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BS: What have men ever done for us?

04 Dec 02 - 06:44 AM (#840223)
Subject: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Katie

Well, they fixed my car, but apart from that?

Katie ;-)

04 Dec 02 - 07:08 AM (#840233)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: alanabit

I think this is going to be a short thread...

04 Dec 02 - 07:25 AM (#840241)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Mr Red

and somewhat partisan. Who's for polarization?

So going straight (sic) for the gutter. They don't do much for me.

04 Dec 02 - 07:34 AM (#840251)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Schantieman

Modesty forbids. Come on girls......

04 Dec 02 - 07:49 AM (#840263)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,forty two

if a man is standing talking in the middle of a forest and there is nobody there to hear him; is he still wrong?!!

04 Dec 02 - 08:16 AM (#840283)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,T-boy

Wasn't going to rise to the bait, but here goes ...

- Invented the ironing board, dishwasher, washing machine, everything that makes your life so perfect.

- Allowed you to think you're superior.

- Allowed you to think you're liberated.

Need I go on? Everything you've got has come from us, right from the days when we would go out hunting sabre-tooth tigers while you stayed at home with the tupperware parties.

Even the so-called girl-power bands are managed, produced and written-for by men.

04 Dec 02 - 08:32 AM (#840297)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Bobert

Well, danged! Am I gonna sit here and allow the our *superior* sex to be trashed? Heck no, I'm not!

Hey, we ain't usless. Consider our contributions:

1. NASCAR, fir starters, ladies. I mean where would the world be without stock car racing? Hunh? Answer me that one!

2. Beer Consumption! Do you ladies realize what would happen to the world economy without us making this sacrifice? Do you? Didn't think so!

3. WAR's. I suppose you ladies are up to the task of startin' these things... Yeah, right. Not only do we start 'em but we do most of the killin'!

Now those are just fir starters. Don't mess with men!!! *^%$^#*&)...


04 Dec 02 - 08:35 AM (#840300)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Rapparee

Like the lady said, "If it weren't for women, there'd be nothing but saloons, gunshops and cigar stores around here!"

04 Dec 02 - 08:45 AM (#840303)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: kendall

If it wer'nt for women, there wouldn't be any men either.

04 Dec 02 - 08:51 AM (#840308)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Hey, we may not be perfect, but that Immaculate Conception thing only worked once.

04 Dec 02 - 09:12 AM (#840327)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Schantieman


04 Dec 02 - 09:31 AM (#840335)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Dave Bryant

OK girls - get your own bloody spiders out of the bath !

At least if we leave the loo seat up there's a chance they'll fall in that and you can flush them away.

04 Dec 02 - 10:03 AM (#840372)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

Hey -- men produced the MUDCAT CDs!!!! A cure for bipolar disorder and gender fixation!!


04 Dec 02 - 11:54 AM (#840487)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,bbc at work

I have 2 great sons. I seem to remember their father taking part in the activity that produced them! I am thankful to men for many things they've done in my life, as well as relationships we've had, but I think these threads tend to be more negative than positive.



04 Dec 02 - 11:58 AM (#840490)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

..seeem to recall? Well, it COULDA been MEMORABLE!! Like the MUdcat Sampler CDs!!!!


04 Dec 02 - 12:50 PM (#840550)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Catherine Jayne

My man keeps me warm at night when we are camping at festivals......he keeps me warm at night full stop!!!

04 Dec 02 - 01:39 PM (#840588)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: alanabit

Formula One racing. I mean, can you persuade a woman that it is a good idea to strap yourself into a cramped, uncomfortable and dangerous machine, drive at dangerous speed for two hours under excrutiating G force and then end up no more than a hundred yards from where you started?

04 Dec 02 - 03:06 PM (#840666)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: mg

I blush to

04 Dec 02 - 03:11 PM (#840671)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Cluin

How about ze.. (insert dirty French laugh here)

04 Dec 02 - 03:18 PM (#840678)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Tired

CatsPHiddle - Its a shame when you can only keep a woman warm. Time was I could keep them hot all night - or at least for the odd half hour now and again.

