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Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!

28 Oct 02 - 10:14 AM (#813113)
Subject: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Hey mudcats: Rick and Heather will be making the long trek down to CT from Toronto and appearing at the Branford Folk Music Society's Trinity Coffeehouse on Saturday, November 9, 2002. Here's your chance to hear him again (or for the first time) live and see that famous grin in person. It's also a chance for mudcats to meet. Frank and I are looking forward to it.

Directions and details:

28 Oct 02 - 06:51 PM (#813244)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: bbc

We will be there w/ bells on!

bbc & Duane D.

28 Oct 02 - 09:20 PM (#813325)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

My wife Ruth and I are hoping to make it, too..


29 Oct 02 - 01:17 PM (#813720)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: GUEST,vixen@work

Vicki and Tim will be there...


29 Oct 02 - 03:15 PM (#813821)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

I love that place. Been there a few times. I think directions are on my website, if anyone wants to come from a distance*

I promise not to center you out again Vixen!

*still don't know my website address...just type me into google.



29 Oct 02 - 03:21 PM (#813826)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

Hey Rick, ya got more clones workin' on your website than I dunno...

29 Oct 02 - 04:47 PM (#813893)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

So Rick, are you going to make your fiddle debut in Branford?

30 Oct 02 - 02:25 AM (#814178)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: karen k

Planning to come if I don't forget.

30 Oct 02 - 06:58 AM (#814254)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Tiger

Nora and I are planning to come. Maybe I can get her to wear bbc's necklace.

It'll be nice to see you folks and meet da Man.

03 Nov 02 - 03:17 PM (#817597)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Countdown for Rick in Branford: it's this coming Saturday. Reservations neither needed nor taken at the coffeehouse - just show up!

03 Nov 02 - 08:59 PM (#817796)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: bbc

We'll be staying at the Ramada in Branford & expect to arrive in the afternoon. Tiger, it would be neat to see you & your wife!


08 Nov 02 - 09:27 AM (#821396)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Tiger


Anybody else coming - c'mon 'cats.

08 Nov 02 - 09:43 AM (#821409)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Fortunato

Can't make it, unfortunately. Tell him for me please I'm willing to hire on as his wardrobe consultant. I think his costuming needs some work.

08 Nov 02 - 10:36 AM (#821449)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

I thought it was about 5 hours away from me. Just checked the map and it's only about 3 1/2. It's still a bit far for a round trip.

Have fun, y'all, and be sure to check out his fingernails. (Although he may have given up on 'em and gone back to being ol' Metalhand again.)

08 Nov 02 - 10:45 AM (#821461)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

Nahhhh....still have the fingernails, but I'mm carryin' cold steel in my pocket just in case!



08 Nov 02 - 01:08 PM (#821592)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Tinker

For a few minutes I thought we'd get up there. Then I looked at what the kids had penciled on to the calendar and a two hour drive suddenly became much harder..... And I had talked the husband into coming too!!!

In April will drop the kid at my mom's and catch ya in Massachusetts

09 Nov 02 - 12:54 PM (#822295)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Tonight's the night.

09 Nov 02 - 01:23 PM (#822308)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

See you Cats there... my wife Ruth and I will be pulling in around 7:30.. all of a half hour drive from here..


10 Nov 02 - 01:36 AM (#822609)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Steve Latimer


10 Nov 02 - 01:50 AM (#822613)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Night Owl


(guess they're STILL playin' music in Conn. tonight Steve)

10 Nov 02 - 11:13 AM (#822672)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

And then what happened???

They might have still been playing at 2AM, but somebody out there has to be awake enough now to post!

10 Nov 02 - 12:22 PM (#822730)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Night Owl

unless Rick's new fingernails got stuck somewhere......

10 Nov 02 - 01:54 PM (#822775)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Report from Connecticut: Rick & Heather just left our house a few minutes ago. What a GREAT concert and what a GREAT time we had!

Rick was in fine form at the coffeehouse, playing guitar, banjo, mandolin, a Dobro-like contrivance with another guitar, telling hilarious stories, singing his heart out with that beautiful voice before a very receptive audience. Great stuff.

