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BS: Margaret Thatcher

20 Feb 03 - 05:56 AM (#894164)
Subject: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: banjomad (inactive)

What a travesty of justice, 3 months in prison form the man who knocked the head off the statue of Thatcher. In My own home town a woman has just got 2 years for murder and our Attorney General recommends that first time burglars go free. Truly the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

20 Feb 03 - 07:50 AM (#894166)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: KingBrilliant

On TV last night he came across as a bit of a pratt. I'm not pro-Thatcher, but I think its a bit mean to knock the head off an old lady (even if its not her real head).

20 Feb 03 - 08:29 AM (#894180)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Fiolar

They should have given him a medal.

20 Feb 03 - 08:32 AM (#894187)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Greycap

Two medals

20 Feb 03 - 08:50 AM (#894194)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: bigdarve

when it comes to mean and spite etc,that bloke does n't hold a candle to thatcher and her monstrous acts.
and it's true...that statue did look better without the head.

20 Feb 03 - 06:19 PM (#894657)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: InOBU

Can I sugest what to do with the head, to make lots of folks very very happy? I think the head should be sent around the country and Ireland, to be filled with beer, passed around pubs as a loving cup, to be held by the ears by all for a swig. To show no hard feelings, it can start with a big draught for Dennis, who can then pass it to the president of Argentina to get the loving started.
PS I offer this not for personal recognition, if the idea carries, it need not be called the Larry plan, or anything like it, I just hope everyone has a good time. I also hope her head is not lead lined... the statue as well.

20 Feb 03 - 06:33 PM (#894669)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher

i thought her head made a perfect birdshit post.

20 Feb 03 - 06:39 PM (#894673)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Gareth

Good intent, and a good hit.

What a pity that the bloke what did it has got a harder sentance than you get from the South Wales magistrates for stealing a car and injuring someone.


20 Feb 03 - 06:41 PM (#894675)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: McGrath of Harlow

Wouldn't work, Larry - the head is solid all the way through. Appropriately enough.

The statue looked far better with the head lying next to it. Seriously - it was a very dull statue, which suddenly became quite a powerful statue group.

I think sticking the head back on is an act of gross vandalism, and anyone who authorises that this be done should probably be banged up in jail.

20 Feb 03 - 06:56 PM (#894690)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: InOBU

Can we drill it out for a loving cup? Where there is a will there is usually a way... Cheers, Slante, Larry

20 Feb 03 - 07:19 PM (#894702)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: pict

I'd love to mash her head in with a lump hammer.

21 Feb 03 - 01:37 AM (#894948)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Jon Bartlett

Is there a photo handy of this fine piece of creative sculptorship? Can her 'ead be tooked underneath 'er arm?

21 Feb 03 - 01:48 AM (#894953)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: DougR

Jeeze! For a bunch of liberals you sure are a blood thirsty bunch.


21 Feb 03 - 03:19 AM (#894976)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Tam the bam fraeSaltcoatsScotland

I think that they should of gave him a knighthood.
It's a pity that it wasn't the real one!
(only kidding?)

21 Feb 03 - 03:19 AM (#894977)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Boab

Doug R. ---what the heck, in your view, is a "liberal"?

21 Feb 03 - 03:46 AM (#894988)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: bigdarve

DougR - don't taint me with your 'bunch of liberals' brush!
i'm not.
so there

21 Feb 03 - 04:21 AM (#894995)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Strupag

I've an idea.
Why don't the appropriate authorities make a head of Tony Blair and put it back on the same statue.
I doubt if anyone would know the difference

21 Feb 03 - 05:30 AM (#895011)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: InOBU

Dear DougR:
To show how thoughtful of others I am... I don't drink beer, so, I am proposing a round for everyone else!

21 Feb 03 - 05:58 AM (#895026)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Teribus

Hi Doug,

Describing them as "liberals" - they are far from it!! What rule of law means to those posting some of the remarks above is - That you can abide by what laws suit your particular point of view, while blithely ignoring and breaking those you don't agree with.

In this particular instance the charge I believe was one of causing crminal damage - to which the defendant pleaded guilty - quite right too because he was guilty - extenuating circumstances, mitigating circaumstances, call them what you will, were heard and the man was sentenced.

The man involved, as someone said above, did come over as a complete and utter "prat", he will probably continue throughout his life as a complete and utter "prat", and after three months ahs elapsed, those such as, Strupag; bbfSS; pict; MGOH; Gareth; GUEST (anon); bigdarve; Greycap; Fiolar and banjomad, can lionise him till their hearts content - He will probably dine-out on this for years. More fool them.

