can stand in the "lacks self-control" line to the right of Gengis Khan with all the others over there.

17 Aug 02 - 11:22 AM (#767007)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: John MacKenzie

Jerry Springer where are you now that we need you?

17 Aug 02 - 11:42 AM (#767011)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Another notch.

17 Aug 02 - 11:49 AM (#767015)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Oaklet

But luckily, I didn't exist wholly behind the monitor and had a lot of wise people around me who explained (often forcibly) that you cannot afford to be a this much of a twat at twenty. You have six years to get this stuff out of your system, Guest of a Thousand Faeces. Why don't you learn to play something or sing? You'll be socialised within months, I promise. And start to see that there some friends out there, who might start to care about you.

17 Aug 02 - 12:17 PM (#767027)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Oh yeah, the caring for me in this thread is overwhelming.

Another notch. Shall we reach 100 posts today?

17 Aug 02 - 12:24 PM (#767029)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Blackcatter

Why, just because we choose to respond to you, do you think we're scared? What is there to be scared about?

Are we afraid you're ruining Mudcat? - not really, many of the people here have been here longer than I (and I have been here for 4 years) and we've seen dozens of GUESTS and MEMBERS who have tried to upset us come and go.

Are we afraid that you're poking holes in are facade - that we're afraid that you will uncover us in all our real, embarassing existences? Nope - you see, those people who love folk music are usually pretty comfortable with their lives. We share our limitations here as well as our strngths. It's difficult to deal with folk music on a daily basis with out being "real" since that what folk music is all about.

So you ca nsay we're afraid, but what we are is amused and to some extent concerned. We think it's a shame you appear to derrive joy and satisfaction from intentionally antagonizing people. Sure, some of us rise to the bait, but over-all, we respond to GUESTs like you because it's just something to do. Also, you are a part of our own research projects, albeit a disappointing one, especially since we don't really know which statements you make are lies and which are delusions. My guess is that few of your statements are truths, except through coincidence.

The thing is that if and when responding to you becomes tedious and not enjoyable, we stop. We're not addicted to this little ritual like you are.

Now I'm off to check other threads.

pax yall

17 Aug 02 - 01:23 PM (#767042)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Comfortable with your existence, Blackcatter? Sure, and you've got swamp land in Florida, right? If you truly didn't have these self-control problems, if you truly didn't give a shit about the things I'm poking at, you wouldn't respond. There are plenty of people here reading this thread, who simply don't respond. Some, like harpgirl won't come into this thread directly, but try to sneak attack their responses in another thread--as if I won't notice. When you are so bloody fucking lame that you don't have to resort to carrying the attacks into another thread to get your licks in, you look even more pitiful. So I'm counting double notches for that!

Like I said, there is a core group of people in Mudcat who ARE the problem. They are the people who have self-control issues. They show up loud and clear in their attempts to control what other people post by "commenting" or "giving their opinion." People like you and harpgirl just HAVE to tell me off. If you don't do it directly, because you are passive/aggressive indirect communicators (as a lot of the people in this forum are), it shows you really do care--so much so that you can't control your responses to me.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. None of this is about me. No, no, no. This phony "some people here are just trying to help you" facade is a load of shite. What you care about is that I make you and/or the forum you love, look bad in some way that is a hot button issue for you personally.

That's why you have no self-control when it comes to responding to me. That's why I got a whole lotta notches in my belt. Keep going there catters! I say we reach 100 posts by midnite! There is a challenge for you!

17 Aug 02 - 01:42 PM (#767049)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: John MacKenzie

Notches Guest!! What a quaint old fashioned pre-punk, and dare I say, cowboy concept. I too used to play cowboys when I was young and immature, I grew out of it. Something tells me it will not be an easy transition for you. A bad case of arrested development; however we will pray for your recovery.
Whittlin' away......Giok

17 Aug 02 - 01:51 PM (#767051)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

I hope, Guest, you are not counting several responses from Giok as new notches. Wouldn't be fair, would it? And should you count this one? I may be someone you've counted already. That's the trouble with Anon posts. Of course, as far as the rest of Mudcat knows, I may be just one of your 1000 faces. Maybe I'm just posting answers to myself so I can reach the magic 100 by midnight.