He also called Jerry Rasmussen up to do two songs, so I finally got to hear him. He did two wonderful songs that he wrote: Handful of Songs and Old Blue Suit. Thoroughly enjoyed this, and enjoyed meeting Jerry and his wife Ruth.

Then, Frank and I and Reynaud (with Vixen taking photos) joined Rick on two songs, with Rick on guitar, Frank on banjo, Reynaud on mandolin and myself on bass. And we all LIVED!

After the concert, several mudats including Rick & Heather, BBC and Duane D and Tiger (with wife Nora) and Paul & Louis (with wife Anna) from ShoreGrass and Vixen & Reynaud & friend Terry and Barbara Ruth from BFMS all came back to our house for a little session. BBC made her autoharp debut and did a great job singing and playing. No more excuses, she can play! Duane knocked us out with his mastery of the bowed psaltery. Rick jumped around from instrument to instrument, even playing some amazing fiddle breakdowns, a couple of songs on the bass, just show him a stringed instrument and he's so good you want to burn your instrument, except it was your instrument he was playing!

The last song happened around 2:30 a.m. and a fine almost 24 hours of music was had by all.

10 Nov 02 - 02:19 PM (#822787)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Night Owl

thank-you Barbara!!! turning green here.....

10 Nov 02 - 02:26 PM (#822796)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Yes, Rick was wonderful... such a fine picker and singer.. a rich night of music and stories. And, it was good to see so many Mudcatters there, as Barbara mentioned. Be sure to catch him if Rick is coming anywhere near your neighborhood..


10 Nov 02 - 03:06 PM (#822810)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Woops. Hey, Heather! Just found your red jacket in our hall closet! Do you guys want to come back (real soon) to pick it up, or shall I mail it or wait until we meet again?

10 Nov 02 - 03:10 PM (#822811)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

Thanks Barbara! I still was thinking about going yesterday but it would have been downright silly. I'm very happy to hear what I missed. I hope Vixen shares the photos.

10 Nov 02 - 05:24 PM (#822878)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: bbc

We just got home. We had a wonderful time! It was great to have 10 Mudcatters present to support Rick (not that he needs it!). He amazed us, as usual, w/ the breadth of his musical abilities! That man picked up instrument after instrument & played them so smoothly & effortlessly! Back at the house, in addition to the ones Barbara mentioned, he also picked up the autoharp & bowed psaltery! It was a pleasure to see Rick & Heather, Tiger & Nora, Vixen & Reynaud. We had a chance to chat w/ Jerry Rasmussen & his lovely wife Ruth. We were so sorry that they had early plans for Sunday morning & couldn't join us in the after-concert song circle. Ruth, I did play "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" & it was my best song! I hope I'll be able to play it for you another time. Barbara & Frank were great hosts. I couldn't believe I was actually still awake & kicking at 3 am! Rick is a modest & generous performer. We really appreciated him inviting Jerry up to do a couple of his songs (& accompanying him on Tim's mandolin). Jerry, I hope you heard us all singing along. So many of us know & love your music. You have a special place in folk music & in our hearts! It was great ending the evening w/ Shoregrass & Tim joining Rick on stage. I think they ended w/ us all singing along w/ "Canaan Land" or "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Can someone clarify that?

For those who are inclined to come to future Branford appearances, there's a really comfortable Ramada Inn very close-by,as well as beautiful shoreline by the Thimble Islands. We took our time coming home & had a lovely end to a great weekend!


10 Nov 02 - 05:32 PM (#822884)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Anyone spending any time around Branford should go on a boat trip around the Thimble Islands ... great fun..

Ruth and I had to get on home because The Gospel Messengers sang early Sunday morning (today) at a conference for halfway houses... people from states as far away as Utah, and a couple of people from S. Korea. Otherwise, we would have been at Frank and Barbara's for the singing...


10 Nov 02 - 07:38 PM (#822956)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

The last song was "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." After that, Rick did an encore (after a standing ovation) of "Storms Out on the Ocean."

