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BS: Less for more... Diet Water?

17 Sep 02 - 07:31 PM (#786230)
Subject: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Bobert

Well, I was driving home tonight and listening to NPR and coming around the mountain the station usually gives out for a minute or two... but I heard something abbout "Diet Water".

Well, me and the Wse Ginny slide rule been on this one and we don't think there is such a thing... but, Hey, there was a time we had it figured that a man would never walk on the moon.

No, this ain't about the man-on-the-moon thing. It;s about diet water. Hmmmmmmm? How many calories of grams of fat are in the real thing, anyway?

And just why is the stuff more expensive than the fattening water?


18 Sep 02 - 12:45 AM (#786400)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Mark Cohen

I heard the whole piece on NPR, Bobo. It was an essay by a novelist who had created an imaginary product called "Diet Water" which was marketed by one of the characters in the novel. Sort of the ultimate useless product that would sell with the right kind of marketing. (I don't remember the name of the novel, but if you log onto you can probably find it.) Soon after the novel was published, he said, he began to see more and more "modified water" products on the beverage shelves, eventually approaching in ingredients and calories the soft drinks they were supposed to replace. He said he was waiting for "Diet Water" to arrive. Not long ago he saw a bottled water whose label said, in big letters, "FAT FREE", which was close. Then he finally saw something called "Skinny Water", which was water with an appetite suppressant dissolved in it. For real.

That's more or less it in a nutshell. Emphasis on "nuts." Not the author, but the public.


18 Sep 02 - 01:14 AM (#786410)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Bert

Sort of the ultimate useless product that would sell with the right kind of marketing.

Shades of Reginald Perrin!

18 Sep 02 - 04:51 AM (#786464)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Hrothgar

There is a market for three types - low fat, low sugar, and low salt.


18 Sep 02 - 05:37 AM (#786488)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Bagpuss

But watch out for water that has high levels of DHO (di-hydrogen oxide) in it.

18 Sep 02 - 07:53 AM (#786568)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?

To quote 'Round the Horne' (BBC radio 1970's)

Looks good, tastes good, and by golly it does you good (if you put enough gin in it)

18 Sep 02 - 08:07 AM (#786574)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Allan Dennehy

Then theres diet Guinness............. have 6 or seven pints of the black liquidation with the froth on the top instead of going home for your dinner. Haven't counted the calories, but it's great fun.

18 Sep 02 - 08:21 AM (#786584)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: songs2play

What a great idea.

I've got a few fish in the old garden pond that are needing to shed a few pounds. This could be the ideal way.

Does it come in any flavours, or is it just in the "original" ?

18 Sep 02 - 10:49 AM (#786675)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Rick Fielding

Ahhhh....Reginald Perrin. Yer bringin' back memories there, Bert!


Rick and Heather

18 Sep 02 - 11:01 AM (#786687)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Guessed

Now call me old - but do it quietly 'cos I won't believe you but......................
I remember you could buy tins of London Air at one time. Strictly for the American (emphasis on the can) tourists and the odd Cokney if he strayed too far into the rural reaches and had to have a whiff of the "Smoke" to bring him round.

18 Sep 02 - 11:10 AM (#786697)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Peter T.

Serious question: does anyone know of a Web site where you can find out the ingredients of bottled water? (The bottles have PVC in them, I know that). I am looking for any studies of trace elements, etc., in the stuff sold in stores. I am giving a talk on the issues surrounding public water and private water, and would love to have this information. yours, Peter T.

18 Sep 02 - 11:24 AM (#786712)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Dave Bryant

Anyone want to buy some dehydrated (freeze dried) water. Just re-hydrate it and you won't be able to tell the result from the real thing ! Get some for your camping trips - it takes up no space at all.

18 Sep 02 - 05:26 PM (#786993)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Glade

even trace minerals have to have some calories don't they? especially fluoride (hee, hee)!!!


18 Sep 02 - 06:29 PM (#787035)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Peter T.

Bottled water usually has no fluoride in it. yours, Peter T.

18 Sep 02 - 07:46 PM (#787082)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Bill D

Peter T..


and here

lots more from entering "bottled water" analysis in Google

Spare "http://" removed from second link. It works now. --JoeClone

18 Sep 02 - 07:51 PM (#787084)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Mr Happy

did you mean 'reginald perrier'?

19 Sep 02 - 08:33 AM (#787397)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: ballpienhammer

funnily enough, I have seen responses to this NPR essay on several forums. Make mine coffee, thanks...1/2 reg,1/2 hazelnut!

19 Sep 02 - 08:38 AM (#787401)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Peter T.

Thanks BillD, the first site is great. The second doesn't work, but I will dig around. yours, Peter T.

19 Sep 02 - 06:32 PM (#787789)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Lemming

My local shop sells something called "Polar Krush" (which is like "Slush Puppies" for those who know) It's a cup of something called "Micro Ice" (crushed ice) with flavourings and colourings. They proudly display a sign that says it is a "Fat Free Snack".

19 Sep 02 - 06:36 PM (#787793)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Liz the Squeak

Not ordinary water, but water enriched with Strontium 90!!

To quote Mr Flanders....


19 Sep 02 - 08:58 PM (#787917)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Dani

Just had a salesman yesterday give me samples of a new "designer" water from Norway? Finland? Anyway, it was in heavy, lovely glass bottles with painted logo. Holds about 10oz and retails for about 2.50. Can you see the guys on the container ships and loading docks?:

"What the hell??"

"Just load the shit. It's headed for America. They eat it up!"


20 Sep 02 - 07:50 AM (#788121)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Guessed

Natural spring water with real calcium for strong bones (osteoporosis lurking subliminally)
- now if it came out of the tap we would all shout NO to hard water. And buy special filters to remove whatever traces were in there. As if the body can absorb calcium regardless how it is included!
I did a survey of my small supermarket.
Diet lemonade "only 2 calories (per 250ml in smaller type)
Sparkling Spring water with Lime and Lemon - only 2 calories per 1/4 bottle (1 litre)
Yep it is Diet Water.
Next pure spring water in pretty colours? Dye It Water?
Don't mock - were talking marketing and public - not logic.

20 Sep 02 - 07:56 AM (#788123)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Guessed

Mineral water has stuff in it, spring water has none - that's the theory. Perrier had to recall millions of bottles about 10 years ago when the found the filter for benzine (yep benzine) had not been change that month (deftly avoiding how long it had not been chaged since)
Perrier before filtering is about 5 times over the EC limit for benzine. Malvern water anyone? Nothing in it whatsover - unless the sheep get too close to the wells on West Malvern Rd. Yummy.

20 Sep 02 - 06:12 PM (#788319)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?

Designer water is usually out of some spring or another or tap water supposedly passed through some filtration method. I have seen several analyses, some of which show higher levels of lead, etc. than city tap water.
The whole thing is nonsense, but I found a "six-pack" handy to pick up and carry in the vehicle when sight-seeing in the desert southwest (can't stand colas).

21 Sep 02 - 01:11 PM (#788546)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: 53

ho ho ho now this beats all.

21 Sep 02 - 07:33 PM (#788747)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Gareth

Repost overheared the other night in the "Royal Oak" Ystrad Mynach.

Obnoxious customer -" Put some Ice in that !"

Landlord (ex CSM Royal Welsh Fusilliers)" Certainly Sir, do you wish fresh or frozen ICE"

Boom Boom


22 Sep 02 - 03:41 AM (#788895)
Subject: RE: BS: Less for more... Diet Water?
From: Mr Red

I bet you could FEEL the surface tension