17 Aug 02 - 01:58 PM (#767053)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Still waiting for an answer about that paper. What do you say, GUEST? Please let me know.

17 Aug 02 - 01:59 PM (#767054)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

OK, if he (s/he) can post anonymously as Guest, so can I.

May I suggest a nick for you, Guest? Call yourself Noticebox.

17 Aug 02 - 02:02 PM (#767057)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

And by the way "a 1000"?

17 Aug 02 - 02:05 PM (#767059)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: harpgirl

why, GUEST! Do you need some attention? I'm home in the den watching "Lord of The Rings" with my son. But, I'll debate something with you if you like.

What do you want to talk about? If I find your approach prosocial enough, I will join you. But please start another thread and label it B.S. from "Trickster" so I know where you are...Sincerely, hg

17 Aug 02 - 02:14 PM (#767064)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: harpgirl

Actually, "Trickster", I have a much more pressing need for your Google skills, at the moment. One of my cancer patients with skin cell lymphoma has developed Lyp.

She asked me to search for some information about the relationship between Lyp and the possible development of cellulitis. She wants to know as much as she can because she wants to improve her quality of life and in addition to her T-cell skin lymphoma, she has now developed Lyp. Any double blind placebo controlled studies would be most appreciated. thank you, hg

17 Aug 02 - 02:21 PM (#767066)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

If you have been diagnosed with LyP and would like to join a supportive group of folks from around the world, please send your e-mail to:
If you would prefer to speak with me first, my phone number is: (707) 526-3085
The link for our LyP web page is:

17 Aug 02 - 02:22 PM (#767067)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Oaklet

Guest, of your 1000 faeces, I found that you peaked at twenty eight. Then the by-products of your existence all tended to look and smell (and to you probably taste) the same. It WILL get better for you as you grow up. It did for me. Promise.

17 Aug 02 - 02:37 PM (#767076)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: harpgirl

Thank you, "Trickster" The Cheetah Club is of definite interst to my patient. Can you find any research by Marshal Kadin, MD? He is referenced at Nikki's website. Again, thank you from both of us. hg

17 Aug 02 - 02:43 PM (#767077)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: DMcG

Try here

Maybe the next 50 posts can be more positive, eh?

17 Aug 02 - 03:43 PM (#767097)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Notches? What notches? I don't need no steeeenkin' notches!

17 Aug 02 - 03:54 PM (#767106)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

I am SO pleased we have broken the 50 mark! Let's hear it for the impulse control impaired! We've actually doubled the number of posts to the thread in a matter of hours--on a slow Saturday no less!

You are all to be commended, I think. What great sports you are, for making me the most popular poster at Mudcat. I'm WAAAAY ahead of happy birthday wishes to Joe Offer (only 29 posts)! My public (so to speak) debut has been much more successful than kendall's (only 22 posts)! Why, I've almost overtaken the "Why do men wear socks with sandals" thread!

Kiss kiss!

17 Aug 02 - 04:17 PM (#767125)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Celtic Soul

I gi's a bloody damn as to the number of posts here, so rant all you will about how we are that much closer to 100. I have but one observation for you, and then I am happily trotting back to the music threads.

If it is peoples supposed desire to control that has you so up in arms, why are you *demanding* that no one respond to you? Ultimately, that is a *huge* control issue.

Physician, heal thyself.

17 Aug 02 - 04:23 PM (#767127)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Bill D

an opinion

17 Aug 02 - 04:48 PM (#767136)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Don Firth

Scared? Of you? Who could be afraid of a child rolling on the floor, kicking and screaming and demanding attention? By the way, since you're getting off by keeping count, are you deducting the ones you post yourself? 21 so far. It's that kind of accounting that got Enron into trouble.

You're kind of amusing, actually. Sometimes there's a perverse interest in feeding the troll. Watching you scarf down the attention can be fascinating in an zoological sort of way. You obviously can't control yourself. As long as we keep tossing you crumbs, you'll keep gobbling them down. I'm curious to see how long we can keep this up.