21 Feb 03 - 07:26 AM (#895050)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: GUEST,sorefingers

Every so often, this and other less objectionable threads are REPOSTED and should be banned!

Look pal, we are musicians and do not care diddle squat about Iron Knickers the Smelly, even if she was once a famous Admirals butt wiper. Ok

21 Feb 03 - 08:25 AM (#895069)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: banjomad (inactive)

It's not about Thatcher sorefingers it's about injustice, this should concern us all.
Thanks for the beer Larry.

21 Feb 03 - 10:00 AM (#895114)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Teribus

Injustice you say banjomad. It's all about injustice.

What injustice?

1. That someone who pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage was sentenced to three months?

2. That someone was sentenced to two years for murder? (If that was in the UK the extenuating circumstances must have been pretty convincing - but with no details it is impossible to comment on)

3. That the Attorney General recommends that first time burglars go free?

The nub of your post must relate to either points 1. or 2. Your point regarding the Attorney General can't be regarded as an example of injustice as it is only a recommendation.

So I ask again - What Injustice??

21 Feb 03 - 10:15 AM (#895124)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Nigel Parsons


"Every so often, this and other less objectionable threads are REPOSTED and should be banned!
Look pal, we are musicians and do not care diddle squat about Iron Knickers the Smelly, even if she was once a famous Admirals butt wiper. Ok

So why are you posting to the thread to continue its availability ?
If do not care about Mrs Thatcher, why the abusive description?

If those questions are too complex I'll try to simplify them!


21 Feb 03 - 10:43 AM (#895141)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Strupag

Hi Teribus
Who's lionising who?
Maybe the subtle point I was making is above your head.
Now about this thread being non musical! Does anyone know of any Anti Maggie songs?
There was an Irish band who had a song, Maggie Thatcher and it was hilarious. I cant remember that name of them.
Renne, the french singer had a hit called Mme Thatcher which was not exactly lavish praise.

21 Feb 03 - 10:52 AM (#895146)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Brakn

"There was an Irish band who had a song, Maggie Thatcher"

Was it not Sean Brady?

21 Feb 03 - 10:59 AM (#895152)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Strupag

Not the one I'm thinking on Brakn. This was a group with a "group" type name.

I once got a copy of it on Napster but don't tell anyone cause that may cause angst.

21 Feb 03 - 11:15 AM (#895173)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: mooman

Prat or hero I believe this deed and its consequences need to be recorded in song to legitimise this thread! Songs have been written about far less interesting things...


21 Feb 03 - 11:39 AM (#895187)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher

ewan maccoll had several anti maggie songs... one of which identified her as a vampire.

21 Feb 03 - 11:49 AM (#895198)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Peter T.

Many statues are better headless -- consider the Winged Victory of Samothrace. Rilke's Archaic Torso poem discusses how much more powerful the imagination is in filling in the gap -- one person might imagine her as the beautiful Boadacea, another as the Medusa. I tend towards the Medusa myself..... yours, Peter T.

21 Feb 03 - 03:00 PM (#895375)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: banjomad (inactive)

You should all check out Ewan MacColl's song ' The Grocer ', Ewan hated Maggie with a vehemence. Also Lal Waterson's ' Hildas Cabinet
Band ' [ Thatchers middle name ] no love lost there either.
Whats bugging you Teribus, someone piss on your bonfire.

21 Feb 03 - 03:46 PM (#895418)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher

I think the letter in today's Guardian had the reason this bloke got a prison sentence. If he had been given a fine there would have been a national whip round.

21 Feb 03 - 07:18 PM (#895548)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Gareth

Weeeel, personally I've no objection to beheading M Thatcher, in life, or in sculpture.

But a correction.

The Attorney General did not make a recomendation on sentances for first time offenders at burglary.

The Lord Chief Justice Lord Wolff made a recomendation which I parse -
First Convictions for Burglary, where there is no record of any other convictions or legal cautions, no use or threat of violence, and there is no string of serial offences, (or TIC's) should not be dealt with by inprisonment.

I also beg to remind 'Catters that where community service orders are not complied with, or fines unpaid, imprisonment is an option open to the Courts.


