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Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon

23 Dec 02 - 06:45 PM (#852811)
Subject: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Just to let everyone know, the Portland Folklore Society's Singtime Frolics, a weekend of singing in rustic but comfortable Camp Adams (one hour SE of Portland), will be held March 21 - 23, 2003. About one hundred singers join to create one of the best weekends of the year. Several formal workshops, any number of informal ones, guest artist Richard Scholtz from Bellingham, and little (and big) jams and sharing of songs will be happening all over the place and at all times. Actually, many of us seem to be getting more, uh... staid, so sometimes the singing stops before 2:00 AM. Nice creek and woods to wander through, too.

You can get the flier and registration form here (That's my first attempt at making a blicky. Don't know if it's going to work.)

It's a great weekend. I hope to see some mudcatters there!


23 Dec 02 - 06:47 PM (#852814)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Nope. Maybe it's


24 Dec 02 - 06:40 PM (#853311)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

I'm hoping to see Blessings Barbara and Genie and Margot and maybe Mary Garvey. Alice, you wouldn't want to come all the way from Montana, would you?

Anyone else for a fine singing weekend in the woods?


24 Dec 02 - 06:53 PM (#853319)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

I'm hoping to make it..logistics are difficult from where I am..Seattle is much easier..alhtough I can get to Kelso and then ride with someone from I am hoping. do you have any links to pictures?

Alice has to come and also Mark Cohen. Also anyone in Seattle. mg

25 Dec 02 - 04:57 AM (#853473)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Mary, see if you can talk Mousethief into coming. He might be able to meet you in Kelso if he can come to the Frolics.

Alex, we'd love to have you and Mary both there. And Mrs Mouse, if she can make it.


26 Dec 02 - 06:19 PM (#853793)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Yes, Mark! If you can make it. I hope I hope.

Not having been on mudcat for very long, I'm just beginning to learn who's who. Just found out the other night that I know Mudjack and Thomas the Rhymer (sp?). I hope both of you can make it, too.

The more the merrier! It's one big, long, singing party.

I'm not sure what you mean, Mary, when you ask about my links to pictures. I happen to be in Mark Cohen's picture here in Mudcat, if that's what you mean.


26 Dec 02 - 06:34 PM (#853799)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

thanks David...I know what you look like (and very handsome of course). I meant pictures of Singtime so everyone can see how much fun it is. Also, you know Barb and Craig and probably have met Deckman and Don Firth at one point or another..probably lots more. mg

26 Dec 02 - 08:42 PM (#853844)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Duh! and double DUH! Thanks for putting the idea into my thick head, Mary. Good one. I'll work on it.


26 Dec 02 - 10:59 PM (#853896)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen will be a little trickier, since my daughter is now in Southern California rather than Southern Oregon, but I'll see if I can swing it. Had a blast in 2000!

Speaking of which, the Portland Folklore Society web page used to have a slide show from the 2000 Singtime Frolics, which is where that picture of me and David and Mary Benson came from. But now, when I click on Singtime Frolics, I get a very nice design bordering an otherwise empty page. Better tell the webmaster to get on the stick, David!

(My very first exposure to the joy of folkies singing together was in the living room of David Ingerson's house in Northeast Portland, in 1982.)


26 Dec 02 - 11:02 PM (#853898)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen

PS, anybody know how I might find cheap flights from LAX (or, preferably, Santa Barbara) to PDX?

26 Dec 02 - 11:11 PM (#853900)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

I presume you have tried SW and Alaska..I'll do some checking if you promise not to sing any parodies around me except at carefully selected parody-friendly sites.


26 Dec 02 - 11:21 PM (#853902)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon

Try going to Cheap I have gotten some really good deals from there.

27 Dec 02 - 01:36 AM (#853931)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

David, you also know me (though you may not know it, since I'm "Jeanene" to my non-cyber friends), and you probably know WinnieMih from Forest Grove and Francy (Frank of Toledo), too.

Amergin (Nathan) is from St. Helens, too.

Some of these good folks may well show up at the Frolics, too.


27 Dec 02 - 01:39 AM (#853932)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

David, what's the name of that cheap ticket website that Clark Howard (consumer advocate and certified cheapskate) recommends? HotFlash? HotStuff? something like that
He says it's better than PriceLine.