Don Firth

17 Aug 02 - 04:54 PM (#767139)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Ebbie


17 Aug 02 - 05:01 PM (#767142)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Alan Terego

Ummmm, Guest. I'd be more concerned why a middle aged woman (and you are) is posting as a teenager. Different strokes I guess.


17 Aug 02 - 05:29 PM (#767151)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Bill D

Alan...funny, I was debating a post in which I bet a dollar this was no teenager...guess we'll never know, huh? *grin*

17 Aug 02 - 06:03 PM (#767168)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

You are so right.

17 Aug 02 - 08:30 PM (#767210)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Blues=Life

Guest Posts: "No, I won't post my paper here...As to your advice--what makes you think I want it from people in this place? You people aren't exactly a paradigm of adult responsibility, in case you hadn't noticed."

Well, Folks, I did what I set out to do... I TROLLED the TROLL! It is fun getting an expected response from an idiot... and it was so easy to do.

I repeat, I'm not anti-youth, you're just young. That means I have an overwhelming intellectual and spiritual advantage over you... I survived youth, and you have not, yet. Plus, it is obvious that I, and most of the people here, are immensely smarter than you, since you prove it every time you post.

You realize anything you can possibly respond here, is responding to a troll. So go ahead, you spew, we'll laugh.

TaTa, you little moron.

No, I won't post my paper here.

As to your advice--what makes you think I want it from people in this place? You people aren't exactly a paradigm of adult responsibility, in case you hadn't noticed.

17 Aug 02 - 08:31 PM (#767211)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Sure I'll throw you a mercy post, but that was pretty lame, Amanda. I did like you insisting that this thread about you isn't about you, and I mean that, it's really pretty clever. And it's true, you got me again--I hate how you're ruining the mudcat! It's driving me insane. Aaaiigh! There. Now I am insane. But Ghengis Khan? He couldn't keep all his trolls supplied with sleep.

And I'm going to have to spend less time here, now that I'm feeling better. Not going to exercise any self control, though, so no offence. I'll try to check in with you when I can, I just didn't want you to feel like I'm seeing another troll. You're my fave and all that, other trolls are so superficial. But thanks for saying hi. I was starting to think you didn't like me, you goof.

See, I'm really perceptive about things like that, like how I know how tall you are and whether you like indian food, and like this one time at work there was this woman and she and I had this funny antagonism going, where although I liked her, I pretended not to. And she pretended she didn't like me, but if I'm any judge of people, I could tell she was only pretending she just didn't like me to disguise the fact that she really really hated me. Which was a pretty good facade, I thought. What do you think?

I had an idea on the ladies thread how you could do a personal advice thread for us, be like a house troll, and be all rude to people about their personal problems. That'd be fun, since this is getting so thin. I'll join if you'll do it, promise. Got to sign off--do you get points for length of posts? I'd go on, but I've been looking forward to an evening enjoying a book of my favorite naughty and demeaning words.

17 Aug 02 - 09:11 PM (#767224)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Ebbie

I'm glad to see that Guest- Amanda,is it?- has a sense of humor. I can see her now, just sitting there laughing and laughing. Glad to see it, Amanda!

17 Aug 02 - 11:01 PM (#767254)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,face #1001

the mudcatter i find the funniest is blackcatter. first he tells someone to "fuck off," then he tells them they're "too stupid," then he signs his post with "pax, y'all."

you can't be too sincere about pax after telling someone to fuck off.

17 Aug 02 - 11:16 PM (#767260)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Al Terego, Porn Star Extraordinaire

Yes, it's true. I'm a middle aged woman named Amanda, who made films under this pseudonym. I also wrote a Procol Harum song, which was a big hit with the cross-dressing exotic dancers I used to hang out with back in the day. I'm glad you all let me talk about this here. It feels so good to come clean--I felt so smutty using all those pseudonyms. But I've seen the light now, thanks to all of you.

