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Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile

16 Jan 03 - 03:15 AM (#868054)
Subject: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: BusbitterfraeScotland

Matthew Kelly was arrested for interfering with young boys, I got this news from my Father in Scotland, and he was telling me that the ex manger of the Bay city rollers Tam Patten I think that's his name, anyway he has too been arrested for child offences, so that Townsend, Kelly and Patten.
Who's next.

16 Jan 03 - 07:33 AM (#868179)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Grab

Correction - they've both been arrested *on suspicion of*...


16 Jan 03 - 09:36 AM (#868264)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: banjomad (inactive)

I was always suspicious of Matthew Kelly.

16 Jan 03 - 10:31 AM (#868302)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: GUEST,alinact

Um, whose Matthew Kelly?


16 Jan 03 - 10:45 AM (#868318)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: KingBrilliant

Do you mean "who's Matthew Kelly?" - I don't think anyone's going to own up to owning him right just now.

He's a very cheesey UK TV presenter (probably past tense now actually) - games shows & talent shows etc.

Huge great big bloke - a little bit camp. Very over-effusive and gushy to his TV guests IMO.


16 Jan 03 - 11:03 AM (#868351)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: GUEST,Den

Wasn't Matthew Kelly a presenter on That's Life with Esther Rantzen. Wasn't he kind of thin, with a beard and I believe he had one hand very much smaller than the other. Could be wrong of course.

16 Jan 03 - 11:14 AM (#868365)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: KingBrilliant

No - the one-hand-smaller bloke is the bloke off of You've Been Framed. Jeremy Beadle.

16 Jan 03 - 11:17 AM (#868372)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: GUEST,Den

Ahh! my mistake the memory is failing me.

16 Jan 03 - 11:29 AM (#868386)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: KingBrilliant

I always get them two muddled up too!

16 Jan 03 - 11:58 AM (#868410)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Willie-O

"You've Been Framed"?????

How appropriate.

From the scope of this multinational police operation, which appears to be resulting in arrests in the U.S. and Canada as well as Britain, it's clear that it's a sweep of people who have accessed certain websites. This will bring up a lot of controversy and no doubt with a net this wide, some of the people caught up in it will be innocents whose computer or credit card info was used by others.

The fallout will go in all directions. I think this will be a big news thing for some time.

16 Jan 03 - 12:08 PM (#868416)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Declan

The reason people get Matthew Kelly and Jeremy Beadle mixed up is that they were both presenters of an ITV program a long time back called "Game for a Laugh" along with Henry (Going for Gold) Kelly and others.

An yes it is sad that I remember this, but I watch a lot of rubbish on Telly and I've got a good memory, which can at times be a curse rather than a blessing.

16 Jan 03 - 12:12 PM (#868420)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: okthen

I don't think this case is anything to do with "operation ore",could be wrong but I just got that impression.

16 Jan 03 - 12:13 PM (#868422)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: C-flat

"Huge great big bloke - a little bit camp."

About as camp as a row of pink tents!
I was surprised to learn that he had two children, I always believed he was gay.

It seems as if sex with minors is fashionable at the moment.
Quite depressing.

16 Jan 03 - 12:33 PM (#868437)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

Call me fussy,,, but isn't is spelt paedophile?? Apparently the offences date back about 20 yrs when Matt kelly used to frequent a certain club run by Jonathan King the ex-DJ who is currently doing porridge for the same crime.

16 Jan 03 - 02:24 PM (#868550)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: McGrath of Harlow

When did it stop being paederast and become paedophile?

16 Jan 03 - 04:17 PM (#868686)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: C-flat lists paedophile(pedophile) as an adult who is sexually attracted to children and a paedarist(pedarist), specifically, as a man who has sex with a boy.
I'm glad I'm not a paediatrician.

16 Jan 03 - 05:56 PM (#868743)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: The Walrus


There was an incedent, a few years back, where a paeditrician was harrassed and their house vandalised by a mob of (illerterate) wannabe vigilanties who couldn't tell paeditrician from paedophile.The whole thing had been whipped up by a Sunday "newspaper - who immediatly ran a "nothing to do with us gov" defence.



17 Jan 03 - 11:57 AM (#868759)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: GUEST,Dave

What's Matthew Kellys alleged liking for boys got to do with this forum? Or is it about everything Folk do?