04 Dec 02 - 03:44 PM (#840705)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Catherine Jayne

Well Guest, Tired.......I didn't want to tell the world the details of my sex life....which if it weren't for my man would be non-existant!!!

04 Dec 02 - 03:57 PM (#840720)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Bert

Well apart from the odd poke now and then.

There's going out and earning money.
There's fixing things around the house.
Opening jars and bottles.
Making bread and pastry.
Doing the dishes.
Taking out the garbage.
Washing out the garbage can.
Cleaning the car.
Fixing the car.
Carrying the heavy stuff.
Singing to you.
There's making those things that you just can't buy, like that baking dish that fits cattywampus in the oven so that you can bake a whole salmon.
There's back rubs and foot rubs.
And scratching that spot in the middle of you back which you can't reach.
Telling you that you're beautiful.

What MORE do you want.

Well just ask and we'll do it for you.

04 Dec 02 - 04:27 PM (#840743)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?

I got up, had a wash and then ironed both our sets of clothes for work. I made both our lunches (giving you the nicer one). I made you a cup of tea and breakfast in bed, and made myself late for work by sitting and listening to you telling me how you feel.

I got home from work three hours later than you, and had to listen to how bad your day was. I made dinner because you felt tired. I told you how beautiful you are, and tried to understand

That's what I did for you.

Yet, for simply saying that I wanted to spend a couple of hours by myself, I'm told that I'm a 'selfish bastard' I'm sorry, but PMT really doesn't wash.

04 Dec 02 - 04:33 PM (#840748)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: mg

guest..sounds like you are being taken for a ride. Don't be late for work for her, let her iron her own clothes if she is a healthy woman, and make a big batch of stew next time so you can eat for several opinion only...


04 Dec 02 - 04:39 PM (#840753)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

Guest, she's just holding out for a complete set of Mudcat CDs!! Any woman coulda seen that!! :>)


04 Dec 02 - 05:41 PM (#840798)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Ebbie

"Allowed you to think you're liberated." Guest T-boy, that may be tongue in cheek, but that comes uncomfortably close to the truth. Men have sometimes (ha! Always?) thought of themselves as being of primary importance. "Americans love their country- and by and large, their wives feel the same."

Among the things I've been grateful for when it comes to men is that they have an outie and women have an innie... :)

04 Dec 02 - 06:39 PM (#840840)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Bill D

takes two to Tango....etc...

04 Dec 02 - 06:50 PM (#840852)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Willie-O

Amos, are you like this in all the threads now?

Course, I can see your point. At least you have one.

As for the point of this thread, well, if we're the ones that have to explain ourselves, I don't know what that says about something or other.

In fact I think this is the first "What have ******** ever done for us?" thread I have ever opened, and it seems to just confirm what people keep saying...

In conclusion, I still love yz all, but this ain't why.


04 Dec 02 - 07:00 PM (#840862)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,wild seed

We do our utmost to spread our seed amongst as many of the female populace as we can muster...without err indoors finding out.

04 Dec 02 - 07:47 PM (#840904)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: rock chick

But Guest wild seed you know what happens if you don't tend and look after the seed, it just dies from neglect, that or it grow completely out of control, then you'll have trouble trying not to let err indoors find out just what you have been sowing.

04 Dec 02 - 07:51 PM (#840909)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: harpgirl

I need one to show me how to download smart card music to the GD computer!!!!!! (I'd settle for a woman!) Hellllppp!!!!!!! Free meal provided!

05 Dec 02 - 04:34 AM (#841170)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: alanabit

Mary, that "Guest" who posted certainly was not me, as I never deliberately post anonymously. However, if I adopted the attitude to my girlfiend which you suggested, I would very soon having to find a new place to live - leaving behind me a woman with Graves syndrome and two small children. The man's needs come last.

05 Dec 02 - 05:44 AM (#841203)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: alanabit

I've just been thinking about my bad tempered previous post to Mary Garvey and it is bothering me. I apologise for my rudeness. This was meant as a light hearted thread and my sense of humour failed me for a moment.

05 Dec 02 - 03:51 PM (#841727)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Cluin

That wasn't rude, buck.


Now that was rude.

Feel better?


