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BS: Tony to Bobbert

04 Sep 02 - 01:52 AM (#776608)
Subject: Tony to Bobbert
From: Venthony

Dear Bobbert:

First, I have considerable respect for your passion and sincerity, though certainly not your views. And I'm going through some lists and notes right now to pick out that book.

Second, I'm not (typical conservative) very computer savvy. So is there a way to get to a private page so we can exhange e-mail addresses, etc.?

Also, as you may have noticed, my typing and spelling is not of the best. So don't feel bad on that account.

Yours in not-so-loyal, but friendly, opposition, Tony

04 Sep 02 - 04:44 AM (#776648)
Subject: RE: Ahh the Rev. Bobbert
From: GUEST,Taliesn

(quote) ":Dear Bobbert: First, I have considerable respect for your passion and sincerity, though certainly not your views...."

Ahhh let me tell ya' 'bout the passions, sincerity, and views of the Right Reverend Bobert.

I came to know the Rev Bobert "personally" from sharing "common ground" ( Ahh, the pun was intentional, dear Reverend ) in Leesberg known as "The Coffee Bean" . It's a wonderful coffee shop of modest size where as wellthey import raw coffee beans from literally all over the world and then roast them on site by way of their fully restored antique coffee roaster ( that has every appearance of being of Smithsonian Institute "quality") which goes by the name of "Plutonius" ( says so right on the oval brass plate engraved in Spencerian script ). Well all manor of Leesburg folk and outside visitors gather there , get their cafine of Chai tea fix ,and engage in lively discussion on just about everything including politics AND religion if ya got the spittle for it , but it's all done in good humor . And it's the Rev.Bobert's gift of judicious doses of sometimes sharp yet always *good natured* humor that always made his visits a favorite one of mine. I've only just recently got to hear him perform "live" on his own persoanl common ground ( referenced in the "Greg & Kate Rock the U.S." thread. ) and I genuinely enjoy his definitive style of vocalization and guitartistry. in deliverin' his "rowdy" Blues . I've affectionately dubbed him the Rght Reverend Bobert because his style of Blues delivery ,with its disitnctive Southernisms accentuated with a purring here and a growl there , makes whatever he has to sing sound like a preacher who's makin' sure y'all are payin' attention to what he's a-sayin' because he ain't doing it just for his health, mind ya now.

His guitartistry reflects the same style in that he adds just as many finger-picked "inflections" and "accents" in-between the expected chord progressions "just to make sure y'all are payin' attention". Like the way a Cajun chef likes to surprise his guests with a dose of spice here and there in the preparation of his "signature" Delta gumbo....for precisely the same reason .

So you've chosen well in respectin' the "passions & sincerity" of the Rev Bobert . His views come from a legitimate source and are necessary to keep the Debate on the "Great American Experiment" , alive Nay *spirited* and running rampant.

Being a " passionate and sincere" *independent* for atleast a generation I've found that the discpline of "making up one's own mind" is a contant exercise and to keep it sharp and alive one is required to listening to *all* sides of a debate . 15 years of monitoring C-Span as my *first* source has certainly reinforced this discipline of maintaning an "independent* habit of mind.

Perhaps a little later on I'll expound on how an *independent* is *not* the same thing as a Libertarian nor a Middle-of-the-roader.

04 Sep 02 - 11:15 AM (#776827)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert

Well, danged, Taliesn! Thanks fir the very kind words about my music and spirit and passion. I do kind of let a lot *hang out* when I get it all going. And I know you've *peeped* far enough into my soul to know from werest this all comes...

That said, you make a fine compliment with you're razor sharp intellect and gift of words to this crusty ol' preacher. But, hey, like my friend and bluesman Sparky Rucker once told me, "If you're gonna get the song, you're gonna have to get the sermon."

But thanks again, my friend. Not everyone is open enough to except my music...

The Rev.

Now, Tony. Ahhhh, we have a few things in common here. The typing and pudder issues and, believe me, Iz ain't no wizzard. Far from it.

But if you'll go to the top of the page and click on some thing you'll find something called "Send a Personal Message" and then follow the prompts and, waa laa, you'll be able to PM (Personal Message) me and we can hook up that way. If you have any trouble doing that come on back here and someone with more pudder savey than I will walk you thru it....


04 Sep 02 - 12:05 PM (#776866)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: katlaughing

The something he's tryin' ta tell ya to click on, up thar at the tippy top is where it says "Personal Page." Ya do that and you'll be right as rain.:-)

04 Sep 02 - 12:58 PM (#776913)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert

Thanks, Kat. Ol' Tony and the bobert need all the help we can get...


04 Sep 02 - 04:47 PM (#777050)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: M.Ted

Does this mean it possible to see Bobert without going to West Virginia? Dag!

04 Sep 02 - 05:07 PM (#777062)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: DougR

Tony: Keep your wits about you when you are corresponding with ole' Bobert. He'll try to sweet talk you, so stay true to your principles, and don't be swayed by his suave sophistocated manner.


04 Sep 02 - 08:02 PM (#777151)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert


Come on over here an' get a hug, Big Guy... Whaddayamean? Sweet talk? Hummmphhh....


p.s. See how well I'm doing (since my little relapse...) over on my "Cold War II" thread....

04 Sep 02 - 08:07 PM (#777156)
Subject: RE: BS: Seeing Bobert Live
From: GUEST,Taliesn

(quote) "Does this mean it possible to see Bobert without going to West Virginia? Dag! "

Well i've already stated elsewhere that it be my intention to capture the Rev.Bobert "live" via DV camcorder amidst the sanctuary of his and his Lady Eve's garden grove where a Hobbit would instantly feel right at home .

