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BS: Devil's advoCats

22 Feb 03 - 09:09 AM (#895789)
Subject: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

This is not necesarily a non-music thread, but my idea is to provide some of the more entertaining aspects of flaming guests, without needing intrusions to do that, and to go about it in a more civilised way. Music topics might be a Defense of Accordians, or The Benefits of Playing out of Tune, or isn't Rap great, or I don't know, If music be the food of love, shut up, etc. Non-music might be Why I love schmaltzy Hollywood Crap--anything that seems to be a minority position, the un-paragigms of general discourse.

   One that gets me is an unspoken attitude that somehow death is a fate worse than death. Smart and healthy choices make me sick, daily news updates on how to live longer... I'd rather die before doctors find a way to make me live forever. If people spent more time on how to live in a satisfying way, and not how to grab at dirty crumbs of existence, then... then that would be time better spent. It would seem to me that embracing death as part of life would be a smarter, healthier choice.

I also favor child-labor. Trying to entertain kids seems to make monsters of them. If you can give them a job they can do, they get along much better.

Musically I'm getting interested in a hip-hop sampling approach to some folk tunes--it's not new, people have always done it, but trying to get a passing familiarity with hip-hop and rap has given me a new perspective on the tradition of manual sampling and borrowings. And I'm recycling some music that I grew up with, that I'd be too embarrassed to play without quotation marks, by writing stuff that sounds a little like it, or obliquely calls it to mind, the way soundtrack scores tend to sound a little familiar at first hearing. Some of it falls into the zone of an approximate way of playing a tune--playing a version of a tune with accidentals, but on harmonica, without the accidentals, and over different chording.

   Please add any odd thing here that you can advocate in fun or earnest or some mix of the two.

22 Feb 03 - 09:19 AM (#895790)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats

It's getting to be a bit dated now, but you might enjoy a book & CD called "Sounding Off: Music as Subversion/Resistance/Revolution" which is edited by Ron Sakolsky & Fred Wei-Han Ho.

I agree that hip hop ideas are interesting, but from the poetry side, I can tell you it gets pretty tiresome, pretty fast. I was a judge at last year's National Poetry Slam. One can only take screaming, angry male rap and hip hop rhyme bustin' for so long...

I speak from experience when I say that five days of it is too long.

22 Feb 03 - 09:29 AM (#895796)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: gnu

Mark Twain on exercise : "If you're healthy, you don't need it and if you're sick, you shouldn't take it."

22 Feb 03 - 09:52 AM (#895804)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats

BTW Fred, my recommendation isn't as crazy as it may sound on first suggestion. There are a couple of good essays in the book, including one by Anthony Seeger titled "Singing Other Peoples' Songs".

22 Feb 03 - 10:15 AM (#895811)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

I didn't think it sounded crazy, and my sister can probably lend it to me. I got interested by reading her thesis on African performance art and rap. Thanks.

Still, I'm fishing for unlikely observations and opinions, so crazy would be welcome anyway.

22 Feb 03 - 10:27 AM (#895816)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

Oh, Annamil's lingere site reminded me of an odd idea I heard once--lesbian-butt. Someone I worked with always had a gender theory for every occasion, and said he wasn't surprised when Ellen Degeneres came out, because she always had that sort of lesbian butt. I was about to tell him he was, as usual, nuts, but I... um, paused, and shrugged. hm. Does it exist?

22 Feb 03 - 10:41 AM (#895826)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

Only in some offensive pencil-dicks' heads and I ain't talking about the ones that sit on their shoulders! Good grief what an assinine thing to claim!

22 Feb 03 - 10:47 AM (#895831)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Mr Red

dare I mention the Devil's Advocatt - what a hangover that gives!!!

22 Feb 03 - 10:47 AM (#895832)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

Well, it makes as much sense as nineteenth century bump-reading on skulls, and numerological mysticism, and sending prayers into prisms so they reach further, or asking God under your breath to change the contents of a letter you are about to open (oh, God, don't let it be an audit notification!)...

If "gayness" (gawd wotta term) is gene-driven as some people prefer to believe, maybe there is a buttock signature for it? I wouldn't know what it is, myself, of course. Haven't studied the material.

But seriously, Kat, I'm jes' funnin' yeah. I think the Butt Theory is Ass-inoid, to be sure. :>)


22 Feb 03 - 01:23 PM (#895980)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

The notion of a woman's butt signifying lesbian-ness made me laugh but then I suddenly remembered what a friend of mine told me. She drives a tour bus and one day she had a full passenger load of lesbians that had come into town on a cruise ship.

