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Help: nice place to buy guitar uk

18 Sep 02 - 05:38 PM (#786999)
Subject: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: An Croenen

Hi, I have read lots of the old threads about guitars and which ones you all prefer and I have learnt a lot from them, so thanks for those threads. I am now following your advice of trying the guitars out. The shops I've been to so far weren't fantastically helpful (would only bring out three guitars, would point at them from afar, would play on one guitar themselves for about ten minutes and then look up expectantly as if I was going to buy that guitar, weren't interested in what kind of sound I was after and whether I was planning to play in a band or accompany a solo singer, ... ) to be short, I am looking for a shop in the UK (I live in the Norh West but I don't mind travelling) that offers a nice service (and honest prices) and where chosing a guitar is sth. fun to do! Thanks, An

18 Sep 02 - 05:59 PM (#787012)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: McGrath of Harlow

You could try Hobgoblin or The Music Room or Thrift Music.

18 Sep 02 - 06:25 PM (#787031)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: C-flat

There are lots of good guitar shops nationwide such as Music-ground in Leeds, who stock a fantastic range of good quality instruments. The problem is finding a number of shops in the same area so that you have some direct comparison. Coming from the North East, I can find a handful of good outlets but, if I want to try one guitar against another, I'm usually better off making the trip to London, perhaps making a weekend of it, and head to Denmark St.,where, in the space of a couple of hundred yards, you can pick up and play all the best makes side by side.
Another good shop in London is the Accoustic and Bass centre in Wapping High St. The last time I visited they had a whole wall full of Collings guitars amongst dozens of other beauties, all nicely set up and available, without fuss, to try.
If you want to try them through an amp. there's a room to use and you're not bugged by salesmen standing over you.
The staff at these busy shops ought to know what they're talking about and in my experience they usually do, so you should be able to ask for help in choosing what's right for you.
I hope you find what you're looking for and I hope finding it is a pleasure.
Good luck,

18 Sep 02 - 06:27 PM (#787033)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Murray MacLeod

You'll be lucky, An.

I have never actually visited any of the stores Kevin links to above, and maybe they are very customer-friendly, but in my experience the average British music store is light-years behind their American counterparts in terms of service, friendliness, and politeness.

I don't think I would ever buy a guitar in a British music store again. And their straight dollar to pound conversion pisses me off as well.


18 Sep 02 - 06:32 PM (#787038)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: C-flat

"in my experience the average British music store is light-years behind their American counterparts in terms of service, friendliness, and politeness. "
I wouldn't disagree with you at all Murray, but I would extend that to all service industries in the U.K.

18 Sep 02 - 06:42 PM (#787046)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,Les B(uk)

Hi, the best place I have found for acoustic guitars in the N/W is Sounds Great, Heald Green, Nr Manchester Airport. They have a good selection of guitars and a no hassle atttitude, a v good selection of Taylors and are competitive on price.
I bought my Taylor 314 & Big Baby Taylor there. They don't just sell Taylors but a range of guitars. Cheers Les

18 Sep 02 - 06:47 PM (#787049)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,Les B(UK)

Try this

18 Sep 02 - 06:49 PM (#787050)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, from all my contacts with those three at festivals I've found them very helpful, and happy to have you play the instruments and ready to talk about them, and pretty knowledgeable about folk music. And I found the Hobgoblin shops in London and Crawley just the same. (I haven't been to the other shops, but I've no reason to think they'd be any different.)

Mind, you might walk out having bought a bouzouki or a mandolin, when you came in thinking guitar - but you'll be happy with what you buy I'll bet.

18 Sep 02 - 06:54 PM (#787052)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Murray MacLeod

To add to my post above, what really pisses me off about British stores is that they think it some really big deal for them to have, for example, a Taylor costing maybe £1200 hanging on their wall, and that you need to be carefully supervised while trying it out.

I still recall the exhilarating experience of walking into Eddie's Music in San Raphael, seeing a vintage Martin D42 with a $30,000 price tag on it, and tentatively asking the salesman if I could try it. He just looked up at me and said "Sure, take it on down" and carried on doing whatever he was doing. No hassle, no attitude. Do you see that happening in Britain?


18 Sep 02 - 07:06 PM (#787062)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: McGrath of Harlow


18 Sep 02 - 08:48 PM (#787111)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: CraigS

It would seem you are not confident in playing in public - like in shops. If you are a novice, take someone with you who is knowledgable (even if it is your teacher, and you have to pay him to do it) is the best advice. Often the best bargains are second-hand, but you do not have good safeguards if you do not know a good instrument from a bad one buying second hand, so if you are not helped in your choice it is safer to buy new. Two shops that are easy to recommend are Spectre guitars in Bingley and The Guitar Player in Rochdale, where knowledgable staff will let you play the boxes and help make your mind up. Music Ground in Doncaster is worth a look. Send me a PM and I'll help further.

