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BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept

28 Aug 02 - 04:57 AM (#772785)
Subject: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant

As a result of popular demand ESSEX GIRL and I are holding another Folk Barbecue at Mottingham near Eltham, South London, on Friday 1st Sept 2pm onwards. Our place is only 5 mins away from the A20, and about 15mins from Blackwall Tunnel or the M25.

As usual it will be a "Bring it and Burn it" arrangement - you bring the meat, fish, veggieburger etc and we'll provide bread, salad (including linda's famous potato salad), dressings etc. We will also supply 10 gals of my homebrew (the strongest is only about 4.2% abv) and Linda is also planning to christen her new (huge) paella pan.

There will be a P.A. with "open mics" (I've never seen a closed on !) and at least 6 spare sockets for D.I.s.

Please PM me for further details if you would like to come.

28 Aug 02 - 06:37 AM (#772810)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Lanfranc


I presume that you mean SUNDAY 1st September, and not FRIDAY?

If I am correct in my assumption, Lady Lanfranc and I may well make it, although not until late afternoon, as I am on Rescue duties at my Sailing Club on Sunday.


28 Aug 02 - 06:43 AM (#772811)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant


Sorry about the typo.

Yes I do mean SUNDAY 1st AUGUST, 2pm onwards.

28 Aug 02 - 06:49 AM (#772812)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant

B****R IT - I'll Get it right in a minute !! - roll on the preview option

SUNDAY 1st SEPTEMBER, 2pm onwards.

Anyway, all those 'catters within range: MICCA, MANITAS & LTS, McGRATH, DMcG, etc,etc you're all welcome.

28 Aug 02 - 03:00 PM (#773098)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Liz the Squeak

Fire it up matey, we're on our way!!! Tell Manitas how to get there please?


28 Aug 02 - 03:57 PM (#773146)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Sarah the flute

Well it would have been a nice chance to meet some mudcatters but alas some of us are doomed to work. The beginning of term looms and I have the pleasure of doing induction for the new sixth form instead of going to a BBQ .... Ho Hum.... especially when the gathering is in the south for a change and not in Hull or an obscure part of Wales!


30 Aug 02 - 04:42 AM (#774087)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant


30 Aug 02 - 05:08 AM (#774101)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: JudeL

Dave please check your messages

30 Aug 02 - 05:11 AM (#774103)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: DMcG

My brother-in-law has a housewarming on that day, so there's no way I can duck out. Sorry to miss it.

31 Aug 02 - 04:26 AM (#774732)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant


31 Aug 02 - 01:14 PM (#774862)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: DougR

Dave: It's a bit far for me to travel, and I hope you will excuse the thread creep, but I wonder. What kind of food do you citizens of Great Britain refer to when you say, BBQ? You mentiioned veggie burgers and fish (which likely would not be found on the menu of any BBQ here in Arizona)but what else?

I hope your event is a great success, and I'm sure you will have a wonderful time eating and singing.


31 Aug 02 - 06:52 PM (#774975)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Amos


Fondest regrets -- I would be there in a flash, y'see, but I had a prior committment to support Banjoest at Balboa Park in San Diego that very day. So I have to honor that.

But note that he, in his infinite and probably psychic wisdom, Hugh (in the Balboa Park Jam thread0 is goofing up his dates exactly the same way you are, mixing August up with September. I suspect this basically derives from a very deep-seated dread of summer's end -- probably born from mid-childhood associations with the return to the grind of an indifferent system of schooling.

But there's no evidence for this wild speculation! L:>)



01 Sep 02 - 02:33 AM (#775085)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Manitas_at_home


We would cook all sorts of stuff. Sausages, steaks, chops, poultry, fish and other seafood and vegetables. Anything suitable for grilling or that could be wrapped in cooking foil.

To go with this would be lots of bread, salads, cheeses and cakes.

01 Sep 02 - 05:07 AM (#775105)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant

Sh*t Manitas - I'd better send Linda out to get the Cheese and cakes now in that case. I hope that you can make do with Bread, Salad, (Inc a ton of Potato Salad), a huge Paella, Home made (& grown) apple pies and 10 gals of beer !

