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Origins: The story behind the song

14 Oct 02 - 06:21 PM (#803078)
Subject: Origins: The story behind the song
From: GUEST,Kilshannig

Like to sing Irish songs. I found out it helps when I know what they are about. It helps even more ( and it gives a great story to an audience..!!)when I know the story behind the song. Anyone knows the sites on the Internet that can tell me that story behind those Irish songs?

14 Oct 02 - 06:34 PM (#803081)
Subject: RE: Origins: The story behind the song
From: katlaughing

If you go to the small box up on the top right, called Quick Links, then use the drop down menu to choose Song Origins, and click Go, you may find the ones you are looking for there. You can also enter the name or some lyrics in the SuperSearch box and see what threads of discussion might come up. Chances are they've been discussed here.

Failing that, start a thread for each one, asking for info. We've got some incredible scholars on here with inexhaustable supplies of reference material.:-)

Hope this helps. If you have any trouble, check out the MudChat (in quick Links) and see is in there who can help, or just post here, again.

Welcome to the Mudcat,


Click here for song origins & info index

14 Oct 02 - 06:37 PM (#803083)
Subject: RE: Origins: The story behind the song
From: McGrath of Harlow

Anyone knows the sites on the Internet that can tell me that story behind those Irish songs?

You've found it.

14 Oct 02 - 07:20 PM (#803102)
Subject: RE: Origins: The story behind the song
From: GUEST,kilshannig

Thanx to you all. One of the reasons of my question is that I don't want to bother somebody else. It seems that Mudcat is indeed the (only?) place to be. Although the info about the song " follow me up to Carlow" is somewhat little..
Anyway, Thanks again ( and I'll post a thread)

14 Oct 02 - 08:03 PM (#803142)
Subject: RE: Origins: The story behind the song
From: McGrath of Harlow

It's not that everything is here, kilshannig, but that once people start looking, they start digging, and amazing things can turn up given the range of people who visit the Mudcat.

People who come along with interesting questions about the history of songs are very welcome indeed, because they can spark off the most interesting threads of all, as we find out the things we thought we knew are only a bit of the truth.

14 Oct 02 - 08:50 PM (#803165)
Subject: RE: Origins: The story behind the song
From: Malcolm Douglas

And, perhaps even more often, that the things we thought were true were nothing of the kind...