17 Jan 03 - 12:33 PM (#868788)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: GUEST,Paul Burke

Don't know what it's got to do with folk, but the papers went apeshit about the allegations against Pete Townsend. They have stayed VERY QUIET about the two ex (New Labour) government ministers under suspicion in the same operation...

17 Jan 03 - 12:37 PM (#868795)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Nigel Parsons

Today's Telegraph relates that Matthew Kelly was released within 24 hours on bail and back on stage as Captain Hook/Mr Darling in the play Peter Pan, where his arrival received an ovation.


17 Jan 03 - 01:09 PM (#868854)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Gareth

Back in Pantomine ??? It put new life in the traditional audience cry of - "He's behind you !!!"


17 Jan 03 - 01:16 PM (#868866)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Roxanne

Forgetton have you lot 'Innocent until PROVED guilty'

17 Jan 03 - 01:32 PM (#868893)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

There are two separate operations going on. In one, the FBI raided child porn websites and then gave the credit card numbers that had been used to buy images of children being raped to the police in the countries where the credit cards originated.

In the other, which I understand is the one Kelly has been questioned about, some 1960s and 1970s minor music and showbiz celebrities were accused of molesting children.

Innocent until proven guilty in all cases, no matter what crime someone's accused of.

17 Jan 03 - 03:50 PM (#868994)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Firecat

Sorry, but I think that he didn't do it.

Added to which, have you noticed a slight pattern in British TV presenters who are getting done for this?

John Leslie - ex kids presenter, went to Granada, getting investigated for something to do with sex
Matthew Kelly - ex kids presenter, went to Granada, getting investigated for something to do with sex

And I read on Ceefax that Tam Paton who got arrested with Matthew Kelly is now also being investigated for drugs.

Oh, and okthen, no it's not Operation Ore, which got Pete Townshend, it's Operation Arundel, that they've been arrested and released on bail under.

17 Jan 03 - 04:01 PM (#869016)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: smallpiper

Inocent until proved guilty is a fucking myth in this country! Especially if it comes to celebrity or anything to do with sex the media jump on it and trial by press occurs. It could be stopped but the government will not enforce the contempt laws - there is no justice!

17 Jan 03 - 05:07 PM (#869076)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Roxanne

Doesn't matter whether you ot i felt they are guilty or inocent, until they have been proved guilty they should be treated as inocent. Mind you if it was one of my kids that have beeen affected I would shot their balls off and ask questions later (if they survied)

I'm not into all this fucking 'i forgive him /her' lark i would do anything to protect my family and I mean anything.

17 Jan 03 - 06:56 PM (#869147)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: smallpiper

And shooting their balls off and ending up in prison would be protecting your exactly?

Its got nothing to do with forgiveness but rather its a question of should trial by press be allowed I mean shit if this was the 17th Century we would be burning anyone who was accused without a trial being involved and regardless of guilt or innocence.

Hey actually isn't that what we are doing but without the fire? Will these people ever be able to resume normal lives even if they are cleared?

17 Jan 03 - 07:03 PM (#869151)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: McGrath of Harlow

It's been pointed out that it can't be long before there's a big trial, and someone who is guilty as hell will walk free because the Media had prejudged the case so publicly and noisily that a fair trial was competely impossible.

18 Jan 03 - 01:44 AM (#869313)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Hillheader

I do think we have to be careful here. He has not been charged, let alone found guilty and it is for the jury to decide in the light of all the evidence presented to them whether he is guilty or not. The arrest of Kelly and Paton apparently stems from the conviction of Jonathan King and evidence collected during that enquiry and it remains to be seen if any court cases arise.

What I cannot understand however, is the school of thought that says "..this was over xx years ago. Why drag it up now?". Is someone was abused years ago and can only now (perhaps because they see other people able to talk about it) be open about what happened then this must be good. It will reinforce the view that these matters can be spoken about and that action will be taken against anyone committing such offences.

I am from an era where abuse took place, but all too often either the child was not believed or the matter was simply swept aside and the child told to forget about it. Abuse is more common now, but it has more to do with the fact that the people carrying it out are more organised and can act as a group rather than as local individuals. The internet also gives these people access to all kinds of material which must have an impact.

