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Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0

13 Dec 02 - 08:22 PM (#847043)
Subject: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

hEloo, I went to The Jingotston tonight , fir the first toime , in a long time, and i habe to tell yoyu it was r REALLY nice, there wasabooot 30 miusicans there and me as well, anf Grayums birthdat 9Happpt Birhysdat grayhum), annndloaaagdrs of singinf and miusic playimgg, it was really nise, and well dune to LEs and MAgggy and eberybidy alse what was there, it was really nice, and there wwsass some christmusx food as wellm, like minbce pieis and things like that, and lots og signinibng, ans aboot 10 mudcat peoeple there, and if any one getd a chance to goi they should go.john

13 Dec 02 - 08:29 PM (#847047)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

heloo, anf DEbby with the ctosswerds , sing a so ng as we;l it was reallu nice, tou should go if you can.john. 9If youp not to far away, ) (but even werth going from far away, but maybe not to far, i dont knnoe.john

13 Dec 02 - 08:30 PM (#847048)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: smallpiper

Ah wus awa playun music elsewhere otherwise ah wudha considordit. Glad yu had a great time and lotsa bearhoi9 anall by the lukes of it! Cheers

13 Dec 02 - 08:47 PM (#847059)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Herloo, smalpipier, i rung up gorgon bassic,9 bassic) today and told hoim andf ask hin to tell you, i dont knoe if he did or not, but yoo mist a good session.johhn

13 Dec 02 - 08:49 PM (#847061)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

heloo afsin smlepieper, i would haf rung you uop, and tell you butr i dident know yoour telly pjhone number, that is ther e reaseone why.john

13 Dec 02 - 09:26 PM (#847085)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Nemesis

Is this a regular occurence Joh9n? And hope you managed to get home after you fell over in the Mudchat (**G**)

14 Dec 02 - 01:49 PM (#847394)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Les from Hull

Glad you had a good time John (and the time continued to get better after you got home?) And we're doing it all again next week!

16 Dec 02 - 01:30 PM (#848274)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Linda Kelly

Forsooth and verily I was in Stratford where they charged £8.00 for a pint and a rum and coke- no wonder Shakespeare moved to London.

18 Dec 02 - 10:45 AM (#849619)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: GUEST,White Dove

18 Dec 02 - 10:47 AM (#849621)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: GUEST,White Dove


Linda. Sorry I missed you!
I am back in the Port surrounded by ice!!!!
Hope to catch up with you sooooon!

20 Dec 02 - 04:13 AM (#850978)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

8 POUND A PINT!!! 9They must be bloody joking, thats the biggest rip off i haf ever heard of,) Thats 64 pound a gallon, the fiddling basturds!

20 Dec 02 - 04:14 AM (#850979)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

PS. I think i spelled session wrong in the thread title, but you knoe what i mean.john

20 Dec 02 - 07:16 AM (#851037)
Subject: RE: Review: The Kingston sessoin 9in hull) tonight0
From: GUEST,Erse

Can any of you buggers spell or were you all rather influenced when you posted.