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First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley

02 Oct 02 - 04:36 AM (#795317)
Subject: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Ok, dudes, chaps and chapesses (is that ok, Widder?), time for new session to commence.

This Sunday is the first one in October, and will be the 49th first sunday session. Hey, this means we gonna be 50 in November!!!! I reckon that deserves a party? Perhaps jOhn9 can organise curry all round? hehehe.

This Sunday's inaugural Sun Inn session will alejidly be marked by a fantastic fly-past of the purple helmets against the backdrop of the Minster. Got your pyrotechnics sorted yet, Oakley and Skipjack?

On a serious note, lets make this Sunday a good one, full attendance is required, please, to kick off the move to new location. Perhaps we can take a photo of a packed out Pub and put it on Nellies notice board? I hope you can all make it. 2pm till 6pm. Those of good stamina may even stay to be driveled at by the equine pugilists in the evening. Perhaps Judy The Other Horse can join in...? Or are they too timid to show their faces.......

02 Oct 02 - 05:00 AM (#795327)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,MC Fat

In keeping with my non attendance at the Sun last week I shall also show my support with you pete old flower by not coming to the 'All New Sun of Nellies Seshion', but my truss, sorry support. goes out to you all.

02 Oct 02 - 05:44 AM (#795335)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: ossonflags

I will be there at both sessishs, being cooooooooooooooel and faantastic. Punch the Horse starts playing,together I hope, at 8.45pm.

02 Oct 02 - 05:52 AM (#795338)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I'll be there as usual (I think that I have missed 3 of the 49 so far) despite all of you B****ers staying away from my sesh in the Sun last week. I was forced to drink most of the free beer myself!!

looking forward to a seriously good one this week.


02 Oct 02 - 06:10 AM (#795348)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: smallpiper

Ah........ I may be there or I may not be there won't know until I arrive or not. If I am there I will no doubt see you if not then I won't.

02 Oct 02 - 06:57 AM (#795364)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Sorry bout last week, Rog. Had Durty Nellies on Saturday, and Birthday party/Session at Oddies on Sunday night. Attendance was, unfortunately, not an option mate.

02 Oct 02 - 09:38 AM (#795416)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

For your information, chaps. She didn't bat an eyelid. And I got my nice framed poster back with the lovely piccy of Stephanie playing my guitar. Her loss. She did say she would tell interested parties where we had gone to.

The White Horse,
Beverley.                                                Wednesday, 02 October 2002


Just to let you know that the first Sunday musicians bash, due to general consensus amongst the musicians concerned, will no longer be occurring at Nellies.

This is largely due to the omission of children in the room concerned. I have been running the monthly session for four years. During that time we have had many happy young spectators and, more importantly, many young musicians participate. My son and daughter included.

The session will continue at the Sun Inn, Beverley. You may wish to inform people
who enquire. I would also very much like to have my framed poster which is located
on the wall in the corridor back, as it is mine and I would like to keep it for posterity.

Many thanks,

Peter Dean

02 Oct 02 - 09:55 AM (#795428)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Linda Kelly

See you there Pete although travelling back from parts foreign (well north Yorks!)

02 Oct 02 - 01:03 PM (#795567)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: brid widder

I'll do my best Pete... see you all there

02 Oct 02 - 05:09 PM (#795770)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Les from Hull

Unfortunately Maggie and I will be away (in the Cotswolds). Have a good one everybody!

03 Oct 02 - 07:01 AM (#796048)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

HEY!!!! I got it wrong! As the first session was in September, this will in fact be our 50th Birthday!!!1 Paaaaarrrrtteeeeeey Time, guys! Gonna organise a cake....I'm sure Steve won't mind.

This means the Purple Helmets display needs to be pretty special, Oakster and Flopjohn.... How's the training going?

03 Oct 02 - 07:27 AM (#796057)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,Oakley

Deanmeister, sorry to be a wet blanket, but I am not as young as I was. Three consecutive gigs, four hours on a rusty, squeaking bicycle, 9 9bearhoi9s and another gig in the evening would make me strange again. No, I will offer to drive Skip8jack9 to the do, exercise restaint and bugger off after an hour or two, to sleep writhingly whilst dreaming about Ms Penelope Rutledge. Assuming I can still get my trousers on, I will return to the Sun in the evening. November might be a different kettle of fis9.

Congrats for successfully co-hosting 50 sessions with me.


