11 Jan 03 - 08:32 PM (#864847) Subject: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Joe Offer Jeff (Pene Azul) works quick. I gave him two requests this morning, and already he has them working. One is a utility that helps the clones and me with grouping, and you'll see the results but not the utililiy. The other is a new thread category: folklore. We've had a lot of non-music threads that give some terrific information about folklore. they are of great value to folk musicians and those who study folk music, and it's a shame to have them lost among the "BS" threads. Over the last few months, I have been adding the Folklore tag to threads when I notice them, but I know I've missed many. If you see any untagged threads that fit the Folklore category, please list them here in this thread. I'll see to it that they are renamed. Thanks for all the wonderful work you do, Jeff. Note that these tags are an important tool that should help people find their way around the 55,000 threads that have been created at Mudcat. Please try to be careful about how you title and categorize threads. Also, please try to start new threads only when you want to discuss a topic that hasn't already been discussed. If you want to add to a discussion, do it in an existing thread. You'll note that we have been combining or deleting threads that have been started simply to answer a comment made in another thread. -Joe Offer- |
11 Jan 03 - 08:36 PM (#864849) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: khandu Busy little otters, aren't you? ;-) Excellent idea! Thanks, Joe and Pene! khandu |
11 Jan 03 - 09:34 PM (#864879) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Amos Well done!! Nice to know Pene's back on the job! A |
11 Jan 03 - 10:19 PM (#864902) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: CarolC Three cheers for Jeff!!! ...and for Joe, too! A couple of multi-talented renaissance men, and all around swell guys! |
12 Jan 03 - 07:40 PM (#865499) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: wysiwyg But "What is folklore?".... ~S~ |
12 Jan 03 - 09:02 PM (#865540) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Art Thieme There is folklore, fakelore and jokelore. If you don't know it, make it up. ;-) Art |
12 Jan 03 - 11:47 PM (#865647) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: UB Ed Big Rock Candy mountain at http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=4571 There was also a great thread on John Henry... http://www.mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=4018 Thanks Jeff and Joe. Ed |
13 Jan 03 - 12:17 AM (#865662) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: masato sakurai What is Folklore?, from The American Foklore Society site. ~Masato |
13 Jan 03 - 04:07 AM (#865734) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Roger the Skiffler ...ain't never seen a horse read! *BG* RtS |
13 Jan 03 - 04:16 AM (#865738) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Joe Offer We've had a number of interesting threads about linguistics - I think they'd fit in the Folklore category, at least for our purposes. I just renamed the thread about odd pub names. Seems like folklore to me. Maybe "folkways," but let's not quibble. -Joe- |
13 Jan 03 - 07:08 PM (#866266) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: McGrath of Harlow Would a "What is folklore" thread count as a folklore thread? |
13 Jan 03 - 10:45 PM (#866373) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Janie No wonder I love this place. Janie |
13 Jan 03 - 10:49 PM (#866377) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Bert What is folklore? WYSI, don't make me come down there. |
15 Jan 03 - 07:52 AM (#867296) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Compton Although the thread may not be the same, Could not Folk Tradition, i.e Ritual Tradition,etc be discussed here ? |
15 Jan 03 - 02:18 PM (#867629) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Hollowfox I like to think of folklore as the stuff that's so important that it's not taught in schools. This can be the stuff that's usually on the list, but also includes recipes, the family cold cure, how to get out the back door without letting the cat out,.. you get the idea. Of course this broadens the definition so much that it drives the stuffier acadimicians nuts. One size does not fit all. Hooray! |
15 Jan 03 - 02:43 PM (#867649) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore From: Nigel Parsons Might I suggest a capture of the recent new 'Wrenning' thread to this category Nigel |
05 Jan 08 - 04:22 PM (#2229306) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore, Songbooks From: Joe Offer I've added a new (unofficial) category - Songbook(s). I've been adding it to songbook threads when I see them, and I've changed the term "song book" to "songbook" when I see that. Hope people don't mind, but it should make it easier to find songbook threads with the filter. I fully realize that there is disagreement about whether one should say "folksong" or "folk song"; and "songbook" or "song book." Since "songbook" takes one fewer character, I arbitrarily decided on "songbook" - with no intention to slight those who believe the term should be "song book." Oh, and the category can be singular or plural, since the Filter picks up both if you enter songbook. -Joe- |
05 Jan 08 - 05:19 PM (#2229341) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore, Songbooks From: Susan of DT Also, please remember that it is NOT necessary to use a prefix in a thread title. There are too many threads labeled "folklore". People probably thought they had to have something on it and did not see any category that fit. Most threads neither have, nor need, prefixes. |
05 Jan 08 - 05:49 PM (#2229366) Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore, Songbooks From: Joe Offer And while we're talking about thread categories, I think there is definitely no need to have separate thread category tags for song tunes/chords/lyrics/add/subtract/multiply/divide. If there's a thread on a song that need has lyrics, you can use that song to request chords and melody, too. In fact, when we're alert, we editing volunteers sometimes change the thread title to reflect the most recent need. When we're talking songs, it's best to have one thread per song - or a reasonable approximation thereof. I occasionally lobby Max to reduce the number of song thread categories to one or two, but I haven't won that one yet. The "folklore" tag is supposed to be only for non-music information that is of use to musicians - mostly folklore itself, but perhaps also linguistics and history and the like. One other thing - anybody can establish a thread category - all you have to do is start using it. If people like it, maybe they'll start using it, too. -Joe- |