27 Dec 02 - 04:42 AM (#853959)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen

Mudcat Travel Agency--I like it! Mary, I will never promise not to sing parodies...but I'll take your request under advisement.


27 Dec 02 - 01:26 PM (#854136)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Mark, It would be fantastic if you could make it. I'd love to see you and sing with you again. When I click on the Singtime button I get a brief description and a link to a .pdf registration form. I wonder if it doesn't show up on certain browsers. The link I put in the second post of this thread goes right to that page.

Mary, I don't really know much about airline tickets on the net. Sorry. Wish I did.

Genie, I looked up your photo in the archives and yes, I do know you...but I can't remember the name you go by at song circle. (red face) Sorry. But I love your singing and would love to see and hear you at Singtime.

I didn't know there were so many 'catters in the area. It would be great to have a mudcat session at Singtime!

Spread the word!


27 Dec 02 - 09:27 PM (#854345)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: MAG

I love to sing; I'll see if I can get the weekend off work -- tricky, but worth it. Hope to see ya there. -- MA

28 Dec 02 - 12:50 AM (#854410)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

David, I use my real name, Jeanene, at song circles. Glad you like my singing. I always enjoy yours, too -- not just your voice, but the songs you choose, like "One Thing Or The Other."

A Mudcat session at Singtime sounds great. We might even draw some of the Seattle/Tacoma area Mudcatters like Stewart, Mousethief, John P., or Haruo.

BTW, Charley Noble has a cousin, Marguerite, who lives in the Portland area and comes to the Artichoke song circle sometimes and knows Barbara. Maybe she'll be at the Frolics,too. (I don't know if she is a Mudcatter or just related to one.)

Maybe we can recruit some new Mudcatters in March.

Genie (Jeanene)

28 Dec 02 - 04:13 PM (#854677)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen

I believe that Marguerite is Mudcatter Margo, and that she was at Singtime Frolics 2000.

Mark (still working on it)

28 Dec 02 - 10:43 PM (#854817)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Thanks, Mark. I didn't make that connection.


30 Dec 02 - 02:27 PM (#855397)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

What I'd really love to do is to join the 'catters in Northern Ireland at the end of February, but time and money are against me there. But this will be a great second-best!

Being new here, I'm not sure of the protocol. To attract the attention of more 'catters in the area should I start a new thread with a title like "Singtime Frolics--Mudcat gathering" or something like that? Or is what we have going here enough? Let me know what you think.


30 Dec 02 - 04:35 PM (#855496)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon -- Who's going?
From: Genie

David, last year someone started a thread titled: "Who Is Going To RainyCamp?" That seemed to draw folks' attention (even those who already knew about Rainy Camp).

Maybe you could get Joe Offer (or one of the "Joe Clones") to tack "--Who's going?" onto the end of your thread title.


30 Dec 02 - 09:18 PM (#855697)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Thanks, Genie. I'll check into it.


01 Jan 03 - 04:20 PM (#856792)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Mark, Charley Noble's cousin Marguerite was at the New Year's Jam I went to last night, and she says she is not Mudcatter Margo. (I didn't think she looked that much like Margo's picture.)

Marguerite is not even a Mudcatter, and she claims to be the only one in her clan with no musical talent. (I can't tell, because she sings softly in the song circles.) But she is a music lover and a frequent participant in various song circles in Portland. Maybe we'll persuade her to come to the Frolics.


02 Jan 03 - 12:35 PM (#857296)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: GUEST,Mudjack

Sorry to say I won't be at Singtime or Rainy Camp this year. Just going to give the camps a rest this year. They are so much fun and just a good time to be with friends and fellow music folks.

03 Jan 03 - 07:44 PM (#858114)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Sorry to hear that, Mudjack. Your singing is always a joy to hear, so robust and hearty. I, for one, will miss the way you throw yourself with abandon into your songs. They always come out great!


03 Jan 03 - 07:50 PM (#858119)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Amos

I'll second that one, M'jack -- I still hear ya singing in my dreams!!

04 Jan 03 - 12:32 AM (#858252)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Lane

OK.. I'll drop in here.... Mudjack, good to see you, and I must agree as well - you know how to throw yourself into the music. Perhaps we can get together and do some Paxton tunes again one of these days!