Couple more details: Just before he left our house, Rick brought out a couple of recently acquired divining rods which we all took turns using to locate water around the yard. Sure enough, there was some underneath our pool cover, but the surprising one was the mad "crossing" of the rods where our neighbor's yard apparently drains into our yard. You know, the neighbor who doesn't like our camper parked in the driveway. The rods supposedly really work on running water sources.

Also, I bought myself a Christmas present - a banjo mute for Frank's banjo! (Don't anyone tell him...)

10 Nov 02 - 08:06 PM (#822970)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

And thanks, bbc for your kind words about my music. As any musician knows, there is a special pleasure in returning to a place where you've performed several times. Like setling in to a favorite chair.The Branford coffee house does that for me, as does the Sounding Board in Hartford, and Cafe Lena in Saratoga Springs. When you walk through the door you feel like you've never been away, no matter how many years have passed. Ruth and I were talking on the drive home about the people I really admire most in the folk community. It's the people who run the series, those who do the set-up and the sound, and the take-down and put-away. And the loyal audiences who make a point of coming out to support the traveling musicians, whatever the weather or what's happening in their own lives. That's why I enjoyed meeting Barbara and Frank and seeing you, Duane D and the other Mudcatters. If it wasn't for people like you and the rest of the Mudcat family and all the great people who give generously of themselves running the series, the whole folk circuit would die. For a musician, it's not the pay that leads them to travel around the country. Better to stay at home and work at Starbucks. It's the warmth of the audience that makes the long drive worth it. I take as much pleasure in being part of an audience as I do being a performer.

Last night was worth the drive from Toronto. Or Westchester County..


10 Nov 02 - 09:18 PM (#823005)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Guy Wolff

Sorry to have missed this.. My daughter Elizabeth went to a reuniuon at the Hole In The Wall camp in Ashford so I was out driving all over Ct Friday Saterday and Sunday.. I missed Rick yet another time!!! I will meet this CT gang yet as well !! If I can meet Mudcatters in Yorkshire and Berkley CA ... I can pull it together in my home Sate!!! .. It sounded like a wonderful time. Next time Rick !!!! . All the best ., Guy

10 Nov 02 - 09:37 PM (#823019)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: p.j.

Congratulations on another great show Rick, and all of you who wound up on stage! Sounds like a GREAT evening, so sorry we missed it.


10 Nov 02 - 11:00 PM (#823063)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: bbc

Thanks for the verification on the song, Barbara. Jerry, it was my pleasure. I've been involved in folk music for about 15 years now, mostly as audience. For quite awhile, I felt a little inferior about that, but, recently, I've been realizing that audience & performer are part of the same spectrum & neither works well without the other. Now, I just try to be *good* audience! Thanks to those of you who perform to entertain, enlighten, & educate us!



10 Nov 02 - 11:16 PM (#823068)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: katlaughing

Sounds just wonderful. Thanks to all for telling us about it. I don't know about that cold steel in his pocket, though!**BG**


11 Nov 02 - 03:13 PM (#823529)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: GUEST,vixen@work


'Twas indeed a great evening! I could have kept jamming until the sun came up, but that was because I wasn't driving. Reynaud (Tim) got us all home safe and sound around 4 a.m. Sunday morning!

I'll scan in some of the pix when I finish off the second roll and get them developed (probably by the end of the week). The question is, what do I do with them after I scan them, so other d'cats can see them???


11 Nov 02 - 04:11 PM (#823584)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

Short answer: Send 'em to Pene Azul

Longer answer: Go up to the top of the page & click on Quick Links, select "Member Photos & Info" and click the Go button. There's an e-mail address for Jeff (Pene Azul) on that page.

I can't wait to see the photos!

(Kat: "Are those fingerpicks in your pocket, or is your hamster glad to see me?")

11 Nov 02 - 06:14 PM (#823691)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Tiger

A fine show, and a fine session to follow. It was rather awesome to look around the room and see all that musical talent.

Really nice to meet Rick & Heather, Jerry & Ruth for the first time.

Barb & Frank - I didn't realize those were your Shore Grass compadres at the other end of the room, anyway, I'm already working on "Someone Play Dixie for Me"

We made it home at 2:30, just about the time you guys broke up. We just can't stay up as long as we used to :)

Thanks again.

