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BS: I need calendar photos now

21 Oct 02 - 11:26 PM (#808249)
Subject: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

Hi there,

Mudcat Calendar 2003!!!

yes I'm starting to nag again.....

send me what you've got, I'll decide what the theme is when I see the pics......

nearly nude is OK....... anything else is OK too.....

but if we want this for Xmas, I need photos now....




jpeg to

22 Oct 02 - 08:16 AM (#808442)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Giac


22 Oct 02 - 10:14 AM (#808501)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

Is there an age limit on this ? - wouldn't Essex Girl and myself (we're both passed the middle of our fifth decade) cause the calendar to have a "Horror" certificate.

22 Oct 02 - 08:53 PM (#808957)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

no age limit...... or taste limit either as long as the rude bits are covered.....



22 Oct 02 - 09:04 PM (#808963)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: GUEST,Anita Fig Leaf

Yeah, all you need is a beer can. Right, Micca?

22 Oct 02 - 09:16 PM (#808966)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

he had a tankard last year..... hahaha

I just got my first pic, a beautiful shot of Socorro & her granddaughter...

just a thought, can you let me know what month you were born in when you send me a shot please...




23 Oct 02 - 06:27 AM (#809106)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

OK - Linda and I will see what we can manage. Might have to wait until after half-term though - can't really sort out a photo session with two teenagers running round the place !

23 Oct 02 - 06:30 AM (#809108)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

Just a thought - you might be able to raise more money for the 'cat by accepting pledges to ensure that I won't be revealing my body !

23 Oct 02 - 06:54 AM (#809119)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: JennieG


I'm game, if you take the photo!



23 Oct 02 - 07:39 AM (#809132)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

Form an orderly queue lads - I'm first !

23 Oct 02 - 10:13 AM (#809233)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

lol.... see you in the girls loo at Hornsby Jenny.... I'm sure we can sort out something....



23 Oct 02 - 11:12 AM (#809288)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

OK... new thought from the chat room

photo of you or a group of you as a song title... then we can guess the song........ now who's game enough to do "cock of the morning"???? *grin*



23 Oct 02 - 05:52 PM (#809586)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Genie

Question is, who's gonna depict "The Ball At Kierimuir?"

(I mean, Amos, Spaw, Derrymacash, and who else?)


23 Oct 02 - 07:20 PM (#809657)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah.. right... I better go find my wedding dress then.... it still fits you know... just not in the same places.

Somehow I don't think Bratling will let me stick her with the penknife...


23 Oct 02 - 11:32 PM (#809810)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: CarolC

I'll be retiring from the "nearly nude" calendar type pics this year.

Rob and I could send in something in, maybe a wedding shot or something, if it would fit into any of the themes being considered.

23 Oct 02 - 11:56 PM (#809834)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: NicoleC

Here's another fundraiser idea -- auction slots off? Maybe not ALL of them. But the auction winner would have to stick with the theme?

24 Oct 02 - 01:21 AM (#809870)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Genie

Please explicate, Nicole.

24 Oct 02 - 05:47 AM (#809940)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

well so far I have one "guess the song title" photo (thanks Micca & Catsphiddle)....... and a few nice family shots

the more I think about it... the more I like the song title idea

anymore out there?



27 Oct 02 - 04:32 AM (#812278)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison


27 Oct 02 - 04:57 AM (#812288)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm trying to find one... honest.... but like I said... Bratling didn't take kindly to the penknife in the head.... and banks of green willow are pretty hard to come by.


27 Oct 02 - 06:41 PM (#812762)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Gareth

Pitty Llanstock was cancxelled. The photo of the Welsh contingent at the poreserved Railway Station would have been perect for "Cosher Bailley had an Engine"


27 Oct 02 - 10:21 PM (#812859)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Amergin

god...i hope no one does "The Scotsman".....

28 Oct 02 - 02:21 AM (#812911)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Liz the Squeak

anyone know a song about Lady Godiva? Then I can just reuse one of the ones I took for last years.....



03 Nov 02 - 06:44 PM (#817727)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

come on everyone.... if this is going to happen I need them soon......