This camp sounds great - though I don't know most of you, I'd love to meet you. Sounds like there are a lot of us in close proximity here... maybe a local get together would be worth a try too...


(in Longview)

05 Jan 03 - 12:42 AM (#859006)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: sharyn

I might come -- it's easy enough to get cheap fares on Southwest. Can anyone give me a ride to/from the Portland airport if I do? (If I need witnesses to my worthiness, blessings Barbara, mary garvey and Mark Cohen have heard me sing)

05 Jan 03 - 01:51 AM (#859031)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

PM me about it, Sharyn. OK?


05 Jan 03 - 03:06 AM (#859040)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

if they can't make it to the airport there is now an airport train that would run out to some of the suburbs with connections etc..

you should definitely come. I can vouch for your great voice and moral character etc. not that either is a requirement as far as I know.


05 Jan 03 - 12:14 PM (#859211)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: GUEST,sharyn

Thanks all. It will be fun to meet more of you there.

05 Jan 03 - 04:12 PM (#859353)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon

Hi David et al,
    I am planning to be back from Costa Rica (where I am currently wintering) in time for the Frolics. It will be great to hear some good old folkie stuff - needless to say I haven´t heard any lately.
    By the way I saw a machine called a Mud Cat in the Tortuguero canals- it´s a dredge. Wish I had gotten a picture.   Winnie

06 Jan 03 - 12:35 AM (#859570)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Barbara

Sharyn, we live south of Portland, so the airport is not on
the way to Singtime, but if you get hung up, let me know and we'll work out something. How about bringing Richard and Arlene, too? It was a delight to sing with you all at Harmony (in Harmony), even if you did muck up my "Rolling Home". I wish I'd been sitting where I could have heard what you were doing (grin). Caught up on your sleep yet?

When Margo first signed on the Mudcat, someone else was using "Margo", so she used "Margarite". She is not Charlie's cousin, though. It does get confusing with our different names and Mudcat names sometimes. Is Craig "Craig" these days, or "Sandy Bob"?

06 Jan 03 - 03:28 AM (#859601)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen

Oh, drat. Not going to be able to make it...too much flying and driving, and my daughter isn't on vacation so I'd have a very limited time with her. (It was much easier when they lived in Eugene.) My mainland trips are pretty much limited to visiting her. Sorry I'll miss everyone. Maybe next year. I'm thinking about an East Coast trip this summer, though...


06 Jan 03 - 04:24 AM (#859614)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Winnie, every so often I slip up and type "" instead of "" when I'm trying to get to the forum. When I make that error, I'm taken to the website of the Mudcat Company that makes marine dredging equipment. Their website has pictures of those machines.

I told Sharyn about our MAX train from the airport. ("MAX" stands for Metropolitan Area Express -- our light rail.) It only costs $1.55 to ride the MAX train to any destination on the line and unlike the San Francisco BART train, MAX goes right up to the terminal, right by where the cars pick up and drop off passengers.
If anyone is flying in to PDX for the Frolics, especially on Friday afternoon, it may be easier for someone to pick them up at one of the MAX stations than to deal with the airport & freeway rush-hour traffic.


06 Jan 03 - 11:19 AM (#859813)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: sharyn

Thanks, Genie, Mary and Barbara. Barbara, I'll mention it to Richard (aka radriano) and Arlene, but I make no promises. They are a cantankerous bunch, as you know, at not always open to suggestions. Yes, I have caught up on my sleep, although we spent the weekend partying with Valentine (when she wasn't sleeping on the couch).

My current problem is that when I go to the Portland Folklore website and click on Singtime Frolics I get a strip of a meadow with tulips and no further information. Reload does not help. Does anyone know how to get past this? Do I have to become a member to read the secret code? Should I just call someone, or use the U.S. postal service to acquire a registration form? I'd appreciate any ideas here since I really want to register and book my flights.



06 Jan 03 - 09:45 PM (#860319)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen

Sharyn, you have to use Internet Explorer.   I've noticed that more and more sites don't fly with Netscape. One more example, I suppose, of Microsoft taking over the world.