03 Oct 02 - 07:38 AM (#796062)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

Will there be a commemorative badge for those who were at the first one? As I recall there weren't all that many of us the first time.Since it was my first taste of sessions in the East Riding following my move to Beverley three days previously, the "former Nellies session" has a dear place in my heart (alongside the Deanmeister of course).


03 Oct 02 - 12:35 PM (#796229)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,ossonflags

I was at the first one,co hosting with pete dean,never mind about the self promotor oakley,who at that time was wandering around frightening young ladies and nervous fresians in the wastes of south ferriby with his interpretation of the dance of the Flaming arseholes.

I, like brother oakley will have my moderate,restrained not to say fantastic, head on that day for similar reasons.I hope you lot will stay around for my, sorry our,coooooool performance on the night.

03 Oct 02 - 02:47 PM (#796294)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

hEloo, i just reelised i habe not posted nothing to this local thread, so heloo every body.john

03 Oct 02 - 04:13 PM (#796359)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,ossonflags

And Oh!!!! I forgot to mention he was also spotted at the same time scampering around New Holland doin' similar things.

04 Oct 02 - 08:44 AM (#796762)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Rog, I am touched by your mock sincerity!!! Indeed, I remember the first one very well, and recall you walking in clutching various instrument cases. I thought...."Who the hell's that???" 50 sessions and several gigs later, I am very glad you strolled in that day!

Oakley, you are but a new boy. How dare you.......

04 Oct 02 - 09:24 AM (#796789)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: ET

May be there with long Tom bu he will only come if you take his rendition of Nellie the Elephant and the Runaway Train seriously. Thats THE Nellie the elephant, not Nellies of Hengate the Elephant.

04 Oct 02 - 10:39 AM (#796824)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,Oakley

Hi Eric, are we still on for an assignation tonight?

04 Oct 02 - 12:08 PM (#796889)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley


I too am glad I strolled in that day


04 Oct 02 - 12:35 PM (#796905)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,ossonflags

Roger ,I am to glad you strolled in that day.

04 Oct 02 - 12:38 PM (#796907)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,ossonflags

Deanmeister,re.the self promoter,new boy,absolutely!!!!!!!!

04 Oct 02 - 10:59 PM (#797191)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: harpmaker

heloo, this id noy harpmaker it is john from hull, this is a compuert , i just tryed to make a new thread but it dident work i dont know why

04 Oct 02 - 11:21 PM (#797202)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: harpmaker

computerts are rubbbish and to complycated.john

05 Oct 02 - 05:23 AM (#797274)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

The local paper (The Beverley Advertiser) in its "Rooting Around" column today has advertised the first Sunday session as being at Nellies and also has put in a plug for Tuesdays at the Hase. As you can see, we are well up to date in Beverley.


05 Oct 02 - 05:31 AM (#797275)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: smallpiper

Oh goodie

05 Oct 02 - 08:51 PM (#797559)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Seen as this is a local thread, does anybody want a rabbit? if you do , just let me know.john

06 Oct 02 - 08:56 AM (#797615)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley

Jhon9 is that a rabbit as a pet? or one for eating? And what kind of instrument does it play?

08 Oct 02 - 04:02 AM (#798732)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Many thanks to all concerned for getting the session off to such a flying start, guys. It was a lovely afternoon, I thought. Beer9Hoi, Food, Song, tunes, and a welcoming atmosphere. And Alex had a good play later on too.

Lets hope the first sunday in every month is as good as that one. Les, Maggie, Gordon, sick notes required please. hehehe.

08 Oct 02 - 05:00 AM (#798760)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: smallpiper

Gordon was Haggis hunting - he has a note from his ma

08 Oct 02 - 05:43 AM (#798782)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

A good time indeed, followed by a sell out gig from that band whose name I can't recall.

Perhaps, in the Prince tradition, we should rename this thread as "the session formerly known as Nellies"


08 Oct 02 - 10:51 AM (#798912)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Top idea, Rog!!

08 Oct 02 - 02:46 PM (#799044)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Willa

A great start, Pete. Thanks for organising the switch. I'm sure it'll go from strength to strength.

08 Oct 02 - 05:09 PM (#799111)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Les from Hull

Maggie and I were walking in the Cotswolds. And that was lovely, too!