01 Sep 02 - 10:35 AM (#775155)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Amos

You guys know you're gonna get fat, now, don't you??

Makes my mouth water!


01 Sep 02 - 01:14 PM (#775220)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: DougR

Sounds great, Manitas! Here there is a difference between grilling and barbqing. Grilling would include steaks, hamburgers, chicken, sausages. Barbquing would be smoking beef (brisket usually), pork or beef ribs, sausages, chicken or turkey.

One thing that would be the same, however, would be the music!

Sing well and eat heartily, and thanks for your reply to my thread creep.


01 Sep 02 - 03:05 PM (#775273)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Liz the Squeak

We did, and it was lovely... had to leave early due to over tired Bratling (she spent the afternoon terrorising 3 teenage boys and at one stage was seen leading the tallest up to his bedroom.....) and me still not being completely well. When my left arm starts hurting and my chest gets tight, I know it's time to go home and rest (albeit in front of the computer!!!)

The singing was good, playing too. The food was fantastic, I'm only sorry I missed the paella.


01 Sep 02 - 03:31 PM (#775294)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Don Firth

Damn! I missed it! It would have been a helluva swim from where I am (south a ways, around the Horn and up the Atlantic, through the Channel and up the Thames), but it sounds like it would have been worth it! I'd have been pretty hungry when I got there.

Don Firth

01 Sep 02 - 06:20 PM (#775341)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Catherine Jayne

Had a lovely time today. Thankyou Dave and Linda.

The singing and playing was grand and was still going strong when we left at 8:30pm!!!


02 Sep 02 - 02:50 AM (#775414)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey Don, you could have cadged a lift on the HMS Bark Endeavour which was sailing up the Thames at sunset last night... I thought there was a reason Manitas didn't mind leaving so early... it must be the only occasion when the last Woolwich Ferry was full up before the penultimate one had sailed!!

And yes, for you pedants, I thought it was spelled Barque too but that's what the AA put on their signs. Manitas reckons it's to do with the fact that they hadn't set the spellings back then. I think it's just the AA having no idea.


02 Sep 02 - 04:03 AM (#775427)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Aidan Crossey

It was a blast!

But I'm payin' a high price this morning ...

02 Sep 02 - 05:04 AM (#775437)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: GUEST,Lanfranc at the orifice

Damn - didn't make it after all!

Glad we made Saturday night at the Black Lion, though, and got to meet Joe, even though there was no opportunity to sing or play.

With a bit of luck we'll see Dave and Linda at Walton next weekend. Bring the paella dish, please, Linda - ingedients should be easy to find at the seaside!

Alan and Liz (WD40'd - ie not "the Squeak!")

02 Sep 02 - 06:40 AM (#775466)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant

Thanks for all coming and making it so much fun. I'm afraid that with the english climate being what it is, you'll have to wait until next year for the next one - perhaps we'll try for early June.

If anyone's going to Walton-on-the-Naze next weekend we'll see you there.

Dave and Linda.

02 Sep 02 - 07:56 AM (#775491)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Nigel Parsons

Barque/Bark (woof-woof) both spellings are acceptable. (Chambers Twentieth Century) derived from Barkentine/Barquentine. Maybe the AA pay their signwriter by the letter!


02 Sep 02 - 04:44 PM (#775753)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Liz the Squeak

Llanfranc.... which pub were you in on FRIDAY night with me then??

LTS - squeaky and oil free!

02 Sep 02 - 04:45 PM (#775755)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Liz the Squeak

Dave and Linda, thanks for a lovely afternoon/evening - have the boys recovered from Bratling's minstrations yet??


03 Sep 02 - 04:19 AM (#775994)
Subject: RE: BBQ in SE London on Sun 1st Sept
From: Dave Bryant

Hi Liz, I think they've just about recovered - they needed some exercise anyway. Most of their wounds are healing OK. Mind you if Linda's grandaughter had been there Bratling might not have had it all her own way !