07 Jan 03 - 04:07 AM (#860476)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Yeah, Mark, I noticed that with another website I needed to visit the other day -- it wouldn't let me use Netscape. Just makes me dig my heels in further as a Mac user. I hate monopolies.

Sharyn, I'll PM you a couple of email addresses and phone numbers for folks like Meryl and Bonnie who can answer Qs about the Frolics and/or steer you towards whoever is in charge this year.


07 Jan 03 - 11:41 PM (#861318)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

BTW, the cheap airline ticket site that Clark Howard recommends is


08 Jan 03 - 08:28 PM (#862130)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

I finally got time to get myself back online. It's exciting to see the interest rising!

Lane, almost all of us are very welcoming folks. I'm sure you'll feel accepted. I'm also thinking of setting up an informal Mudcat workshop sometime during the weekend so you'll be able to meet other 'catters.

Sharyn, Don't worry about the quality of your singing. We've got all kinds here and if you've got a good heart, you're one of us. Some of us care for quality more than others but I think most of us are happy just making a joyful noise together. I'll take responsibility for getting you a ride from one of the MAX stations. We can PM each other about that. Speaking of which, is it possible to PM attachments? I'll try to PM you the application (a .pdf) tomorrow.

I spoke with our webmaster and he's working on fixing the site so Netscape users can see it.

Winnie, welcome back!

Mark, darn it. Sorry you won't be able to make it.

This is going to be great!


08 Jan 03 - 08:40 PM (#862138)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Oops! Mark, that didn't come out right. It would be a lot greater if you were there, of course.


08 Jan 03 - 10:06 PM (#862191)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

David...Sharyn is a magnificent singer..not to worry..

I just wish it wasn't so close to Rainycamp..that was not my doing by the way in case anyone is keeping tabs...more of a committee decision. I think it keeps cross-pollination down by a bit with them so close together. But I will be lucky enough to make both of them this year...

I've always sort of wondered why Bellingham didn't have something..there are so many great singers there...Late April/Early May would be nice...of course then Folklife is coming up but something always is.


08 Jan 03 - 11:03 PM (#862216)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen

Mary, if there's anything going on in Bellingham, Flip Breskin would know about it. See the bottom of this page for how to get in touch with her.

(who will be there in spirit)

08 Jan 03 - 11:10 PM (#862220)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Lane

Thanks for the welcome words.. I'll follow this thread and see if I can make this ... sounds like fun.

Meantime... do folks get together informally in the area - small groups on a weekend, etc? I'd like to meet a few catters and would be more than happy to host a gathering here at my place on the big river...


08 Jan 03 - 11:23 PM (#862231)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: sharyn

Mary, thanks for the compliment. David, an application is on the way already via snail mail (and I'm going to be out of town anyway for a week starting on Sunday)and between you and Genie rides are covered -- thanks. Mary, Rainycamp and Singtime Frolics were a bit too close this year, but all it takes is planning -- I'm hoping to be able to come to both next year, as well as "Sasamat" in its new location and Camp Harmony.

09 Jan 03 - 01:46 AM (#862286)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

Oh but there is another B.C. one in June or early July, and there is one at Duncan on Vancouver Island on Labor Day???? and then there are some in Corvallis or Eugene or somewhere in Oregon..Spokane has something..better use up those frequent flyers.


09 Jan 03 - 02:12 AM (#862290)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

And don't forget Camp Runamuck in July and August! A smaller but memorable Mudcat gathering in central Washington. PM JenEllen for details.


24 Jan 03 - 03:24 PM (#874036)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie


24 Jan 03 - 06:34 PM (#874195)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Francy

Nancy and Casey and I will be there...........Can't wait   Frank of Toledo

24 Jan 03 - 10:40 PM (#874366)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

I can't do Adobe on my computer...can you say how much it is and where to send a check?   And anyone coming from Seattle..could I maybe meet you in Kelso????   Oh would I get back? I always can get back as far as Astoria and then I get stuck. Well, I will work on that later.   mg

24 Jan 03 - 11:06 PM (#874380)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

I can't get through to the website on Netscape, but IIRC I paid $60 for the Frolics last year.

