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Lyr Req: Leo McGuire's song

07 Dec 02 - 02:29 AM (#842877)
Subject: Lyr Req: Leo McGurie's song
From: GUEST,Tom Hamilton

Hello my name is Tom Hamilton,

I'm looking for a song by a man called Leo McGuire, Billy Connolly did a recording of this song in the 1970's.

I would be really grateful if anyone out could help


07 Dec 02 - 02:34 AM (#842878)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Leo McGurie's song
From: GUEST,Tom Hamilton

I've found the song, so please ignore the first message please thankyou.
Sorry about that folks


07 Dec 02 - 02:57 AM (#842884)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Leo McGurie's song
From: GUEST,Fiosrach

But you've whetted our curiousity. Would you share the song?

07 Dec 02 - 02:25 PM (#843141)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Leo McGurie's song
From: Malcolm Douglas

It's in the DT, as Tom presumably realised after he'd started the thread: LEO McGUIRE'S SONG.