18 Sep 02 - 08:55 PM (#787117)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: greg stephens

Hobgoblin in Manchester is pretty friendly, I'veshopped there a couple of times recently.Custom Amplification, Edlestone Rd Crewe is run by a guitarist and will be relaxed.not a huge stock there.
I guess if you want a $30,000 Martin you will have to go to America, you dont see many of them round here.

18 Sep 02 - 08:55 PM (#787119)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk

I'm not sure where Murray has shopped, but I've always been able to play whatever I wanted for as long as I wanted and got good advice back

18 Sep 02 - 09:05 PM (#787125)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,Ed

Goodness Greg,

I grew up in Crewe, and 'Custom Amplification' is certainly a blast from the past for me! Used to be called Snakey Jake's - amazed that it's still going!

I remember trying to sell him a flanger pedal in the mid eighties, he was interested but had to dig out a wad of notes from his back pocket and work out how much he needed for the pub that night before making me an offer


18 Sep 02 - 09:07 PM (#787126)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: greg stephens

Don't think you'll find it's changed much.Snaky Jake's still going strong.Saw him play a good gig a few months ago.

19 Sep 02 - 08:39 AM (#787402)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Try talking to Pete Back in Reeth, North Yorkshire. He builds guitars in the basement of his house on Silver Street (I think) Superb hand built acoustic and electric instruments at very reasonable prices. He is a true craftsman and will probably be able to advise you on what you require. He once set up my Kinkade on a Sunday morning, it was like having a new instrument after he finished with it. I will take it back to him when I decide it needs to be tweaked again without hestitation. Again the cost was very reasonable, and he seems a good bloke to boot. PS No I didn't get paid for this

19 Sep 02 - 08:49 AM (#787407)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Dave the Gnome

Not a plucker myself but on taking son #1 to Sound Control on Regent Road in Salford some years back I was quite impressed ay both the range of boxes and the helpful staff. He bought a Yamaha APX4A btw - still plays it.



19 Sep 02 - 09:45 AM (#787435)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Willie-O

Wow, how can anyone afford a guitar over there if you're not rich? I'm trying to figure out the price conversion. As far as I can tell 1 pound=1.50 US=2.25 Cdn. Looking at the moderate-price range Martins at Thrift music, "moderate" is a strange term. For example, a Martin D-1 is about the same price in pounds (1029) as it is in dollars here. Much less differential on the standard models, D18's or D28's are only slightly more expensive over there--I would pay 2500-3000 Cdn for a new one here.

I don't know about the comparisons of service industry though. People have made the same comments about the difference in quality of service between US and Canadian stores, but I have found the same extreme range of quality in both countries. It's not a national trait.

But hey you UK based Catters, if you must have a D1, let me know. I'll be making the trip sometime. (Or maybe I'll bring my O18 and sell it to extend my stay). Not real soon unfortunately.


19 Sep 02 - 09:59 AM (#787443)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: greg stephens

It is certainly a good idea for US vistors to bring a guitar with them on a UK visit, to unload and help defray the cost of the trip. I imagine Mudcat might be a good place to line yourself a buyer before you set off. Similarly a UK musician heading for the states might well consider going guitarless, and picking one up immediately on arrival, and bringing it back afterwards.There may be some small questions of customs duty being payable, but as the officials are probably very busy there is no point in burdening them with extra work.

19 Sep 02 - 10:12 AM (#787450)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: songs2play

An, I've got to agree with Greg about Hobgoblin in Manchester. The staff there, especially Ken in the acoustic section, were more than helpful. I would also suggest Frailers in Runcorn for all types of acoustic guitar, ranging from budget up to 1930's Gibson's and Nationals in the £1K price range. Both shops let you play all on display (as long as you ask) - no pressure for a sale.

Where abouts in the north west are you ? I don't suppose you're anywhere near Wigan ?

