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BS: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)

09 Dec 02 - 03:17 PM (#844008)
Subject: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: GUEST,Disillusioned

Seems like the guy behind most of the bigfoot sitings and "footprint" discoveries" in the Pacific Northwest ever since the one in Eureka, CA, has just died, leaving a confession to having perpetuated the myth via his antics.

I'm heartbroken. And I still think there might be one or two sitings and tales are genuine.

America needs heroes, and bigfoot was (is) one of mine!

We better not find some antique letter telling how someone faked all those tiny boot prints and reindeer hoof prints on all those rooftops over the years!

Still a Believer, Dammit!

09 Dec 02 - 03:38 PM (#844019)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: open mike

I did hear that the guy passed away, but the native people all over the pacific northwest have known of Sasquatch all along. There is a statue
to bigtfoot in Willow Creek, west of Redding. and in Washinton in
Snoqulaimie county it is illegal to shoot or kill one. I heard Art Bell
got a call from some folks who had hit one and put it on a trailer to bring to a vet...not sure what the out come of that was...
there is a web site with a sound clip of a supposed bigfoot voice...
just cuz xome guy dies that won't make Bigfoot go away!! i had a neighbor who saw paw prints on the side of her house 15 feet up off the ground..too high for a bear to reach....

09 Dec 02 - 03:41 PM (#844023)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Clinton Hammond

Sure... I believe in Bigfoot... but he's just Elvis in a furry suit

09 Dec 02 - 03:44 PM (#844025)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: JohnInKansas

The confession was probably a phony - possibly planted by the Democrats to further their claims of a CIA consipiracy to destroy American faith in public institutions!

Can you give us a source for your information so that we can look into this?


09 Dec 02 - 03:52 PM (#844029)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: open mike
here's one news article
but i would rather read the info presented by BFRO

09 Dec 02 - 04:17 PM (#844041)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: GUEST,Reassured?

Open Mike, I couldn't access

CNN article

But, John, I don't think it's the Democrats who want us to think Bigfoot's dead (or a fable). It's those Religious Right fanatics like Jerry Falwell, who don't want us to celebrate Halloween or watch Harry Potter movies or believe in Bigfoot, 'cuz all these things are pagan, infidel, anti-Christian, don't ya know!

09 Dec 02 - 04:22 PM (#844044)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: EBarnacle1

A friend was out camping in that part of the world and thought she saw him.

I wrote this in response:

I dreamt I saw Bigfoot last night,
As large as you or me.
Sez I, "Bigfoot, you're just a myth;"
Sez he, "I'm what you see."

There's more if you want it.

09 Dec 02 - 04:25 PM (#844046)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Let us not forget that the claim to have "invented" Bigfoot was made by an 84 year-old man. He claimed to have never heard of Bigfoot until he created the hoax using giant feet carved from wood. More likely, he had heard of the already-existing legend and his shenanigans just helped popularize it.


09 Dec 02 - 04:38 PM (#844058)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: open mike

i thought i sent a
try this one...

09 Dec 02 - 05:30 PM (#844086)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: JenEllen

Ape Cave in Washington State was named so because of a Sasquatch attack. Legend tells of some miners in a cabin that were trapped inside by Sasquatches throwing rocks at them. Make what you will of that, but the state topographic maps still have a 'bigfoot' icon on them at the place of the 'attack'. So long as it's there, Bigfoot will never die.

09 Dec 02 - 06:26 PM (#844135)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Liz the Squeak

Reindeer feet ain't that tiny....

It's a real shame when these things are 'outed', whether they really be hoaxes or not.. Everyone has to have a little faith in something out of the ordinary, or else, what point is there in having an imagination?


09 Dec 02 - 08:00 PM (#844198)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Genie

Liz, Clement Moore's reindeer were that tiny. Isn't his poem the main source of the idea of Santa flying all over the world and coming down everyone's chimney, anyway?

(Unless, of course, Santa really does that!)

Yeah, Jen Ellen. The Ape Cave story is very compelling. And that wasn't told because of big footprints.

Barnacle, please post the rest of that song. OK?


09 Dec 02 - 09:19 PM (#844235)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Bobert

Say "It ain't so"... PLEASE say, "It ain't so..." Bigfoot gone? Oh, the pain. Excuse me.

(Whhannnnnhhhhh... Whannnnahhhhh.. sniff, sniff...)

Next thing you'll tell us is that Elmer Fudd shot the... shiff... the....snifff.... Easter bunny... snifff..



