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BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?

15 Oct 02 - 02:25 AM (#803317)
Subject: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Marion

It's late and I'm bored and I want to do a poll.

Have you ever had a dream about another Mudcatter (i.e. someone you know predominantly through the Cat even if you've also met them in real life), or a thread or other Mudcat-related stuff?

I've dreamt of three Mudcatters; one after I'd met him, but also one before I'd met her, and one who I haven't met at all. I find it interesting that these last two made it into my dreams.

Another thing about online pals I find a little interesting: when I used to read Big Mick's posts I would always picture a large man I know called Mick S. But now that I've met Big Mick in real life and know what he looks like, I STILL picture Mick S. when I read his posts.


15 Oct 02 - 02:42 AM (#803323)
Subject: RE: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: alison

well yes....... but I'm not going into gory details.... Big Mick would

but yes I have dreamt about playing music together with lots of 'catters



15 Oct 02 - 03:16 AM (#803331)
Subject: RE: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Murray MacLeod

I am one of these fortunate people who never dream (at least, not nocturnally) but if I were to have a dream about another Mudcatter it would undoubtedly feature DebC ....


15 Oct 02 - 05:14 AM (#803352)
Subject: RE: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Dave Bryant

Murray - everyone dreams, it can be detected by watching for REM (Rapid Eye Movement) when people are sleeping - it's just that you don't remember your dreams.

15 Oct 02 - 12:13 PM (#803629)
Subject: RE: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Amos

Sure! Some of my most vivid friends are those I know through the 'Cat! But fortunately, all my dreams including them have been innocent madcap merriment, quite above board, no matter what you may have heard!! LOL!


15 Oct 02 - 12:18 PM (#803634)
Subject: RE: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Marion

Why do you consider yourself fortunate, Murray?


15 Oct 02 - 12:29 PM (#803644)
Subject: RE: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: katlaughing

I've often dreamt of Mudcatters, esp. those I feel particularly close to, in fact last night Sorcha was in a dream baout some dog show!*bg*

Here's one I posted about a couple of years ago:

I am vaguely aware of the twelve or so pounds of cat which has anchored itself in an elegant drape across my hip as I try to drift back into my dreams. Trying to turn over, in a more comfortable shift of legs, pillows, arms, and cat, I finally give up and heave-ho to the cat's disgust, rearranging my accoutrements of sleep. The dreams become elusive, but as I struggle awake and realise a few minutes up and about will be worth a few more hours of sleep, I remember one extraordinary thing about all of the dreams. They were in the form of threads, like the Mudcat discussion forum. Oh, not that formal in arrangement, but as I went from one to another and back, I was *clicking* in to each, catching up on the latest event unfolding. Each so real, each inevitably blending until I am struggling to keep the cat and all who attend, with me, from scene to scene. After the magic realm of Oz, I awake and recall, like Dorothy pointing to her Auntie Em and the farmhands, "You were there, Spaw; and, you, Leej; and, you, and you...." I laugh at myself, "Checking on the Mudcat just a quick bit before bedtime each night has brought me to this!" The cat and I drift off back to sleep.

15 Oct 02 - 12:51 PM (#803664)
Subject: RE: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: CarolC

I've had a few dreams about Mudcatters. A few days before I met Naemanson, I dreamed I was giving him a big hug. When I met him and got a big old hug from him, it felt exactly like the hug in the dream.

15 Oct 02 - 05:57 PM (#803872)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: DougR

I had a dream about Bobert one time. He was leading a crowd of supporters at a political rally in front of the White House with the cry, "We like Bush! We like Bush!"

It was so real I awoke and didn't realize it was just a dream. Then I read his posts on the thread about Bush and Iraq that day and realized that it truly was just a dream.


