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BS: UK Earth Tremour!

22 Sep 02 - 09:52 PM (#789283)
Subject: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Jim

OK, this is probably scary for people in other parts of the world, but we had an earthquake here tonight, and it was well cool!

Sorry for being flippant, but I did enjoy it!

My partner said she was scared, but she's a girl, so what do you expect?


22 Sep 02 - 10:36 PM (#789318)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!

Signs of the End Times:

There will be wars and rumors of wars
There will be earthquakes where none have been before.

Folks will go on merrying as before.

22 Sep 02 - 10:45 PM (#789328)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

hello, do,nt worry it was not an eathquake, it was me farting,.john

22 Sep 02 - 10:50 PM (#789334)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Here's the BBC report. Can't say I noticed anything at all.

23 Sep 02 - 01:32 AM (#789378)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Mudlark

Welcome to the Earthquake Club. I read the BBC report...I had no idea earthquakes were not uncommon in UK. I live in Calif., about 20 miles from what is known as the Earthquake Capitol of the World, Parkfield, CA, on the Temblor Range fault line. We had one a couple of weeks ago that stopped my clock.

23 Sep 02 - 02:35 AM (#789386)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Bullfrog Jones

I felt it -- and I was on the Mudcat at the time (00.53). Went and checked the kids' bedrooms to see who'd fallen out of bed, downstairs to see if the cats were chasing each other round the living room, or maybe a burglar had fallen in through the window, but nothing amiss. The possibility of an earthquake did cross my mind, but I've only just heard it confirmed on the radio.

23 Sep 02 - 02:42 AM (#789387)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!

Here in California in the 1800's, "Mr Wilderness" was John Muir. It seems like everything was named for him. One of his sorrows was that he'd never experienced a 'real' earthquake. Then one day it happened. He was riding through the forest when it started. He leaped from his horse to tie it to a bush and then ran into a clearing to watch the treetops sway back and forth. When it hit it's peak, he was on the ground, laughing outrageously from joy. He was a crazy bastard.

23 Sep 02 - 02:48 AM (#789390)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: mouldy

It seems the epicentre was Dudley, and it was apparently "felt as far north as Sheffield, across the midlands and most of Wales" - BBC Radio News. I've just called my son in Cardiff who said he felt nothing, and announced that it would feel just like a big lorry going past and rattling the windows.

Edwina Currie was broadcasting from the BBC Birmingham studio at the time and they played her comments about the studio shaking.


23 Sep 02 - 03:07 AM (#789394)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Bullfrog Jones

4.8 on the richter scale apparently. I'd been in a small earthquake once before, in Zakynthos, and it was exactly like a big lorry going past.

23 Sep 02 - 03:46 AM (#789401)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!

Bugger! I missed it.

23 Sep 02 - 04:14 AM (#789407)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Catherine Jayne

I didn't feel a thing.....must have slept through it.


23 Sep 02 - 04:39 AM (#789413)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Trevor

It frightened the life out of me! Living out in the wilds there were no other noises and the rumbling was pretty scary - even worse than a bodhran. when the doors and windows started rattling I thought the new conservatory was falling down. I was surprised the sheep didn't start bleating. Abuwood, the epicentre must have been about in your back garden.

23 Sep 02 - 06:10 AM (#789446)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: the lemonade lady

Yep, the earth sure moved for me here in BC!

23 Sep 02 - 06:39 AM (#789459)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Schantieman

Felt it in north Liverpool. Woke me up. Good job really, as I'd fallen asleep with the light on.

I thought, "Oh, it's a big lorry." Then I realised I live in a cul-de-sac and it was the middle of the night. "Ah, it must be an earthquake".

Does anyone remember the last one, about ten years ago?


23 Sep 02 - 06:46 AM (#789467)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Steve Parkes

Yes, I remeber the 1992 one. I thought someone was playing silly b*ggers with my desk (I ewas at work), only everyone else seemed to be thinking the same. After that I moved a bit further from the window (big panes).

Sue felt the Earth move last night. I didn't till she woke me up, but it had gone by then. The folks in Dudley are lucky the whoe town didn't disappear int the undergrond limestone workings; in Walsall they've been execting it for years.


23 Sep 02 - 06:52 AM (#789470)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Dave Bryant

As long a Dudley tunnel is still intact - Push Boys, Push.

23 Sep 02 - 06:56 AM (#789472)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Watson

Sorry Steve, Walsall's still here.

The epicentre has been identified as Brick Kiln Lane Gornal Wood - not very far from the Crooked House - it's probably standing upright again now!

23 Sep 02 - 06:57 AM (#789473)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Schantieman

Last weekend I went to see Moose in hospital in Worcester. It's a brand new building, amongst other things, earthquake-proof! We ridiculed this!

He came home on Friday.


23 Sep 02 - 07:12 AM (#789479)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Skipper Jack

I must say I never heard or felt anything here in Swansea, but a number of people experienced the ground trembling!

But I did experience a quake in Cyprus back in 1953/54.