19 Sep 02 - 12:32 PM (#787545)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: C-flat

Raggytash mentions Pete Back in Reeth. I met Pete several years ago when he was running a hardware shop in Sheffield. We got talking and somehow the subject of guitars came up. At this Pete gets all animated and begins to tell me how he used to make guitars, digging out an old album of photographs, he shows me this wonderful collection of instruments and some of the famous names who played them.
It seems he gave up after his first wife died and went into the hardware business. I persuaded Pete to make me a PRS type custom guitar and, while he was back in guitar making mode, he made himself a stunning Jazz Archtop.Both guitars were beauties and he decided to get back into full time production and sold the hardware shop.
He a typical, straight talking, Yorkshireman who builds fantastic quality instruments to your own specification, and as I haven't come across him for a number of years now, I'm delighted to hear he's still going strong.
Thanks for jogging my memory Raggytash!

19 Sep 02 - 03:58 PM (#787666)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Eric the Viking

The music room in Cleckheaton Near Bradford-West Yorks, stocks a reasonable range of guitars-I live kust around the corner-there is never a problem going in and picking them up to try. Cheaper still, is trad music in Wakefield-the parent company to some of the London shops, the music room and music ground! They are really good as well-except for the very expensive, though they will let you play them if you ask. Try going into Holland-there are some great music shops there, Amsterdam has a really great shop-NEVER seen so many in one huge room, and the Euro price is often eqivallent to the £.00 price! So with a hard case you can fly back from there well equipped. + Easy jet will fly you there cheap from liverpool! Save your money, and get one at the Eurogathering in Holland next year!

19 Sep 02 - 04:22 PM (#787685)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Kernow John

My wife wanted to buy a concertina. She contacted Hobgoblin's at Crawley. They put a £1300 Wheatstone in the post for her to try out. She was able to play it on a gig and give it a good try out with the rest of the band.
No problems at all and great service.
I've also been to Manson's at Exeter. A superb guitar shop, good range and a good room to try them out.
My son went to them to buy a solid elctric guitar. He was able to play it as long as he liked.They also made sure that he had the same model amp and effects box to try it with that he would be using at home.
Manson's is more than a 200 mile round trip for us but worth every mile!

19 Sep 02 - 05:22 PM (#787737)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,Hille

A brilliant place to buy a guitar (and combine it with a weekend at the seaside is the Acoustic Music Company in Brighton.

Locally known as the "Candy Store" to guitarists *G* check it out!

19 Sep 02 - 05:26 PM (#787741)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Mr Red

Buying a guitar
I would say at a Festival, as there are usually several stalls you do get plenty of time to try them. Chippenham has more than enough and usually Oakwood are there and they make them. Bedworth is coming -up and you will get two or three music stalls and at least one majoring in stringed thingies.

19 Sep 02 - 06:35 PM (#787792)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: BanjoRay

CraigS said to try Music Ground in Doncaster - Don't, it's moved to Leeds!


20 Sep 02 - 11:45 AM (#788197)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: HuwG

If you are looking at the bottom end of the guitar market, you might try The Music Exchange on St. Petersgate in Stockport. They usually have a good selection of basic acoustics for as little as £70 or £80, and are pretty friendly and knowledgeable.

I have also shopped at Johnny Roadhouse, which is Manchester's branch of Hobgoblin, and agree with previous posters' comments on them.

22 Sep 02 - 07:14 AM (#788940)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: An Croenen

Thank you all SO much for all your advice!! I haven't been able to log on to Mudcat for a few days (page could not be displayed) and was so happy to read all these messages when I finally got back in. I'm itching to try these places, now. Anybody fancy comin'with me? I'm indeed not confident playing in a shop and a second opinion is always nice. An

22 Sep 02 - 07:40 AM (#788949)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: breezy

If you go to Exeter then go on to Hittisleigh and visit the Brook guitar's workshop.Facinating, friendly and very good guitars.Probably one of the best in the world and English, -too much is made of Martins and Taylors although I do have them in my collectin!-Try their website.
Do not be in a hurry to buy, wait until you meet the guitar thats for you.It is there, somewhere.
Happy hunting.
If you're in the Manch area better get one with a damp-proof guarantee! sorry.

22 Sep 02 - 10:07 AM (#788990)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Eric the Viking

I'm sure there'l be plenty of people who'll be willing to help. If you're in the Cleckheaton area,let me know.