17 Aug 02 - 11:45 PM (#767271)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Hi Amanda, I can't stop myself, see, I've got this self-control problem, but enough about me. I'm really wondering why Bill and Alan-hi!-why you think Amanda is a middle-aged woman? That'd be the last thing I'd say. If you're listening Amanda, you albino squirrel (and you are) hi again. Any kind of adult, I really would be concerned. And impressed. The impersonation of a typically messed up, reasonably bright kid is so artistic I'd want to grant it on points. I'd tend to say a young guy, but then, a girl is okay, since, well, who cares?

Granted, the guessing game is sort of like an easter-egg hunt with no eggs. Like when my wife was in kindergarten and her silly teacher tried to incubate unfertilized eggs--so it turned into a kindergarten version of Waiting For Godot. The bad news is Amanda won't tell us if we guess right, the good news is, well, ibid.

But I'm saying the confused sophistry, the "thousand" masks that can't be changed fast enough--you can still catch the need to redefine the whole point of the trolling so that Amanda can congratulate herself on some kind of success. "It's all about THIS, so I'm winning. Hooray for me!" It all says someone who is arguing around, aimlessly trying to find a point, a kid. And then the goofy notions of internet Anarchy--like the character on the Young Ones "We've stayed up all night, that's what I call real ANARCHY!" (My favorite line was Omigod I've killed an 'ippie.)

The reference to the phantom menace, conflating censure and censorship to the point that if people don't jump to say what Amanda suggests they should say they are persecuting Amanda's free speech. Saying that people feel the need to "comment"--in quotes, as if it were somehow a euphemism for anything other than plain old comments. Annoying people then acting all persecuted when they are annoyed--okay I may know a few middle-aged women who do that but they are usually one's mother. No, it's teenager stuff, teenager bumper-car sophistry to a t. If not, it's as good as Salinger. Better. The important issues Amanda brings up are like the Clare Danes character on my so-called life thinking about people chewing food when they eat--if you think about what chewing is, and that people do it, like, in public! Re-read the line about Max can handle the lawyers. Boy, that's good, if a kid didn't write it. And it's funny anyway. I wrote a paper about you people--got an "A" by the way, for your information, I'll have you know-- and did I mention, the teacher thinks you're dumb. A middle aged woman? Young guy, or, whatever.

I really don't mean to belittle anybody for being young when they are young. Kids who aren't messed-up and generally appalled and disgusted are the ones that worry me--must not be paying attention. There's an old church behind my house that never reached to younger people, so, cool, there's always plenty of parking spaces. It's like a Sears out there. All the mudcats can come over sometime.

18 Aug 02 - 12:02 AM (#767277)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Alt Erego

Can there be only one Guest with a 1000 Faces? Or is collaboration an option?

18 Aug 02 - 12:42 AM (#767293)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Blackcatter

GUEST - I'm honored.

"the mudcatter i find the funniest is blackcatter. first he tells someone to "fuck off," then he tells them they're "too stupid," then he signs his post with "pax, y'all."

you can't be too sincere about pax after telling someone to fuck off."

Once again, however, you miss the point - hence the stupid reference. See, fuckin' off is a non-violent thing to do. I means "go away" - even if you take it literally, rarely is it violent.

I haven't suggested to do violence to you, or expressed any hope that violence will come to you. That is why I can sign off with "pax yall".

By the way, I do own swamp land in Florida. It's about 40 miles south of my home in Orlando, on the Kissimmee River. I am currently holding it until the Nature Conservancy purchases more land in the area and then I will sell it to them for a minimal price so they can then develop a reserve to help keep part of my world green. What have you done lately?

And you can go ahead and say we're scared - we know better. As for us responding to you, ever watch a cat capture a mouse. They usually PLAY with the hapless beast prior to killing it and eating it. Since this is the MudCAT and there are a fair amount of cats around here, imagine you're the mouse. Metaphorically speaking, of course...

pax yall

18 Aug 02 - 12:47 AM (#767295)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Blackcatter

Oh, and you made it only to around 60 posts before midnight, but then again, you're probably used to falling short of goals, aren't you?

And I'd suggest you study your keyboard. There's these two buttons called "shift" they do so remarkable things, try it occasionally.