These people are sad pathetic individuals, but I know I would find it hard to restrain myself if anyone abused any member of my family. The immediate reaction would be to want revenge, but that is probably more to do with the fact that I would have failed to protect the child in the first place and needed to salve my own conscience. The reasoned view would be that, having failed the child once, I should not make the same mistake again, and being in jail would make it impossible for me to protect them for a long time. In those circumstances (and I hope I never find myself there)reason may well be the first thing that leaves.

All in all, caution guys - wait for a conviction before using the noose.


18 Jan 03 - 05:48 AM (#869379)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: GUEST,Guest

Sorry. It made me feel a little uneasy at the start of this tread, the way that gay/homosexual and paedophile were used so closely. To set the record straight someone who is gay is by no means therefore interested in young boys.

Sorry, I'm sure most of you know and believe that already.

18 Jan 03 - 06:10 AM (#869383)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Liz the Squeak

The 'others' on 'Game for a laugh' was Sarah Kennedy, Radio 2 presenter. Matthew Kelly now presents 'Stars in their eyes'.

The trouble with the press situation at the moment is one of confidentiality. This hit the fan big time a few years ago when actor/poet Craig Charles (Red Dwarf, Robot Wars) was accused of rape. His name was plastered all over the papers before he was charged (except he never was) and her name was 'undisclosed to protect the innocent'. Except that he was the innocent one as she later dropped all charges and confessed to making it up for attention. She'd met him at a party, wanted to sleep with him, didn't get what she wanted and decided to make this rape claim up to get her own back for being snubbed. No-one remembers this, they just remember the headline 'Craig Charles raped me'.

He campaigned quite rightly, but unsuccessfully to have the laws changed so that the name of the accused is also protected, which I also think it should be. If found guilty, then OK, broadcast it, but if found innocent, then there is no damage done. Do you think that John Leslie will ever work in TV again, even if he's found to be innocent? It's indicative of public opinion that Leslie was vilified in the press but Matthew Kelly's treatment has been a lot more restrained and as it says above, he got a standing ovation when he returned to pantomime even though, Kelly's alleged crime is thought the worse of the two.


18 Jan 03 - 06:26 AM (#869390)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

There should be more control on the media.

And Liz. I have been there on the falsely accused of rape one and believe me it hurts and being locked up - I was detained for 30 hrs - is frightening even when you know you are innocent. In my case it turned out the young woman had sex with consent with someone else at the time of the alleged incident, and then went home and screamed rape as she didn't feel her parents gave her enough attention. She ended up getting 6 months youth detention for her supidity and her acting/lying which was good enough to make fools of the police and get 2 innocent people arrested.


18 Jan 03 - 06:32 AM (#869392)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: smallpiper

Like I said ther is no justice!

Was the woman ever charged, in the Craig Charles case, with wasting police time? I wonder.

I don't think that abuse is more common now, its just that we hear about it more. Also I wonder just how many people are "jumping on the band wagon" how much is real, how much is a result of flase memory and how much is made up out of sheer badness.

Don't get me wrong I know it happens and fully support the need for suitable retribution but within the law please and protect the innocent i.e the victim and the person accused (until such time as they are found guilty). Because at the moment mere suspicion is a life sentence!

18 Jan 03 - 08:33 AM (#869399)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

I hope she was smallpiper. I'm not particularly interested in "revenge" but people who do that should not get away with it. They waste police time, screw other peoples lives up (in my case, it took about a year to get over it - and yes even without publicity or celebrety status, you do go through periods of asking what it is about you that made them think that about you and wondering what others think of you - but as noted above, it could be a life sentance) and possibly make life more difficult for genuine victims. I wonder how the police I dealt with would have reacted with the next case - could they end up putting a terrified victim through unneccessary questioning to ensure they were not made fools of again?


18 Jan 03 - 09:09 AM (#869420)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Celtic Soul

Smallpiper, which country did you mean when you said "Inocent until proved guilty is a fucking myth in this country!". We're talking about England, but that could just as easily be used to describe the USA (and likely just about anyplace else in the world, for that matter). I mean, look at OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson.

Speaking of MJ...

What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?

One is white, plastic, and dangerous for children to play with, and the other you take your groceries home in.

