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Tech: Chat room Help!

30 Sep 02 - 08:51 PM (#794464)
Subject: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

How does the new chat room thing werk, i just spent 5 miniutes, tryng to figure it out, but i am a bit fick, so pleese can some body explain it in easy to understand langwige? Thanks.john

30 Sep 02 - 08:53 PM (#794467)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: khandu

I get a blank page when I try it, but Mr. Happy seems to be getting it!


30 Sep 02 - 08:57 PM (#794471)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Hello khandu, i got a blank page as well, i saw your name and said hello to you but nothing happend,

Mr Happy-Haw did you make itt work?

30 Sep 02 - 09:00 PM (#794473)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Mr Happy

hi khandu,

i'm getting bu***er all. people keep coming in to the mugchat tatroom, then leaving again without talking to me, boo-hoo-whoo!

to talk on this thing, you have to drag the page up to reveal the dialogue box at the bottom.

otherwise, i've tried the few instructuions given, but they don't work 9[or i'm to dum to get it?)

anyway, y'all have anuther go, shud be funn!

30 Sep 02 - 09:00 PM (#794474)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Sorcha

Hmm. Chat room link seems to have was there I know!

30 Sep 02 - 09:02 PM (#794476)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Sorcha

I finally found it....I don't get a blank page but I can't type anything........

30 Sep 02 - 09:03 PM (#794478)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Sorcha is right, its gone! Maybe somebody broke it, khandu was there first, so it must have been him! :-)

30 Sep 02 - 09:04 PM (#794479)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Mr Happy

your right sorch!

its gon altogether now! yippee

30 Sep 02 - 09:04 PM (#794480)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Sorcha

OK, I found it under the Quick Links menu.....and you have to double click in the message box at the bottom to type in it.

30 Sep 02 - 09:06 PM (#794482)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

sorcha-were did you find it, and what was on the page, to type something , put your moose at the bottom of the screen.john

30 Sep 02 - 09:07 PM (#794483)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Sorcha

Quick links pull down, John9

30 Sep 02 - 09:14 PM (#794486)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

thanks Sorcha, i found it, i wrote a meesage, but dident figure out how to send it.john

30 Sep 02 - 09:25 PM (#794496)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Mr Happy

john-boy, 9[frim hill]

when you've dun your messige in the dialog box press return/enter

30 Sep 02 - 09:31 PM (#794497)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: khandu

I do not have a dialogue box. I do not have any box. I just have a blank window. By God, there is a conspiracy here!!!


30 Sep 02 - 09:34 PM (#794499)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Noreen

click 'return' or 'enter' to send.

30 Sep 02 - 09:37 PM (#794501)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: wysiwyg

To get the box to type in you have to click the little buton that says OK. That opens the line to type in.


30 Sep 02 - 09:41 PM (#794505)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Max

Ah, the bugs. We go and get the most compatible chat room in the world and it still don't work for all. Figures. We'll work it out folks. And remember, when bitching, complaining, asking for help, helping us help and so on, be sure to include as much information as you can. Such as browser and version, operating system, mac or pc, credit card number and mother's maiden name.

30 Sep 02 - 09:43 PM (#794506)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Sorcha

Hey, Max, we're making it work! Just gotta figure out the bells and whistles! I LOVE it! (something else to get addicted to........) Thanks, hon!

30 Sep 02 - 09:44 PM (#794508)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Noreen

Works good here Max my dear!

30 Sep 02 - 09:46 PM (#794512)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I just found that it seems to work much better if you set your browser for Full Screen. The dialogue box and command buttons hide themselves and you have to keep movin' those little slider thingies around to uncover them. With the Full Screen setting the whole box stays onscreen all the time.

30 Sep 02 - 09:52 PM (#794520)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Thanks Max, i am using my telly for mudcat, it is called internet TV, I have not got a browser, or a credit card, they are a big rip off anyway, but my mum is called Linda, i dont know how that will help, but I dont know anything about chatrooms anyway.john

30 Sep 02 - 10:16 PM (#794532)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Áine

It's working a treat for me! ;-) The only problem I see is that Amos likes to play with his 'options' box in public (hehehehehe).

