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BS: Disadvantages of Maturing

18 Oct 02 - 08:24 PM (#806462)
Subject: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mr Happy

well they're manifold, for example reading things. everything i used to take for granted & easy to do now requires either special equipt. or a lot of fiddling about.

i remember my parents commenting when they must have been 'maturing' that all printed stuff was unreadable without a magnifying glass- i now know what they were on about. i've got reading specs but often now have to remove them or distance glasses to read print of any kind.
why's itall so tiny?

aslo, mobility- joints stiffening up- knees, fingers etc.

how 'bout u other 'mature' folks?


mr h

18 Oct 02 - 09:35 PM (#806468)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: khandu

I am still a young 49 for a few more weeks. But, I have seen some of the disadvantages occuring in me.

All of the above. Plus, I am getting "set in my ways". I am not so willing to accept change as I once was. Therefore, I am becoming an anachronism. The "music" of today is foreign to me. I have never heard of many of the Grammy nominees; hell, I know on a handful of actors, TV and movie.

I am snowballing into becoming my father! (Which, now that I think of it, ain't bad at all!)


18 Oct 02 - 09:39 PM (#806470)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Sorcha

LOL! All of the above! You forgot grey hair......I worked for them, I earned them, and I cover them up!!

18 Oct 02 - 10:19 PM (#806476)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Amos

Thing I hate about it is having to ignore all the opportunities to be irresponsible. I don't mind being responsible, I just miss the freedom of irresponsibility!! LOL!


18 Oct 02 - 10:34 PM (#806477)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing

Well, I'm only 72 (or will be on 11/1), and so I'll just have to wait until I mature so that I can figure out what the disadvantages might be.

Dave Oesterreich

19 Oct 02 - 12:52 AM (#806493)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: John Hindsill

Whatever the disadvantages of maturing are, they sure beat the alternative. Indeed, yes! (from one who nearly stopped maturing 5 years ago)

19 Oct 02 - 12:56 AM (#806494)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: mack/misophist

No male in my family has ever gone bald. And I think it's a bloody shame. Excess hair, blond or gray, is a pain. Make me bald, please. Oh how I envy you other guys

19 Oct 02 - 01:54 AM (#806499)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: GUEST,Boab

Aye, misophist---I know what you mean anout the hair.I get ribbed about my favourite hat, a leather Mexican wide brim. I get "Crocodile Dundee" jibes daily, and no matter how often I tell 'em it's mainly to keep the [white] hair out of my eyes, nobody seems to believe me. My partner is promising to cut it before tomorrow's {Sat] gig. I'm glad---I've had a couple of "Custers" thrown at me recently. Disadvantages? Aye, when you get to 72 there are some. As a young guy, I travelled the land on camping trips with six friends. Two of us are still around. I have many "new' friends, and have good health and vigour----but losing friends at any age is akin to losing part of yourself.

19 Oct 02 - 03:16 AM (#806513)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Gurney

Misophist is surely joking. There are NO advantages that I can see to being a baldy. If you/I am not getting sun cancers, it is cold raindrops or heat loss, and in confined spaces (not that one) hair acts as feelers and stops you banging your head. And if you do bang it, it doesn't show! Stick with the Liberace look, mate.
John is right though. Ageing's not bad when you consider the alternative.
Between sun cancer and heat loss, I suppose a Statistician would say that I'm comfortable. Wassail.

19 Oct 02 - 03:28 AM (#806519)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Dead Horse

So why all the hair in the ears? Is it just a defence mechanism against todays pop music? I can still hear my bones creak.

19 Oct 02 - 04:26 AM (#806534)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: DMcG

My mother no longer says "You can't go out wearing that!" ... but my daughter does.

19 Oct 02 - 06:23 AM (#806557)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mr Happy

grey? what's that- my hair's becoming transparent!

also echoing a post above- hair in ears- why does 'mature' hair migrate from the head to other parts & then flourish excessively. i've got whiskers growing into my mouth & my eyebrows! well, is there such a thing as forehead trellis? if there is, i could train my bushy brows up it back ontomy head! 8-]

19 Oct 02 - 06:39 AM (#806564)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Roger the Skiffler

Yeah, all of the above. My head is growing through my hair, my arms are getting shorter - more trouble getting my socks on! CRS gets worse, sense of smell is less, I don't always hear what my lovely wife tells me (selective spouse deafness)...but it's better than the alternative!
RtS ("ain't it grand to be NOT bloomin' well dead")

19 Oct 02 - 06:44 AM (#806565)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mr Happy

& then there's clothing- anyone experiencing shrinking togs syndrome?

mrs happy often gets new gear for me & it fits when i try it on straight from the shop. i stick them in the wardrobe for maybe a few weeks- come to wear them & they've shrunk!

