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BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman

16 Nov 02 - 03:49 PM (#827902)
Subject: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: Jim Dixon

Those of you who have been following Minnesota politics lately might enjoy this.

I really don't approve of copying long articles into the Forum, when they're not about music, so I'll just give the links to these two articles by Garrison Keillor in

Empty Victory for a Hollow Man: How Norm Coleman Sold His Soul for a Senate Seat

Minnesota's Shame: Republicans don't like my criticism? Too bad....

In case doesn't let you see the whole articles, I think you can find them at other places on the web. Just take a long quote from the article and search for it with Google.

17 Nov 02 - 08:19 AM (#828321)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: The Pooka

Thanks Jim. Good strong stuff. / Keillor for Senate. They could use the liberalism, the intelligence, the humor, & the culture. / I roared when he said recently (don't have exact quote) that Bush needs to get a Senate that will confirm his judicial nominees; the Supreme Court is so closely divided; after all, they only elected him 5 to 4.

19 Nov 02 - 11:17 AM (#829887)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: saulgoldie

Yeah, thanks, Jim. I was, of course obliged to share this with others. I think that many of my friends who call themselves conservative are really only talking about a small portion of the program that is known as today's Republicanism.

19 Nov 02 - 07:57 PM (#830268)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: DougR

So why should I care what Garrison Keillor says about Norm Coleman? Why would anyone in Minneasota? He's a good entertainer, and like any citizen can say what he wants, but my comment is, "So?"


19 Nov 02 - 09:03 PM (#830300)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: Clinton Hammond

Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman???


19 Nov 02 - 11:32 PM (#830388)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: Jim Dixon

Gee, DougR, I don't even know you. How should I know what you care about and what you don't? Am I supposed to check with you and find out if you're interested before I post anything?

Nice of you to let me know that you're not interested though. I'll keep that in mind.

20 Nov 02 - 12:58 AM (#830420)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: DougR

Thanks Jim. :>)


20 Nov 02 - 04:43 PM (#831043)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: beadie

Keillor would, indeed, be an asset to the Senate.

Problem is, Wisconsin already has two Democratic Senators (one, admittedly, more liberal than the other).

Keillor, you see, actually lives across the river in Wisconsin, even though his roots and his shtick are pure Minnesota.

21 Nov 02 - 10:10 AM (#831614)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman

This is not the first time Keillor has attacked a Minnesota politician. He also holds a very low opinion of Jesse Ventura, and gave it to him both barrels when he was elected four years ago. I found Keillor's attacks on Ventura to be cheap shots from a nose stuck in the air snob, and still do.

But his attacks on Coleman really belie the deeper feelings so many people in Minnesota had about the political debacle that was born out of Wellstone's death.

Keillor's articles on the subject belie that anger, disgust, resigned frustration and sadness, that so many of us felt watching the train wreck that was the last days of the election here happening.

The really nasty article, if people must know, was the one published not too long ago in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, which gave a blow by blow description of events after the plane crash. It seems Coleman and the Republicans were even more despicable than I thought possible, which really isn't easy, as I'm about as cynical as they come regarding the contemporary Republican party & their soulless agendas.

It seems even people like myself were the dupes--Coleman's "public grieving" was totally planned and contrived, from the moment the campaign heard about the crash. They called the media to the Coleman house for a press conference on his front steps. To the parking lot of KSTP (the local channel were Norm made his national TV campaign appearances while he supposedly wasn't campaigning out of respect for the Wellstones). Norm Coleman made numerous campaign appearances during what was supposed to have been a campaign blackout period between the time of the crash on Friday, and the public memorial on Tuesday. It just makes one ashamed and sick at what we've become, and that is what Keillor is commenting upon. I just wish he had come out with it on the Wednesday following the memorial. His opinion and influence might have encouraged others like him to come forward and brand Coleman for the opportunist that he is, and tipped the scale for Mondale.