18 Jan 03 - 10:38 AM (#869462)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Bullfrog Jones

That's a good point about Craig Charles, Liz -- I have to admit that I never saw the follow-up exonerating him and have always had that image of him as a rapist. As to Matthew Kelly getting an ovation on his return to the stage, I understand that he's always enjoyed a big hand on his entrance.

I'll get me coat.


18 Jan 03 - 10:44 AM (#869465)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: smallpiper

I was talking about England and Wales in Scotland the contempt laws are enforced.

Guest Jon, are there support groups you can access as a victim yourself?

Did the courts compensate you or was a case of your free count yourself lucky?

18 Jan 03 - 10:57 AM (#869473)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

Most so-called "victims" of sex crimes end up making up a story of what happened, and are coached to do so "to prove the case". Paedophilia is just another word for witch hunt. I'm sick and tired of people causing such grief to decent men who have done nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with men having their porn, as it harms no one, and obviously gives them pleasure.

18 Jan 03 - 11:08 AM (#869480)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

Re compensation:

My solicitor advised me to go for it (and strange as it may sound, even a police officer felt I deserved something) but I declined feeling I just wanted to put it all behind me and didn't want to face more "shit".

Around 12 months later I was persuaded to attempt to get compensation and with the help and advice of another solicitor, a letter was written to what I think was called "The Criminal Injuries Board". The reply went along the lines that they sympathised but there was not even a physical incident, let alone physical injury...

I really wished I'd have stuck with my first feeling and just let matters die.


18 Jan 03 - 11:14 AM (#869483)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

Guest, I do believe that we are in danger of having witch hunts but I also believe that the abuse of children is a reality that can not be tolerated. Wish I knew what the answer is.


18 Jan 03 - 11:39 AM (#869502)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil

Oh come off it. Have a look-see through the DT, and you'll find plenty of songs by men about the nubile, the virgins. Men love young things, and the evidence of it is all around us. In the adverts, in films, in music, on the telly. You name it, the media reinforces male desire for the young and the innocent. To claim otherwise is ludicrous.

It's the double standard about it that bothers me. An adult male lusting after his daughter's or son's (if that is your thing) friends is not a thing to be ashamed of, but a matter of pride, and every man knows it. It means we still have a pulse, and an interest. Nothing wrong with that. Porn is healthy thing for men--it helps them keep their interest (ahem) up.

18 Jan 03 - 07:54 PM (#869648)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
From: Nemesis

Except, Guest (above) maybe, lusting after your offspring's friends just might be deeply disturbing to those friends.

Perhaps the friend's father who "lusted" after me when I was 12 was unashamedly proud to do so? Perhaps, he felt there was nothing wrong with that? BUt he seemed unable to make a distinction between the huge collection of pornographic imagery that he collected and the young, innocent "things" visiting his daughter?

I doubt that any man who is "proud" of his healthy desires would be posting anonymously ...

But you are right .. we need to to say no as adults to the way that sexually imagery is exploited. How can we expect our kids (and certainy in Britain with the hghest teenage pregancy rate in Europe) to say "No" if we don't. Lead by example..

19 Jan 03 - 06:40 AM (#869840)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: Fiolar

The latest information on the Matthew Kelly situation is that Sri Lankan police have raided his mansion on the island and seized various items including a computer. Officials state that the raid was as a result of a tip-off from a journalist.
Regarding paedophilia, the average person has little idea of the depths of depravity involved. An article in today's Observer gives a rundown on "Operation Ore" and apparently one of the most horrifying images officers viewed was of a child being abused while still connected to its mother by the umbilical cord.
I doubt if even the great mercy of God could forgive that as in the Bible it states that Jesus said "He that scandalises one of these, my little ones, it were better if a millstone was tied around his neck and that he was cast into the depths of the sea." Apologies if I haven't got the words exact as I am quoting from memory.

19 Jan 03 - 06:47 AM (#869844)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: GUEST,Strollin' Johnny

OK 'Guest', so "men should be allowed to have their porn as it harms no-one and obviously gives them pleasure". Hmmm - just two riders on that bald statement:-

1) How can anyone who watches porn know that the individuals involved in whatever form it takes were 'performing' of their own free will? Check out Linda Lovelace.