11 Nov 02 - 07:11 PM (#823729)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: katlaughing

(Jeri, once again, in a thread, I am glad you said it, not me!**BG**Tks!)

11 Nov 02 - 09:49 PM (#823876)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

Well...Thank YOU!

Great little trip. As some of da Mudcat folks may know, my jaunts away from home are much shorter than they used to be. I dispensed with agents, managers, headaches, stress and "the biz" in general about 14 years ago, and have never regretted it for an instant. My "day jobs" now are teaching music, leather carving, and some very eclectic 'little things' like fixing people's instruments, making banjo mutes, and some free-lance cartooning. It all adds up to about as much as a bad telemarketer would make (but I sleep better) and allows me to do about 30 folk concerts, festivals and little gigs a year. Ninety percent of my booking is word of mouth, and I rarely even use written contracts these days, 'cause I simply "know" and trust the folks I sing for.

The REAL perqs are the folks I've met this way who are now friends...some newer, and some already getting into the "vintage" category.

Visiting the Shaws is like a mini vacation in itself (by the way folks, Frank and Barbara are extremely fine old-time musicians, and could hold their own with the best duos at ANY festival) and as was mentioned, we all sat around and did some pickin' after the concert. Sorry Jerry and Ruth couldn't make it to the jam. I want to mention one "picker" especially who because he's kinda quiet doesn't get much notice....Duane D. He played a beautiful piece on the bowed psaltery, which is a tricky instrument....good pickin' Duane.

We also got a chance to spend some time with our friend Sunny Ochs, up near Middleburgh New York. Sunny's one of my favourite people in the whole world.....just LOVES the music, (she's been doin' a radio show for years) gets to a lot of festivals each year, and keeps her brother Phil's music out there by doing "Phil Ochs' Nights" around North America. I've played on a couple of these, and it's neat to have some 17 year old come up to ya and say, "hey that "Changes" is a great song"....and then perhaps they pick up one of Phil's old albums. He used to be a regular visitor to Toronto in the late sixties, and I owe a lot of my guitar right hand to him (and Tom Rush, and Doc Watson!!). Watching some old videos ofPhil (and others) at Sunny's, brings back mucho memories.......and reminds me that I'm gonna be 57(!!) and have been doin' this for a long time!

Part of the fun I get out of music these days comes directly from Mudcat. Was terrific to see the catters at the show. Thanks so much.



11 Nov 02 - 10:07 PM (#823886)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

One more thing I wanted to mention....but in a separate post. Thanks so much to Marion (if you don't know her....she's the catter who always posts such interesting musical questions) for hanging out with our furry-type cats.....and even DOING THE DISHES and LAUNDRY!! Holy cow Marion, that was above and beyond the call of duty!!

Where'd we meet this great person? Guess where. 'Tanks Max!


11 Nov 02 - 10:24 PM (#823893)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Big Mick

Sounds like I missed a doozy, buddy. I even checked my frequent fliers to see if I could sneak in on you. But schedule screwed me.

I don't think you could of chosen a better person than Marion to watch those critters. She is one fine woman and a great person. I will bet she could even repair a faucet............LOL.


11 Nov 02 - 10:38 PM (#823899)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Steve Latimer

Well, for you Toronto area folks, Rick is doing it all again at the Tranzac on November 24th. I am going to try to make that one.

11 Nov 02 - 10:39 PM (#823900)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Big Mick

BTW..........did you hear about that new Iraqui tuning...........BAGHDAD.......bad, Mick, very bad.


12 Nov 02 - 10:30 AM (#824163)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

I'm already looking forward to the next time in Branford. Maybe we can work out some kind of dormitory thing for the long-distance bunch. Mick, Heather gave a detailed description of your legendary hugs. Jeri, you shoulda come anyway and just invited yourself to my couch. Sandy & Caroline, stop working so hard and take time for some fun. Jerry & Ruth, you could have gone straight to the gig from my house! (Hope it went well).