05 Dec 02 - 05:28 PM (#841798)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Guessed

GUEST,forty two


05 Dec 02 - 05:44 PM (#841807)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: harpgirl

well, alanabit you are heroic for your support and I mean that! It's a rare relationship with partners functioning at the same level. Hopefully if you don't trade off on who does the most, you get a break from overfunctioning. Keep up the good work! harpy

05 Dec 02 - 07:34 PM (#841896)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Just Amy

Sea Shanties, lumberjack, and prison songs

05 Dec 02 - 08:23 PM (#841937)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Cluin

All songs about men getting out so they don't mess the house anymore.

So there ye go...

13 Apr 03 - 12:52 AM (#932173)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

Well, this seemed just the group of people that would at least giggle at this...

Q: How many women with PMS does it take to change a
light bulb?
A: One. Only ONE! And do you know WHY? Because no one else in this house knows HOW to change a light bulb! They don't even know that the bulb is BURNED OUT! They would sit in the dark for THREE DAYS before they figured it out. And, once they figured it out, they wouldn't be able to find the light bulbs despite the fact that they've been in the SAME CUPBOARD for the past 17 YEARS! But if they did, by some miracle, actually find them 2 DAYS LATER, the chair they dragged to stand on to change the STUPID light bulb would STILL BE IN THE SAME SPOT! AND UNDERNEATH IT WOULD BE THE WRAPPER THE STUPID @!#$% LIGHT BULBS CAME IN! WHY? BECAUSE NO-ONE EVER CARRIES OUT THE GARBAGE! IT'S A WONDER WE HAVEN'T ALL SUFFOCATED FROM THE PILES OF GARBAGE THAT ARE 12' DEEP THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE. THE HOUSE! IT WOULD TAKE AN ARMY TO CLEAN THIS #@$!#@$!#@!... HOUSE!
I'm sorry...what did you ask me?

13 Apr 03 - 01:02 AM (#932177)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Troll

Yes Dear.


13 Apr 03 - 10:08 AM (#932351)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: *daylia*

:) Thanks, Clareling! It just got a lot brighter around here!

What have men ever done for us? Three things (regarding PMS, anyway) - they put up (rather patronizingly) with our monthly mood swings; they give us a very easy target to fire complaints at during those mood swings; and they kindly provide us with the opportunity to vary our 'bitchiness' - by exchanging PMS for pregnancy (kind of a long, drawn-out state of PMS)!

WHo could ask for more??

;) daylia

13 Apr 03 - 11:09 AM (#932384)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

Well, let us not forget the long and wunnerful rewards that come after preganancy, y'know!!


13 Apr 03 - 01:28 PM (#932449)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: *daylia*

Yeah, I'm listening to one of those "long and wunnerful rewards" practice guitar right now ... grateful his tastes have evolved from Kurt Cobainish to Eric Claptonish over the years. Still smells a bit like teen spirit around here sometimes though ...

13 Apr 03 - 02:03 PM (#932467)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?

"Well, let us not forget the long and wunnerful rewards that come after preganancy..."

That would be menopause.

13 Apr 03 - 04:58 PM (#932579)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: mg

all I can say is if you have a good man be very very grateful...don't worry about the damn toilet seat or the whiskers in the sink..a good man is worth his weight in gold. mg

13 Apr 03 - 05:55 PM (#932623)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Russ

We need do nothing. Our mere existence is a priceless blessing upon the universe.

Russ (did I say that?)

13 Apr 03 - 05:57 PM (#932624)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: *daylia*

Okay, but can the universe afford such a priceless blessing?!?

13 Apr 03 - 07:20 PM (#932669)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

Well, the universe is willing to risk bankruptcy for the sake of men -- after all it isn't every day a priceless blessing comes your way!! :>)

Seriously, I suspect some of the following, if not all of them, are pretty much the fruit of male labor in various fields:

Indoor plumbing
Hot water
Manufacturing systems that are automated
Manned flight
Electric lights
A lot of our best medical skills

However, let'snot also overlook the fact that it takes a good woman to raise a decent man.


13 Apr 03 - 07:45 PM (#932687)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Cluin

I dunno `bout that. I know lotsa "bad" women could have the same effect....

