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Songs about taxes

03 Oct 02 - 04:43 PM (#796375)
Subject: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: GUEST,Marc Bernier

A buddy of mine is going to be doing an AM radio call in show, about local tax issues. And he'd Like me to tape a song that he can use during breaks and what not. I expect I'm Looking for something traditional. Any suggestions?

03 Oct 02 - 04:55 PM (#796384)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Marc

I am a member I was just functioning with a crumbled cookie.
Marc Bernier

03 Oct 02 - 05:22 PM (#796394)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well there's always the Yellow Rose of Taxes...

But the DT has a fair bunch of songs mentioning taxes - including this one - INVITATION TO NORTH AMERICAY, including the line:But we'll have no taxes in North Americay.

Bush senior wasn't the first to make a rash promise like that...

03 Oct 02 - 06:43 PM (#796421)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: GUEST,Murray MacLeod

Someone must have written a song about New Hampshire. (State motto "Live Free or Die"). I always loved reading that on their number plates.


03 Oct 02 - 06:50 PM (#796424)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: mack/misophist

Odd that no one entered this, yet.

The Talkin' IRS Blues

Check exemptions add them up
And enter total here
Wages tips and salaries received within the year

Deduct the cost of traveling,attach required sheet
Hotel charges,porter tips and what you spent to eat

Subtract line 6 from 5 above and write the total down
Then make a tidy package of receipts from out of town

Profits made from businesses on seperate schedule C
Other income gained or lost bring over from page 3

Add 7,8 and 10 and print the answer on 11
Then check your figures once again from 10 thru 8 thru 7

Now 11 is your ajusted gross and to figure doctor bills
Take 3 percent of this and then take 1 percent for pills

Overage you may deduct plus hospital insurance
Then have a cup of coffee black to keep up your endurance

Contributions interst paid auto license fees
Safety features tools supplies employement agencys

Entertaining customers taxes paid to state
Glasses denetures union dues instructions on page 8

But just before you sign your name you'll have a twing of fear
So you'll take it to a CPA just like you done last year

by Loyuie Roy c. 1948

03 Oct 02 - 07:06 PM (#796430)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: toadfrog

Is it really possible to live in New Hampshire for free? Sounds too good to be true!

03 Oct 02 - 09:03 PM (#796497)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: GUEST,Arjay

How about this:
"...St. Peter, don't you call me, 'cause I can't go.
I owe my soul to the IRS sto'."

03 Oct 02 - 11:51 PM (#796576)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: mack/misophist

    It occurs to me that "taxes" is a slippery subject. What do you mean, exactly? Filk and Celtic music have tonnes of tunes about excise men (Robert Burns was an excise clerk) and revenuers. May I reccomment 'The Hills of Connemara', followed by 'The Ballad of Thunder Road" (Anything featuring Robert Michum has to be worthwhile. I met him once. A Giant. And not just big.)

04 Oct 02 - 03:04 AM (#796631)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: John in Brisbane

Maybe not exactly the same but 'A Dollar Ain't A Dollar Anymore' appeals to the fact that everyone, incl the Government, seems to be purloining our hard earned money. It's the sort of song you can easily conjure up a few snappy verses quite quickly.

Haven't checked but would expect this to be in the DT.

Regards, John

04 Oct 02 - 03:08 AM (#796633)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Genie

"Wake up, wake up, Darlin' Cory!
What makes you sleep so sound.
The revenue officer's comin',
Gonna tear your still-house down!"

04 Oct 02 - 04:05 AM (#796647)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: John in Brisbane

'We Never Had Such Taxes' is in the DT here and is very easy to modify.

I offer a very unsophisticated verse to get the ball rolling:

They'll put a tax on sneezing and on snoring in the night.
And saying "Boo!" to babies that gives 'em such a fright,
And sex it isn't free no more there's meters by your bed,
With entry charges, 'n time based fees for all the fun you've had

Regards, John

04 Oct 02 - 05:40 AM (#796671)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Nigel Parsons

"Where has Ora Gone?
She's gone to pay her Taxes"

Or (and it must have been set to music somewhere)
Kipling's "Five and twenty ponies"


04 Oct 02 - 07:51 AM (#796729)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Scabby Douglas

Someone had a song about "What shall I do with the taxman in the cupboard?"

Can't remember who...



04 Oct 02 - 08:01 AM (#796734)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Wolfgang

Search for 'exciseman' in the DT for a closely related theme. There are several songs in there, though not 'The devil's awa with the exciseman' for which I was looking.

In McGrath's footsteps, the German song 'Taxi nach Texas' would be a double hit here, its translation even has a better alliteration: 'Taxi to Texas'.


04 Oct 02 - 10:00 AM (#796807)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: SharonA

Then there's the Beatles song "Taxman", but it's been soooo overused that it would be better to have another song on hand for this radio show.

04 Oct 02 - 10:18 AM (#796818)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: GUEST,guest

"The De'il's Awa wi the Exciseman" appears in the DT as "The Deil Cam Fiddlin Thro the Town."


04 Oct 02 - 11:30 AM (#796856)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: wilco

To the tune "Take me back to Tulsa"

Take away my taxes, they are way to scary.
Take away them taxes, they seem so unfairy.

Tax man came to see me, said I owed a bunch.
Took away my savings, house, car, and lunch.
I'm starving on the corner, selling apples cheap.
I owe them too much money, out a window I will leap.

Take away my taxes, It's so doggone scary.
They take away your houses, it is so darn unfairy.