21 Nov 02 - 10:44 AM (#831639)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman

For a rollicking good look at the jr BushBoy senator fromt the state of Minnesota, go here:

22 Nov 02 - 10:33 AM (#832563)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: Jim Dixon

Guest: I don't think you really meant "belie", did you?

be·lie tr.v. be·lied, be·ly·ing, be·lies. 1. To picture falsely; misrepresent. 2. To show to be false. 3. To be counter to; contradict. --be·li"er n.

22 Nov 02 - 12:38 PM (#832677)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman

I did mean belie, it's my usage that is wrong.

What I was trying to suggest (unsuccessfully, as you point out) with using the word belie as shorthand was, many Minnesotans reacted to Rick Kahn in an emotionally dishonest way. Without exception, when I spoke to people who actually saw the entire event, their initial reaction was that they had been "had". Upon questioning them further about it though, also without exception, they all came to the conclusion that their initial reaction was, in fact, a dishonest one. When I asked "Did you see the way Rick Kahn was physically shaking, how his eyes were continually tearing up?" they all said yes, they had noticed that. I mention this, because it was part of what made us so uncomfortable WATCHING Rick Kahn from the moment he got up to the podium. I would then ask people, "What did you think when you heard Rick Kahn calling out Republicans by name?" Every person said "I thought he was crazy." I would then ask them "Well, if his nervousness and grief was so visually obvious, and his remarks were obviously crazy, why did you decide that his motivations were political, rather than the twisted results of his grief?"

That one left people speechless. Once we got to that point, people would settle down, and start to talk about how hard the whole thing was to watch--not just Rick Kahn and the memorial service. The whole Republican build up to the memorial was a whole lot of very tasteless campaigning--as was obvious when even Arne Carlson publicly stepped in to rebuke the party. How tasteless Norm Coleman's "public grieving" seems in retrospect. How vicious Sara Janacek and whats his name--the state Republican party chair guy, were. How they started running against Mondale the same day the Wellstones were killed (see TPT "Almanac" program).

People of all political persuasions, even those that hated Wellstone's politics, seemed to have been touched at a pretty deep level by the untimely deaths. All Minnesotans could agree on a few certain things about Wellstone. You knew he was a man who stood by his values and beliefs, had the courage of his convictions, and didn't follow the money--we knew his vote couldn't be bought by special interests. Anyone who worked with him or against him could tell you that.

But by jumping on the Republican jingoist bandwagon, which falsely represented Rick Kahn's remarks as something other than what they were (ie politically motivated, rather than a genuine overwrought outpouring of grief), we had allowed ourselves to be duped. Now, many people are living with angry guilt pangs about having fallen for the Republican "windfall" of Wellstone's death. Some, like Keillor, are apparently feeling haunted by not speaking out and denouncing the dishonesty of the Republicans, and the talking head bobbers (ie Shelby, Majors, Meyers) who had obviously aligned themselves with the Republican witch hunt strategy.

What I mean by witch hunt is this. The Republicans were going to come out of that memorial attacking the Democrats no matter what, because the Wellstone family had chosen to make the public memorial fit and honored the public image of their father. It was no surprise to anyone that they chose to have a memorial that would allow thousands of people to attend. You just can't fit 25,000+ people in a church, temple, or synagogue. So, considering the nature of the space (a basketball arena), everyone knew it would come off like a rally, because the intent was an informal public celebration of the Wellstone's public lives, not a mournful, somber, formal Republican-looking church service.

Everyone knew that there would be plenty of political sorts of things happening, just as the KSTP news director pointed out. So, we knew that the Republicans would cry foul, because they were crying foul the minute the plane crashed, in an attempt to garner sympathy for them not being able to continue campaigning as usual in the wake of the crash. I certainly agree with Keillor's use of the word evil in his article. What the Republicans did in the wake of the Wellstone crash WAS EVIL. Which is why so many Minnesotans felt defeated themselves, by the senate election, at what our society has come to. We didn't even allow ourselves to bury the dead in a fitting manner that honored the wishes of the Wellstone family. That is the bottom line. The Wellstone sons had every right to plan that memorial as a "political rally" sort of tribute to their parents, without the Republicans using it as a weapon against the Democrats. That was just too despicable. Too evil. And they didn't even wait for the funerals to end--they went on the attack while the Wellstones and the Kahns were at yet another Wellstone funeral on Wednesday.

