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BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

08 Feb 03 - 12:18 AM (#885307)
Subject: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: GUEST,Conspiracy Guest


A congressman who heads a homeland security subcommittee said on a radio call-in program that he agreed with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

Rep. Howard Coble, R-N.C., made the remark Tuesday on WKZL-FM when a caller suggested Arabs in the United States should be confined. Another congressman who was interned as a child criticized Coble for the comment, as did advocacy groups.

Coble, chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, said he didn't agree with the caller but did agree with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who established the internment camps.

"We were at war. They (Japanese-Americans) were an endangered species," Coble said. "For many of these Japanese-Americans, it wasn't safe for them to be on the street...."

(One of Hitler's most notorious arguments for locking up Jews was 'for their own protection'. Americans are now going to be acclimated to the idea of concentration camps 'for Arabs', but it'll be property owners who 'disappear' in the camps. If you live in America and own property right now, you'd better be VERY afraid. The govt is going to have your land one way or another, and one of the HEADS OF A HOMELAND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE just said he sees nothing wrong with concentration camps. Guns don't sound like so bad an idea now, do they?)



Britain will lose control of foreign policy and defence and will be stripped of its sovereign power to legislate in almost all areas of national life, under the draft text of the European constitution released yesterday...

Virtually all the current activities of the British Government will fall under the "exclusive" or "shared competence" of the EU, meaning that Westminster will be prohibited from legislating unless Brussels chooses to waive its primacy.

The areas cover public health, social policy, transport, justice, agriculture, fisheries, energy, economic and social cohesion, the environment, internal and external trade, and consumer protection....

(I feel sorry for you Brits, but the same is going to happen here in the U.S.   You're going to lose all sovereignty now. Pity.)


Former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner said...

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."

Dr. Johannes Koeppl said:

"In 1983/4 I warned of a take-over of world governments being orchestrated by these people (Brezinski and others). There was an obvious plan to subvert true democracies and selected leaders were not being chosen based upon character but upon their loyalty to an economic system run by the elites and dedicated to preserving their power.

"This is more than a war against terrorism. This is a war against the citizens of all countries. The current elites are creating so much fear that people don't know how to respond. But they must remember. This is a move to implement a world dictatorship within the next five years. There may not be another chance."

08 Feb 03 - 12:23 AM (#885309)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Like an AFTERTHOUGHT the article mentions 'justice' going out the window in Britain...a thousand years? of English common law, the basis of the American justice system...just gone. Like that. Can't face your accuser, no jury trials, no right to a lawyer. What in this world IS worth fighting for, people?

08 Feb 03 - 12:49 AM (#885318)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Little Hawk

Personal liberty is worth fighting for, that's what. And equality. And social justice, which is founded upon equality. If you're in a lifeboat and you're a decent person, you share the food and water don't give it all to the rich guy with the gun pointed at the rest of you. Now what do you do if the rich guy (a high officer of the realm) has 2 or 3 loyal henchmen with the only guns on the boat, and there's you and 50 other unarmed people dying of thirst and hunger? Well, then I'd say it's time to decide whether to die on your knees or die on your feet. 2 or 3 cops and a rich guy may not be able to handle 50 desperate people who have the courage to act together. Keep it in mind.

08 Feb 03 - 12:58 AM (#885320)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Amos

I assume, then, SIr 'Awk, you will be taking out American ctizenship papers shortly?


08 Feb 03 - 01:37 AM (#885338)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

I'll start bookmarking the Canadian reports I see, though I'm sure Little Hawk doesn't need the reminders. The Canadian govt is oppressing. All govts are, worldwide. Organizations like the jointly-owned Bush / bin Laden Carlyle Group are arming govts to the teeth so tyrannical laws can be enforced.

But damn, people. They can only put you in a concentration camp if you let them. The state of Connecticut I read the other day...the state ordered all first responders, healthcare pros, etc. be vaccinated against smallpox. Only 4 people in the state responded. I believe it was Connecticut. That was SO good to read. Smallpox can be dealt with by wearing latex gloves and a throw-away mask when you're out in public. And I read the other day that even in the worst-case scenario...equatorial city, no sewage system, city locked down in quarantine...only 13% of the people would contract smallpox after it ran it's course. So don't fall for the CIA terror event coming up. Refuse the shots and confront the cops after they've shut down your city for a couple days. Otherwise there will be food riots, which is what the elites want. The elites want that, not the cops. The cops have family in your city, too.

The elites have a real problem on their hands. Europe and America aren't going to go along with enslavement. South America is already rioting.

08 Feb 03 - 01:47 AM (#885341)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: leprechaun

A self-identified Conspiracy GUEST. Excellent! Now I believe everything you have to say!