This is one of the best chat programs I've seen. A great big thank you to the fella that donated it to all us big mouthed baby Mudcats!!

Now, if we only had the Mudcat Radio again . . . ah, those were days (sniff, sniff). But, ya can't have it all -- and Jeff and Max have come up something pretty near THE BEST!!

Thanks guys, Áine

30 Sep 02 - 10:22 PM (#794535)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

WaddidiIdorong? When I come on, it says someone else is already using the name Jerry Rasmussen. Who is this imposter? Just let me get my hands on him. As Pogo said, (paraphrased) I have met the enemy and he are me. It looks like it will be exciting (and crowded with all the talkers around here... me included... :-)


30 Sep 02 - 10:25 PM (#794536)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: khandu

Well, my Friend Jerry, don't feel too alone. There is also a double-khandu. He is chatting away while I sit here trying to convince all that he ain't me!

Ain't Life grand!!


30 Sep 02 - 10:41 PM (#794545)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Don't woory everybody, it is probably because I am using Internet TV, and some things dont work on that, I will get a computer eventually.john

30 Sep 02 - 11:01 PM (#794555)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: harpgirl

hey no offense guys...the mudchat room threw me out! I think it has some bugs in it still! later...night night!   hg

30 Sep 02 - 11:03 PM (#794556)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Lepus Rex

Woo, *gloat,* this MudChat sure is fun. >:)

---Lepus Rex

30 Sep 02 - 11:03 PM (#794557)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: catspaw49

HEY JOHN.....close out the chat and then come back and try it again


30 Sep 02 - 11:10 PM (#794563)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: wysiwyg

Harp, my screen shows you still there!


30 Sep 02 - 11:31 PM (#794580)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: artbrooks

No chat room. No new Mudcat. Am I doing something wrong?

01 Oct 02 - 12:36 AM (#794603)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Chip2447


01 Oct 02 - 12:43 AM (#794607)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Max

Heap your praise onto Pene. I can't take a whole lot of credit for this one. Pene Azul is the man.

01 Oct 02 - 12:44 AM (#794608)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: alison

woring well... 4 of us in there now... thanks for bringing it back max



01 Oct 02 - 12:46 AM (#794609)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: rangeroger

Well,I went in and out several times but never got any further than the "Enter Mudchat" page. When I would hit enter I would raise the population by one and end up back at the "Enter" page. Whe I clicked on enter again, I would get the blank screen with the heading that I was already there, so I couldn't enter. Going back to the main Mudcat page and then going back again,the population would have dropped until I hit Enter and it was deja-vu all over again.

Where am I? Now. When I need me the most.

For Max and Jeff and the joeclones,I am using webtv.The browser is a combination of Netscape and Internet Explorer. What version it is I don't know,but 2.7 sticks in my mind, ad probably my craw.


01 Oct 02 - 12:47 AM (#794610)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

i not going to try it any more , because i heard you can get bad people using chat roons, i saw a program about it on TV, i think it was called watchhdog , i just rememberdd about it, what happens is they pretend to be other people, so domt talk to them, it was in the new spaper as well, they might come roynd and nick your'e cds or something, i dont know really.john

01 Oct 02 - 12:50 AM (#794613)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Alice

I could see the names of people who were in Mudchat but could not enter any type or read any messages. Using an iMac with browser Netscape v.4.7.

01 Oct 02 - 12:50 AM (#794615)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: rangeroger

Ooops, almost forgot.I don't have a credit card so you'll have to use Spaw's and my mother's maiden name is Axolotl.


01 Oct 02 - 12:53 AM (#794616)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: alison

we could see you Alice.....

I've lost my box to type in... but I can still see the rest....



