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BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson

20 Nov 02 - 05:49 PM (#831076)
Subject: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: catspaw49

This guy is about completely over the edge anymore. Not that his pickles were ever cured to start with, but I think his dill's gone bad........geeziz.............

Karen's favorite drive-home FM station just had a ball over the pics of this loony without his mask (Judge wouldn't let him testify) and he does look pretty hideous. Found a funny site with the complete surgical history......Enjoy yourselves!!


20 Nov 02 - 05:53 PM (#831079)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Dave the Gnome

I never pick my nose. I like it just the way it is.

Mind you it doesn't work very well any more but according to my sources that is just as well with 'spaw about...;-)



20 Nov 02 - 06:05 PM (#831084)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Sorcha

Jaysus! I knew it was bad, but not that bad. What a goon. Now, he is in trouble for hanging his baby son off the balcony of a motel....just to show him off to the fans. What fans???

20 Nov 02 - 06:11 PM (#831091)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: McGrath of Harlow

Reckon they'll come down on him as heavy as they did on Madelyne Toogood?

Don't hold your breath.

20 Nov 02 - 06:37 PM (#831107)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Just Amy

Going from a half way decent looking black kid to an ugly white diva! Ggggggross!

20 Nov 02 - 06:44 PM (#831115)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Liz the Squeak

The only artist to have started out as a black boy and ended up a white woman....

There have been a couple of programmes on TV in the UK recently about the amount of surgery he's had... the pictures are not pretty.... but the last 3 or 4 were supposedly to repair damage done by the previous reconstructions... At least he's stopped all the crap about genetic illnesses and skin complaints.


20 Nov 02 - 07:00 PM (#831130)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Thanks, Spaw. I often think about stupid shit while I'm sitting at the potter's wheel. After seeing the story about MJ hanging the kid over the balcony one of today's "stupid things to wonder about" was, "I wonder if there's a website that shows all the different ways Mikey has allowed himself to be carved up over the years?". Then I come to the Mudcat and, viola! That flatulent fucker from Ohio's had the same idea and posted a link. Only goes to show that either great minds think alike or fucked up people wonder about the same stupid shit.


20 Nov 02 - 07:29 PM (#831154)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: michaelr

When is bedtime at MJ's house?

When the big hand is on the little hand...

20 Nov 02 - 07:36 PM (#831164)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Amergin

or tom paxton's song...

let's go to michael jackson's house
The party never stops
Be sure to bring your jammies
Well really just the tops../.

20 Nov 02 - 07:52 PM (#831181)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: McGrath of Harlow

What he's done to himself is his own business. What he does to a baby isn't.

20 Nov 02 - 07:58 PM (#831185)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Alice

It is painful to look at his face. It's as if he doesn't even have a nose any more.

20 Nov 02 - 08:13 PM (#831197)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Amergin

that last pic looks like something from the original planet of the apes....

20 Nov 02 - 10:35 PM (#831294)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Bobert

Money has a way of keepin' the real nuts out of jail and the state run mental hospitals. Introducin' Spawz link as "Exhibit A", I rest me case...


21 Nov 02 - 04:09 AM (#831402)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Hrothgar

Poor bastard.

He's sick, and nobody can help him.

21 Nov 02 - 01:59 PM (#831828)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Eric the Viking

I believe more children recognise MJ than do GWB!

Their parents have warned all of them about him!!!!!

21 Nov 02 - 02:26 PM (#831837)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: EBarnacle1

That nose--ewwww!

21 Nov 02 - 03:30 PM (#831887)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: wlisk

I guess noses run in his family. ugh, I think he really blew it this time.   Bill

21 Nov 02 - 04:21 PM (#831931)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Liz the Squeak

And did anyone see him take his children (including one that has the same name as it's elder brother but has hitherto been unknown) to the park? They all appeared to be wearing red veils so they wouldn't be recognised..... talk about self publicity....

'Hey, I want to go to the park but I don't want to be noticed, what shall I do?'

'Well Michael, why don't you cover your children up in red cloths so no-one will spot them.....'

'Gee, I'd never thought of that, find me some red stuff while I dangle the other one over the crowd - the diaper's full and with any luck he'll drip.....'


21 Nov 02 - 05:34 PM (#831985)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Rick Fielding

JEESUZ KEERIST! So THAT"S how you can get a buncha extra letters into a heading! (and folks can still read it)

Ohhhhhh the jokes that never were, simply because I never thought of that. Thank you Catspaw, from the bpptm of my heart!

In another thread I answered a flamer who was asking why we all slavishly follow you, by stating that in fact I thought you were even LESS funny than Helen Keller, and kept your exalted status here because of the size of your enormous DONATIONS!! Well I stand corrected....


21 Nov 02 - 05:59 PM (#832006)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Ebbie

I guess it shows what can result from having too much money while being afflicted with too little vision...

I suspect, however, that the main reason the children are 'veiled' is to thwart would-be abductors. Can you imagine how vulnerable they are to kidnap. Perhaps in other settings/outings they appear as normal kids. What am I saying! Probably not a possibility.

The whole thing is too sad for words.

21 Nov 02 - 06:21 PM (#832023)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Burke


21 Nov 02 - 08:10 PM (#832084)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: John Hardly

Know how they do those computer generated projections of how missing children will look as they age (to make it easier to spot them years after they were abducted)?

I wonder if anyone has done a computer generated photo of what Jackson might have looked like had he not been so carved.

No. I don't know why I wonder.

21 Nov 02 - 11:22 PM (#832194)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Rick Fielding

Actually I think he'd look a bit like Famous Amos.

Jeez, so THAT'S what happens when a line runs on and on. Wow, I'm learning some real computer skills tonight. Sorry Burke, but it's a revelation for me.....I won't do it again.



22 Nov 02 - 12:56 AM (#832216)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Sorcha

Or, what he might look like 20 yrs from now...........too scary!!!

22 Nov 02 - 08:15 AM (#832422)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Jeri

Rick, you and Guy Wolff with his <<<>><>> thingies. Ya just gotta stick a little space in there somewhere so the line will break.

I'm convinced that somewhere in Michael Jackson's attic, there must be a painting that shows no signs of deterioration even though it's been crapped on by bats and munched on by moths.

22 Nov 02 - 01:19 PM (#832713)
Subject: RE: BS: Let'sAllGetNoseJobsLikeMichaelJackson
From: Kim C

It's really too bad, ain't it? I used to watch the Jackson 5 on TV when I was a little kid and I thought they were great. They WERE great! And Michael was cute as he could be.

I thought he looked just fine the way he was. The first surgery was probably all right. He should have stopped there.

Bet his kids don't play "gotcher nose" with him...