19 Oct 02 - 07:05 AM (#806579)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Helen


I've been "enhancing" the colour of my hair for a few years now - but I prefer to enhance it with the colour-control turned right up - fiery copper-red. I have two streaks of white starting to show through near my temples, but I've decided to let them go white so that I can put a lovely bright purple colour in them.

Warning - When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple
By Jenny Joseph (c)

When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple

with a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.

And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves

and satin candles, and say we've no money for butter.

I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired

and gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells

and run my stick along the public railings

and make up for the sobriety of my youth.

I shall go out in my slippers in the rain

and pick the flowers in other people's gardens

and learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat

and eat three pounds of sausages at a go

or only bread and pickles for a week

and hoard pens and pencils and beer nuts and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry

and pay our rent and not swear in the street

and set a good example for the children.

We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practice a little now?

So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised

When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.


19 Oct 02 - 07:55 AM (#806594)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mr Red

Never never never, Why do I have to mature? Why me? It's all so unfair........

19 Oct 02 - 09:27 AM (#806627)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Leadfingers

I still maintain that age is a state of mind,but I wish the floor wasnt such a long way down now.

19 Oct 02 - 11:49 AM (#806684)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Uncle_DaveO


19 Oct 02 - 12:18 PM (#806694)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Amos

Oh, Helen, that's one of my wife's favorite poems, and she fully intends to live by it if she ever gets to be old.

Dave-O -- did you pass?


19 Oct 02 - 12:20 PM (#806697)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Amos

Correction BBW says, "I've bee living by it for years!!"


19 Oct 02 - 02:57 PM (#806781)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: the lemonade lady

Because my eyesight isn't what it was, I mistook a fella for someone else. We ended going out for a drink, and and and....I'll say no more. Maybe lose of eyesight isn't such a bad think after all come to think of it!

19 Oct 02 - 03:16 PM (#806798)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mudlark

5 pt type, feet becoming strangers, wispy hair, no more camping on the ground (no more even SITTING on the ground w/o something sturdy close by to haul up on), can't drink, stay up all night or even drive at night as well as I usta could've. On the other hand, TG maturing doesn't necessarily mean growing up (tho growing OUT seems inescapable) and music just goes on getting more and more enjoyable.

19 Oct 02 - 03:18 PM (#806800)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Don Firth

At the age of 71, I tend to sound like a bagful of rusty hinges whenever I move.
(It makes it increasingly difficult to sneak up on pretty young things and pat 'em on the po-po.)

Lately many of my contemporaries and I seem to have developed the strange idea that words forgotten in mid-song are written on the ceiling.

Although Nature decrees that we must grow old, there is nothing that says we have to grow up.

Don Firth

19 Oct 02 - 06:49 PM (#806920)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Bobert

Maturity? What is it?


19 Oct 02 - 09:27 PM (#806986)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: khandu

Sorcha and Roger the both answered "all the above"...does that mean that both of you are "snowballing into becoming my father"? Hmmmm...that is an interesting situation!


19 Oct 02 - 09:40 PM (#806991)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Amos

It's that Mississippi drawl, khandu -- they jes' can't resist a really authentic drawl!!


19 Oct 02 - 10:00 PM (#806997)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: khandu

LOL! Amos! However, I should translate that into Mississpeak;

"They jist cain't rezist a reel jenuwine drawwwl"


20 Oct 02 - 02:03 AM (#807064)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: JennieG

The Ulysses Motorcycle Club's motto is "Grow old disgracefully" - I reckon that's the way to go!



20 Oct 02 - 02:13 AM (#807067)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mudlark

And speaking of which, there are a group of weekday middle-age, average guys who hang out with their car club on the weekends....Axles of Evil.

20 Oct 02 - 02:32 PM (#807306)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Amos

LOL you lot!! I love it!! Growing old disgracefully -- wodda concept!!