08 Feb 03 - 01:50 AM (#885342)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: harpgirl

...if I didn't believe GUEST is an FBI technospy trying to unearth terrorists, traitors, anarchists, and loose women, I'd say it was depressing to be GUEST!

I have nightmares about losing my harps but I don't walk around awake all the time, scared ****less!

08 Feb 03 - 01:56 AM (#885344)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Read the articles, leprechaun. Read the quotes. I'm sure you don't WANT to believe this stuff, but a CONGRESSMAN is saying we should lock American citizens in concentration camps. And the British are about to be turned into a whore-state. And men who worked within the tyrannical machine are TELLING you what is happening. YOU HAVE FIVE YEARS OF LIFE LEFT, AT MOST. YOU ARE ON SOME BUREAUCRAT'S SHIT LIST, AS WE ALL ARE, AND YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THE CONCENTRATION CAMP. So yeah...let's make this about my handle.

08 Feb 03 - 02:04 AM (#885346)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Oddly, harpgirl, it's kind of liberating. It was nauseating at first...realizing how I'd fed the tyrannical machine unknowingly so long...but now that I know what's in store, I don't worry anymore. I just try to make people aware of how bad things are, and damn the consequences. I've posted most often on this forum lately because I DO like trad music, even play the guitar, and that's just one of the million nice things about life these monsters are trying to destroy.

And how could I be a spy? If I was FBI and a supervisor read the stuff I post, don't you think there would be SOME question about my reliability? My TRUE allegiances? I couldn't just 'pretend' to believe this career would be dead. I only serve my conscience.

08 Feb 03 - 02:13 AM (#885350)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: leprechaun

I was really lucky I got into this site early, so I got to choose one of the coolest handles. I know there are people out there who are quite envious because they want to steal my nickname, but Max won't let them, so there. I've lost my cookie several times and Max always gets it back for me. Max will protect my magnificent nickname even if they put me in a concentration camp. Nya nya nya.

08 Feb 03 - 10:54 AM (#885486)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2003) -- The Bush Administration is preparing a bold, comprehensive sequel to the USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11, 2001, which will give the government broad, sweeping new powers to increase domestic intelligence-gathering, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives, and simultaneously decrease judicial review and public access to information.

The Center for Public Integrity has obtained a draft, dated January 9, 2003, of this previously undisclosed legislation and is making it available in full text. The bill, drafted by the staff of Attorney General John Ashcroft and entitled the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, has not been officially released by the Department of Justice, although rumors of its development have circulated around the Capitol for the last few months under the name of "the Patriot Act II" in legislative parlance.

"We haven't heard anything from the Justice Department on updating the Patriot Act," House Judiciary Committee spokesman Jeff Lungren told the Center. "They haven't shared their thoughts on that. Obviously, we'd be interested, but we haven't heard anything at this point...."

Patriot Act II

(Less than one month after Sept. 11, congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act, which gutted the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution. Eleven hundred pages, ready to go. Just waiting for an 'event'. Now, we find out the Justice Department has secretly been working on a follow-up bill that would destroy even more rights. And they've lied about it's existence. This is bad, folks. This, to me, is proof they are planning another terrorist attack. Sure we've been TOLD there would be one, but now we see the absolute...undeniable...MOTIVE for the attack. BEFORE the attack happens. When the next terrorist attack comes, Ashcroft and Bush will propose this thing 'to keep Americans safe'. This is a BIG story, people.)

08 Feb 03 - 10:59 AM (#885492)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Peter T.

We are so far from world government it is laughable; national imperialisms are as close as your morning paper. yours, Peter T.

08 Feb 03 - 11:01 AM (#885493)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Conspiracy Guest, I believe you are on the right track, but that you are currently suffering from the righteousness of the recently converted.

There is a lot of truth in what you say, but you do have to get in perspective and context. You seem pretty overwhelmed at the moment, by the vastness of it all. Maybe try focusing on one area where you can be effective, say civil rights and liberties, if you are inclined towards working against the Patriot Act. Or anti-war organizing if you feel compelled to prevent/end the war against the Muslim world by the West. I guarantee it will make you feel less panicked, and much more fulfilled, than just taking the scattershot approach.

Just a thought.

08 Feb 03 - 11:04 AM (#885496)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

"We were at war. They (Japanese-Americans) were an endangered species," Coble said. "For many of these Japanese-Americans, it wasn't safe for them to be on the street...."

And why exactly were their homes and businesses sold off for a song?

08 Feb 03 - 11:10 AM (#885504)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Amos

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.

          William Pitt ( AKA Pitt the Elder)

08 Feb 03 - 11:21 AM (#885517)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Bobert

Two things have happned this morning that I find interesting. I'm going to reverse their order for reasons which should seem obvious.