MARCH 21-23, 2003,
FRIDAY-SUNDAY Ð 19th Annual Springtime Frolics,
camp Adams (near Mollala, 45 minutes SE of Portland).Ê

Guest artist: Richard Scholtz.Ê

Scheduled and informal workshops, song circles, jams and a Saturday night concert.Ê

Info: Linda at 503-590-7445, or email

01 Feb 03 - 03:34 PM (#880183)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: GUEST,David Ingerson at home

Sorry to be asleep at the wheel, Mary, and anyone else who needs this information. The registration fee is $63 for adults to be sent to Portland Folklore society, Singtime Registrar, P.O. Box 1448, Portland, Oregon 97202-1448. Genie, above, has the correct phone number to call for additional info.

Glad to see you and yours will be there Frank.

I wish I could offer some solution to your transportation problem, Mary. I hope something works out. It would be great to see you.


02 Feb 03 - 01:29 AM (#880498)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Mary, it wouldn't hurt to contact Linda re the transportation thing. There may be someone matching potential riders with potential rides.

If you could get to Portland, you could ride to and from Camp Adams with me.


02 Feb 03 - 03:44 AM (#880511)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

thanks...I can into Portland via Kelso but it might not be early enough..boy am I stranded here on the sand spit. Seattle is fairly easy but Portland really really hard.


05 Feb 03 - 02:35 AM (#882865)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

PM Amergin, Mary. Maybe he can make it and bring you with him. - Genie

05 Feb 03 - 02:46 AM (#882869)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

I'm really not that close. But maybe some folks from around here will go...I actually didn't plan to move here..just happened but it is not the best place to be without a car and till I get more bills paid off (was doing well and am going to be hit with some bad dental bills) there is no way.. mg

02 Mar 03 - 02:13 AM (#901521)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

OK....everyone getting ready? Let's see a show of hands. It is a really pretty location...very woodsy...with lots of trilliums blooming last year...I am going to follow Dick Holdstock's retirement advice if I ever get to retire..just go from camp to camp...we need one though in late April/early May. About the only time of year that doesn't seem to be taken..of course because of Folklife the end of May. But the weather is often so beautiful.

Everyone who doesn't have a camp to go to, just start one. Check out insurance first and foremost. You can probably do it for around $60 a person per weekend with reasonably good food if the lodging isn't too bad. There are plenty up and running and people would be glad to share details on how to do them so you don't have to start from scratch.

The ones in the northwest are fairly consistent: friday night potluck and group sing, saturday workshops, evening concert (which always runs on too long for my taste); sometimes a contra dance, then more singing; sunday workshops etc. Some take turns cooking but the preference now is to hire a cook. Saves a lot of problems. Always have food available 24 hours a day..simple things..peanut butter and bread, granola, chips and salsa, popcorn, milk, fruit, maybe a crockpot full of soup. It's easiest if it is the first year to not commit to the camp without some guaranteed enrollments. Give scholarships out for the yuckiest chores..bathrooms, final cleanup etc.

Well, that is all for now. mg

06 Mar 03 - 12:13 AM (#904512)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: sharyn

It won't be long now. I can't wait to meet some of you -- and to see some old friends. But I never got any info other than a one-line email saying my reg was confirmed -- no map, no directions, no time schedule (like when to arrive) -- what's up with that?

12 Mar 03 - 06:55 PM (#908574)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Let me know if you still haven't received directions, etc., Sharon. Between David I. and me, we'll get you there.

Folks, there are still a few places left for the Frolics, and David says he's planning a Mudcat get-together there. So come on and join us!


12 Mar 03 - 08:18 PM (#908642)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Hey, Genie, you beat me to it! Thanks for reviving this thread. And yes, one of the informal "workshops" at Singtime this year will be a Mudcat gathering.

It'll be interesting to sing with other 'catters in person, so come and join us if you haven't signed up already. And if you have, it'll be great to see you and sing with you!


12 Mar 03 - 08:37 PM (#908655)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

Speaking of mudslides..there was one cutting off 101 south of Astoria and I think more are predicted this week...Mudslide season..can people keep us posted if they hear of any on routes we might be taking?


13 Mar 03 - 05:55 PM (#909441)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Good idea, Mary. I'll keep my eyes and ears open. It sounds like you've figured out a way to get down and back. I hope so. It would be great to see you again and sing some songs into the wee hours!