21 Feb 03 - 08:53 PM (#895582)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: bigdarve

well,when it comes to picking and choosing laws etc,mr/mrs/ms teribus,a cusrsory glance at british history may provide some food for thought.tolpuddle,suffragettes,deserved all they got,did n't they?
there's a lot more but you seem capable of doing a bit of reading up so i'll leave that to you.
oh,and could you explain to me exactly which law the kent miners were breaking when they were prevented from crossing the dartford tunnel in the '84 miners' strike?
governments and so-called vested interests pick and choose what laws they want to obey/disobey so i don't see why we can't have the same rights.
heard of any directors getting a custodial sentence when they've been found guilty of polluting rivers etc or of fatally criminal misconduct in the health and safety arena?
by the way, i would never trust a liberal anyway,so you're right on that score!unusually!
yours,in a cordial and luxurious manner,dave danford - what's your name?

22 Feb 03 - 05:18 AM (#895737)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Teribus


I didn't know you lived in such a perfect world - you are applying current day concepts and attitudes to historical events - an exercise as pointless as saying, "If my Aunt had balls, he'd be my Uncle."

Of course there are real examples of injustice, this prat getting three months for something he pleaded guilty to isn't one of them.

Oh! before I forget, Guest 21.02.03; 03:46 - Brilliant, thought that was extremely funny - you brightened up the start of the day, and for that many thanks.

Didn't the bridge crossing thing have something to do with secondary picketting?

The government and vested interest thing works for them in exactly the same way as it does for everybody else - they get away with it only up until they get caught:

"I'm a poor man as honest as they come
I never was a thief until they caught me"
(Jez Lowe - Durham Jail)

Custodial sentences for industrial pollution and criminal negligence relating to HSE laws are relatively new. I, personally, do not know of any custodial sentence handed down for the former (environmental pollution), but with regard to the latter yes I do know of such cases (relating to offshore diving accidents).

My name, by the way, is Bill.

Yours in an equally cordial manner.

Hope you enjoy the week-end,


22 Feb 03 - 07:45 AM (#895769)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: bigdarve

i will,i'll be out in the sunshine!
best wishes to all including long,dave

22 Feb 03 - 07:55 AM (#895772)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: InOBU

and another thing... and this is the idea that will unite Europe, end world hunger and bring about world peace,... regarding the Thatcher Tankard Loving Cup idea... it will make it possible to finally say, "Bejazus, but that head has a beer on it!"
Cheers... the all too suddunly and terribly sober,

22 Feb 03 - 09:02 AM (#895786)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Gareth

Calling me a "Liberal" now I am insulted !


22 Feb 03 - 09:43 AM (#895800)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: banjomad (inactive)

There will always be injustice, someone who kills one person is a murderer, but if you kill a million you are a world leader, is it justice to send a man [ prat ] to prison for an [ so called ] act of vandalism, whilst a first time burglar may go free in spite of the damage he may have done, I think not. We will always punish the little criminals and let the big ones go free because the big criminals are running the system.
Nothing personal Teribus, come to our sunday session in Halifax and I'll buy you a pint.

22 Feb 03 - 05:44 PM (#896136)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Liz the Squeak

I wonder if they'll do what the did with the Discus thower and stick the head on backwards..... would it be an improvement?


23 Feb 03 - 07:03 AM (#896519)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Teribus

Thanks for the invitation Dave, I'd love to take you up on it sometime, but unfortunately can't today - Enjoy!!


23 Feb 03 - 08:33 AM (#896545)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: The Walrus

A little side note on the Thatcher statue incident.

A couple of weeks back, I was on a college trip to Budapest, one of the party was one of the staff at the gallery at which the statue was decapitated, so we got a little additional information.

In addition to a cricket bat, it is reported that the assailant used a "metal pole", what he actually used was an internal mobile bollard (one of those posts-on-a-base with heavy cords between them to stop the punters mauling the exhibits). It appears that he unhooked the cords, took a swing and caught the statue, with the base, just below the nose. The bollard had a "patinated" finish, the statue was new white marble and, as in every collision there was a transfer of material.
As the matter was still before the courts, the gallery were not allowed to carry out any repair or restoration, so, at least until the begining of February, the head of the Thatcher statue bore a crude "Hitler" moustache in "artificial bronze patina".

I leave all comment and judgement to the membership.



23 Feb 03 - 01:00 PM (#896692)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: GUEST,sorefingers

One turd or turdess if ever there was one!

23 Feb 03 - 04:00 PM (#896819)
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher
From: Gareth

Let us be thankfull that the assailents first choice of weapon was that epitome of England, a cricket bat.

Mmmm! Did not that gallent Welshman, Sir Geoffory Howe, acuse M Thatvher of behaviong like a team captain who walked of leaving the batsman with a broken bat ?