22 Sep 02 - 05:16 PM (#789165)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: An Croenen

Breezy, you did make me laugh with the dampproof joke. From reading old threads (somebody has to!) I reckon humidity isn't as bad as dryness for guitars. I will start to worry when the frogs in my garden (yes, frogs without a pond - it should make you wonder!) move indoors. Eric the Viking and Songs2play: I live in Chester, but I do have a car and I can drive, too! (Fancy that! It's even a lefthand drive - OooooH) so, if any of you fancies going with me to a shop vaguely within reach of Chester (i.e. we can get there and back in one day and have some time in the shop as well - honestly, I don't mind travelling), just put your hands up. Uh - or write me a personal message and we'll go from there. It should be fun, whatever! An

02 Oct 02 - 01:58 PM (#795606)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Eric the Viking

Sorry for the delay in replying. If you fancy a drive over to Cleck sometime I'll go to the music room or maybe Wakefield. What do you want in a guitar? Price, style etc-I'll nip into the music room and have a look, save driving



02 Oct 02 - 04:33 PM (#795743)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,Bloke in the corner

Just one place needed - Electromusic in Copley Road, Doncaster. Everything from £70 beginners to £many thousands. Sit and play as long as you like, acoustic or through an acoustic amp. Best of all, ask for Pod. He IS the best salesman of musical instruments ever, absolutely no pressure, immensely knowledgeable about guitars (an excellent guitarist) and, for all the money I've spent in there he has even suggested a cheaper, better guitar than the one I was considering.
Good hunting

03 Oct 02 - 03:32 PM (#796337)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Eric the Viking

I certainly agree with you on that, been in there loads of times. You can (if you can afford it) go further down the road to Wizard guitars. Richard-a superb player has some incredible guitars-some of them at incredible prices! But Electromusic, has it all, and a really extensive range.

04 Oct 02 - 06:10 AM (#796689)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: banjoman

Try Guitar Village in FArnham Surrey - everything from really cheaos to Taylors & Martins. Really helpful and lots of good info and advice.
Take your time and set yourself an upper limit. Some negotiation is often possible. Good hunting.

04 Oct 02 - 09:11 AM (#796785)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Cllr

Maybe a bit of a distance but you can do it over the net over give bedroon acoustic music a call, Mike Blair who runs the shop is the folk club organiser for Bedford folk club and he will be very helpful even he can't help you himself he will give you very good advice.Cllr
Phone: 01525 404304

Fax: 01525 404246



04 Oct 02 - 01:52 PM (#796947)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Eric the Viking

if you are in the mood, and have the time-wait until Guitar village have their "Boss gone mad" sale. Different conditions apply, but often fancy dress or a mask will get you a good bargain. They have a web site-don't know it just now.

18 Oct 02 - 05:48 PM (#806393)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: An Croenen

Hi again - I haven't been on line for a while and read your messages with enthusiasm! I have since tried out a Big Baby Taylor, great, but it didn't whisper buy me. And it wasn't just because I hope to spend less than £360, because I'm sure that if I fall in love with a guitar I may spend more than that, because I want it; it also had to do with the sound. I am used to playing nylon strings (just because I am still playing the guitar I learnt to play on when 16) and its sound is more 'solid'- I'm not good at describing sounds- but it contrasts well with my rather light female voice, whereas the Taylor was more in the same 'female' sound range. (I hope I am putting this right and not making a fool of myself). So. I am travelling to Rome in two weeks and shall have a good look around there, too, not because I'm becoming obsessed, mind you) I am also in the area of Carlisle soon. Any shops worth checking out there?

18 Oct 02 - 06:35 PM (#806424)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Eric the Viking

You'll probably buy cheaper in Rome, haven't been there for years. Have fun-I'm also looking for another guitar- I think, just because..See "which guitar" thread. As for looking around music shops, everywhere I ever go, I have to look-sometimes with envy, sometimes with lust and others just to see.....

Have fun

20 Oct 02 - 06:59 AM (#807139)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: An Croenen

I'm aware of your thread and reading with interest, Viking. Have fun yourself and I'll write down some prices of guitars in Rome. Or who knows even buy one. Somewhere on this planet there must be that special guitar waiting just for me.. - Or am I getting confused here, what with you mentioning envy and lust. Don't do that again, please! :} An

20 Oct 02 - 07:11 AM (#807141)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Mr Happy


i've sent you a pm.

if you can come to the Red Lion session this afternoon, there'll be plenty of 'guitar purchase advisers' in attendance. 8-)


mr h

21 Oct 02 - 07:26 AM (#807668)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,noah

if you dont mind travellin' come to Ampthill in Bedfordshire - we are a small market town which sports 2 of the best music shops in the uk.
Ampthill music shop and school + Bedroom Acoustic Music - look 'em up!

21 Oct 02 - 07:56 AM (#807675)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Bassic

Electromusic Doncaster, I had six or seven different makes of Accoustic Basses to try in the one room and even a hard case to fit from stock, good advice and a rather beat up but beautiful second hand six string thrown into the deal. Well worth the trip to Yorkshire and spending a day along the M62 trying out this and the other recomendations you have had in the area.