14 Mar 03 - 07:59 PM (#910396)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson


14 Mar 03 - 09:00 PM (#910423)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Francy

Looking forward to singing with everyone....Frank & Nancy of Toledo

14 Mar 03 - 09:08 PM (#910428)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon

would love to go....but can't...I have a month long holiday in april-may..some one coming from overseas....gotta show her around...


15 Mar 03 - 12:50 PM (#910745)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Francy


15 Mar 03 - 06:42 PM (#910952)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

Will everyone who is mechanically inclined and doesn't hate accordians bring their expertise and any little tiny screwdrivers they have with them please..I have to melt some beeswax and fix some keys on mine. Not that I actually know how to do it so I will accept any consultations.


17 Mar 03 - 01:49 AM (#911678)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

I heard on the radio last night that there was a mudslide around Florence on 101. It didn't sound like the road would be open for a while. I don't get reliable radio here..except for a Salt Lake City people might want to keep updated on this if they are driving that way.

Any spaces left? Someone was asking.

Mudjack..changed your mind?


17 Mar 03 - 02:52 AM (#911685)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

As of Friday, Linda J. told me that there were 3 spaces left, and my registration took one of them. However, sometimes people cancel in the days right before the Camp, so if anyone is still interested, you should go ahead and send in your registration. If there are no spaces, your check will be returned uncashed.

Last year I didn't register until I got to the camp on Friday night.


24 Mar 03 - 12:08 AM (#916780)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Wow! What a great Singtime Frolics!

At least 11 Mudcatters were there, and I think we recruited a few more. (I made all 4 CDs available for demo and we gave folks the info about what Mudcat is and how to join, order CDs, etc. (Prob'ly never know if anyone bought CDs because of this sort of promo, but it "kent hoyt."

David Ingerson sponsored a mimi Mudcat gathering at the Frolics, and we shared songs, etc.   Re other Mudcatters: I already knew David I., Mag, Mary Garvey, WinnieMih, SandyBob, Barbara (Millikan), and Robinia (Jean), and it was great to hook up with these folks again (even though some live in my 'back yard'). In addition, I re-met Sharyn (with whom I had participated in a John Bartlett Child Ballads worshop at NW Folklife last year) and finally met Frank and Nancy (Jones) of Toledo.

Mary G., Sharyn, Robinia (Jean L.), and Frank were among those with the most 'die-hard-i-tude, who stayed up till about 5A pickin', playin', an grinnin' on Friday and/or Sat. night. (Mary, I gotta hear more of your songs; Jinx Davis says they're wonderful.)

We got some really good music going among us Mudcatters. A special 'find' for me was "Francy" -- Frank and Nancy Jones of Toledo, OR. They do a really special rendition of "Blue Wing," and Frank kept the jam sessions alive till the wee hours. He and I teamed up to do Hank Williams's "Cold Cold Heart" for the concert Sat. night. He's a great duo partner, with that great pickin' and smooth harmonies.

Whadda the rest of you Mudcatters think?

24 Mar 03 - 01:26 AM (#916811)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Steve Mullinax

I second Genie's post: this was a great event!

I am new to Mudcat. This is my first post.

Thanks to any mudcatters who persisted through the trials of getting a form, arranging travel, etc. It was great that some of you were able to come from a long way off. I enjoyed meeting you and sharing your music! As always, it was a pleasure to join in song with those of you I already knew!

I will be working on organizing the event for next year. Since I saw some of the issues getting people on-board from all the previous posts, I will try to make that process easier next time.

Anybody else who wants to volunteer for next year, please let me know.


24 Mar 03 - 01:08 PM (#917215)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Hey, Steve, welcome to Mudcat! Yer gonna luv it!

Meryle Korn recruited me to help you and Mary W. put together next year's singtime, so I'll be working with you.

See ya at the PFS song circles.

Genie (Jeanene)

24 Mar 03 - 01:57 PM (#917250)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Lane

Sounds like I missed a good time... maybe next year. Hey, since most of you are in the general area - As I've posted in another thread, I'm trying to put together a small house concert with Korby Lenker   He does some nice music - this is a short notice deal - Sunday, April 6, probably late afternoon and I'm a few minutes west of Longview... I need some folks to show up if I'm going to do this... anyone interested?