13 Apr 03 - 11:18 PM (#932793)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

Yet sometiems, if you let a man fix something, it goes to his head, and he tries to fix everything, thats why we got a new computer last month, and you still can't open the passenger side door to my always adds comical relief....
HEY! Lets go in my car!.....O, you cant get out? Thats right, the door is still duckt taped shut....
I would usually say, well, he tried, but the only thing wrong with the door is that the paint was chipped a little. O well, heas still good for other things.

A bit more relief on the subject...
Pass My Shotgun
Psychotic Mood Shift
Pack My Stuff
Permanent Menstrual Syndrome
Perpetual Munching Spree
Puffy Mid-Section
People make me sick
Provide Me with Sweets
Pardon My Sobbing
Pimples May Surface
Pass My Sweatpants
Pissy Mood Syndrome
Plainly Men Suck

God created woman and she had 3 breasts.
He then asked the woman,
"Is there anything you'd like to have changed?"
She replied, "Yes, could get rid of this middle breast?"
And so it was done, and it was good.
Then the woman exclaimed as she was holding the third breast in her hand," What can be done with this useless boob?"
And God created man.

14 Apr 03 - 02:21 AM (#932861)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

Geez./ Wat a stupid question! Waht havent men done?

Without men you'd all be flipped. Akshwelly you woundlnt be, eh? And that would be bad.

So thank men!!!

You want to know what I have done for women? Do ya? Ask any girl at teh Iron Horse Inn in Blind River, Ontario, CAnada, eh?

Go ahead. Ask em.

Only do'nt ask Laurie or Tina. They are skanks. and dont ask Jennifer. She dont like me. And dont ask that flippin loser, Jessica, with the blonde streaks in her brown hair. That idiot thinks the sun shines only for her eh? She makes me sick.

But ask anyone else.

Go ahead.


14 Apr 03 - 02:27 AM (#932865)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Big Brother

They ain't askin', are they dipwad? Where are you on the computer now anyway? The liberry is closed now eh.

14 Apr 03 - 02:28 AM (#932867)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

Waht??? How do you know about that? Who is this?


14 Apr 03 - 02:30 AM (#932868)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Big Brother

You are flippin slow tongiht, arentcha? who the flip ya think it is, loser?

14 Apr 03 - 02:34 AM (#932870)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Cluin

Shouldn't you be watching the phone sex commercials and beatin' off about now?

14 Apr 03 - 02:34 AM (#932871)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

DON? I did not think you were smart enuggh to work a computer. And if it is you I just wanta tell these people that you are the biggest loser sout h of the flippin artic circle! Eat that.

I know the flippin libetrrry is closed eh? I got other connecshuns you do'nt know about, loser. So Where are you?


14 Apr 03 - 02:40 AM (#932874)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Big Brother

I am where you onlhy WISH you could be, little brother. I am visiting....well...naw, I don't wanta break your heart...but I will tell you this. She likes to chug ice beer. Her computer is way faster than anything you ever had yoru hands on, escept for maybe that snowmobile you lost on the lake last year and still ain't paid for, ya flippin loser. Turn on "Loserama" and go cry in your beer. By the way, the fridge is empty. Too bad. You are gonna have to bum one from one of your friends if ya still have any which I doubt! Ha! Ha!

Don the Man

14 Apr 03 - 02:46 AM (#932877)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

You are a flippin liar. And You're bald too! Ha! Hey, everybody, my idiot big brother is BALD!!~ Yeah! He shines like a greasy spoon when he takes off his hat and thats whay he usually showers with it on...eveyry 6 weeks or so or when he figgers he needs it. Ha! Ha!

I am not tellin you where I am. You would be crushed eh?


14 Apr 03 - 02:53 AM (#932882)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Big Brother

Yeah right. I guess Evans dog is gonna be all wore out tomorrow eh? Look, I'll see ya tomorrow aft. And DONT ask me for smokes. As you can see, I am now a computer whizz. I am digital You are in big trouble. Im singing off now. I got better things to do anyway eh? (hint, hint)

Don the Man

14 Apr 03 - 02:55 AM (#932884)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River

Oh go flip yourself!

Ah...cluin? HOw do you watch phone sex? I didn't know it worked like that.