15 Oct 02 - 06:15 PM (#803884)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: breezy

This thread worries me about catter-cred

15 Oct 02 - 06:48 PM (#803908)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Little Hawk

I haven't had any dreams about Mudcatters (that I recall), but I think the phenomenon of developing an imaginary mental image of what a mudcatter looks like is an interesting one. I have developed such mental images with a whole series of 'Catters. What is generally a real SHOCK is when you find out what they REALLY look like! Yikes!!! What a major bummer, man. :-)

The biggest shock was finding out what Spaw really looks like. I had naively pictured him as a dignified and urbane southern gent, well dressed, with a neatly trimmed mustache, a vest, and a trim figure...kind of like a retired Civil War veteran of the most classy sort, transplanted into modern times. WELLLL....when I saw what he actually looks like...I couldn't eat anthing but oatmeal for a week afterward, and I developed a facial tic which only ceased troubling me after weeks of costly therapy.

That bugger owes me bigtime...

- LH

15 Oct 02 - 07:01 PM (#803923)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Amos

Well, LH, I am not sure you should be tallying accounts; there are a lot of single Mucatrixes who could present you with large bills for emotional shock and disappointment!!



15 Oct 02 - 07:05 PM (#803927)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: smallpiper

The simple answer is no I havn't - but if I do I will let you know

15 Oct 02 - 07:07 PM (#803930)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Marion

CarolC, don't all hugs feel pretty much the same? It'll take more than that to make me think you have prophetic dreams :).

Breezy, what are you talking about?

You know what made me think about starting this thread? It was ljc's death. I've never met him, never PMed with him, and never really conversed with him on a thread. In fact I rarely read his postings because I was irritated by the dialect thing. So I don't quite understand why I'm sad that he died.

So it's part of a larger question of how we relate to a group of disembodied voices...


15 Oct 02 - 07:12 PM (#803932)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: smallpiper

I was also sad at loosing ljc and the loss of others that I'd never met. But the thing is that they were part of this community, and its a very real community- lots of us wouldn't even talk to each other in 3d land but here we all belong and are mostly accepted as part of the community without question, and without predudice ( I think I'm catching the spelliing thing from jOhn form Hull - bless him).

15 Oct 02 - 07:38 PM (#803951)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: GUEST,Annamill

Yes. I'm having one right now. I'm out on my gazebo and all my friends are there. They are playing music and laughing and joking.
David is shooting at water knats (seadoo ers) with his cane. Allan is playing a beautiful Brazilian song. Honey does "I'm a goin' fishin'". What a surprise! Bill plays "They played waltzing Matilda" and I'm crying. Then Dick is playing something naughty ;) and I'm smiling again. Bert does "Size doesn't matter" and now I'm giggling.
Max get down on the floor of the gazebo and plays some fine blues. Then Jeri and Allan play a little, with Jeri on the fiddle. Yeah! I dream about 'em....

15 Oct 02 - 08:02 PM (#803961)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: khandu

Over a year ago I had a weird dream regarding Mudcat.

I was traveling North on a strangely high road, ahead I saw a flashing sign: "Max' Cafe". I stopped and entered. Blues played on the jukebox. It was the wee hours of the morning; few were in the Cafe. One man asked me where was I from.

"Mississippi." I said.

"What do you bring us from Mississippi?" he asked, winking at a man that who was seated behind me.

"More questions than answers," I responded.

"Can you play this guitar?" the man behind me asked.

I took the instrument, and a grand guitar it was! I picked a little bit of "Avalon, My Hometown" and broke in to "Sittin' on Top of the World".

"You must be khandu!" said the first man.

"That's me," I answered.

At that moment a silly looking naked man with an exceptionally tiny "patterson" entered the Cafe, and the first man said, "Spaw, don't start no crap this early in the morning."

That really is a true dream I had (except for the last paragraph! The dream actually ended when I answered my identity question.)


15 Oct 02 - 08:38 PM (#803984)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Dream a little dream, with meeeeeee

15 Oct 02 - 08:38 PM (#803985)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Amos

The moral, I suppose, is that when you find out who you really are you'll stop worrying about Spaw's size?   This is important -- share your dream with Little Hawk, khandu!!