Interesting to hear "vintage" and then "the Shaws" and then "old-time" in close proximity in Rick's post. Good thing I'm too old to be sensitive! Speaking of old (not), we did one version of Red-Haired Boy at the jam which started out slow and then kicked up to KILLER FAST. My buddies had never heard this kind of guitar part, because it's usually me on guitar doing Red-Haired Minuet, but this time it was me on bass and Mr. Fielding himself on guitar. The oldster who is "gonna be 57(!!)" showed everyone how it's done, while the lady on bass was gasping for air.

One more thing. Rick, what the heck was that thing you put on Frank's guitar to turn it into a Dobro? Do you make them? Do you sell them? Folks, you wouldn't believe the sound coming out of that instrument, all because of some metal thing on the neck. Or was it because of the fingers working the strings and slide?

12 Nov 02 - 10:40 AM (#824177)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

Heh, heh, heh,!!

Hi Barb....I'll make one for ya and send it down.



12 Nov 02 - 10:56 AM (#824195)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

Barbara - so NOW I know I can show up as a poor, forlorn waif upon your doorstep and you'll give me shelter and a bit of bread. As Rick can probably attest, I would never put someone in a position where they'd feel pressure to say 'yes'. If folks give me the slightest bit of encouragement, I'm Cato Cailin (sp? and remember him?), Professional Houseguest. (Except I later go home.) Oughtta have business cards made up!

12 Nov 02 - 10:57 AM (#824196)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hi, Barb: Maybe Ruth and I shoulda just gone straight from you house. We only ended up getting three or four hours of sleep as is.
Our Sunday morning went beautifully though, despite it seeming that everything went wrong. The other baritone in the Gospel Messengers, Frankie, had to go out of town because of a family emergency, which I discovered when we got home from Branford and got the message on our machine. Our bass, Joe, was in a head-on collision about a month ago which re-aggravated a hip injury and he was in such pain Saturday that he didn't sleep for a minute. When he arrived Sunday morning, he could barely walk. I've never seen him suffering so much. Derrick came flying in at the last minute, so we had a trio. We were singing at a conference of Halfway Houses, and were in a banquet hall with 500 people in attendance from states as far away as Utah, and even representatives from a halfway house in South Korea. Once we started singing, the energy kicked in, and at least for a few minutes,
Joe was able to sing. Every performer knows of those times when you have to drag yourself on stage, wondering where you can find the reserve. And yet, somehow you always do.

Ruth and I are looking forward to a return engagement for Rick, but will make it over to other concerts when we can. We're only a half hour away..

Thanks to all the Branford folks for making such a wonderful evening possible.

Jerry and Ruth

12 Nov 02 - 12:19 PM (#824251)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Naemanson


I was in Bridgeport that evening! If only I had known!

12 Nov 02 - 08:57 PM (#824745)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Duane D.

Hi all,
I've been away from Mudcat for way too long. Rick's concert was the best one I'd been to in a long time. It was great to hear Jerry playing his songs live, rather than listening to his records, thank you. Thanks to Barbara and Frank for inviting us to their home after the concert for the jam session. It was great fun. I haven't had the opportunity to play like that for so long. When I lived in NJ, I belonged to several folk music organizations and each had monthly sings or evenings of music, where we'd gather at someone's house to socialize and play music all night. We don't have any of that here in Westchester Co., NY, and I hadn't realized how much I miss it. Rick, Barbara, you're too kind about my psaltry playing, I hope my hat still fits (bg). Tim, I haven't heard you play your mandolin for a long while and I'm greatly impressed, you're good. It was great be with the rest of the 'catters in attendance as well. We should do this all over again, soon, somewhere. Best regards, Duane.

13 Nov 02 - 10:39 PM (#825658)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

It just occurred to me that sending one of these little devices through the mail might be problematic. They DO resemble a weapon of some kind (what with sharpened point and all) so perhaps what I'll do is start a thread showing you how to make your own. Trust me it ain't difficult. I'll put it up tomorrow.



Nope Duane, I'm NOT being too kind. You pick a mean psaltery!

13 Nov 02 - 11:06 PM (#825661)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Duane D.

I don't pick it, I bow it. BTW, Rick, did you receive the 10 jpgs from your concert I emailed to you earlier today?