Garnisheed my wages, placed a lien upon my house,
Froze my assets cold, and siezed my accounts.
God, I love this country, I love it just a heap.
Forget the stupid window, from Mt. Rushmore I will leap.

Oh, take away them taxes, it is so unfair.
I'm thinking of the IRS, as I'm flying through the air.

The bums will probably bill my estate for the clean-up.

04 Oct 02 - 11:57 AM (#796880)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: dick greenhaus

This is really what DigiTrad is best for. Search for TAX or TAXES or IRS or EXCISE or EXCISEMAN or GAUGER or REVENUE (the new search engine lets you look for four at a time, by clicking on "advanced") and you'll fine between 50 and 100 songs.

11 Apr 04 - 07:07 PM (#1159473)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: harpgirl


11 Apr 04 - 08:37 PM (#1159530)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: harpmaker

El ted knows 1 or 2

12 Apr 04 - 01:16 AM (#1159644)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Bev and Jerry

1. Mr. Taxman, give me a break
   There's nothing left here for you to take.
   You've looked at my bank book and under the bedpost
   And in the backyard all you found is compost.
   Mr. Taxman, leave me alone
   There is no money stashed in my home
   So please admit it's your mistake
   Mr. Taxman, give me a break.

2. Mr. Taxman, my earnings aren't high
   My last paying gig was the fourth of July.
   I play at marches, rallies and protests
   They don't pay much but my words get noticed.
   Mr. Taxman, what can I say?
   Nobody gives us folkies much pay.
   So please just open up your eyes
   Mr. Taxman, I'm telling no lies

3. Mr. Taxman, if you're looking for cash
   Why don't look in the kitchen trash?
   Try the attic, the cellar, the water closet
   When last I was there I made a deposit.
   Mr. Taxman, you're trying so hard.
   There's nothing but weeds out there in my yard.
   So please stop looking for a buck
   Mr. Taxman, you're just out of luck!

Bev and Jerry

12 Apr 04 - 03:18 AM (#1159666)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: open mike

the taxes on the farmer...
the farmer feeds us all..
the farmer comes to town
with his wagon broken down..
though the words often go
The farmer is the man who feeds us all
i am sure i have heard it sung
the taxes on teh farmer feed us all..
any one else heard that one?

12 Apr 04 - 07:30 AM (#1159741)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Flash Company

Noel Gay of 'Me & my girl@ fame was hardly noted for his protest songs, but produced a lyric in the '30s which went:-

Tt's the truth, facts is facts,
The only thing that matters is the Income Tax,
Is it fair that we should pay,
Four and a tanner under schedule A?

There is more, which I have somewhere, but perhaps someone else knows it!


13 Apr 04 - 05:06 AM (#1160556)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Stewie

'Slieve gallen brae' is a poignant song:

'Tis not for the want of employment at home
That causes the young men of Ireland to roam
'Tis the taxes gettin' higher and I can no longer pay
So farewell unto you bonnie, bonnie slieve gallen brae


13 Apr 04 - 07:00 AM (#1160612)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: cetmst

A New York banker named _____ Clafin set the instructions for Form 1040 (1955 version) to music in Madrigal style for the Randolph Singers, a group which sang and recorded traditional madrigals. Entitled 'Lament for April 15th' it is the title song for an album of "modern madrigals" composed for the group and recorded by Composers Recordings Inc., New York about 1956. An amusing combination of common words and classic music.

13 Apr 04 - 08:16 AM (#1160658)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Jerry Rasmussen

In honor of my friend Art Thieme:

Howzabout Deep In The Heart Of Taxes?


13 Apr 04 - 10:57 AM (#1160813)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Cool Beans

There's "Sales Tax on the Women" that the New Lost City Ramblers recorded. Not about income tax, but a tax song nonetheless.

14 Apr 04 - 03:07 PM (#1161656)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Wolfgang

Alle muessen Steuern zahlen,
Du und er und ich.
Alle leiden Hoellenqualen,
mich beruehrt das nicht,
drueckt mich auch der Dalles
ich bezahle alles
und hol mit Humor
mein Haemmerchen hervor....

(sung by an American, Gus Backus; I doubt he is known outside of Germany, in within only to the elderly)


14 Apr 04 - 11:03 PM (#1162047)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Stilly River Sage


You almost stole my suggestion, but not quite: "Under the X in Taxes"


14 Apr 04 - 11:35 PM (#1162069)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Warsaw Ed

There's four songs in the Record Lady's All-Time Country Favorites [Real Audio]:
Charlie Cheated on His Income Tax [Homer & Jethro] A-2
A Taxpayer's Letter [Buddy Starcher] A-1
After Taxes [Billy Ed Walker] A-1 and
There Ain't Much Left After Taxex [ Sleepy LeBeof] A-12
Search "" - Ed

14 Apr 04 - 11:43 PM (#1162078)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Peace

"The Yellow Rose of Taxes"? Just kiddin'.

15 Apr 04 - 11:36 AM (#1162431)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Art Thieme

At Ohare Field in chicago all the cab drivers got out of their cabs and sang "The Yellow Rows Of Taxis". And their meters were running too.

Art Thieme

15 Apr 04 - 01:05 PM (#1162514)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: GUEST,Arkie

The "Copper Kettle" mentions the whiskey tax. Does that count?

15 Apr 04 - 02:52 PM (#1162597)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: Nigel Parsons

Fuel Tax: Cosher Baily additions and the following messages

15 Apr 04 - 06:15 PM (#1162725)
Subject: RE: Looking for songs about Taxes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Kinks -- Sunny Afternoon.