28 Oct 02 - 04:11 AM (#812952)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Refresh. It's that time of the month again folks! We are still awaiting the Purple Helmet's inaugural Minster Flypast. Could this be th weekend for it?

28 Oct 02 - 05:57 PM (#813232)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Banjo-Flower

They'd certainly be purple in this weather


30 Oct 02 - 06:22 AM (#814245)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Hey, I wonder if the food will turn up before everyone leaves, this month? Perhaps u could bring one of your Fresians along as a back-up plan, Leaf?

News is somewhat sketchy regarding the appearance of the Helmets. The brothers appear to be unsettled by the fact that it's November. This is a shame, being only two days before bonfire night. The pyrotechnics would have been wonderful! Perhaps you could sling the bikes in the van, David, and carry out a flypast anyway? To be fair, the forecast for Sunday is wet and windy, so I reckon you're excused from completing the arduous trek from deepest Lincolnshire.

Wet and windy Sundays, however, often make for a great session in my experience, so hope you can all make it, guys. Roll call will be held at 2pm. I hope to see Les, Maggie, Harpmaker, Chrissie, Smallpliers, Nik Nak, Skipjack, Oakley, Linda, Hazel, Widder, Bassic, Ossonflags, Whisle Division maybe? and all the usual suspects. Lets keep this session alive, chaps.

Look forward to seeing you all again.


30 Oct 02 - 07:50 AM (#814286)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: GUEST,ossonflags

might be there if nowt else turns up.

30 Oct 02 - 08:51 AM (#814317)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Skipjack K8

We haven't had the pre-planning meeting yet, so I don't wish to raise the good peoples' hopes that Oakley and moi are going to be Miss February in the naughty Mudcalendar, but a couple of wannabes who have moulded themselves on our act have finally got a gig in Brigg that night, and we have to be present to calculate copyright infringements, as they will keep playing toons wot we do.

30 Oct 02 - 02:59 PM (#814648)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I might go if I am not doing nowt.

30 Oct 02 - 03:03 PM (#814652)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: smallpiper

Sorry can't make it niether can smallpliers nor Lars Pimple got a couple of students to see and then its off to see Blazing Fiddles, Ali Bain and Phill Cunnigham in Brigg

31 Oct 02 - 04:59 AM (#815020)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Wot about Stoolwiper?

31 Oct 02 - 05:25 AM (#815028)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: smallpiper

Don't know stoolwiper - in fact I've niver heard of Stoolwiper I think its a product of someones over active imagination and that they should stay off the Emva Cream, Maderia Cake and out of the Jacouzzi!

31 Oct 02 - 05:37 AM (#815031)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I'll be there on Sunday despite not being mentioned by name in the last but one post by the Deanmeister


31 Oct 02 - 09:21 AM (#815132)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

ooooops. Sorry Rog. Not intentional!!!!

31 Oct 02 - 09:45 AM (#815162)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I shall never speak to you again. Huh - young people today eh! What is the world coming to


31 Oct 02 - 10:14 AM (#815186)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Sir Roger de Beverley

I have put all of our Beverley sessions and gigs onto the website and also the website. These are free listings and anyone else who wants to should have a go to spread the word a bit wider about their sessions and events.

There is also a yorkshire events website that I used for publicising the folk festival but I haven't put anything on there yet.


31 Oct 02 - 07:37 PM (#815575)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: harpmaker

Roger, there's no excuses, but Chris & I WILL be comming to support you soon. (just could not make it lattley) sincerely, J&C

01 Nov 02 - 06:01 AM (#815790)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: The DeanMeister

Hey, anybody read the gig bloopers thread? There's some good ones on there...I bet most of us have memories of similar occurrances! I particularly like the one near the end... " Go home, go home..." at a singeraund. Check it out guys.

03 Nov 02 - 06:36 AM (#817331)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

anither refresh, it is today, i might go if i dont fall asleep.john

03 Nov 02 - 09:35 AM (#817380)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: 53

what type of music?

03 Nov 02 - 12:12 PM (#817460)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: smallpiper

everything alltypes but I'm not there I'm here

06 Jul 03 - 03:13 AM (#977652)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


06 Jul 03 - 06:10 PM (#977957)
Subject: RE: First Sunday Session @ Sun Inn, Beverley
From: rock chick

Couldn't make this one, ;o( but sent hello's to all you through bassic, heard it was a good one, catch up with you guys hopefully next time (or be4 )