01 Oct 02 - 12:56 AM (#794618)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: alison

got it back by closing "options"

6 of us + Max now

01 Oct 02 - 01:02 AM (#794621)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Alice

hmmm..... I'm still on the iMac and tried using Explorer as the browser instead of Netscape and it makes Mudchat (and some other things) not appear on the pull down menu and the text of the thread is squashed on the left margin. Mudcat looks great on the Mac in Netscape except that I can't get the chat room to function once I am in. Thanks, Max and all. Wonders never cease around here.

01 Oct 02 - 01:13 AM (#794626)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: rangeroger

That's interesting. Sometimes when I enter the population drops by one. I guess I'm that guy who walks into a room and everyone feels like someone just left.


01 Oct 02 - 03:16 AM (#794647)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Mr Happy

can't get in today. message says i'm already there but i'm not.

does it mean i'm not all there?

01 Oct 02 - 03:56 AM (#794658)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Mr Happy

just got in again. had a chat with joe offer, but he's gone to bed now.

btw, why do we need another chatroom when this one's here already?

01 Oct 02 - 05:27 AM (#794700)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Nigel Parsons

Seems to be OK at the moment. Very Quiet though


01 Oct 02 - 09:33 AM (#794718)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: wysiwyg

Mr. Happy, because the threads are NOT chats and people get very upset if they are used as chats.

An alternative to chat for you webbers is to just PM back and forth. It's actually just about as fast as chat, only with one person.

I like the chat for visiting, but I am really looking forward to using it for arguments over politics and so forth! *G* Maybe in realtime chatting we can make more sense than we do when we scribble a message to be read and argued back with, hours later-- maybe when we misunderstand we will be able to clear things up faster.


01 Oct 02 - 09:40 AM (#794726)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Fibula Mattock

I'm running Netscape 4.7 (on Linux) and can't get chatting either - sob! I'll keep playin' around with it.

01 Oct 02 - 09:40 AM (#794728)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Well, I got in and found that danged Jerry Rasmussen beat me to it. But, I outfoxed him, and managed to get into the room. A couple of other Catters came in, but there is no place on my screen to type in a message, and they left. Me too. I'll keep trying... :-)

I didn't see your clone in there, Khandu. No Khandu. :-)

The original Jerry Rasmussen

Accept no substitutes.

01 Oct 02 - 09:41 AM (#794730)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Fibula Mattock

I have the same problem Jerry - nowehere to type. So near, and yet so far!

01 Oct 02 - 09:45 AM (#794733)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: MMario

there should be a small unmarked box near the bottom of the screen. type in there and return sends the message.

01 Oct 02 - 10:00 AM (#794741)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Fibula Mattock

Aha! I had a quick visit on a Windows machine running IE and it worked, and looked fantastic. It's my refusal to use Microsoft's products that appears to be to blame...

01 Oct 02 - 11:19 AM (#794799)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Pene Azul

Thanks for the feedback, folks. I'm sorry that it's not working for some of you. Please give me as much information as possible, and I'll try to solve these problems. My monitor failed yesterday, and I'm relegated to one that barely works until Friday, so I might not get much done until then.


01 Oct 02 - 11:30 AM (#794802)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Night Owl

rangerroger-I got this from one of the threads a while ago..hope it helps:

"I am lost
I have gone to look for myself
If I come back
Before I return
Please ask me to wait....."

01 Oct 02 - 01:01 PM (#794879)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Pene Azul

I think I solved the problem of the chat window not fitting on low-res screens. You should also be able to resize the window, now.

Also, some people might be having problems if using a pop-up eliminator, particularly if closing the window without clicking the "Logoff" botton. In any case, it's best to use the "Logoff" button when you leave MudChat.


01 Oct 02 - 01:19 PM (#794885)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Alice

Log off button? Can't see a log off button. I've tried several times this morning with mixed results. Once I could see the bottom window to type in but nothing else in the large dialog box. MMario was the only other person in the room at the time. Did you seem the message I typed, Mario? Usually I can see the names of the people in chat, the menu to choose rooms, but nothing else shows up. This is still on the iMac with Netscape.