Oh, and notch away on your belt - eventually you'll cut through it and you drop your pants. Then you'll look as silly as you sound.

pax yall

18 Aug 02 - 10:41 AM (#767426)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

I tried to help, just as if getting people to post actually did prove anything. Remember when there was supposed to be some social issues point? Back in the day.

A guy. Only a guy who doesn't know many women, and doesn't much know the ones he does know, would try to start the ladies only thread, then announce he was female on this thread. That would be a lousy female troll. Also the ridiculous exaggeration, as Blackcatter pointed out, fuck off vs pax yall. The most common logical fallacy is a false dichotomy, and a young guy, or popular right-wing radio commentator, will make more false logical constructs than anybody. This is definately either a young guy or we have an idea what Rush Limbaugh is up to these days. Could be.

And the fantasies are of omnipotence--the thousand masks, phantom menace, I can get you all with my google super powers, etc. and those are typically young guy type fantasies. Females tend to fantasize uniqueness, more than omnipotence. Amanda, dude, you're a master of the young guy mask but you can't play women, they're beyond your range. It's like watching Redford trying to play a military guy. Did you really expect women to rise up in arms to your childish idea of what they're offended by? Get to know some, one is a good start. Still you're a decent troll, just need to be more fun, get know your limitations. You could go into law, or the arts maybe? That's my take, I'm sticking with it, since, well, who cares. Take it easy, I think you'd be fun to talk to as a young guy, but your troll has become tiresome, Eddie Munster.

18 Aug 02 - 01:03 PM (#767490)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,CC Rider

This is all very strange and entertaining because of it.

18 Aug 02 - 01:11 PM (#767494)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: John MacKenzie

Enter stage left:- The three billy goats Gruff

I'm a troll tol de wol
I'm a troll tol de wol
I'm a troll tol de wol
And I'll eat you for my supper

Then off they went, tic trac tric trac, over the rickety bridge.
Ah childhood and innocence!.......Giok

18 Aug 02 - 06:08 PM (#767611)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Peg

Dear many-visaged GUEST: I think the word you wanted to use was "paragon", not "paradigm."

This is no high school student or youngster, I'll wager (I thought so at the beginning of the thread and towards the end others have suggested as much). It is, however, a truly pathetic adult. Male or female I am not sure but the overwhelming majority of no-life trolls on the internet do tend to be male (why is this? is it a sexual sublimation thing? Do they type up the nasty newsgroup posts while waiting to download porn?)

I do feel sorry for this person; whatever their age or gender, they are clearly lonely, angry, disillusioned and desperately in need of social interaction.

Milk and cookies, anyone?

18 Aug 02 - 06:49 PM (#767624)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Punless in Punxatawney

Well gosh darn, if you're going to turn my funny little 'nom de plooome' into that of a female pornstar, I'll have to come up with another one.

Honestly though, this thread IS for laffs isn't it? Right from the start, right? It's hardly destructive, the poster is well known by many on the internet, and obviously she's having a blast. What the heck is wrong with it reaching a hundred entries? Now those Shatner threads, They're diaboloical!


18 Aug 02 - 06:52 PM (#767626)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: JohnnyBGoode

What makes a guest think that they're the only guest? Anyone without a cookie for whatever reason will post that way.

18 Aug 02 - 09:50 PM (#767698)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: Nigel Parsons

Never mind the guest with 1000 faces, let's just assume Guest is only 2 faced!. We can then refer to Guest as 'Janus'. Not only was Janus 2 faced, but 'Janus' is 80% full of S**t!


19 Aug 02 - 02:43 AM (#767781)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Guest - you are not the only guest - and you are not even an important guest.
Scared of you? who is? Sorry - you're not that significant.
You are just a very pale and imperfect facsimile of the esteemed Gargoyle, to whose throne you would aspire.
This is a very messy and cringeworthy thread. Get a life.


19 Aug 02 - 04:16 AM (#767803)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

On rereading that I think I ought to clarify that I don't think Guest has the same intentions as Gargoyle, nor the body of knowlege. I just think Guest is trying (and failing) to be as provocative. Hope I didn't offend by the comparison!