The future of our civilization boils down to the battle between Newspeak and Mississpeak!!

Axles of Evil, indeed!! LOL!


20 Oct 02 - 02:46 PM (#807308)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: wilco

Several years ago, I was at a conference, and one of the "facilitators" was an extremely athletic looking lady of in-determinate age, with terrific posture. She made an impression as a terrific physical speciamn. She appeared to be around 40. She mentioned offhand that she "worked-out," which was obvious. It turned out that she had decided, while in her fifties, that she wanted to be an athlete. She had NEVER done anything athletic at all. She enrolled in a beginners karate class, with a bunch of teenage boys, and it progressed to running and weight training. I would guess that she was in her sevnties. It motivated me to lose weight, run, walk, weight train, etc. Now, I'm a senior bodybuilder, feel better that I have in years, and I am routinely mistaken for someone twenty-five years younger. No more aches and pains, digestive problems, or other maladies. I've turned the age clock around 180 degrees, and in fifty years, I'll have to develop bad habits, since I'll need to start aging again!!!! It's in your mind.

20 Oct 02 - 05:30 PM (#807376)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Liz the Squeak

Bugger. I've been wearing purple for years. Wearing it now in fact!

And I've always been growing older disgracefully. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread and find me there with me feet up.


20 Oct 02 - 08:29 PM (#807461)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Deda

Actually, I think I was suffering under a LOT more disadvantages when I was in my 20s than I am now. I'd like to look like I used to, but know and relate and behave and believe like I do now.

If you want to talk about the disadvantages of IMmaturity, I could go on for a LONG time. I turned a few heads back then, but I didn't have my own on straight.

21 Oct 02 - 02:29 AM (#807595)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Helen

Years ago (stop me if you've already heard this story *grin*) I found a birthday card which I really wish I had bought. It showed a magician on the cover, and he was saying: "With a wave of my magic wand I can make you 20 years younger...". Inside the card it said, "...but do you really want to live the last 20 years over again?"

At that stage I was just coming out of a decade or more of angst & aggravation, and the thought of reliving the whole thing was way too much for me - so I thought the card was spot-on (an Oz-ism for "hitting the nail on the head").


Go purr-ple people! Yay!

22 Oct 02 - 12:11 AM (#808264)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Joe_F

1. The president of the U.S. is younger than I am.
2. There is not enough hair on the top of my head to keep the front hairs down.
3. I see an obituary & say "Was that old bastard still alive?"
4. Before I do anything, I have to do something else, usually piss.


I have led a good life, full of peace and quiet.
I shall have an old age full of rum and riot.
I have been a good boy, wed to peace and study.
I shall have an old age ribald, coarse, and bloody.

I have never cut throats, tho I often yearned to,
Never sung the dirty songs that my fancy turned to.*
I have been a good boy and done what was expected.
I shall be an old bum, loved but unrespected.

*I cross my fingers when singing this line.

22 Oct 02 - 04:20 AM (#808346)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Gurney

Forgot about that...among other things! Boozing, bloody well boozing. No way, now I get a hangover from the smell of a barmaid's apron.
Not that I make a habit of sniffing barmaid's aprons.
Anyway, what was that pommy pop song of the 70's, about a flying purple people eater....

22 Oct 02 - 07:01 AM (#808413)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: GUEST,BlueJay, (if I remember right)

I am fifty y/o, and have to agree with the folks who say you're only as young as you feel. Now I'm a skinny, hyper type. I wish I could gain some weight. But I've had folks confuse my 25 y/o daughter with being my sister. (I'm really not trying to brag, my lifelong struggle to maintain a good body weight is equally serious as overweight folks face).

My skinniness and blond/brown hair color and hyper nature help hide the facts:

My back hurts

My right shoulder hurts
My left knee hurts at times
False teeth suck, Big Time
I am afraid of ladders, (I fell off of a big one once)
I can't drive drunk as well as when I was a kid on acid

Through it all, there has been the music. Right now is one of the best parts of my life, musically speaking. My daughter, son-in-law, a great lady singer, and myself have been playing locally for about a year. We must be doing something right, we keep getting invitations. All original stuff, with me on bass, my daughter Annie on Flute, my son-in-law David on guitar, and Kris Nayeart, a really stunning singer.

