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Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan

03 Nov 02 - 12:38 PM (#817479)
Subject: ADD: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Kitten

I have the handwritten words below for this song but can only remember a fragment of the tune. Can anyone help? I've mapped out the opening notes over the words, which is all I recall.

O'Reilly of County Cavan

C C B   A D(down) E    F   G EDC
As I was walking through County Cavan
All for to view the bright scenes of life
Who should I spy bur a pretty fair one
She appeared to me like an angel bright

And I asked this fair one if she would marry
And like to be a light horseman's wife
She said "No, kind sir, I would rather tarry
And choose to lead a sweet single life"

"And indeed kind sir, I migfht rightly tell to you
I could have been married ten years ago
To one O'Reilly who lives in in this country
I fear he has proven my love's overthrow"

"Forget O'Reilly; he will deceive you
And come with me to some foreign shore
And to Pennsylvania we will sail over
Saying `Farewell O'Reilly for evermore`"

But when we were sailing all on the ocean
The waves did billow and the storms did roar
And I really thought that my heart was broken
When I thought of O'Reilly I left on the shore

But youthful folly makes young girls marry
And when they are married they must obey
But what can't be cured, love, must be endured, love
And now I'm bound for Americay.

03 Nov 02 - 10:09 PM (#817843)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Áine


04 Nov 02 - 03:32 PM (#818323)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Noreen

Like you, Kitten, I can only remember a fragment of the tune, and I don't think I have a recording of it.

The song is mentioned in Susanne's Folksong-Index , but there is no link for the words or tune, which possibly means that she has the song in her collection but she hasn't transcribed it yet.

I'll send Susanne a message and ask her to drop in here- but if anyone else can help, please do!

04 Nov 02 - 04:00 PM (#818350)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Kitten

Thanks for your reply Noreen - let's hope Susanne can help. are you able to recognise the bit of tune I put in?

04 Nov 02 - 04:57 PM (#818411)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Noreen

the scrap of tune you put in is the start of Carrickfergus which is most definitely not the tune I have heard for this song.

The MIDI for Carrickfergus is linked to in the DT (where it says Click To Play at the bottom of the page: click here) but it won't play at the moment- otherwise you could see if that's the tune you want.

(What an appalling sentence- but I'm rushing off out. Good luck!)

04 Nov 02 - 08:27 PM (#818571)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Susanne (skw)

Thanks, Noreen, for alerting me to this thread. Yes, I have a recording of this song by the Boys of the Lough on tape and could make a copy for you, Kitten. Just in how much of a hurry are you? If it's not urgent you could send me a tape and sae, and I'd return it next week (when I'll have a few days off work). If ok, I'll PM you my address.

05 Nov 02 - 09:01 AM (#818951)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Kitten

Yes please, please, thanks. Not urgent at all - been on my list for follow-up for ages. Will send you a tape.

Thanks also to you, Noreen. I'm brand-new to this site and V impressed with this first experience.

05 Nov 02 - 02:40 PM (#819222)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Noreen

Hmmm- I posted to this earlier but it got lost :0(

I realised that the tune I know to this song is Anac Chuain, which can be found at Mudcat MIDIs: (spelled eanach dhuin) Click to Hear

Now, Susanne, is that one the tune you have with the BotL, or something else, and are either of the above the one Kitten wants?

05 Nov 02 - 07:01 PM (#819447)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Susanne (skw)

Noreen, I can't tell. The sound clip I get is only about ten seconds long, and though I have the song I'm not overly familiar with it. I'll dig out the tape and send Kitten my address.

06 Nov 02 - 12:16 PM (#820021)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Declan

From what I remember the tune to this song may be a bit like both Anach Chuan and Carrickfergus (although funnily I've never thought of those two airs to be related) but it is different to both.

I know I have it on tape someshere at home, but it would probably take me years to dig it out. If I'm not mistaken it may have been recorded by either Maighread Ni Dhomhnaill or Eithne ni Uallachain (or possibly both).