01 Oct 02 - 01:45 PM (#794897)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: McGrath of Harlow

There's a Log Out button in the menu that comes up when you click on Quick Links,

01 Oct 02 - 01:56 PM (#794903)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: MMario

yes alice - I was able to see that you were in and see the message you displayed.

01 Oct 02 - 02:25 PM (#794921)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Alice

OK, this is what I've experienced on the iMac. Netscape doesn't work but my Explorer 5 browser for Macintosh does work... I just had to re-set my Mudcat cookie. It would be great to have the re-set cookie link on the quicklinks pulldown menu where it used to be. I finally went to the Membership sign up to re-set and then the chat room worked fine. Started a new room called Folk, talked to Bill D, Barbara, Mark Clark and others, and visualized the virtual 24/7 Mudcat Tavern will be a room in Mudchat along with the village pub, the Mudcat ship, the campfire (and of course all the village idiots - ha!).

Thanks to Jeff, Max and all.

01 Oct 02 - 03:23 PM (#794969)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: John MacKenzie

Ah Fib dear thing it's your prejudices against that nice Mr gates that's showing now!!


02 Oct 02 - 05:54 AM (#795339)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Fibula Mattock

ssshhhh Giok! He might hear! Those Microsoft boyos are monitoring evrything - it's a conspiracy, I tell you!

02 Oct 02 - 08:51 AM (#795406)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: C-flat

I had a few minor problems yesterday. Some of my messages didn't appear on my screen but apperently were visible to others and shortly after I got kicked out and had to log back in.

02 Oct 02 - 08:54 AM (#795407)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Ella who is Sooze

Well I tried it today... and nutty and Jeanie and Bagpuss plus Trevor... were either sending me to Conventry... or just could get all my hellos I typed in... or I couldn't see their replies...


(Or it could be because I have an Apple Mac???

Ella.... (sulking)

02 Oct 02 - 09:11 AM (#795412)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Snuffy

Seems to work fine, except that the buttons at the bottom are almost totally obscured by IE's bottom bar.


02 Oct 02 - 09:59 AM (#795430)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Ella who is Sooze

gawd... still not working for me.. .plust I keep getting a box that says I'm not logged on!

Is it because I have an Apple Mac?


02 Oct 02 - 10:58 AM (#795478)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Ella who is Sooze

I'm on an Apple Mac, running INternet explorer 4.5 (this may be the problem? - I'm awaiting new software from work....) and I can see everyone's names, and I can even type a message.

Alice tells me she can see my message (thank you Alice - and I can see it too). But I can't actually see any replies to it.

I do get a message saying I'm not logged on to the chat, but then my name appears in the chat list...



02 Oct 02 - 11:07 AM (#795481)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Alice

E, I use a Mac, also, and have Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh, a free version I think, and it works with the chat room (when things don't freeze or disconnect).

02 Oct 02 - 11:07 AM (#795482)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: C-flat

Somebody more knowledgable than me should be able to help you better but I wonder if, when you last left the chatroom, you used the X in the top right rather than the "log off" at the bottom. I think I had the same problem for the same reason yesterday.
I can tell you that your messages were visible and we did reply to you.
C-flat (not on an Apple-mac)

02 Oct 02 - 11:12 AM (#795486)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Alice

In a previous message I said it would be nice to have reset cookie on Quick Links, then today realized it is there, just with the new label of "log in" instead of "reset cookie".

03 Oct 02 - 04:03 AM (#796002)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Ella who is Sooze

I'm going to persist and persist and so on!


03 Oct 02 - 04:14 AM (#796004)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Ella who is Sooze

Absolutely fab and brill....

Thanks alot Alice, I've got it working! Downloaded the internet explorer, and yeeee heee!



03 Oct 02 - 04:48 AM (#796017)
Subject: RE: Tech: Chat room Help!
From: Mr Happy

can someone from the management make the mudchat 'empty/occupied' box permanent on the main page, please.