09 Dec 02 - 09:28 PM (#844237)
Subject: RE: Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: JohnInKansas

Guest Reass'd?
You may be right. It has to be a secret conspiracy to accuse the secret conspirators, or it'd be no fun at all.

The way the "thumpers" tried to fry Harry P around here, I wouldn't put it past them.


09 Dec 02 - 11:53 PM (#844306)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: EBarnacle1

Thank you, here 'tis.


Melody: Joe Hill; July 21, 1987

I dreamed I saw Bigfoot last night
As large as you or me;
Sez I, "Bigfoot, you're just a myth."
Sez he, "I'm what you see." [Repeat last line of each verse.]

From San Diego, up through Maine,
In every field and wood,
Where campers meet to tell their tales,
They talk of old Bigfoot.

They tell of him with horror tales,
They talk of him with glee,
If someone goes to take a walk,
They talk of mystery.

The horror tales are all a sham,
I am extremely shy;
The harder that you look for me,
The faster I slip by.

I slip in shadow through the land,
I quietly go by,
You crowd me with development
'Til I've no place to hide.

I dreamed I saw Bigfoot last night
As large as you or me.
Sez I "Bigfoot, you're just a myth."
Sez he, "I'm what you see."

Please feel free to use it.

09 Dec 02 - 11:55 PM (#844307)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Amos

Nice job!!!


10 Dec 02 - 12:31 AM (#844319)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)

Excellent, EBarnacle! Same tune as Joe Hill?

When did Santa Claus enter our Christmas? Yes, I know about the St. Nicholas supposed antecedent, but I mean the guy who gives out presents and encourages us to stuff ourselves in his image. I have been lifting images from 19th century magazines to put on my Christmas cards. The guy I find from around the 1870s is called King Christmas; in my favorite image with two helpers holding plum pudding, fruit, etc., and a turkey. (Nice one in the Canadian Illustrated News, Dec. 1876). There is no Santa Claus in Dicken's "A Christmas Carol."

10 Dec 02 - 03:28 AM (#844349)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Genie

Thanks, Barnacle! (I'm tellin' Aine!)

10 Dec 02 - 06:04 AM (#844395)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Wolfgang

An article about Ray Wallace, the prankster

I love it when these things are outed by confessions like, e.g. in Britain, the fake pictures of the Cottingley fairies that took in Conan Doyle.

There is so much mystery in the daily world, so many things to awe about, so many not well understood phenomena that we don't need inventions for our imagination.

Bigfoot was one of the weaker attempts at mystification.


10 Dec 02 - 08:04 AM (#844428)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: JJ

For the story of how Christmas came to its present form in the USA (and yes, Clement Clarke Moore was part of it) read Stephen Nissenbaum's book, "The Battle for Christmas."

10 Dec 02 - 08:14 AM (#844434)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Nigel Parsons

Bobert: I hate to add to your discomfort, but Elmer Fudd really did "Kill de wabbit" in the cartoon "What's Opera Doc". Although Bugs does re-animate enough to say something like "This is opera, did you expect a happy ending?"


10 Dec 02 - 08:32 AM (#844447)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: KingBrilliant

Does this mean Big Foot kicked the bucket? :@)

10 Dec 02 - 09:59 AM (#844525)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Willie-O

Bigfoot? Nice enough fella.
He's not trying to get those bit parts in movies now, though, he's semi-retired and living off the royalties from the Quantum Bigfoot HardDrive endorsement, also that of a certain all-terrain-vehicle.

OK, let's spell it out.

Mr A tells a story, which others have told before and since.
Later Mr A admits he made it up.
It's his story, or stories, that were made up, not the subject matter that inspired them.


10 Dec 02 - 12:52 PM (#844674)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: McGrath of Harlow

There is no Santa Claus in Dicken's "A Christmas Carol."

Yes there is. Or at least Father Christmas is there - referred to as "The Spirit of Christmas Present".

10 Dec 02 - 01:29 PM (#844700)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)

Yes, Father Christmas, King Christmas, etc., but no overstuffed Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Claus who rides in a sleigh. I'm looking for the guy who invented him. The OED says Santa Claus is American, introduced by the "Dutch" in New England (Webster's mentions Sinterklaas); first mention in the OED is from Longfellow who talked of a Santiclaus who left presents. By 1850 he was coming down chimneys. He does not seem to be universally invoked in North America until later (of course in the southwest it was the Wise Men who came and left presents, on a different date). Webster's mentions descent from Sinterklaas.