The tune as I remember it is not unlike the tune of Moorlough Mary as sung by Cathal McConnell on the Boy's of the Lough Regrouped Album, but its probably not exactly the same as that one either.

06 Nov 02 - 01:45 PM (#820104)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha.

Declan, Your right, I have a CD of one of the Dhomnaill sisters singing this song, and I don`t think the tune is anything like Moorlough Mary.
I will have a plunder through my CD`s and see what I come up with. Ard Mhacha

06 Nov 02 - 02:14 PM (#820130)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha

The song is listed on a Gael-Linn CD, 1975, Triona, [Triona ni Domhnaill] and it is named "As I roved out from the County Cavan", the words are different bit I suspect the tune to be the same.
It is listed in the Sam Henry collection "Songs of the people" under the title"James Reilly", it is described on the CD notes as a beautiful and haunting song, and as I listen to Triona sing I can fully agree, beautiful. Ard Mhacha.

06 Nov 02 - 02:23 PM (#820144)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha

Noreen I have just listened to Eanach Dhuin on your Midi and while the tune is running close to this recording of Triona`s it varies. Ard Mhacha.

16 Feb 03 - 11:36 AM (#891536)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Noreen

Thanks to Ard Mhacha I now have Triona's recording of this beautiful song, and I am learning it- I think I'm just about grown up enough now to sing such a beautiful, big song.

The melody is very similar to Anach Chuan (still can't see the similarity to Carrickfergus though), but significantly different, as you say. I'll get round to writing the tune out in the next few days, as it's going round and round in my head.

Triona's words are significantly different to the ones posted above by Kitten- wonder where Kitten got those words from? I'll post Triona's shortly, which is the version I remember hearing years ago:

You're like the swan love that swims the ocean,
Making motion with both your wings
And your snow-white breast would be a potion
For any Lord or for any King...

They don't write 'em like that any more!

16 Feb 03 - 01:21 PM (#891598)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Bonnie Shaljean

In Colm O Lochlainn's "Irish Street Ballads " (volume one) on page 186 there is a song with similar words to Kitten's version - i.e. same story & theme, same metric scansion, many identical lines (including Noreen's "swan" verse above) which is titled "O'Reilley From The County Leitrim" with the alternative name "The Phoenix of Erin's Green Isle" though I have also heard it called by its opening line, "When first I came unto this country". Its melody is different from Anac Chuain but fits both Kitten's & Noreen's words, so it might be worth checking out. In addition to O Lochlainn, Jimmy Crowley has recorded it on one of his CDs, though I don't know which one. This is one of my favourites of the Irish "great airs".

16 Feb 03 - 02:36 PM (#891666)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Noreen

Thanks Bonnie- unfortunately I don't have a copy- remiss of me I know! Would love to compare.

16 Feb 03 - 10:02 PM (#891950)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: JennyO

Wow, I just found this thread. I'm an O'Reilly, and my father's family came from County Cavan. I had no idea there was a song of this name!

Does anybody here know any more about the O'Reilly's from there. I'm 3rd or 4th generation Australian now.


17 Feb 03 - 12:26 PM (#892141)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: ard mhacha

Jenny O, there are more O`Rellys in County Cavan than there are Cohens in New York. Ard Mhacha.

17 Feb 03 - 04:12 PM (#892362)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Brían

There is a version of this on the Traditional Songs and Singers cassette sung by a Tomás Ó Coisdealbha. In this case he hails from County Kerry. The melody is not CARRICKFERGUS or ANAC CHUAN on his recording. Although it sounds familiar to me, I can't place it. The editor of the book with the tape says its his own version of AN BUNNÁN BUÍ, although I've never heard it sung to that air. I could make a midi of it and send it off if anyone is interested.