13 Nov 02 - 11:32 PM (#825664)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

"I don't pick it." Don't be so picky, Duane! This is Rick - everybody's a picker. He'd probably say I'm a fiddle picker...

Rick, you might what to ask the people at the post office. I don't think sharp metal objects are a problem in the mail as they very rarely jump out and stab people. At least not if you wrap them well. I don't know what you'd put on the customs slip though..."metal guitar doohicky with pointy bits?"

14 Nov 02 - 08:33 AM (#825715)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Rick, don't go to any trouble with the metal doohicky.

Jeri, now that Rick & Heather have assured me that you're not an internet axe-murderer, I'm sure we can work something out for the next Branford gig.

Duane, is the instrument a psaltery or psaltry?

14 Nov 02 - 08:52 AM (#825735)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

I've never murdered anyone with an axe in my life, and cats seem to like me.
Barbara, three years ago (I think), Sandy Paton introduced us at Old Songs. It was quite a while ago and at least my festival memories are always hazy because there's so much going on.

14 Nov 02 - 09:08 AM (#825749)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Marion

Well Fieldings, I guess next time you know who to call. Next time you're going out of town, that is... NOT next time you have a leaky faucet.

Cheers, Marion

14 Nov 02 - 05:07 PM (#826257)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Duane D.

Barbara, It's a Bowed Psaltry. Maybe it's psaltery in Canada.

15 Nov 02 - 12:29 AM (#826583)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Duane D.

I've seen both spellings used, but I've been spelling it psaltry, because that's how it is spelled in my instruction book which came with my instrument. I looked up the proper spelling and according to The American Heritage Dictionary psaltry and psaltery are both correct and interchangeable.


15 Nov 02 - 08:03 AM (#826767)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Thanks, Duane. Jeri, my memory is terrible and getting worse!

Sooooo, whose red jacket is that in my hall closet?

Any photos yet?

15 Nov 02 - 09:56 AM (#826860)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

Barbara (whose "memory is terrible") - maybe it's your jacket?

Photos would be nice.

15 Nov 02 - 01:05 PM (#827018)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Barb...Yep, it's Heather's all right. Me? I left my PANTS in Maryland two weeks ago!!


15 Nov 02 - 01:20 PM (#827032)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Jeri

TWO WEEKS??!! OOooh - "lost time" (Twilight Zone music.)

They probably keep that mothership so warm you didn't notice the missing pants...

20 Nov 02 - 10:44 AM (#830716)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: GUEST,vixen @ work

Picked up the pictures! Some of them actually portray recognizable Mudcats!

I'll be scanning tomorrow, and sending actual duplicates to Rick, et alia.

I'll send the jpg files to Jeff for posting.


09 Jan 03 - 10:09 PM (#863212)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Barbara Shaw

Hey! I just discovered that pictures from this event were posted at the mudcat photo events page.

Check out bbc and Duane, Reynaud, Tiger and Nora, Rick, Jerry Rasmussen, etc. (Vixen, great photography. Too bad you're not in any...)

10 Jan 03 - 11:52 AM (#863557)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: GUEST,bbc at work

Thank you, Barbara (& Vickie, of course!). Finally, proof that I actually *have* played & sung at least once! I have never seen how I look w/ my autoharp, so that was pretty neat. Naturally, it was fun seeing the rest of you, too. Hey, Tiger, get Nora to send her bracelet for resizing!



10 Jan 03 - 05:32 PM (#863878)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Rick Fielding

Wow! Great photos!

I'd kill to have the Barb and Frank Shaw band living in Toronto. Their playing BREATHES! Do ya know how rare that is....even with pros?

BBC.....ya look like you were BORN to play autoharp!

Great to see everyone there.


11 Jan 03 - 09:34 AM (#864355)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding in Branford, CT again!!
From: Big Mick

Wonderful pictures!! To see so many great friends, and look at the faces! They are having a ball. Rick, when's the last time you were backed by such a great looking (and I presume sounding) string band?

Wunnerful, wunnerful..........