Once recorded to digital video I can then whisk the material away to my own digital Hobbit's den and , whilst working digital alchemies most wonderful , "cherry-pick" some of the choicest performances to ultimately be prepared to be made capable of being downloading off of the net.

Will that do ya?

04 Sep 02 - 09:08 PM (#777188)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Rolfyboy6

Dang, looks like we'll have to buy more duct tape. Now there's two of 'em.

04 Sep 02 - 10:04 PM (#777200)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert

Hey, Rolfy, Taliesn is innocent! Really! Heck, use twice as much duct tape on me as you guys usually use... But please, depot agent, *please* don't duct tape Teliesn.... Please, depot agent......


04 Sep 02 - 10:54 PM (#777215)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Rolfyboy6

No not Taliesn, they can speak/write in complete sentences without divergent clauses. Anthony.

04 Sep 02 - 11:36 PM (#777228)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert

So after all we've been thru it comes down to "divergent clauses", eh? Well, danged, Rolfy, what is they?

Hey, speakin' of detergent clauses, ya' gonna join me in reading the book that Tony wants me to read, ahhhh, when he figures out just which of his conservative buddies is most likely gonna turn me into a card carrying Newt-ster? You in? Didn't think so...

Well, good to see ya' over here scratching 'round the Catbox, Rolfy. You be the man. And ya' write purdy good, too.


05 Sep 02 - 12:39 AM (#777249)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: M.Ted

I was just gonna take the ferry over and have a coffee, Taliesn--that "cherry-pick" business sounds a bit dicey--

05 Sep 02 - 12:42 AM (#777251)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Benjamin

Ah, I think I remember you now from Blues Week 2000. Although, I wasn't aware you were a Reverend. And thanks for reminding me of Sparky. I STILL haven't emailed him (or him emailed me) yet. Better get to it soon (Nice to see my college attitude is returning before the quarter starts)!

05 Sep 02 - 01:02 AM (#777269)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: DougR

Bobert, your sly fox! I assume you have noticed that Venthony has not responed to any of your messages. That could mean that he has seen the light, and cannot be seduced by your leftwing liberal persuasiveness.

Smart guy/girl, that Venthony.


05 Sep 02 - 02:28 PM (#777609)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert

Doug: Hmmmmmmm? Gonna have to try some new stuff on you. You're starting to figure out some of the old tricks. But, hey, come on over here and get a big hug anyway, Big Guy...

Benjamin: Yeah, Sparky, his wife Rhonda and their son Jamie spent a lot of time together this past Blues Week. I took Sparky's advance slide class in the morning and helped him out with the beginning slide in the afternoon. Rhonda had quit being a doctor and the two of the are touring together with her playing some mean harp for such a skinny little thing....

Tony: I've been practicin' up on my readin' skills so don't be shy...


05 Sep 02 - 09:17 PM (#777824)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Amos

My, you Virginians do carry on at great length, don't you? We oughta send ole Kendall down theah tuh teach yuh tac-i-TURN-ity, is what! Save a lot o' bandwidth!! :>)


05 Sep 02 - 09:36 PM (#777831)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert

Well, Amos, I got theory on that one. But, first, you being an upsatnding member of the left coast that we here in Wes Ginny don't consider us selves as "Virginians". It there ain't at least a touch of *we...* we generally don't answer. But, heck, you did write us a good song today so I', not gonna split no hairs on the is one...

Now, up there in Mainesburg, Kendall and his neighbors get so cold that they just gotta run around like mice in ol' Skinner's box to saty warm. Well, all this runnin works on their physiophyscolocalsocieological temperments, ya see. (Rolls eyes while lokking up at the lodge house ceiling) and ya see, Amos, when your physiophyscolocalsocieological temperment gets out 'a wack, ya see.... ahhhh, makes you talk fast...

the Bobert and the Kingfish

05 Sep 02 - 09:51 PM (#777843)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Amos

Well, I just have a hard time thinking of you-all as "west" anything, you see, Bobert, being as myud aily drive to work nearly takes me right into the damn Pacific Ocean! One time I was listening to a folk music tape int he car and lost track of time and found myself in bloody Sydney!!

I can see, however that taciturnity is not appropriate for you, so I withdraw the suggestion. You and the KF just rattle on down, mate, and we'll just push our ears to hear a little faster in order to catch up! :>)


06 Sep 02 - 06:48 AM (#778012)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: GUEST,Taliesn

(quote) "I was just gonna take the ferry over and have a coffee, Taliesn--that "cherry-pick" business sounds a bit dicey-- "

Why , M.Ted , how so? P'raps I shoudla oughta used another favorite term for "selective editing" on my 'puter.

How's about : ".....whilst working digital alchemies most wonderful , *harvest* some of the choicest performances .....yada ,yada.."

How's that float yer mocha.

Ahhhhh, it's gettin' to feel a bit like Autumn..

06 Sep 02 - 10:02 AM (#778082)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: M.Ted

"Dicey" means that downloading digital video files is one of the more iffy things that a person can do, for one reason or another--Besides, I would rather meet Bobert in person than as a mere virtual representation--in a well lighted, public place of course:-)

06 Sep 02 - 07:15 PM (#778349)
Subject: RE: BS: Tony to Bobbert
From: Bobert

M Ted,

Works fir me, too. But ya' don't gotta worry about this ol' hillbilly 'cause being a pacifist, ain't into pre-emptive strikes.