15 Oct 02 - 08:41 PM (#803987)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: khandu

LOL! Good interpretation there, Mr.A !


15 Oct 02 - 08:53 PM (#804003)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Benjamin

I dream about many things! However, Mudcat isn't really ever one of them.
Marion, just curious, who's the one you dream of that you haven't met?


15 Oct 02 - 08:59 PM (#804004)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Amos

Now Benjamin!! No fishing!! :>)


15 Oct 02 - 09:11 PM (#804011)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Little Hawk

LOL!!! As if anyone worries about Spaw's "size"... Har! Har! Har! (snort! gasp!) Awwww....Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Geez, I'm getting over-oxygenated here...

- LH

15 Oct 02 - 09:17 PM (#804014)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

O.K. then, I will stand up
And pour myself another cup
Of misty brew for me and you
such to-do is through and through

Peering through such sleep shut eyes
Alive with yearning, fantasize!
Is it daily is it death?
Is it love's sweet nectar breath?

Aloud aloud to sing; revealing
Crowd a cloud, well past the ceiling
Take my hand from duty, freeing
Sacred songs come into being

Thoughts all guided, even tide
And midnight hour oceanside
With streaks uneven moonlight glows
Reflecting off the statue's nose

Alarm as ringing waking thee
Arising you alifting me
Haven't we, Oh! haven't we?
So arm and arm we'll better be!

15 Oct 02 - 11:00 PM (#804056)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: DougR

Then there was the one about Kendall and the Llama. Too frightening to recount.


16 Oct 02 - 12:10 AM (#804103)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: CarolC

It's ok, Marion. You don't have to think I have prophetic dreams. But the truth is that hugging Naemanson was a different experience for me than any other man I had ever hugged prior to then. He's a very tall and teddybearish man, and I'd never hugged anyone like that before him. Prior to the dream, I had no idea what it would feel like, and I was pretty surprised when it turned out to be exactly what I experienced in the dream. I don't know what all of that means, if anything. I just thought it was interesting, and it fits in with the topic of this thread ;-)

16 Oct 02 - 12:16 AM (#804107)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Jack the Sailor

Anyone who thinks all hugs are the same has not hugged CarolC! ;)

16 Oct 02 - 12:33 AM (#804114)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Marion

You're right, Jack, I haven't. But I haven't given up hope yet.

Benjamin: oh, what the hell. I dreamt about Jed Marum after meeting him, Jeri before meeting her, and John Hardly who I haven't met. I think I have some karmic thing to work out with the letter J or something. And sorry, but none of them were sexy dreams.

Amos, Mudcatrixes?


16 Oct 02 - 01:22 AM (#804140)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Liz the Squeak

I must confess to having had some naughty dreams about a Mudcatter... all I can say is, he isn't Al, but he can call me Betty any time!


16 Oct 02 - 01:25 AM (#804142)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Amos

The feminine plural -- as in aviatrix. r should that be Mudcatrices? LOL! Mudkittens? Mudcatettes? I yield!!


16 Oct 02 - 01:38 AM (#804150)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Sorcha

Well, yes I have, actually. Not about anybody special, but more along the lines of a real life Tavern, or a Great Gather that I could afford to get to.

How weird that kat dreams about me at a dog show.......I do go to a very few shows, but only as Support Staff, never as a participant. At dog shows, I am either the caterer or the Go-fer.......go for the shoes I left in the car, go for the pin brush I left at set up, etc. And, it's always at least a half mile from where you are to where you need/want to be at a dog show........

Everytime I go to one I am gladder that I don't show!

16 Oct 02 - 01:51 AM (#804157)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Liz the Squeak

Surely that should be MudToms and MudQueens? Only the children would be Mudkittens, and possibly Morticia.

We would have to nominate who takes the lead as the biggest, smelliest, filthiest Mudcat Ginger Tom, because I can think of 6 and that's before breakfast!


16 Oct 02 - 03:35 AM (#804198)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Catherine Jayne

I have to admitt I have dreamt about a certain mudcatter and he knows about it!!!