As they were going down the road, my friend announced into the microphone that she was one of 'them'. They laughed and cheered, and then one said, We already knew- you have a cute butt.


22 Feb 03 - 01:29 PM (#895985)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Well a lesbian I know told me she looks for the presence of Birkenstocks (in the proper season of course). ;)

22 Feb 03 - 01:41 PM (#895994)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: CarolC

For my arguments in favor of accordions, please see the photos of me, naked, with only my accordion (and in one of the pictures, ribbed stockings and a fedora hat) in the 2001 and 2002 Mudcat Nearly Nude Calendars.

(That, plus accordions are the coolest of all the instruments. And sexy, too. Did I mention that accordions are sexy?)

22 Feb 03 - 01:48 PM (#895999)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Don't they pinch your nips, Carol?

22 Feb 03 - 01:56 PM (#896004)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: CarolC

Not telling Cluin!

22 Feb 03 - 02:14 PM (#896022)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Ahhhhh, THAT's why they're sexy, eh?

22 Feb 03 - 02:49 PM (#896041)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: CarolC

I guess you'll just have to get one and find out for yourself, eh Cluin!

22 Feb 03 - 03:01 PM (#896050)
Subject: lesbian butt
From: Jack the Sailor

A Case for Lesbian Butt?

When I was a teenager, guys used to claim they could tell if a girl was "experienced" from the shape of her butt. I'd not be so crass as to claim any direct knowledge of this, but could it not be postulated that certian activities tend to "perk up" certain muscles, muscles which could not be exercised without heterosexual "activities". Someone who even subconciously sees similarities among the butts of women she ultimately feels affection for might learn to associate this similarity with sexual attractiveness.


Lesbians exercise diferent butt muscles, ultimatly leading to a different butt shape, ultimately leading womwn attracted to lesbians to be attracted to that shape.

22 Feb 03 - 03:23 PM (#896059)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: TIA

Birkenstocks eh? I've always thought that I might be a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

22 Feb 03 - 03:27 PM (#896063)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

Sorry, JacktS, butt I don't think that will fly, either. Any woman, solo or with a partner of either sex, can exercise whatever with any *toy* imaginable, simulating any manner of sexual relation. What about all of those hetero women who bought the "Buns of Steel" videotape!*bg*

Besides which, I know from experience as a bi-sexual, that plenty of lesbians and bi's have their hearts broken, when they find out the person they fancy is hetero. One can't always tell whether someone is gay, hetero, lesbian, bi, or anything in between. Trying to define sexual preference by body shape is just silly.


22 Feb 03 - 03:58 PM (#896086)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos


I don't think you left much room for anything in between!!


22 Feb 03 - 04:39 PM (#896102)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Hell, CarolC... me playing any instrument could never be construed ans anything approaching sexy. So I'll just take your word for it.

Still thinkin' about that nipple-pinching thing though...

22 Feb 03 - 05:35 PM (#896132)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

You'll never know, Amos.

22 Feb 03 - 07:19 PM (#896182)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

Well, I thought it was crazy too, but...t... I supposed that the feminine hetero butt is partly a reified fashion statement, the heart-shaped butt of high-waisted jeans--the various butt types which I shouldn't list until the publication of my North American field-guide--which if merely neglected, not striven for, results in an unaffected look, i.e. lesbian butt. And it is truely weird to look at how people can mold themselves to the fashions of their culture and times, can project themselves, variously, so, I let that one pass. If nothing else, it's funny.

Oddly, my other co-worker at the time was a lesbian woman who was deeply predjudiced against bi-sexuals, because--here's the devil's thesis--because they HURT twice as many people. I thought for a moment (I'm slow with math) then said Are you sure they're working a double-shift? She felt she had been dumped because it was simply easier for her girlfriend to be straight.

Guest, I had wanted to ask you how, particularly, the ideas in hip-hop were interesting to you, what you do with them. I've had an extended crisis about what to listen to, what to play, because many things I really like I can't quite identify with playing, can't do it--old art-rock folk-rock stuff I grew up with, things that seem laminated in a yellowing commercial plastic film, I guess. I'm finding I can use elements I like to write my own tunes more, and actually better, than by trying to be flat-out "original" (which winds up just as if I had borrowed and stole anyway, but more tortured, and lamer). And I also wanted to say that I think the deadening sameness of rap might be a result of the heavy commercialization of it, it became a sales formula really fast, which is unfortunate. I can't really claim I like it, hard as I try, but some is very funny, which is hard to manage.