So--the self-righteous indignation did belie people's deeper feelings about the days between the death of the Wellstones and the election. Perhaps there is a better word choice to be made--give me a hint as to what it is, will you? I've got a bad head cold, so the right words aren't coming quickly to me here! I hope I have, without too much running on, explained why in the moment I thought it was an accurate shorthand to use.

22 Nov 02 - 10:01 PM (#833141)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman
From: Lepus Rex

I normally can't stand Keillor. The only enjoyment I get from his show comes from the musical guests, and his "humour" is nothing more than pseudo-highbrow dick-and-fart jokes.

And I didn't care for his lame attacks on Ventura, either. There are plenty of good reasons to make fun of Ventura, but Keillor has used very few of them. It's usually been "Oh-ho! Aren't the common people funny! Listen to that lower-class Minneapolitan accent! How outlandish!"-type shit.

And Keillor's own accent, that stagey Shatner-meets-John Houseman thing... Yeah, he got that in Anoka. Don't get me started on Keillor.


I did like his Coleman columns. This is how everyone I know feels, and what probably half of the state feels. I hope more and more will get the same sick feeling I've got when they realise they've sent this toad to the Senate, the goddamned Senate, for six long years. Didn't any of these Coleman voters listen to the debate with Mondale? Norm said *nothing.* Every question, the answer was: "Change the tone...across the aisle...getting things done." NOTHING. That's what these idiots want, I guess.

I was glad to see that Keillor hinted at Coleman's marital infidelities, too. He's been seen, by the press and by people I know personally,--what do they call it in the gossip columns? "Canoodling?"--canoodling in public with alarmingly-young women for years ("It was my niece!"), but no-one mentioned that during the campaign. The fact that his wife lives in California was barely mentioned, either. (And once, when it was, Coleman called the reporter at home and harrassed him.) Yes, "interesting."

It's a good thing that Republicans aren't served where I work. Easier for me to avoid an assault charge for bitch-slapping them that way. :)

---Lepus Rex

22 Nov 02 - 10:31 PM (#833168)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman

You can bitch slap them just as soon as I'm done with them, Lepus Rex.

We are totally sympatico re: Keillor as well, and on the two columns too.

I worked for a number of years in a Cathedral Hill bistro frequented by the St. Paul politicos (well, truth be told, when the Legislature is in session, it is nigh on impossible to find a downtown or Cathedral Hill St. Paul bistro that isn't crawling with them). The claims made this week by the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Minneapolis Star and Tribune--that Keillor's hints at Coleman's marriage of convenience were "unsubstantiated" are a prime example of all that is wrong with local reporting by the provincials. Coleman's marriage of convenience, and his "canoodling" (as you so politely put it) with women half his age, must be the best kept "unsubstantiated" rumor of the millenium, because EVERYBODY downtown knows about it. It rather reminds me of the whole Grunseth affair, only without the revelations. I guess we'll have to catch Norm in the jacuzzi with his floozie a la Wilbur Mills.

I was proud of my homeys here in St. Paul though. Not one single St. Paul precinct--not even Coleman's home precinct--went to Coleman. The city he was once mayor to, utterly and decisively rejected the man and his candidacy. That is just enough poetic justice to keep me moving forward, eyes on the prize.

22 Nov 02 - 11:06 PM (#833193)
Subject: RE: BS: Garrison Keillor on Norm Coleman

Actually, now that I think about it, bitch slapping Sara Janacek would be too kind.