14 Apr 03 - 05:40 PM (#933440)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

Life with Men is like a deck of cards......
You need a Heart to love them;
a Diamond to marry them;
a Club to beat them;
and a Spade to bury the bastards

14 Apr 03 - 06:16 PM (#933457)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Little Hawk

That's why I never married... :-) I didn't want to be put in that sort of anomalous situation. I also do not believe in diamonds, which are valueless to me, nor do I believe in clubs. I believe in hearts.

I enjoy my freedom. Here's hoping you enjoy yours too. I haven't met one single woman yet who managed to avoid the almost irresistible social pressures to either "marry or become an old maid". What a crock. I did know one who held out till she was in her middle 30's, but she finally cracked. She was a very neat person...haven't seen her in years now, but I wish her all good things.

You don't need someone else beside you to be a whole person. Nor will the avoidance of marriage cause your life to be loveless. Quite the contrary. If you want love, just love others and it will come back to you sevenfold.

One trouble with monogamous relationships is that people try to squeeze too much of their love into just that one relationship, to the detriment of the rest of their life. You see how isolated they can get when they do that...

And no, I am not talking about sex here. I'm talking about love.

- LH

14 Apr 03 - 06:21 PM (#933462)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

A qote I herd today from a man:
"I want to get married so that i dont have to go out and look for a girl to bang. I go home and sheas waiting for me."
I threw jell-o at him and walked off, didn't have anything to say to him or I would have given him a speech about what marrage is sapost to be. Come to think of it, i should have.

14 Apr 03 - 06:28 PM (#933467)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos


What flavour?


14 Apr 03 - 06:42 PM (#933479)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

i was to mad, dont rember. Want me to throw some at you?

14 Apr 03 - 06:47 PM (#933484)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

Lime, please, duck!


14 Apr 03 - 11:44 PM (#933652)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

You want me to throw a duck? I don't believe in throwing around innicent creatures, it bruses the meat.

15 Apr 03 - 12:18 AM (#933662)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Little Hawk

Ha! Ha! Ha! What a naive idiot that guy must be. He should go to Blind River and hook up with BDiBR. They would probably get along great, and they could cruise the bars (I think there are 2 or 3 in that town) looking for "action".

Here's a joke I heard a while back:

Question: How do you get your girlfriend to quit bugging you for sex all the time?

Answer: *** Marry her. ***

Sad, but in many cases...true. It can work the other way too. This guy should be told. :-)

But your speech would've been wasted on him, Clareling. For a neat movie with a duck in it, rent "Howard The Duck". It's unique, and a lot of fun too.

- LH

15 Apr 03 - 05:02 PM (#934198)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

I like ducks.
And I did tell him...with his girlfriend standing right beside him. It was all about waiting for the right moment.

15 Apr 03 - 05:26 PM (#934217)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Little Hawk


15 Apr 03 - 05:27 PM (#934218)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos


Don't you have something productive to do?? :>)


15 Apr 03 - 05:52 PM (#934241)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Clareling

no.....evadently I just like to mess with peoples relationships. After i got done, she tore into him.

15 Apr 03 - 06:39 PM (#934283)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Little Hawk

Yeah, Amos, I do. What's your excuse for being here so much?

15 Apr 03 - 07:10 PM (#934314)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,margaret thatcher

hey bobert, of course women dont start wars,
like margaret thatcher
golda meir
indira gandhi,

15 Apr 03 - 07:50 PM (#934337)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Little Hawk

Margaret Thatcher is a woman? I didn't think she was even human.

16 Apr 03 - 10:24 AM (#934719)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Kim C

Well, I have had a love/hate relationship with men just about all my life. Who hasn't? I have come to the conclusion, though, that I love them a lot more than I hate them, and the reasons I ever hated them in the first place were inconsequential to begin with. :-)

16 Apr 03 - 10:38 AM (#934732)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

Good call, Kim. I think its reciprocal.