24 Mar 03 - 05:17 PM (#917413)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Francy

It was a wonderful weekend with friends and Mudcatters. Lots and lots and lots of great music....workshops ( I actually did a workshop) circles....great jam sessions, practically around the clock.....and a concert with all the singers doing a song.....coullldn't have been any better than it was....A big hurrah for the Portland Folklore Society....a fabulous job......Thanks to linda...Meryll and mudcatter David Ingerson.......
          Frank of Toledo

24 Mar 03 - 06:35 PM (#917446)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

I've been at every Singtime Frolics--19 of them--and this was, IMHO, the very best! It rained most of the time, forcing everyone (about 110 of us) indoors, so the workshops and jams were well populated, the energy was high, and rehersing for the concert was happening here and there all over the camp by late Saturday afternoon. The level of musicianship, the average expertise level was higher than ever before, I think, so there were fewer songs stumbled through and lots of preparation evident. (And I appreciate that partly because the experience of listening is more enjoyable but also because it means people are singing at other times in their lives and making a committment to singing better.)

Sorry we can't share any wild tales (or tails) like the folks who went to the Northern Ireland gathering. We pretty much confined ourselves to the camp (and there was no alcohol). But what energy! I have always prided myself on being able to stay up to all hours for the sake of singing together, and although I helped close things down a little after 3:30 Friday night, I couldn't last past 3:00 on Saturday, and there was more than 2 hours of singing after that! At recent Singtimes we've been lucky to keep singing going until 2:00, but at 2:00 Saturday evening, there were 3 groups (!) still going strong!

The Saturday evening concert was the best (and the longest) with about 40 groups or individuals performing one song each. I think we're attracting better musicians and many of us are practicing more and just plain getting better. What a joy to hear and to sing along with. A handful of the younger kids participated in the concert. The handful of teenagers decided not to perform but it was great seeing them at their parents' folk singing camp.

That high energy continued all the way through to the end with more people staying for the final sing than ever before. How wonderful to sing one inspirational song after another, one farewell song after another in a large circle of beautiful people with all our voices resonating together.

The hugging barometer was also very high--lots of hugs and high quality ones, too!

Mary G, you were so right about Sharyn--what a treasure house of knowledge and songs and what a pleasure to listen to! Glad you came, Sharyn.

That inspiring weekend with relaxed, caring, singing people gave me the strength to face this crazy world again today. Thanks to everyone who was there. What a fantastic time!

Hey! Welcome, Steve! Now you'll have something to do with all your free time since you're retired. ;-)


24 Mar 03 - 07:04 PM (#917464)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Steve Mullinax


You deserve kudos for initiating and nurturing this thread!

We got some participants we might not have gotten otherwise, adding fun and diversity to the experience, and introducing new folks to our circle. Bonnie & I are meeting with Phil and Linda this afternoon to do a debrief & evaluation. The participation of the mudcatters is a high point in my mind, and we should surely do it again in 2004.

Thanks for your efforts!


24 Mar 03 - 10:39 PM (#917573)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon

I can't believe this event has going on within driving distance since I moved out West here (13 years) and I only just discovered it. Thank you, thank you, David, for bringing it to our attention.

By the by, could you post the words to that great call and response activist thing you did at the end ...

I HATE long goodbyes; lots of angst for no good reason, but a solid half hour of good goobye SONGS ... something else. and that was AFTER the peace songs.

Frank, you are a trip and a half. Folks, if you have a chance to party with Frank from Toledo and his sweet, gentle and steel backboned wife Nancy, do. Run. Crawl.

I lasted until 2:00 Friday and Saturday night, and just made it home this afternoon. I pulled off the road in Tri-Cities last night; I didn't belong behind a wheel anymore.

Thanks, thanks, thanks.

25 Mar 03 - 01:53 AM (#917646)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Guest, you are, of course, completely right about Frank and Nancy (Francy). But, since I apparently was singing with you at least part of the time this weekend, I'm dying to know which one you were!

Are you being deliberately mysterious, or did you just forget to post your name?