My bed was shaking violently and the locker doors and ceiling lights were swinging perilously to the ominous rumbling sound.
The actual epicentre was somewhere in Greece.

Apparently the result of the earthquake shifted the whole island of Cyprus North West, quite a few feet I understand?

23 Sep 02 - 07:29 AM (#789484)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: JulieF

I woke but didn't register that something was wrong - went straight back to sleep. My daughter woke, felt things shake and for some obscure reason thought that I was bouncing on my bed - then she went back to sleep. Someone care to explain the mind of a 17 year old.

23 Sep 02 - 07:30 AM (#789485)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Schantieman

No. An impossible task.

23 Sep 02 - 08:00 AM (#789501)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Even worse than a bodhran" - I like that. It deserves to go in that thread about folk proverbs and so forth. It's applicable to all kinds of situations - gas explosions, bombing raids... "What was it like in the Blitz Dad?" "Not so good. Why, it were even worse than a bodhran at times."

23 Sep 02 - 08:10 AM (#789504)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Folkie

We felt it in Worcester. I woke up with a start and heard a dull thud, then the house shook.

23 Sep 02 - 08:38 AM (#789524)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: The Walrus at work

So that's what woke me! I was dragged back to conciousness, by which time anything that was going to happen had. I couldn't see what had woken me, so I went back to sleep.


23 Sep 02 - 09:31 AM (#789544)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Julie B

Having got in late following a session (Eversholt) I was still awake when it happended. At first I heard the approaching 'grumbling' went on for what seemed like 5-10 seconds. My brain was still trying to identify the strange, ominous sound when the quake itself arrived. It was very disorienting, and felt as if a whole rugby squad was kicking my bedroom wall hard from next door! The shaking seemed to last 4-5 seconds.

Julie B, Milton Keynes

23 Sep 02 - 09:41 AM (#789552)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Mr Red

As Dorathy Parker might have said
Small Earthquake in Dudley, (not many thrilled)
Well I haven't asked if anyone else felt the earth move yet, she was 6 miles away!
I sort knew it was coming about 2 secs before - we got a low rumble. It shook me a bit as we don't usually get them that strong in the UK. Adrenaline pumping for sure. Never felt that way in NZ and Sis lived at the top of a cliff that demarked a minor fault line.

23 Sep 02 - 09:47 AM (#789554)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Hecate

It woke me up, and seemed quite impressive, but then things tend to seem much more strange/scary at 1am. I still seem to have a house, although my family keep phonung to see if I am buried in rubble (of course if I was, the phone probably wouldn't work......)

23 Sep 02 - 11:53 AM (#789625)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,leeneia

I've always wanted to experience an earthquake - a mild one, like this. Sorry I missed it.

Isn't the epicenter rather near the Wrekin, the hill created by the Welsh giant who dumped the bag of soil after being bamboozled by the shoemaker? Perhaps that giant is back at work.

Speaking seriously, it would be interesting to know what plate tectonics has to say about the reason for this quake. Is the southwest UK going to have another volcano some day?
A friend of mine once experienced a quake in the Andes (Peru, I think) and she said the noise was like jet airplanes going down the street. Obviously, it was a bigger quake than this one.

Safety rules for earthquakes 1)keep shoes by your bed. Many people panic, run, and get their bare feet cut by broken glass. 2)Don't hang a heavy item such as a picture or mirror over your bed or your favorite armchair 3) The best place to wait it out is under the sturdiest piece of furniture you own, such as a desk or dining room table. (This may be the best thing if you are in a building so big that going outside is not practical.)

Another friend experienced a quake in Columbia, and there everybody's reaction was to run outside. She was terrified.

23 Sep 02 - 02:46 PM (#789747)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Sooz

The earth moved for me too, but I didn't realise why until my radio alarm woke me with the 7 o'clock news on Radio 4!

23 Sep 02 - 03:22 PM (#789773)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: lady penelope

I live 200 yards from a small main road which handles most of the bread lorries in London not to mention other industrial activities. As you can guess, I knew nothing of all this excitement. In fact, the house vibrates so often that I had a job convincing Parker and a couple of mates when the Canary Wharf bomb went off, that it wasn't lorries!!!

I can see John Muir's point though!!! As long as you're in no immediate danger, it could be fun!

TTFN M'Lady P.

23 Sep 02 - 04:03 PM (#789799)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Don Firth

4.8 is plenty good enough to jar your preserves!

Well do I remember riding out the Nisqually earthquake on 28 February 2001. I measured 6.8, and it's epicenter was south of Seattle, near Olympia, the state capitol, but it was plenty strong throughout the area. Reactions and descriptions here (despite the thread title, it wasn't in British Columbia, but they sure felt it there).

Terra isn't quite so firma, I guess.

Don Firth

23 Sep 02 - 05:26 PM (#789834)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Llanfair

I slept through it.....2 days entertaining my grandson has that effect!!!!!

Perhaps the fault line runs across from the Wash to the Dee estuary (sp) The UK could be split in two, making the north/south divide a whole new ball game!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Bron.