Thanks, JJ, I will look for Nissenbaum's book. It probably has the answers.
I would like to hoist a toast to the inventor(s) of the modern concept- permits me to buy those complicated toys (detailed scale electric trains, cd burners, etc.) that the kids are too young to handle but which I can run and let them watch.

10 Dec 02 - 02:05 PM (#844735)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: EBarnacle1

Don't be fooled by the con men. Big Foot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Sinterklas, etc. are all real.

As Shrub is proving to our discomfort, it is nearly impossible to prove a negative.

Just cause you ain't seen it, don't mean it ain't so. After all, how many of us have seen an atom?

10 Dec 02 - 02:21 PM (#844745)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: GUEST,Taliesn

Nah, the North American Yeti ain't what I'm woried about.
I mean do we really need a thread about "What's Sasquatch Ever Do For Us?"

No , I be castin' leary eye on the horizon for the other shoe to drop : proof that Ol' Nessie nay real. No tell me "that" isn't so.
I can handle the debunkers of them there crop circles , but leave Nessie alone. ;-)

10 Dec 02 - 02:26 PM (#844751)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: GUEST,B. C.

Ever heard of Sasquatchewan?

10 Dec 02 - 07:18 PM (#844969)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: vectis

I thought that Old Father Christmas came from Jack Frost. He dresses in the white, green and gold of the pagan winter festival.
SinterKlaas is dressed as a bishop in white and Gold, his assistant is Black Piet who takes naughty children away in his sack to the spanish mountains where St Nicholas lives.
The present Santa in the red suit is the result of the most successful marketing campaign, ever, by Coca Cola.
American corporate advertising and agressive selling spoil everything.

10 Dec 02 - 07:31 PM (#844977)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Bill D

well, it's MY theory that Bigfoot made the crop circles, with the help of elves in alien costumes, so as to confuse Little Hawk. They also killed a few livestock in a gruesome manner and are responsable for the weird weather patterns these days!

(How Bigfoot got to Tibet, where they have collected his fur, I'm not sure!)
It's all too much for an old fellow like me to comprehend....

10 Dec 02 - 08:32 PM (#845004)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Tweed

Ho Ho Ho, you all may scoff, but there's Bigfeet in Southern Indiana. I saw one myself when I was a youngster. He was over eight feet tall and moved silent and fast across a soybean field. I ain't lyin'...there was three of us there and them other two will tell you the same story. You never saw three boys run so fast down a gravel road! (..ducking heaps of ridicule and flying goats...go ahead heave yore best but we saw something really big and it was comin' at us unnaturally quick!)

Tweed (Bigfoot Believer not by choice)

10 Dec 02 - 09:30 PM (#845040)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Genie

Yeah, B. C., Bigfoot is from Sasquatoon!


10 Dec 02 - 11:34 PM (#845096)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Bill D

they're 7-9 feet tall with feet the size of roasting pans...they're in Oregon, they're in Tibet, they're in Indiana, they're in Canada....but they ain't on CNN or BBC. No one can imagine how anything that large and widespread can maintain a breeding population for all these years and still remain uncaptured and un-photographed..........but, Lordy, yes, we BELIEVE!

11 Dec 02 - 12:50 AM (#845116)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

The first bigfoot sighting I heard of was in 1954 in Boundary County, Idaho. And I'd heard stories of hairy anthropoids before that. The term "bigfoot" wasn't invented yet; the sighter said he'd seen an "Abominable Snowman," and he didn't want his name spread around because he thought people would make fun of him. Doubt if the guy in the news story came up from Eureka with an ape suit. I have no doubt he did perpetrate a hoax, but the sasquatch -- and ape cave -- was heard of long before his time. Personally, I hope they're out there and that we never find them.


11 Dec 02 - 01:08 AM (#845120)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

Come to think of it, wasn't that "Ape Canyon?"


11 Dec 02 - 01:59 AM (#845130)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Benjamin

JenEllen, Ape Cave is the one right by Mt. Saint Helens right? I've never heard that story. I'll have to go back. I'd like to believe he/she/they exist.

11 Dec 02 - 02:22 AM (#845139)
Subject: RE: BS:Obit: Bigfoot (Who's next? Santa Claus?)
From: Banjer

I would like to remind all of the editorial in the New York Sun of 1897 in which an editor answered the letter of a little girl. Over the years our faith and imaginations have been undermined, but he reminds us that whatever we believe in is real.

The link will take you to the text: Yes Virginia