Yes. I have just finished reading about the Patriot Act, Part II in the Washington Posy ("U.s.May Seek Wider Anti-Terror Powers, Page A-1) and do find its contents disturbing but will save the rant for another occasion.

But, as importantly, my wife recieved an email from an old high school friend. I won't provide a name here because of the anture of the letter but will say that this friend, Jane Doe, is married to a conservative politican who is a member of the Board of Supervisors in Loudoun County. Now Loudound County is Bush Country. Being the 3rd wealthiest county in the country it is filled with Rebublicans, McMansions, Cadillacs and big, big SUV's,

Well, Jane Doe has figured out what's going down and so has her husband and they are both terribly disturbed. Well, my wife asked me to respond which I did. I offered some things that these folks could do to resist the Bush regime (No, I didn't use that term).

So, in these times of bad and more bad news, it is encouraging that the folks that many of us assume to be so solidly behind the Bush War Machine are starting to have their doubts.

Hey, ya' gotta take what you can.


08 Feb 03 - 11:44 AM (#885541)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: leprechaun

Reasonable Radical GUEST - You've been taken in by Rabid GUEST. You'd have to be daft to entertain the notion that he believes any of the crap he's posted. He's making a broad caricature of his Mudcat personna and he has a perverse sense of humor, more than likely to make fun of true believers like you, Bobert and Little Hawk. If he's as kooky as he pretends to be on these threads, then he's also wandering around the country in a Ted Kazcinski disguise, sabotaging government installations and sending letter bombs to prominent capitalists.

08 Feb 03 - 11:54 AM (#885547)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

I truly am glad y'all are looking at this stuff. All of us have a stake in this. Without our freedom, we have nothing.

As for, I've known this stuff for quite a while now. It's just that every day more damning evidence comes out, and the fire just won't die down.

Normally I focus on Sept 11, because the globalists left TOO MANY smoking guns around on that one. But no one seems interested. I believe the denial is just for mental self-protection, because the evidence that our govt did the deed is there in abundance. But people try to turn it into a Rep/Dem thing, etc. No one wants to admit the possibility that our 'president' hid out among a bunch of human shield children when the bombs were flying.

But now, as the time for the Concentration Camps approaches, people are HAVING to admit to some ugly truths, and that's good. For all my screaming about Sept 11 over the past year and a half, one silly TV spot did more to sober people up than anything I could have ever thought of. Equating SUVs with terrorism. That was SUCH a blunder. The govt is SO inept sometimes. That ad woke up millions to the fact that WE are the targets.

I still think if Bush / Clinton were held accountable in an open hearing for Sept 11, America could begin a turnaround in the tyrannical takeover of the world, but apparently that hearing will never take place. So it's come down to pointing out how our CONGRESSIONAL MEMBERS are telling us how concentration camps are 'for our own protection'.

What a world.

08 Feb 03 - 12:02 PM (#885553)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Bobert


This is what GUEST does. One can tell by the time he or she spends at the computer, that GUEST doesn't have time for the Kazinski stff. This is what GUEST thinks is GUEST's purpose in the "resistence movement" and one must admit that GUEST ain't a slacker.

Is for the "true believers" part of your post. When Eric Hoffer coined the phrase he wa talking about folks who *do not* question authority. I won't speak for Little Hawk but I question just about everything that is thrown at me. I spent several years working in a drug rehb progrma and those expeiences helped me developa keen sense when someone is either lieing to me or trying to manipulate me. The little warning siren in my thinkerator has served me very well through out my life and helped me steer clear od bad Karma situations.


08 Feb 03 - 12:25 PM (#885566)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Well, since you claim not to be a recent convert, Conspiracy Guest, I take back what I said about you being on the right track. However, I would suggest you find a suitable channel for the energy. Ranting about a 500 year old banking conspiracy online isn't going to influence anyone, much less get them to listen to you.

08 Feb 03 - 12:39 PM (#885582)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: NicoleC

Yes, our Guest bragged on another thread that he'd been studying geopolitics for the year and a half. WOW! That long!

08 Feb 03 - 12:41 PM (#885585)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: GUEST,Conspiracy Guest

I can prove it. I can prove it all. Pigeonhole it as a rant if you want, but people have killed for thousands of years over religion, so why wouldn't they pool their intellects to kill for something TANGIBLE? Like money?

All that wealth from the old Empires didn't just vanish. It was re-invested. The Spanish royal family and the Dutch royal family...trillionaires many times over.

And the paper money system we've all been taught is the norm is about to be revealed for what it is...worthless. So when the people who hold the loans want you to pay off, and the money they've printed has lost all value, what are you going to do? You'll be forced at gunpoint to give them your 'real' estate.

I'm glad you picked that as an example of one of my 'rants', because it is the absolute crux of the problem.