19 Aug 02 - 08:05 AM (#767851)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,

Now let me get the troll's claims straight: s/he posts anonymously, changing identities, commiting to no positions, saying content-free but provocative things, (stirring up legitimate controversy for the sake of airing things is a different matter), disrupting meaningful conversation about material subjects among people with a shared interest in the subject and enough commitment to each other to take responsibility for what they say, and then gives herself/himself points for successfully annoying people? Sucks to be you, I guess. You've played so many games with truth and falsity, it's anybody's guess whether you're for real about your sociology paper. There's the makings of a very good essay in there somewhere. But if your prof approved your methods (jerking around the population you're studying), s/he's so far out of disciplinary norms her/his opinion doesn't count for much. The puzzle is, there's high energy and at least a moderate intelligence (or articulateness) in your posts. Pity.

19 Aug 02 - 09:23 AM (#767886)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Hi Max of a thousand guest faces! Nice to see you donning a few guest masks too!

19 Aug 02 - 09:27 AM (#767888)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

There's only another 20 posts to go before Guest-Too-two-faced-to-count gets a major ego boost for reaching 100 posts. Do we really need that?

19 Aug 02 - 10:01 AM (#767899)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces

Truth be told, there really is no major ego boost possible that could be derived from posting in this place, now is there? It's not like the Guest with a 1000 Faces "won" something of value by proving a point about the idiocy of rude people posting rude responses in a rude internet forum, now is it?

19 Aug 02 - 10:48 AM (#767925)
Subject: RE: BS: Guest with a 1000 Faces
From: GUEST,Fred Miller

Peg, I'd take your bet whether this is a kid, but since for me the question is already answered, it would be an unfair bet. It was fun for me to decide, and puzzle why--I got interested by his claim he could identify people from their posts, and started watching his-- but for me the troll is completely solipsized, and I'm not asking, or wondering, but telling. As far as I'm concerned the troll is a young guy, is whichever guest I decide he is, and my decision is final, there is no appeal. The troll could, if he wanted, try to present a more credible persona than the one I've decided on for him, but that's a troll-suicide mission, death to troll.

But what does interest me is how anyone can think Jose is an adult. Or a woman. Why do you think so? I'm amazed by it. In his offline life he's often mistaken for a foreign student, and doesn't know why, and is annoyed by it. (It's your glasses dude, you wear those foreign-student style glasses.) People sometimes overpronounce words to him and say things like How long ? Have you been? In this country? And he says things like About Twenty Years. I Am Beginning, To Learn Your Ways. ( Not really--he wanted to say that but thought of it later.) He's not good face to face with people, as we have seen, he gets rattled easy.

He has a round-faced little brother, who drinks too much Big Red and is fascinated by vacuum cleaners, and his relationship with his brother is one really likeable thing about him. If he wants to tell you about something funny, like something on South Park, get comfortable, it takes a half hour because he can't stop giggling to tell it, and he mumbles things. He's constitutionally unable to tell a funny story at all, in fact, and always has to end it with "it was funny" or "we all laughed" so that you know when it's over.

I don't know why people let themselves get riled about him, but I guess it's because he's pretty good at dictating the terms of troll-engagement, and people wind up taking his comments or "comments" seriously in spite of themselves. I did, on the ladies thread--at first I seriously wondered if I was doing/saying things that offended people, and wanted to hear their point of view, just to be civil and all. But it was just silly. I've tried to contribute a little fun to it, meant no harm.

I actually envy being able to prod people like that, to see how they react, because they'll say interesting and serious things about what they think instead of being comfortable, amiable, and conventional. One follows not to hear Jose's silly remarks (predictably, he has to win, a typical male weakness) but to read the interesting responses, get to know people. I'm a bit of a wus about it, can't do it. If it's not a good thing here, the group doesn't like it, I respect that, I quit the guitar notes forum because it was a little too classroom-like, lot's of thread policing, moderators and a star-ranking system, no kidding, and a bit churchy for me--nothing against it but I'm a fairly screwed-up person and relate easier to other odd people, my tribe. I maybe should look elsewhere, because I've kind of enjoyed this thread. If Jose wanted to be really destructive I can think of ways he could, I'm sure he can, but he hasn't from anything I've seen.