As a registered nurse, I've seen a lot regarding aging. I've seen the folks who with minimal treatment continue long into old age happily. And I've seen others, comatose, suffer for ten years with no quality of life whatsoever. Tube feedings and diaper changes, until some infection is more powerful than IV antibiotics. My family knows what to do in such a case. Does your's?

My biggest fear regarding aging is how I will pay for my future health care, and for my family. I'm working now. and I pay as much for health insurance as I do for my housing. $600 a month for a family of four. And I haven't had to test the insurance, yet. If I have a heart attack, or come down with cancer, you can bet Rocky Mountain HMO will fight to the death to prevent paying a nickel.

IMO, the United States needs a single payer insurance system. To Hell with all the individual insurers, and continuing their profits. The health care of the American people is the greater good. Thanks, BlueJay

22 Oct 02 - 07:15 AM (#808420)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: sian, west wales

As a friend once remarked when we were comparing notes on dental surgery and other bits that are beginning to fall off: "I don't mind becoming a Wrinkly but I do bl**dy well mind becoming a Crumbly."


22 Oct 02 - 08:56 AM (#808466)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Essex Girl

The problem with 'maturing' is that people expect you to behave in a dignified manner. I've been attempting that for years - haven't got anywhere yet, so I'm resolved to grow old (older?) disgracefully. L

22 Oct 02 - 09:35 AM (#808482)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Amos

Gurney --

You'll be all right, mate -- just knock off running around sniffing those barmaids' aprons! LOL!


22 Oct 02 - 11:39 AM (#808560)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Jim Krause

Just passed my 49th birthday last July, and I do notice some of the signs of aging. It's more difficult to get up off the floor from a sitting position. Back, knees and hips are stiffer than they used to be. Ah, but my fingers are as nimble as ever. I can play guitar, and fiddle better than I did twenty years ago.

And I have enough gray hair that flirting with the young ladies brings giggles instead of a slap accross the chops. You get to a certain age, and they think you're a sweet old man. (heh heh)


22 Oct 02 - 11:47 AM (#808570)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Kim C

I am only 35, not really "mature" but...

There's lines around my eyes and several gray hairs. The funny thing about the gray is, it's all underneath so it doesn't really show until I put my hair up. I have already decided, though, if it turns gray, it turns gray.

I have to watch what I eat, and make sure I exercise. I never had to do that when I was a teenager/early 20s, but I found out, that a desk job makes your ass big.

I have a hip and a knee that pop.

I was always nearsighted, so that's no big deal...

23 Oct 02 - 12:25 AM (#809065)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Jim Krause

Yep, I may be gettin' old, but at least I never have to grow up.


23 Oct 02 - 12:58 PM (#809399)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Fortunato

The problem with maturing is it nearly always accompanied by increased age, something I am not all comfortable with.

23 Oct 02 - 08:34 PM (#809725)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Bill D

"Ve grow too zoon old, und too late schmart"

But I'm 'schmarter' than I used to be, and at 63, I ain't TOO old to cash in on some of what I know...

At 50 & 55, I stood on my head while folks recited "You Are Old, Father William" I can't stand on my head again due to a disc problem, but I can still sit in full lotus....briefly....*grin*

The real disadvantages for me are connected with my views of what the world is becoming and the sadness that my generation did little about the problems when we had the chance, and that I don't see current generations doing much either. (There are more than TWICE as many people as there were when I was 18!!...and they are no closer to getting along with each other, and they ALL want the good life!)

I personally am in pretty good health, but my memory needs some upgrades...(you do know, don't you, that at some point, when you learn a new song, you have to uninstall an old one? But unfortunately, it is random....I can remember stupid old things, but have lost some good ones!)

24 Oct 02 - 12:10 AM (#809846)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: maire-aine

I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up.

24 Oct 02 - 05:08 AM (#809918)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Dave Bryant

I think it's too late for me to grow up now !
I'm quite happy helping Essex Girl grow older disgracefully - at least that part of me still functions reasonably satifactorily (as do the appropriate parts of Essex Girl).

I suppose that my memory's not as good as it was, but even that can be a bonus because I can't remember how old I am - or that I forget things !