21 Oct 02 - 04:10 PM (#808052)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Eric the Viking

Yeah-along the M62 is the place to go- I'm going to have a nosey around AIRE guitars just outside Bradford this week.As for the lust An-you're welcome!

Still trying to decide, but working hard at thinking. I love my Yam DW4SC but I'm still looking.

20 Jun 04 - 04:20 AM (#1210761)
Subject: sell many kinds of guitar
From: GUEST,

SHIJIAHZUANG YIPU Musical Instrument Co.,Ltd is a large and professional manufacturer of guitar in China,who has a long hisrory of manufacturing musical instruments of USA&Japan.We have produced a series of advanced product--Feeling Guitar include brand guitar,basses and speakers.(We can produce guitar according what buys samples or granter trade mark wanted)
The company has invited the foreign experts act such as technological comsultants and established an ertire body of standard production and assuring quality.
¡¡¡¡The company will always persist with advanced quality ,reputation first.We will strengthen business cooperation with the
old and new clients based on excellent services.Welcome the clients relate with us.

20 Jun 04 - 04:35 AM (#1210765)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: John MacKenzie

Looks to me like what you need to do, is keep looking till you find the make of guitar you want, and then buy it in the US.

09 Sep 04 - 10:15 AM (#1267577)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk

Macri's around the corner of Denmark Street on Charring Cross Road in London. I still fee pleased with my purchase. I consider it my most prized guitar in my collection of 18.

A Hofner Hollow body Jazz Guitar. A custom Jazzica Special.


09 Sep 04 - 04:39 PM (#1267880)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: GUEST,Spot

Hello all....I agree with Guest Hille...I went to The Acoustic Music co in Brighton for a cheapo buskin guitar and ended up spendin £2.2k on a bloody mandolin!!!! Loadsa stuff in there...more mandos than I ever seen afore!! (Hope I never grow up!!!)

                  Regards to all.....Spot

10 Sep 04 - 01:32 PM (#1268670)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk

Bassic and Bloke in the Corner - Please advise .
I bought my Martin in Doncaster - I was in the shop for 5 Hours from 9.00am til 2 on a Saturday - no bother - they could see I was a serious punter as I 'd taken my old guitar to guage the sound of the room in which I was going to try ouy these new guitars .The place was then called Music Ground - never have I seen such a selction / an Aladdins cave of Instruments.
Is this perhaps the same place as you are referring to - I'm going back 10 years maybe there was a change of names.
It was over a 200 mile round trip /drive for me to get there, which ,(for our US readers) is a big deal to Brits !!

12 Sep 04 - 08:42 PM (#1270555)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Grab

I'll second the Acoustic and Bass Centre in London. Another good one is Coda Music in Stevenage and Luton - I've only been to the Stevenage branch, but the guys there were great. Both are more slanted towards "serious" instruments IMO though - kind of the £500+ range. And slanted towards "playing" instruments that sound good, rather than the £5k Gibsons which have stunning inlays and looks but sound hopeless.

If you're after more of a low/medium-end instrument (sub-£500) then a festival is probably a good choice. Hobgoblin and others often travel, so there's a bit of variety of shops. None of them tend to take the expensive instruments though (for obvious reasons) so you won't find the really good stuff here, just the good workhorses like Simon & Patricks.


12 Sep 04 - 10:21 PM (#1270637)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Bassic

Guest......see BanjoRay`s post of:-

Date: 19 Sep 02 - 06:35 PM

CraigS said to try Music Ground in Doncaster - Don't, it's moved to Leeds!


But Electromusic is still going strong in Copley Road Doncaster.

However I do think that the M62, though it is one of the main EAST-WEST trunk routes in the UK is not likely to be extended to China in the forseable future!! Or are they planning to do the same "try before you buy" service as Hobgoblin? I dread to think what condition a Guitar would be in after my local Postie had tried to shove it through my letter box a few times!!

13 Sep 04 - 09:47 AM (#1271103)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Steve Parkes

If you're in the Bedford area, I'd recommend Bedroom Acoustic Music (yes, "Bedroom, not Bedford!) Mike, the owner, r=uns Bedford Folk Club, and is very sympathetic. If you buy somehting, he'll be even more sympathetic!


13 Sep 04 - 09:48 AM (#1271105)
Subject: RE: Help: nice place to buy guitar uk
From: Steve Parkes

I see BAM has already been mentioned a couple of times, once with a blicky. Just goes to show how good it is. There's also Bedroom Music for any electric musos out there.