25 Mar 03 - 11:54 AM (#917973)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: GUEST,MAG at work

That was me, Genie. I can't imagine why my home conputer listed me as a guest. Have I lost my cookie again?? I'll find out tonight. -- MA

25 Mar 03 - 03:21 PM (#918178)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: mg

it was truly thing I liked was singing in the dining room after the concert..we were much closer, as someone else pointed out..didn't have the horrible lights...had a table to prop ourselves on as the night wore on...the amount of light is inversely proportional to the wonderfulness of the music, at least after 10 p.m....time to switch to candles, firelight, lamps etc. That is something that really bugs me about some camps...especially sitting under flourescent lights. People who need light to read music can bring flashlights, or there could be a strong lamp that they could sit under/move to etc...

Songs that are running through my head: Going down the road where the sundowners come...freedom is coming...home sweet home is a river...thank heavens they are all pretty songs because they are just taking turns for days now...

P.S. Steve you know about Private Messages (PM). I sent you a couple..just click on top of page...could you send me your email address?

25 Mar 03 - 04:14 PM (#918220)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Thanks, Steve, but I must admit that part of the motivation is self-interest. I love being surrounded by singing, and the better the singing, the better the feeling.

Glad you joined us MAG. Your song in the closing circle was great and you have a . . roomy voice (if that makes sense). I enjoyed it. But I don't know which song you mean. Keep on Moving Forward?


25 Mar 03 - 06:30 PM (#918354)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: MAG

Yep, that one. and the song I sang was by Judy B. Goodenough. I lovethat song, which is why I once enquired about the author here (on Mudcat). I learned it from Fred Holstein in Chicago. -- MA

25 Mar 03 - 06:44 PM (#918363)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Barbara

I think she either means Keep On Moving Forward, or Roll the Old Chariot Along.
The first is Pat Humphries, isn't it? And I'll bet Roll the Old is in DT. Or maybe she means Here is My Home, which should also be here someplace. It's by Si Kahn.
It was a lovely weekend, and we need a Mary Garvey CD. She writes so many wonderful songs, and then they just vanish. I followed her around with a tape recorder all weekend and heard maybe 10, 12 gems and no repeats on ones I'd heard before.
Tell us which one, and we'll find it for you. Wonderful to see you all.
Sorry to flake out on the Mudcat workshop, but when I stay up nights till 3, I have to nap in the daytime. Yawn. I'm still catching up. David, I really love Cunnhla (or however you spell it). Thanks for the dual language version.

25 Mar 03 - 09:17 PM (#918461)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: sharyn

Yep, it was fun. Good late night singing. Pleasant, kind people. Good food. Frank of Toledo gets my vote for most fun person to jam with -- has great taste in songs.

25 Mar 03 - 10:56 PM (#918497)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Mark Cohen

Awwww.....well, I knew it was going to be great, and I'm glad it was. I'm sorry I wasn't there, but thanks to this thread I almost feel like I was! (Well, maybe not quite....) I'll try very hard to make it next year.


26 Mar 03 - 01:03 AM (#918534)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Genie

Really, Mark, please do come on over to the mainland for next year's Singtime. (And/or if you come to Rainy Camp, you and Jean Smith can exchange Hawaiian songs.)

By next year I hope I can find a way to clone myself -- or at least do without sleep entirely --, so I can either be in two or three places at once or at least spend all night going from one jam to another.

I was having such a good time jamming with the 'metal' folks (banjos, mandos, guitars, etc.) in Hope Cabin Sat. night that I missed the after-concert song circle(s) in the main lodge. So much good music, so many good folks, so little time!


26 Mar 03 - 01:27 AM (#918541)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: Barbara

MAG, you can find Pat Humphries' song,
Never Turning Backhere in the DT.

26 Mar 03 - 10:24 AM (#918740)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: MAG

That's the one! Thank you Barbara, thank you David, Thank you thank you, one and all. -- MA

26 Mar 03 - 12:27 PM (#918830)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics in NW Oregon
From: David Ingerson

Thanks, Barbara. I had no idea who had written that song. Someone sang it at the closing circle of our first Singtime and I've made sure we've sung it every time since then. But I'd never seen the words and just treated it like a zipper song, making up my own, like "thinking freely" and "work for peace and justice."

It's a great song. Thanks, Pat, for an inspiring and highly singable chorus song!