25 Oct 02 - 12:23 AM (#810763)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: GUEST,middle-aged semi-bum

HW Jr: Hangovers hurt more than they used to, etc. And yes, all my rowdy friends have settled down. But one surprise. I kind of expected I would inevitably grow more fixed in my opionions, less tolerant. Not long ago, I looked at some old journals, and I'm far more open-minded, flexible, generous and trusting than when I was 18. I think I must've been very afraid of a world I didn't know much about.

25 Oct 02 - 12:39 AM (#810775)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: bflat

The disadvantage of maturing is that maturing usually doesn't happen until you are getting old. I think I'd like to remain immature as long as possible.


25 Oct 02 - 02:51 PM (#811289)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Don Firth

So you step onto this elevator. Inside is this really old geek. There's something about him that looks very familiar. He squints carefully at you. Then he says, "Didn't we go to high school together?"

Subsequent conversation establishes that, yes indeed, you did go to high school together.

Don Firth

25 Oct 02 - 04:12 PM (#811353)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: 53

you also get older.

25 Oct 02 - 10:34 PM (#811650)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Deckman

Another aging problem I've noticed is that it now takes me all night to do what I used to do all night! CHEERS, Bob(deckman)Nelson

25 Oct 02 - 11:03 PM (#811662)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Bill D

"Once a king, always a king...but once a (k)night's enough"

"You're over the hill when you can't take "yes' for an answer"

"Just because there's snow on the roof, it doesn't mean the fire's out in the hearth" (my personal favorite)

25 Oct 02 - 11:35 PM (#811676)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Deckman

Hey Don ... Do you remember that verse that verse that Elmar used to sing to "Roll Your Leg Over The Man In The Moon" ... "Here we are, singing about it, just because we're doing without it it"? Bob

26 Oct 02 - 12:04 AM (#811691)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Like the OZ Scare-Crow

And the annoying Mr. Happy

The brain is blowed

Your thinkin' is crappy.


26 Oct 02 - 01:17 AM (#811711)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Stilly River Sage

Don and Bob,

You're making sounds like you're feeling old! That's not how I think of either of you. It's all a state of mind. (But I did really enjoy the remark about the words of songs possibly appearing on the ceiling!) Now you two would really be on my case if I added a few complaints to the list, being of the next generation and all. But there are a few aches and missing parts to note (and wouldn't Dad and everyone else be startled to think that I'll be 50 in a couple of years. Blows my mind!)


26 Oct 02 - 02:51 AM (#811741)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Deckman

FIFTY!! My gosh Maggie, why it just seems like it was yesterday! CHEERS, Bob

26 Oct 02 - 08:55 PM (#812115)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Liz the Squeak

It's the going upstairs and then forgetting why I went up there.... then only remembering when I've got to the bottom again.


26 Oct 02 - 10:17 PM (#812150)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Bill D

LTS...that's a benefit! Your memory becomes your exercise program!

26 Oct 02 - 10:26 PM (#812154)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Bill D

I am reminded of a saying in our family.
I learned years ago of a type of wasp:

"Tarantula hawks" are among the most spectacular wasps, with shiny blue-black bodies, orange wings, and large size (up to 2 inches or 50 mm long). In a life-and- death struggle with a tarantula, the slender wasp usually wins by paralyzing the huge spider with its sting. The wasp transports the spider to its previously dug burrow and lays its eggs on the prey.

The only thing is, if the the wasp is interrupted and confused (like having her burrow covered while she is out chasing the spider) she cannot just re-dig it. Her programming is broken, and she must start over and go sting another spider!

So, when Rita or I walk into a room, look blank and wonder why we are there, the line is: "Damn!...I gotta go sting another spider"

27 Oct 02 - 05:45 AM (#812297)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Dave Bryant

I knew that my days of youth were gone
When my get-up-and-go had got-up-and-gone.
But even now I have to grin
When I think where my get-up-and-go had been.

27 Oct 02 - 07:37 AM (#812346)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Liz the Squeak

What did I used to do all night????

And why am I here? Is that the milk??

Help, I'm turning into a TOG!! (thus outing any other Radio 2 listenier who responds to that post!)


27 Oct 02 - 01:42 PM (#812551)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mr Happy

why thank you greg gargy! an accolloid at last!

sincerely 9(note correct spelling)

mr happy xx

28 Oct 02 - 03:31 AM (#812941)
Subject: RE: BS: Disadvantages of Maturing
From: Mr Happy

inverse 2!