23 Sep 02 - 06:00 PM (#789852)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Northman

As it was only a small one and Birmingham still exists the suppositiory will have to continue to be applied!

23 Sep 02 - 08:36 PM (#789951)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Malcolm Douglas

A very small one, and I missed it just as I missed the last one. Oh well; at least this time I was in the pub when I didn't notice it. Mind you, we got struck by lightning last year, and I certainly noticed that.

Bloody Global Warming...

24 Sep 02 - 03:24 AM (#790091)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Steve Parkes

Birmingham?? Oh well, I suppose most people think Dudley is in Wolverhampton, and everybody south of Watford knows that Wolverhampton is in Birmingham!

Anyone notice the after shock sometime after 4 am? I woke up for that too.


24 Sep 02 - 03:51 AM (#790104)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: MudGuard

Bron, how are you doing? Still feeling effects of that crash?
Or does your grandson distract you enough? I hope so!


24 Sep 02 - 05:35 AM (#790133)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Mark Cohen

When I lived on the Big Island of Hawaii, we had earthquakes all the time. Of course, the folks there aren't just waiting for a volcano, they're living with it! Now I'm on Oahu, where the volcanoes are quite extinct. But now that my daughter has moved from Colorado to southern California, I imagine that when I visit her I may have a few more quakes in my future.


24 Sep 02 - 06:01 AM (#790140)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Bullfrog Jones (on the road)

Mr Red -- to paraphrase the old joke --- Him: 'How come you never tell me that the earth moved for you?' Her: 'Because I'm never near a phone at the time!'

24 Sep 02 - 06:32 AM (#790148)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: MBSLynne

I grew up in Perth, Western Australia, where tremors are fairly common, and remember what is know as the Mekering earthquake because it flattened the small town of mekering. That was a 6.5. When I felt Sunday night's I said to my husband "That was pretty big for here, must have been about 5" I was really impressed when I found out how close I was! Who needs seismologists! I don't think it feels like a lorry going past t all. The first bit, which woke me, felt as though the house had jumped sideways.

24 Sep 02 - 09:37 AM (#790223)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Taliesn

Hell ,Manhattan Ilsand, that other solid rock , has a substantial crack awaiting it's turn . Was always wondering how much the collapse of the Twin towers either exaccerbated it and/or relieved the pressure of the weight concentration.

Meanwhile it's highest time for a good 6.5 shake in the Middle East somewhere.

Further I'm writing off *ever* taking the ride in the St Louis, Missouri Arch; that Aero Sarrinen "Gateway to the West". Murphy's Law informs me that the day I go the New Madras fault will "shrug"_ Atlas-style.

Makes me think that there must be a website "map" of all of the world's faultlines and history of activity. Meanwhile the U.S.Geological survey is not 15 mins away in Reston,Virginia.

Wonder if they sell faultine maps maps ;-)

24 Sep 02 - 10:00 AM (#790241)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Mark Cohen

Taliesn, one of the main reasons I didn't settle in the lovely little town of San Luis Obispo, California after working there as a locum tenens ("rent-a-doc") in 1990 is that the nearby nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon, was built directly over a fault line!


24 Sep 02 - 10:20 AM (#790263)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: GUEST,Taliesn

(quote) Taliesn, one of the main reasons I didn't settle in the lovely little town of San Luis Obispo, California after working there as a locum tenens ("rent-a-doc") in 1990 is that the nearby nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon, was built directly over a fault line!"

Yeah California is off limits for me for the rest of the 21st century. Been there, saw enough, then bub-bye. It's all going collapse anyway due to their total dependence upon totally manmade water delivery systems ( well documented in the PBS series "Cadillac Desert" from the excellent book by the same name ). When the "Big One" comes you can kiss aleast one of the major Dams on the Colorado River system failing while the elaborate system of aqueducts and canals will be broken beyond repair. Don't think there will be much Fed tax money left to be allocated then. The Southwest will once again become the desert it always was.

(quote) Aloha, Mark

Uuuuhm , not trying to be a smart-arse ,but if the aloha means you've chosen Hawaii as your Rock of Gibralter ,I would humblty suggest you think through how "lively" the Tsunami activity will be once the Pacific Rim gets to shake, rattle,and rolling. Forget that Hawaii is *all* still active volcanic funnel islands. Ever hear of Karakatoa, east of Java?

I know Hawaii is idyllic, but even "one" serpent was enoughto change to speak.

24 Sep 02 - 02:16 PM (#790460)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: Mr Red

Mrs Lemon
who else did it move for?
Bullfrog Jones (on the road)
Get modern! - We do it by messaging these days - textual intercourse.
look at the UK map. Do you see the dog? Right now you know where to apply the supository. Super story?

24 Sep 02 - 05:40 PM (#790550)
Subject: RE: BS: UK Earth Tremour!
From: rock chick

Slept through it all, still it would take more than an earthquake to wake me from beautiful dreams and blissful sleep.