08 Feb 03 - 12:45 PM (#885589)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Geez, Nicole...just read the 3 stories at the top. It doesn't matter WHERE they came from. I've been 'focusing' on geopolitics since Sept 11, and it wasn't a brag. Just a fact. And I consistently turn up stories that mesh and point to the world-government conspiracy former NATO Commanders talk about. The stories speak for themselves, so why do you feel compelled to question my 'credentials'? I know this is horrid stuff, but it is in your face and won't go away. You are scheduled for a trip to a concentration camp.

08 Feb 03 - 12:50 PM (#885591)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: GUEST,Forum Lurker

A) People never pooled their intellects to kill for religion. It's like saying "People have been chipping in money to buy pizza for their friends for decades, why can't they pool it and feed the Third World?"

B) As you just stated, paper money is meaningless. In fact, all wealth is meaningless except what you can use yourself. You only truly own what you can carry with both hands at a dead run (I think that's Heinlein, but I'm not sure). The idea that people will force you at gunpoint to repay your loans with property is ludicrous. If society has collapsed to the point that currency is worthless, anyone with more guns than you can take what they want.

08 Feb 03 - 12:57 PM (#885598)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Jack the Sailor

A headline of the future

"Conspiracy" GUEST Placed in Concentration Camp. (East Texas)

Conspiracy Guest, a prolific contributor to the Mudcat has been placed in "protective custody" at a facility in east Texas. The comandant of the camp, who calls himself "The Administrator" has confessed that GUEST will be given repeated doses of thorazine, to "correct his behavior". Police and medical professionals, apparantly in league with "The Administrator", were asked about this unconstitutional confinement. Their unanimous reply, "Its for his own good."

08 Feb 03 - 01:11 PM (#885609)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Right on the guns seizing the property...why do you think governments all over the world are being armed?

08 Feb 03 - 01:20 PM (#885615)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: NicoleC

GUEST, you have no "credentials" to question. You cannot be both anonymous and have credentials -- your opinion is only as good as one can judge from the paranoid tirades you post. Take it from an old cynic -- your vision of the world ain't that scary because it doesn't make sense. Ones that do make sense are far, far more frightening.

So... you started studying the world and found out it isn't the pretty pristine place they taught you in school. Yes, the government lies to you. It's an important realization to have; a deep and abiging distrust of gevernment is the foundation of American society. However, you have apparently decided that any moron with a an axe to grind must be telling the truth if they say the government lies. And so you faithfully believe in a pack of half-truths and half-assed theories. You probably occassionally hit on the truth, because, yes, there's nasty stuff out there in the world. And therein lies your weakness -- you haven't seen enough of this to weed out the garbage yet.

There is no better way to guarentee that you won't have an impact and won't have people listen to you than to rant on about old and tired urban legends like Bohemian Grove, and sputter loudly than you have "proof" while apparently failing to even comprehend what qualifies as evidence.   Your "proof" is a collection of web sites run by people who have videos to sell to the faithful or political axes to grind.

Armed with a collection of random truths, pseudo-truths, and recycled myths, you then concoct elaborate mechanisms to link them together. It makes anything and everything you say worthless, because if half of what you say is garbage, no one will bother to listen to any of it.

And I gotta tell you -- even if you WERE 100% right, a trolling campaign that flies in every direction trying to shove your theories down everyone's throats is NOT going to work. People need to grow their own seeds of doubt.

So I'm going to say it again: There is no better way to guarentee that people will not listen to you than to behave as you are here. If you genuinely care about trying to get a message out, you might keep that in mind. You've got to learn how to weed out eh garbage first, and second, understand that even if something is true, people won't listen unless you top it with sugar.

Because the actions of people like you -- who comes off as a raving lunatic most of the time -- also undermines the serious work that others do. After a while, listeners will simply lump anyone that says something shocking into the same category of paranoid behavior.

The "government" is not coming to take your land -- they already own it. It's far more useful and profitable to have you work on it for them, and no gun in your nightstand is going to change that.

08 Feb 03 - 01:23 PM (#885617)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: NicoleC

"deep and abiging distrust of gevernment "

LOL, I've been possessed by the typing skills of Bobert! Make that a "deep and abiding distrust of government"

08 Feb 03 - 01:57 PM (#885631)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: McGrath of Harlow

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Doomsday Clock currently stands at seven minutes to midnight, the same as it was back in 1947.

Mind, that is based on the lst time they put it forward in February 2002, the third time it had gone forward since the end of the Cold War. I suspect it may be due to do forward again pretty soon.

08 Feb 03 - 02:06 PM (#885634)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Well, whatever makes you happy, Nicole. You say you've seen it all and a lot of it scarier, but that's either self-delusion or rationalization for not fighting.

