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BS: A Bush, a shrub & the garden of Enron

27 Nov 02 - 10:52 PM (#836183)
Subject: BS: A Bush, a shrub & the garden of Enron
From: Bluesmike

The War agains terror couldn't possibly have anything to do with diverting the publics attention from the fact that both Bushes and most of the Republican Congress are major shareholders and Directors of a certain Enron Corp. Could it? Sho' nuff!

28 Nov 02 - 09:33 AM (#836460)
Subject: RE: BS: A Bush, a shrub & the garden of Enron
From: Bobert

Hey, Mike, Junior has another junkyard dog named Harkin Oil waiting to bite him soon as the attention comes off his various wars, which may not actually ever occur during our life times. Now, Bush must find a new head of the SEC which investigates this kind of stuff that appears to know how to do just that but in actuality... doesn't have a clue. I'd like to see him appoint Columbo myself. Yeah, give Columbo a few days and he'd have half of them bums transferred from the White House and Congress to the D.C. Adult Detention Center where they belong...


28 Nov 02 - 11:19 PM (#836897)
Subject: RE: BS: A Bush, a shrub & the garden of Enron
From: DougR

Michael: Major shareholders in Enron? On the board of directors too? Wow! I think you should call CNN and apprise them of that "fact." I'm sure they would like to scoop the Fox News Network on a story that would make headlines in every newspaper in the country!

Bobert: behave yourself.