16 Oct 02 - 10:46 PM (#805023)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Little Hawk

I had a rather different picture in my mind of Rick Fielding initially. I thought he looked like one of the guys in "Even Steven" (Ontario folk duo) for some reason...not Steve Ayers, the other one...can't wait...

Steve McKeowen, that's it.

Well, he doesn't. Not much anyway.

What does this mean????

- LH

16 Oct 02 - 10:47 PM (#805024)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Amos

It means you're not a really good guesser, LH!! :>)

Welcome to the club!


16 Oct 02 - 11:33 PM (#805064)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Benjamin

Marion, I didn't think you meant dream in that sense. Come to think of it, I'm not really sure why I even bothered to ask that question. Although, I do have a "j" in my name.

17 Oct 02 - 11:46 AM (#805414)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Alice

I haven't had Mudcat dreams, but last night I had a dream about the designer Doug from Trading Spaces. He was acting like a real jerk to a friend of mine.... basically, just like he acts on the show.

17 Oct 02 - 12:27 PM (#805455)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Willie-O

I don't think I have. But I have fairly vivid dreams that I forget the content of almost immediately on waking...I guess that's why you're supposed to keep that blank book right by your bed...

Every few years I have an EXTREMELY lifelike dream about going to has gotten so familiar that I tell myself "you're having that dream again", but then I DON'T wake up, so I am convinced it really is real this time...


17 Oct 02 - 07:01 PM (#805672)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: DougR

Uh, Alice, that Doug is not related to me.

17 Oct 02 - 07:37 PM (#805691)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Bill D

NIGHT dreams?? nope....Day dreams?...never you mind... ;>}

17 Oct 02 - 09:04 PM (#805724)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Alice

I know, Doug. THAT Doug is a jerk... you're a nice guy.

17 Oct 02 - 10:27 PM (#805771)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: DougR



17 Oct 02 - 10:43 PM (#805778)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Little Hawk

(chuckle...) Hey Doug, I looked up your picture, and you actually do fairly much look like I thought you would. This means I have been right at least once!

(Oh, by the way, you look fine...)

- LH

17 Oct 02 - 10:58 PM (#805789)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Sorcha

OK, this does it. I'm going to start a BS thread about dreams in general........had a very weird one early this morning. See my new thread to find out about it, and others.

18 Oct 02 - 09:42 AM (#806056)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Dave Bryant

Oh catsPHiddle - it's not me is it ? - now that wouldn't be a bad dream to have - don't tell Micca I said that.

18 Oct 02 - 01:48 PM (#806228)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: DougR

Flattery will get you nowhere, L.H. As Will Danaher said in "The Quiet Man," you're still in my book! :>)


18 Oct 02 - 02:23 PM (#806261)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: CapriUni

From Marion:

don't all hugs feel pretty much the same?

No, they don't -- at least, not in my experience.

Some people hug like a wet noodle.

Some people hug like a vice.

Some people hug while standing far apart, bending at the waist, so that there is as little physical contact as possible and still have it count as a hug.

Some people put a lot of back-patting into their hugs, while others go for the rub technique.

And some hugs are just right. ;-)

Hugs are as varied as handshakes, and the "feel" of a hug is an expression of the hugger's personality -- much like handshakes.

Back to the topic at hand:

I don't recall having Mudcat dreams... but I have woken up with songs I learned on Mudcat running through my head, so maybe...

BTW, I've been accused of giving back-breaking hugs, but I think part of the reason for that is that I'm sitting in a wheelchair, and the person hugging me is standing, so I have to pull down. But it could just be that I don't know my own strength.

18 Oct 02 - 04:31 PM (#806347)
Subject: RE: BS: Poll: have you had Mudcat dreams?
From: Marion

Well, that may be true, CapriUni. I guess I'm always too focused on how quickly I can gracefully end the hug to pay attention to how it feels.

Benjamin, I assume that you look exactly like my friend Ben A., right?