What, in your opinion is scarier than the articles posted above? The media conditioned us to accept torture with Camp X-ray in Cuba (because it was 'them', not 'us), the government conditioned us to accept incarceration without constitutional protections with Padilla (because it was 'him', not 'me'), and now they're conditioning you to accept concentration camps for Arab-Americans, hoping you will classify that particular group as 'them' and not 'us'. But they ARE us. So, by extension, a U.S. Congressman just said it is OK to lock you up in a concentration camp!

And as far as the Bohemian Grove stuff, that was meant to make you folks substantiate your out-of-hand dismissals, which a lot of you have a tendency to do. Sure I'm antagonistic. We don't have time for leisurely exchanges. As I type, your local cops are being briefed on their new duties under the new Federal Homeland Security police regime.

08 Feb 03 - 03:03 PM (#885655)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Little Hawk

Everyone loves to be "right" more than almost anything else whatsoever. This is why we defend our viewpoints so faithfully and vociferously. Only time will prove how well our views were founded.

No, Amos, I am not thinking of taking out American citizenship. I am avoiding even travelling to the USA at this point. I think your government has gone mad, and is in the control of the most dangerous leadership in the World.

We'll see what the World thinks about it, as events unfold...

My government, by the way, is in lockstep with yours, and there's not much to be done about it, so it seems. Still, Canada is a better and saner place to be in most respects...for the time being. I don't necessarily expect that to last, but one can always hope.

08 Feb 03 - 03:27 PM (#885667)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: McGrath of Harlow

Once again, forlornly - is GUEST the same as GUEST, and if not how can we tell? And why should we read the posts?

Well I don't, as a rule, but I see people having arguments and making assumptions about that kind of thing. The whole thing is distracting and a kind of self-indulgence that just doesn't belong in a time like this.

08 Feb 03 - 03:28 PM (#885669)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

You're a funny man, Jack. When I'm busted, instead of wandering around on the side of the road saying "I have a chip in my head" like Tim McVeigh did, or instead of saying "Sam told me to do it" like David Berkowitz did, I'll just keep repeating "Jack the sailor...Jack the sailor...Jack the sailor." Or no, that won't work because I'm not buying a ticket to the camp. Have to come up with something else.

08 Feb 03 - 03:34 PM (#885672)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging


My simple contention is that there is a REASON the U.S. govt is behaving erratically. The reason is, because it's under the control of a global crime syndicate. The Bushes just happen to be part of the syndicate, but then all Presidents going back to FDR served it.

I mean, concentration camps are NOT an option in America. And Ashcroft just LIED about there being legislation waiting to capitalize on another 'attack'.

That second bit provides the U.S. govt with MOTIVE to carry out the further increase it's control and funding. And as the control grows and our Treasury is emptied, the police-state containment system will be in place when the World Bank begins to foreclose on the U.S.

Finally, some evidence emerged BEFORE the attack regarding motive. Whoever leaked the story should receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.

08 Feb 03 - 03:38 PM (#885674)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: NicoleC

No, GUEST, I haven't seen it all, because there's always more coming. And as I've said before, I don't discuss my darkest fears with anonymous strangers.

"rationalization for not fighting"
Who said I wouldn't -- and don't -- fight? If you equate stockpiling guns with fighting, you're right, I have no intention of doing so.

08 Feb 03 - 03:56 PM (#885680)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

I know you fight, NicoleC. Sorry to say you didn't. It's just that I watched the Bushes for 6 years in Texas, and I know what's coming. The globalists certainly have the right folks in place for the game of hardball coming up.

You fight with words, Nicole, which I respect greatly.

And one more thought on the Bohemian Grove video, by the way. The consensus on that thread seemed to be that it wasn't believable because of the film quality. People raised on million dollar movies critiqing a film that was shot at night, from a small camera hidden in a backpack. Hidden because the men who shot it would have been killed had it been discovered. Before that film, Bohemian Grove denied the ceremony. Then later they admitted it and tried to pass it off as harmless. But too many bigwigs had already been photographed there. Damaging piece of film.

Anyway, I'm in too good a mood today because of the Patriot Act 2 story. That is INCREDIBLY good news, folks. Hundreds of cities around the U.S. have passed and are considering passage of resolutions to 'not comply' with the first PATRIOT Act, so this should stir up a LOT of fuss. Bush and Ashcroft are hanging subordinates by piano wire about now, I imagine, but this could be a great, great day for America.

If you want to submit a resolution outlawing the PATRIOT Act in YOUR community, the link below goes to one. Just substitute your town's name, etc.


08 Feb 03 - 05:47 PM (#885738)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Peter T.

If the Canadian government is in lockstep with the Americans, it is doing a poor job of it (which may be because the chain on their leg has a couple of extra links that let them sashay around a bit). yours, Peter T.