05 Nov 02 - 07:09 PM (#819455)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison


05 Nov 02 - 10:47 PM (#819574)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hi, Alison:

Maybe submitting photos that suggest the title of a song is too limiting. I sent you two or three photos, none of which would fit the theme, and I don't have any other photos that would work to send. Unless the title of the song was "you Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby." Of course we could sumbit photos of us when we were kids and have people try to figure out our identities..


05 Nov 02 - 11:01 PM (#819585)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Genie

Well, I guess it'd be pretty easy to do "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," Jerry. ;-D

But I think you're right that it's generally hard to come up with song titles (especially if you limit it to folk song titles) that you could depict without a helluva lot of time and expense. Folks like MMario, who go in for the old Renaissance Faire shtick, of course, would have an edge with the Child ballads, but generally I think a lot of song titles would be hard to do without a lot of expense (She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain), time, or pain (The Lobster).


05 Nov 02 - 11:12 PM (#819590)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I could do Mule Skinner Blues, if I could find a cooperative mule..


05 Nov 02 - 11:24 PM (#819599)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Helen

Hi alison,

I'd like to submit that nice photo of you, me and Jacquie at St Albans in 2001, but I can't remember whether it was your photo or mine and if it is on my computer somewhere, I can't remember where I put it and what it was called. It's posted on the Mudcat/photos/events page. So, I'll go for a little surf through my computer and see if I can find it and send it to you ASAP.


P.S. Harps are too revealing for nude photos - unless 'one' is wearing a string bikini, I suppose - so just to be different this photo has people fully clothed.

06 Nov 02 - 04:59 AM (#819691)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: mooman

Dear Alison,

Just zapped something through to you with a song title suggestion from the DT!

Best regards,


06 Nov 02 - 06:14 PM (#820289)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

it doesn't have to be a song title.... I'm taking anything people are sending me.....

got a few nice... this is something pleasant I did in the last year type shots......

there is NO THEME.... and I'm not looking for one... just send me what you've got and we'll see what we come up with

I think I have that pic Helen

lovely photo from Mooman



06 Nov 02 - 08:42 PM (#820389)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Alice

I like the idea of sending photos from our childhood and people having to guess who it is.


06 Nov 02 - 08:58 PM (#820401)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Alice

Since there are so many oldsters in Mudcat, how about photos from any time in our past, from birth on?

06 Nov 02 - 09:02 PM (#820404)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Jerry Rasmussen

I'll send a photo in from my childhood, if you will, Alice..


06 Nov 02 - 09:04 PM (#820409)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Alice

hmmmm...... I have two old photos in mind, one from childhood and one from my twenties.... should I just send them, Alison, and let you do what you will with them???


06 Nov 02 - 09:06 PM (#820411)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Alice

interesting.... an up to date 2003 calendar depicting the Mudcatters' distant past!

06 Nov 02 - 09:09 PM (#820413)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Genie

Well, if we can use really outdated photos (like over 20 years old), I have a couple of me in various costumes (without guitar). Now if I can just find a song to go with the costume. Hmmmmm.


06 Nov 02 - 09:53 PM (#820435)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

lets face it folks I'm desperate.....

send me whatever you've got



11 Nov 02 - 04:31 AM (#823160)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

I've already sent you Essex Girl's (nearly nude) depiction of a tune title. I'll send you my contribution this week with a bit of luck.

11 Nov 02 - 09:24 AM (#823285)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Trevor

Alison - sent you my contribution, in case you were looking to put babes on the calendar!

11 Nov 02 - 11:27 PM (#823920)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

thanks boys

that "nearly nude" photo is "extremely nude" in comparison to other years... looks great!!



11 Nov 02 - 11:46 PM (#823926)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Stilly River Sage

I haven't seen the current calendar, and now haven't got around to ordering it because the year is so far advanced. Is there any discounted way to get a look at last year's calendar, to guage how to prepare current submissions?