16 Apr 03 - 04:57 PM (#934967)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Kim C

Yes, Amos, I had that thought too. :-)

16 Apr 03 - 05:37 PM (#934990)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: harvey andrews

There's a man I see in my local supermarket. His wife is obviously dying and in a wheelchair. He pushes her and her adapted trolley around the aisles. He bends down to listen to her whispered requests. He picks up what she wants, asks is it the right one, puts it in the trolley. They smile at each other a lot. He has infinite patience. He obviously adores his wife. He's THERE!
That's what men do for women and women do for men.
It seems to me that if you have to ask this question you just haven't found the right person.

16 Apr 03 - 07:16 PM (#935042)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: gnu

harvey... tears to me eyes. There it is, bye, notting else eh ? One way or t'udder. We're all 'ere fer each udder.

16 Apr 03 - 10:26 PM (#935151)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: mg

Well, I don't have a love hate relationship with men. I have a love/indifference relationship with them...the good ones I love and the others I just don't relate to at all...I just don't interact with them I guess and they have no interest in me either...I count myself lucky.


17 Apr 03 - 10:25 AM (#935414)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: stevetheORC

Given you plenty to moan about :-)

De Orc

*in Hiding*

17 Apr 03 - 10:26 AM (#935415)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: MMario

That's easy for you to say Orc! (though I bet most of us were thinking it!)

17 Apr 03 - 11:11 AM (#935459)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Black Widow

OOoooo baby ... ooo baby ... GULP!!! ... yummy yummy yummy (gotcher head in my tummy!!!)

17 Apr 03 - 11:38 AM (#935485)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: stevetheORC

Just wait until Pushkin reads it then we will see how easy that was for me to say.
Im off to barricade myself in de shed.

De Orc

17 Apr 03 - 12:21 PM (#935511)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Black Widow

Thank you! So, De Orc's in de SHED!! Don't look up now, but Off with de head!!!

" The black widow builds her web in dark places near the ground, preferring the sheltered sides of buildings, abandoned rodent holes, or openings in stone outcroppings. She seldom ventures indoors, but anyone living in black widow territory should be aware that she sometimes makes a home in outbuildings such as woodsheds or outdoor toilets."

Time for some fOrcin lunch!


17 Apr 03 - 12:24 PM (#935515)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos

Supermarkets, nylons, inter-state highway system, air transport, cell phones, computer software and hardware, fabrics and their colors, architecture, glass, lighting, advances in cosmetics, sanitary pads, infertility treatment methods, refrigeration, distribution of produce year-round, improved techniques for heating and and large, I'd say a good deal.

On the downside, they are also largely responsible for more ridiculous things, such as advanced weapons systems, cheap handguns, and organized religion, so p'raps its a toss-up.


17 Apr 03 - 12:34 PM (#935531)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: *daylia*

Recently the conclusion was reached on the "Are We the Evil Empire" thread that men have been largely responsible for the evolution of the form of governance known as "PluTesto-Kleptocracy" - rule by wealthy male thieves!!

What an accomplishment, dudes!

;)    daylia

17 Apr 03 - 01:02 PM (#935557)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: stevetheORC

For Daylia, Ice Hockey argue that with your son Hee Hee

Nah we eat spiders on toast.

De Orc

17 Apr 03 - 01:19 PM (#935571)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: *daylia*

De Orc - my son knows better than to argue with me! Had Orc-on-Toast already today, too ...

;)   daylia

18 Apr 03 - 03:03 AM (#935825)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?


18 Apr 03 - 08:30 AM (#935887)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: GUEST,Men-ial Men-tor

mens rea?
Not to men-tion de-men-tia!


18 Apr 03 - 09:39 AM (#935927)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Amos



18 Apr 03 - 11:50 AM (#935980)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?
From: Kim C

I have to admit, in all honesty, that men have been better friends to me overall, than women have. Women sometimes seem to have this way of being intimidated by other women, and defend themselves by being mean. But I reckon I don't need people like that for my friends anyhow!

19 Apr 03 - 08:19 PM (#936733)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?


Dear Lord I pray
For wisdom to understand my man
Love to forgive him
Patience for his moods
Because Lord, if I pray for Strength
I'll beat him to death.

19 Apr 03 - 08:25 PM (#936737)
Subject: RE: BS: What have men ever done for us?

Oops! I should have posted that to the "Prayers for Bush" thread, eh?