08 Feb 03 - 06:16 PM (#885749)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Guest, I missed something. What's this about Bohemian Grove?

09 Feb 03 - 01:27 AM (#885921)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: DougR

So Bobert, now you are a political "consultant?"

So many people so anxious to feed the trolls.


09 Feb 03 - 01:42 AM (#885924)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Neighmond

NicoleC, I agree. I am a crackpot too, but I post under "Neighmond."
If I say something ignorant(as I have) I have to live with it and admit it(as I have.) That means anything I post under my name can be scrutinized to see if I know what the hell I am talking about (usually I do, and the times I didn't I came clean.)

I think the government is up to every filthy trick under the sun. I wish I had concrete proof and I would broadcast it from here to hell. I will just say instead that I have taken steps to stop any unplesantness around My place before it begins, and I would urge others to do the same.


09 Feb 03 - 07:33 AM (#885988)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

What government are you talking about, Neighmond? If it's the U.S., where do you want to start?

Not being sanctimonious here, but I have a view of things which explains pretty much every foul deed the U.S. is committing right now. And I'm 99% sure of it. Pick a topic if you want. The proof is there. And yesterday...this is SO great...the Atty General got caught with his MOTIVE for the next terrorist attack showing. He is planning new police-state measures. Planning them and drawing up the legislation while denying it. And he just got busted. As in any criminal trial, you ask who benefitted from the crime. And with terrorism in the U.S., the government of the U.S. is the only winner. Always. And their defense contractors and corporate sponsors. And now, for once, the PEOPLE are ahead of the game with smoking gun proof BEFORE the attack. Proof of who will benefit. The govt will benefit from increased anti-terrorism funding and additional police measures after the next 'terrorist' attack. That would make the U.S. government the most likely suspect in a line-up to 'pick the terrorist'. But select a topic...environmentalism, child welfare, war, economics... It might be interesting.

And Guest...Bohemian Grove...just do a search at , that'll turn up items on Bohemian Grove. The Bushes and others involved in demon worship. Denied for years, then caught on film, now presented like it's no big thing. Annual 'Cremation of Care' ceremony involving human sacrifice in front of a 40-foot stone owl. Or mock human...who knows? But still, the fact that our Presidents engage in that while claiming to be Christian is disturbing.

09 Feb 03 - 09:36 AM (#886020)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

"Real Estate" is *worthless* if no one has the money to afford to rent it back from the "owners" (banks). They call the note on *everyones loan*, they lose. Let them come and confiscate mine and everyone elses house. I'll buy a tent, and there will be no one to live in my worthless little townhouse. They lose. That simple. It does not make *any* banking sense at all for them to do this. The *current* system makes much more sense...let people believe they "own" their home, when in fact, they don't. That way you don't have to maintain it, only gather the "rent". Most people in major metropolitan areas are merely *leasing* the land they live on, and the bank owns the note to the house itself. If they actually make it to the point of paying off the house, they still likely do not own the land it sits ya gonna *move* a townhouse off of the land when it's attached to other units? How you gonna move *any* recently built home effectively, when they're built out of substandard building materials (check to see what your "new" home is built from as compared to a 20/30/40/50/ and 100 year old house. It would be financial suicide for the *banks* to call all these notes...period.

09 Feb 03 - 10:01 AM (#886037)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Little Hawk

GUEST - What is your view regarding a country property in a rural area that is fully paid off? Then what? Just curious what your estimate is on that situation...

My father, unfortunately, talked my mother into putting a mortgage on their property (which was fully paid off, and she owned it) in order to fund his idiotic business fantasies, which fell through (as they always do) things are not as well secured now as they might have been.

Me, I like to keep mobile, so all I own is my car, guitar, and various personal items, and I have no debts to anyone. I have no intention of being in debt to a bank. I've heard what happened to people in Woody Guthrie's time...

- LH

09 Feb 03 - 11:23 AM (#886076)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: GUEST,Celtic Soul

Actually, LH, that guest was a cookieless CS. Sorry...didn't notice the lack of a sig when I posted.

As for the country property that is fully paid off, does the owner *truly* "own" the land? There are clauses in many areas that say you do not. If they do own it, great (not that unethical governments can't find a way around this), but check...many times, there are stipulations in the deed of trust.

As a for instance, my last sig-o "owned" a house on Kent Island. However, if he paid it off, and then "owned" the home, he could *not* leave it to a relative...seems the land was merely "leant" to the homeowners. It was very complicated in it's wording, but the end result was, the house was his, the land was not. It reverts back to being the property of the county upon his death. They either re-negotiate for the property at that point, or sell the house. But they can't just acquire it through a will.   