18 Feb 03 - 03:06 PM (#892926)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Frankham

This seems related to the American version of "John Reilly" which Pete Seeger sings on his ten inch vynl recording called "Darlin' Corey".   The tune Pete sings fits the lyric you post almost perfectly. It sounds Irish. You can probably get this through Folkways/Smithsonian. Pete's record really should be re-released on CD. It's a classic.

Frank Hamilton

19 Feb 03 - 04:22 PM (#893749)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: Noreen

Have written the words out as I've been learning them, but will check aginst Triona's tape and post her exact version, as soon as I can.


15 Oct 03 - 06:51 AM (#1035983)
From: GUEST,Philippa


When first I came unto this country,
It was to view the sweet flowers gay.
I then fell courting a pretty female;
She appeared to me like the Queen of May.
I asked her kindly would she marry
Or would she choose to be a sailor's bride.
"Oh no, kind Sir, I'd rather tarry
And I would choose a sweet single life."

"O fairest creature, the pride of nature,
How come you differ from all female kind,
For you are youthful, both fair and handsome,
To marry you I am much inclined."
"No, kind Sir, since I must tell you,
I am promised these five years or more
To one O'Reilly from the County Leitrim,
Which often grieves my poor heart full sore."

"I wish I had you in Fenit Harbour,
A hundred miles from your native home,
Or in some valley where none may find you;
It's there with you I'd be content to roam.
For it's there I would caress my jewel,
If along with me she'd consent to go.
I'll sail you over to Pennsylvania
And bid adieu to O'Reilly for ever more."

Singer Jimmy Crowley learned this version of the song from his neighbour in Douglas, Co Cork, Ireland; piper John Harris. It is published in Jimmy Crowley's Irish Song Book, Cork: Mercier, 1986.

15 Oct 03 - 09:33 AM (#1036082)
From: GUEST,MMario

T:When First I came unto thiis Country
C:words and music traditional
N:From Jimmy Crowley's Iris Song Book
N:learned from his neighbour John Harris
z6EF|G2c2e2d2|cAGE C2CD|
w:when_ first I came un-to_ this count-try it_
EFGE FDCB,|C6EF|G2c2e2d2|
w:was_ to view sweet_ flo-wers gay. I_ then fell court-ing
w:a pret-ty fe-male She ap-peared_ to me like the queen of May I_
G2c2e2d2|cdcB G2EF|G2c2e2d2|
w:asked her kind-ly would_ she mar-ry or_ would she choose to
(3BGA B3/2d/2 B2cd|e2d2c2A2|_B2A2GAGE|
w:be_ a sail-or's bride? Oh_ no kind sir_ I'd rath-er_ tar_
w:-ry and I would_ choose a sweet sing-le life.

15 Mar 10 - 05:17 AM (#2864319)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,Taimin

Has anyone a recording of this song by Jimmy Crowley and Stoker's Lodge or would you know where I could get their recording

15 Mar 10 - 03:53 PM (#2864705)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,leeneia

I used to have an LP with Triona ni Dhomnail [sp] singing one version of this song. I've made a MIDI of the tune and sent it to Joe for posting.

If all goes smoothly, you should be able to hear that particular tune here. If you have a music program, you can download it.

15 Jun 24 - 10:21 AM (#4203947)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,Brien H

On the Boys of the Lough's album, The Piper's Broken Finger, Robin Morton learned this song from the late John Maguire of Roslea. The air he uses is a Gaelic air, "No Run Geal Dileas." The tune is quite compelling. I have not had a chance to listen to the Triona ni Domhnaill version.

15 Jun 24 - 11:42 AM (#4203950)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,Brien H

Came across As I roved Out from the County Cavan hunting around on the internet. The air is "Anach Cuan."

16 Jun 24 - 01:18 PM (#4203999)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: O'Reilly of County Cavan
From: GUEST,Brien H

"Fenit Island" makes more sense than "Pheonix Island." The Pheonix Islands are a long way from County Cavan.