2) "It harms no-one"! Have you ever had to deal with the mental and physical trauma endured, frequently for life, by the the victims of child-abusers? Ever seen, or even heard of, 'Snuff' movies?

"It harms no-one"? Get real.


19 Jan 03 - 11:55 AM (#869933)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile

I'm not talking about paedophiles or snuff movies. Those are extreme behaviors that so few men engage in, they don't even register much above zed in crime statistics.

I'm talking garden variety porn, for men's sexual pleasure. The type the guys around here go for, when Mudcat is down and the wife and kids aren't breathing down their necks.

20 Jan 03 - 05:14 AM (#870356)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: Alio

Yes, but it's a fine line, isn't it? At what point does it go from being OK to something that is totally wrong? What pushes someone a little bit further down that line?

For me, it's the child / victim who's important in all this, surely? If something has happened to them, they have to live with it the rest of their lives - it's a sentence for them. Plus if they have been sexually abused, they're more likely to become young abusers themselves, so it's a downward spiral.

It's right to say that someone is "innocent until proven guilty" but it's got to be investigated. I believe that there should be tighter controls on the media reporting.


20 Jan 03 - 05:27 AM (#870361)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: smallpiper

Ali I agree with you but what if the child/victim is proved to be lieing? Does not the accused then become the victim? What about justice for them?

It would appear to be the case that once accused of such a crime then the assumption of guilt is automatic and the person is immediately sentenced by society. How does a person explain why they havn't worked for a couple of years while the case was being investigated?

Once it goes to court its in the public domain and regardless of outcome people will assume guilt....its a sad reflection on a supposedly just society.

The title of this thread is, in it's self a sentence on Matthew Kelly in that it states that he was arrested as a paedohille - he has been labeled and that is that, shit sticks!

20 Jan 03 - 03:11 PM (#870754)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile

There is no line of demarcation between child porn and adult porn. The age of consent to have sex varies country by country.

If we were to start arresting men on the basis of them coercing, intimidating, and threatening girls/women to have sex with them, most every man on the planet would do time at some point or another. It is the way sexual politics works out. Definitely to men's advantage, but then, who is going to stop men from threatening women in order to get into their jeans, hmmm? Women benefit by this system too, don't forget. The threat to withdraw financial support is probably the most powerful, and oft used. But I would guess threats to reveal some aspect of a girl/woman's personal life she doesn't want revealed would have to run a close second.

Women engage in these games too. They just are less successful at it, because they are so much less powerful than men in every society on the planet. Which is why they play the game of false accusations.

20 Jan 03 - 03:54 PM (#870782)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile

News of the World

Page 1
Sunday 25th November 2001

700-page dossier reads like Who's Who of perverts

A GIGANTIC police dossier details the child sex secrets of some of
Britain's favourite stars. The 700-page report, studied by the News of
the World, makes horrifying reading.

TV star Jonathan King, jailed for seven years this week for a string of
underage sex offences, is simply the first name in a gigantic police
initiative codenamed Operation Arundel.

The investigation by Surrey police grew out of the orginal inquiry into
56-year-old King's activities.

Though, for legal reasons, the News of the World cannot yet name the
celebrities, we can reveal that King's debauched cronies - identified in
the dossier or on a list held by Scotland Yard, include:

Good-looking and a very big international name. Famous for a string of
top 10 hits including teen ballads. Huge young following. Cultivates a
squeaky-clean image. He was named to police as a 'like-minded
individual' to King and his pervert pals. This man has also recently
found success in another branch of showbiz.

Member of world-famous pop band whose bizarre clothes have been copied
by diehard young fans. Figured on thousands of posters on teenagers'
bedroom walls. Named as a paedophile to police although none of the
statements makes any direct allegations against either him or the pop

A huge celebrity and known by his inner circle to have a sickening
interest in young boys. Presents family shows and is a regular at telly
charity events. One of his close pals is a convicted paedophile whom he
helped out with a £10,000 gift. The convicted abuser targeted charities
and aid agencies around the world to gain access to 'easy-prey'
children. He was sacked from a charity in Ethiopia after being caught
taking a young boy back to his bedroom. The married TV presenter
befriended the paedophile on holiday in Sri Lanka several years ago and
was introduced to a string of young boys. A housewives' favourite, he
has carried out voluntary work. On trips abroad he meets a network of
contacts and is introduced to young boys whom he abuses.