For those not in this area, Kent Island is *not* urban or even suburban. It's still fairly, get a lawyer to check out any claim you may *think* you have to your property. You may be surprised to find how little you really "own".

09 Feb 03 - 11:45 AM (#886090)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Little Hawk

Righto. Thanks, Celtic.

09 Feb 03 - 12:52 PM (#886134)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

No, no, no. The Great Depression coming up won't be like the others. What's coming is unprecedented.

Always before, the local banks just wanted the local people to continue paying at least the INTEREST on their mortgages. The local bankers were locked into the false paper money paradigm, too.

But now things are different.

The U.N. has called for an 80-90% reduction in global population, so you won't be ALLOWED to pitch your tent anywhere. You will be sent to one of the concentration camps, or locked within your city.

This is the FINAL consolidation. The global elites estimate they need half a billion people to maintain the planet, so not many of us will make it through this alive.

What makes this mass-culling possible is technology. Like this story:

I read the first two paragraphs and bookmarked it to look at later, but it talks about EMP weapons. Electro Magnetic Pulse. And they say they're not fully operational. BS. These things have been around for a while. And just as they can be used in Iraq, they can be used over YOUR city. They will fry all cars, computer, electronic music equipment, wrist watches, pace-makers...anything with an electronic circuit in it. So how are you going to truck that tent down the road to safety? Most cars on the road now have electronic circuits in them.

No, this takeover has been thought out well. In the U.S., the illegitimate 'govt' can now shut down all cities for the 'threat' of bioterrorism. Food riots begin 4 days later, and it will be too 'dangerous' to send in riot-control cops or military. A week later half the people in the city will be dead, and THEN the cops will mop up. The 'foreign assets' will probably be released on the countryside to plunder (give them incentive to perform their work with gusto if they can pull the gold out of your head).

And when 90% of the property in the world has been cleared and all the lower classes are massed into cities, the cities can be zapped with microwave weapons (already being fitted to the new series of drone planes), and over the next couple hundred years the sub-intelligent new class of drone-humanoids can patiently go about cleaning up the planet...restore it to 'original condition' for the elites. Their children will inherit a pristine world.

See, the elites needed lots of people in the world...for a while. We had to develop the life-extending technologies for them...AND the computers to continue the discovery work. And now that that's done, we're no longer needed. We've created the weapons of our own destruction, and the elites are going to use them against us so they can better enjoy what they feel they've earned.

America has been a special case, too. We've been allowed so many freedoms because there had to be at least one island of unrestricted intellectual freedom in the world. Look at all the Nobel Prize winners America has produced. Why hasn't China, with 6 times our population even RIVALED us in that arena? Because they're not free. So America did it's job...developed a lot of the new technologies and served as a 'safe investment' for the people deluded by the phony paper money system, and now we're not needed anymore. 3 million new concentration camp beds completed last month.

Buy guns.

09 Feb 03 - 01:16 PM (#886150)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Celtic Soul...

You sound well-versed in money matters. I'm not. But I was wondering if you've read 'The Creature from Jeckyll Island'? A book about the creation of the U.S. Federal Reserve bank...a creation by half-a-dozen men at the resort of Jeckyll Island in the early part of the 20th century. American bankers and representatives of European banking interests.

Anyway, the book describes one of the mechanisms by which local bankers are kept in service to the paper money scheme. A local banker approaches the Federal Reserve for a million dollars. Once that money is in the vaults at the local bank, U.S. law allows the banker to claim it as collateral for loans. And the law says the bank must have 10% of the money loaned out on-hand at any one time. So, the banker can then use the million dollars to make ten-million dollars worth of loans. If the interest rate is 10%, then a million bucks a year is coming back into the bank in interest. Pretty sly. No-risk banking. And THAT is what has been used to keep the smartest people in our society (bankers, it or not) in line for the past hundred years. Greed. They are smart, but they have been blinded by sheer greed.

Or so the book contends. Interesting book.

09 Feb 03 - 02:06 PM (#886177)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: GUEST,Forum Lurker

Why do you continually equate a takeover with Armageddon? The infrastructure necessary to support the "elites" you keep ranting about will be the first thing to fall if any kind of attack, pandemic, EMP assault, or any other doomsday scenario you envision, occurs. If money becomes worthless, so do the elites. The power of those who you believe form a conspiracy is utterly dependent on the stability of our technological and industrial base. The top falls fastest and farthest whenever the base wobbles.

09 Feb 03 - 02:21 PM (#886183)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

Did you miss the announcement of the 'Shadow Government' in the U.S.? Two hundred bureaucrats are, at this moment, living in underground bunkers. For our own good.

The U.S. constitution has a clearly-defined line of succession in case something should happen to the President, but that was just tossed aside and hardly reported upon. The President (Executive Branch) announced 200 Exec appointees will 'keep the country running' if we are 'attacked'. And those people are now dug into bunkers.