12 Nov 02 - 02:07 AM (#823968)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

yeah... send me an email and I'll send you a few pics.....

or if there is sufficient interest from 'newer catters" I can redo the nearly nude ones with next years dates

but this year is different... as most people are not going for "nearly nude"

getting quite a few baby photos at the moment


12 Nov 02 - 12:02 PM (#824241)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Alice

Any great looking photo of 'Catters, whether the picture is from your past or present, not nude, would be of interest to me. I'm not into the nude or nearly nude calendar shots, so if I was to buy a calendar I'd like to just see some good photography. I sent one of myself to alison for this calendar. It's kind of a "guess who", as the photo is from the 1970's. If you have some good photography from your past, send it in.

12 Nov 02 - 01:43 PM (#824356)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: CarolC

I sent three pictures in case you can use them. It looks like I may have sent one of them twice.

12 Nov 02 - 02:00 PM (#824375)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: MMario

I sent one -

12 Nov 02 - 06:20 PM (#824603)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

Carol, if you sent some, they haven't arrived yet... got MMario's though....



13 Nov 02 - 08:39 AM (#825080)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

I'd find baby pictures difficult - Henry Fox Talbot was still working things out when I was born !

I'll send you some in which I'm wearing the same outfit that I had on at birth though.

13 Nov 02 - 09:27 AM (#825128)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: CarolC

I had a glitch in my e-mail service. You should have four e-mails coming from me. I sent three last night, and one a few minutes ago.

14 Nov 02 - 10:07 AM (#825811)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

14 Nov 02 - 10:11 AM (#825815)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

Sorry about the blank frame.

I've sent my contribution (nearly-nude song title) in - I hope that it's usable.

14 Nov 02 - 06:46 PM (#826358)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

oh yes... definately usable... yours arrived too Carol



02 Dec 02 - 06:46 PM (#839190)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Helen

Hi there,

Here is your new nagging calendar creator, taking over where alison left off.

I need calendar photos now

(shout warning: if you would just like to put your earplugs in) that's NOW! (Okay, shouting is over, you can remove the earplugs... I said, you can remove the... oh, never mind, I'll use sign language)

alison is progressively sending me the photos she has so there is no need to send them again. I'll make a list here of all the ones I have - after they all arrive.

The theme is: 1) make up your own theme; 2) illustrate a folk or blues song; 3) If *you* want to bare all, go right ahead - but there is no way *I'm* standing behind my harp strings in my "altogether".

So, the more the merrier. Send those photos now.

PM me for my e-mail address.


02 Dec 02 - 06:52 PM (#839192)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: MMario

My picture actually (and inadvertantly) illustrates a number of folk songs - but I doubt if many people will be able to figure it out.

03 Dec 02 - 01:38 PM (#839767)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: open mike

i just came across this little item about the trend in nude calendars
as fund raising tools. How is our calendar done? I keep seeing an ad
for the 2002 one, but not sure about the new it available?

interesting article about the financial benefits of nude calendars

04 Dec 02 - 12:39 AM (#840132)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

not available yet..... Helen is working on it



08 Jan 03 - 06:38 AM (#861451)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

Any more info on the release date for the calendar ?

08 Jan 03 - 07:45 AM (#861499)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: alison

last I heard Helen was off travelling over Xmas and the New Year.....

I'm sure she'll let us know when she gets back



19 Jan 03 - 07:48 PM (#870171)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: GUEST,Helen, in Tasmania - sans electricity!

Hi all,

Sorry about the lateness of the calendar. I thought I'd have more access to electricity on this trip - but lots of camping, and too much to see and do here so I haven't had much opportunity to do it. I'll get onto it as soon as I can and let you know. I've been incommunicado for most of the trip too, but Tassie has an absolutely brilliant system of Online Access Centres so I haven't been totally cut off.


20 Jan 03 - 04:43 AM (#870351)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Dave Bryant

How's it going, Helen ? - Have you got a release date planned yet ?

26 Jan 03 - 08:32 PM (#875464)
Subject: RE: BS: I need calendar photos now
From: Helen

Hi all,

Absolute and total apologies. I am so sorry about this.

But I'm back at my computer today (arrived home last night after a full-on 4 week trip including 3 folk fests). I'll get stuck into the calendar this afternoon and I'll tack on some bonus pages as well, for penance.