A married earl who served in the House of Lords for more than 20 years
as a Lib-Dem. He had an unblemished record of public service and had
completed a good deal of work with children's charities, but his name
was put forward by victims as an associate of the paedophiles. The peer,
who ran a jazz shop in his youth, was a former pupil at the Scottish
public school Gordonstoun, where Prince Charles was once a boarder.

* TWO DJs:
They are said to be at the heart of King's paedophile ring. One, a Radio
1 legend, was convicted of sexually abusing a string of boys as young as
13 in Prague.

He served a four-and-a-half year sentence for the offences, which he
completed in May this year. But the Home Office requested that the Czech
authorities hold him in custody so they could launch a case to get him
extradited back to Britain. They hope he will face a further catalogue
of abuse allegations uncovered after King's case came to light.

He refused to co-operate with fast-track deportation procedures, which
means it will be several months before he is flown back to Britain.

The second DJ has been an influential record industry figure.

The original whistleblower who told police about King's abuse also named
both DJs as vital cogs in the circle of abuse. The victim, who cannot be
named, said he was passed around between the DJs, King and others for
their gratification.

Involved with some of the biggest bands in the business. He is also at
the centre of the abuse, cops believe.

Many of the ring's victims were picked up at a teenage disco called the
Walton Hop, run from a former theatre in Walton-on-Thames.

Last night, a police source on Operation Arundel, told News of the World
investigators: "You'd be amazed just how famous some of the abusers are.
They've made their names by being squeaky-clean..

"In secret they're monsters."

DO you recognise any of these men as your abuser? Ring 0207 782 1001 any
day, 10am-6pm. A sympathetic reporter will be waiting to take your call.

20 Jan 03 - 04:05 PM (#870789)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: Genie

I wish the law and the conventional wisdom would not blur the distinction between pedophilia (paedophilia) and the sexual abuse of a pubescent or postpubescent minor.

As a psychiatric disorder (the kind of "illness" that supposedly nobody ever gets cured of), pedophilia refers to sexual attraction to (and/or activity with) prepubescent children. This kind of sexual attraction IS an aberration.

While ACTING on sexual attraction to a pubescent or postbubescent adolescent IS and SHOULD BE against the law (especially if there is a large age gap betweent the two parties), ATTRACTION TO adolescents who have reached sexual maturity (or at least appear to have reached it), is NOT a psychological disorder. If it is, the VAST majority of males worldwide suffer from it!

When the law and society's attitudes lump a lot of attitudes and behaviors together that don't really represent the same underlying condition, I do not think it helps us deal with the situation constructively.

I don't know the specifics of the charges against Townshend, Kelly, etc., but I wonder (because the law blurs the important disctinctions) sometimes what is meant when the media use terms like "young boy" or "young girl" -- 8-year-olds or 15-year-olds? If we were to arrest everyone who liked to look at sexually provocative pictures of models who LOOK like they're 15 or 16, or of 12-year-olds who LOOK like they're 18 or 19, boy, would our jails be full!

BTW, Walrus
That incident of the guy being harrassed and vandalised for being a "paeditrician" would be hilarious if it weren't, sadly, true. Reminds me of the time someone was sued for calling (IIRC) Ronald Reagan a "heterosexual."


24 Feb 03 - 03:32 PM (#897595)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: RolyH

He's been cleared of all charges.......

but he's been done for possessing class A drugs!

24 Feb 03 - 03:50 PM (#897613)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: GUEST,Ed

Roly H,

Much as those who jumped to conclustions above should be ashamed of themselves regarding the paedophile issue, you should be ashamed of yourself for misrepresenting the drug issue.

He hasn't been 'done' at all.

24 Feb 03 - 04:07 PM (#897626)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: McGrath of Harlow

BBC news item

"a formal caution for possession of Class A drugs"is not the same as "being done".

"Heroin, methadone, cocaine, Ecstasy, LSD, amphetamines (if prepared for injection) and magic mushrooms prepared for use are all Class A drugs"

24 Feb 03 - 04:29 PM (#897645)
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
From: RolyH

A formal caution is recorded by the authorities.

My translation of "done" is "caught"