And the extent of the bunker network has been vastly under-reported. There are THOUSANDS of miles of tunnels beneath the U.S. which connect HUNDREDS of city-sized bunkers. The elites PRINT the money, and they have used it to build an alternate world. They WILL survive any Armageddon. They have food sources that are genetically pure, underground rivers, vehicles that have been hardened against EMPs...they will just go underground when the crisis starts.

The 'Shadow Govt' will direct the slaughter (just make sure the armies get fed and are brainwashed into thinking THEY will inherit the earth), and in a couple years the bulk of us will be gone. And the military? Cyanide gas after they've done their jobs most likely...but leave a few alive and terrified to carry on the 'maintainence wars' Brezinski said the feudal lords would use in the future to keep each other in line and maintain population levels.

09 Feb 03 - 04:30 PM (#886288)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: robomatic

RE: The original post, by one or another foaming guest:

Sounds like a conspiracy paranoia fantasy rant. The best of late has been found in Tom Clancy's book: Rainbow Six in which a small group of rabid envirnomentalists decide to eliminate -well, just about everybody but themselves. I would prefer internationalist globalist bankers to them anyday.

But they're all fictional.

As far as the quote about locking up the Japanese during WWII for their 'protection', I have heard that there were some people at the time who did use that excuse, unfortunately most of the property of the internees was 'protected' out of their ownership.

However, the American version of concentrating the interned Japanese, while not evenly applied and unconstitutional, it did not include death camps nor human charnel houses. The Japanese Americans of military age had a high rate of enlistment and were mostly sent to the European theater where they distinguished themselves.

As for Conspiracy Guest's paragraphed contention that Adolf Hitler used the same excuse for concetration camps for Jews, I think that is totally untrue. Cite a source for that. I've seen tons of anti-semitic pre-concentration camp German placards, posters, books, laws, and in none of them did they ever evince any concern for protecting 'the Jews'.

10 Feb 03 - 12:35 AM (#886537)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Ebbie

Conspiracy Guest, have you considered the possibility that you are just a silly man? (Frankly, I'm beginning to suspect that you are a student.) Quote: The U.N. has called for an 80-90% reduction in global population... Enquote Oh. Right.

10 Feb 03 - 07:04 AM (#886662)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging
From: Rapparee

"Buy guns."

Right. Guns use bullets, guns use powder and ball. Guns weigh you down, especially if you put all your trust in them. Eventually you run out of bullets, or powder and ball. Guns make a lousy, lousy club and a clumsy spear.

Concentration camps.

Seems like I read all this before, back in the '60s, but then everyone was going to be shipped to the camps where the Japanese had been interred.

EMP weapons.

You can protect computers, etc. from EMP by doing what the military does: putting them inside a Faraday Cage. Figure it out yourself.

Come on: if you put your faith in technology, you'll break. Try having faith in yourself instead, or faith in your own inherent intelligence. Have some faith in what YOU see and know, instead of what others tell you -- have YOU seen these alleged camps? Three million beds is a lot of camp -- go find 'em. THEN tell me about it.

10 Feb 03 - 08:17 PM (#887204)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

I see the Three Stooges have posted since the last time I did. Well, how could I even CONSIDER contradicting them when...going back to the original post...Former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner said...

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."

I mean, Larry, Curley and Moe certainly must know more than Werner, so I can put my mind at rest now.

Actually, I just dropped by because I was worried about harpgirl's harps. She was fretting about them, but I guess all is OK since she hasn't updated.

Now...back to the Three Stooges...

(And do your OWN research in the future, Moe)

Win a Vacation!

10 Feb 03 - 10:09 PM (#887297)
Subject: RE: BS: Signs of Tyrannical World Govt Emerging

The URL below is one I'll be watching now. GoogleNews search for 'Strategic Petroleum Reserve'. When the Bush family has most of our troops overseas, the military in the U.S. will be crippled by the 'president' allowing the government to tap into the SPR. With our domestic reserves drained, we will be completely vulnerable to foreign invasion.

This site updates from all wire services and news sources minute by minute. Just refresh it:

GoogleNews Strategic Petroleum Reserve seach

So are y'all ready for the next CIA attack on you? Got guns? Got food? After the next attack, you'll be expected to endorse Patriot Act 2. It'll be ready to go as you're watching whatever horrific rescue efforts the government's television media is beaming into your living room.

"This proposed law, he added, "would radically expand law enforcement and intelligence gathering authorities, reduce or eliminate judicial oversight over surveillance, authorize secret arrests, create a DNA database based on unchecked executive 'suspicion,' create new death penalties, and even seek to take American citizenship away from persons who belong to or support disfavored political groups."

A Bill waiting for an Attack