Oh, and Twain on exercise. Maybe it figures that his was the first biography I ever read. I hate all the stuff about exercising to be healthy. Hooray for that crap. As if there was nothing worthwhile to actually do in the world, we should all be doing fake work in the interest of living longer our useless, senseless, vainglorious lives. I don't mind people working out, mind you, but it's essentially something you do just for yourself, like masturbating, and nothing anyone needs to congratulate you for. In fact, now that I think of it, next time I hear someone talking about how much they jog or what they lift, I'll feel free to share how I'm doing on my program of strenuous, rigorous masturbation. You can bench-press 230? Cool. Guess what I can do.

22 Feb 03 - 07:48 PM (#896205)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

Aaaaaand, please help me out here, y'all. Don't you have any odd ideas you haven't dragged out into light? If I missed them--where do I look? If people can't nonymously out-troll any anonymous troll, a part of me feels a need for them, that they serve a purpose, like village idiots, like Socrates, as gadflies to the state. Here I am with my pro-death, lazy-ass, copywrite infringin', lesbian-butt spotting, rap lovin' dumb butt hangin' in cyber-space. Help me dammit. Doesn't anybody love crazy dumb notions and have a few, tucked away?

Thanks Carol C, I may be on a mudcat shopping thing soon, and have a new idea of something I want to have in my basket. You must be crazy, but I wish everyone was crazy enough to be photographed nude with an accordian. It would surely be a better world.

22 Feb 03 - 08:07 PM (#896218)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

Fred, let me see if I understand you. You're asking us to fess up to whacky ideas we have harbored, similar in aberrative index value to the notion that lesbi-butts are recognizable from across the street?

I dunno if I can do this for ya, man. I think it might be too embarassing. LOL!!!
Not for lack of material, just a little shy of being branded, ya know. Say! Didja hear about that feller who went mad talking to folksingers?.... **bg**


22 Feb 03 - 10:15 PM (#896288)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

Amos, yes. That's what I'm asking. And so much more. I do understand that many 'catters know each other better than I know any of you off-line. But I truly deeply love such dumb things as lesbian-butt, and history teaches us that we are dumb anyway, wrong anyway, so what the hell. Or one may just defend the opposite of what you really think, for fun. You know, for the exercise.

22 Feb 03 - 10:35 PM (#896302)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos


Really, no problem at all! :>)


Well I believe that we are all operating a very high-frequency Destiny Manufacturing Plant somewhere just over the horizon of what we too often consider to be our 'limited' sphere of awareness.

And I believe that DNA is just a high-falutin radio receiver for picking up vibes.

I believe that if people had a fraction of an inkling of the misadventures they have already survived getting to this turn in the road, their current adventures would seem relatively delightfully easy to them.

And I believe the Infinite smiles on those who take the trouble to create a smiling Infinite.

I believe that Skimpy Glimmers is the planet's most popular parlor game, and that the world's most popular religion is the worship of Mass and its prophet, Time.   

I also believe that cats have psychic abilities and can spot all kinds of things (including lesbians, of course) from a thousand yards away, and sometimes a few weeks away, too.

So there ya go, pal!


22 Feb 03 - 11:00 PM (#896325)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

Well, Amos, Thanks!
I believe that cats have a Jungian collective unconscious, but dogs don't. Cats remember somehow that humans worshipped them as divine, and still bloody well expect it, and nothing less, whereas dogs will take whatever they can get. Prove me wrong, anybody.

22 Feb 03 - 11:50 PM (#896358)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

"I believe that if people had a fraction of an inkling of the misadventures they have already survived getting to this turn in the road, their current adventures would seem relatively delightfully easy to them." Amos, I love that!

23 Feb 03 - 12:13 AM (#896374)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Troll

The dog says, "They feed me, they groom me, they pet me, they take care of me. They must be Gods."
The cat says, "They feed me, they groom me, they pet me, they take care of me. I must be a God."


23 Feb 03 - 12:18 AM (#896380)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Hey! I like this idea! I can say something and you can't tell whether I'm serious or just pulling your leg and I don't have to tell you which it is and even if I did tell you I could lie about it! Cool!

Okee-dokee! I hate it when people sing in a foreign language. I don't mean "foreign" as in "non-English". I mean foreign as in a language that the singer does not normally speak. French singers should sing in French. Paul McCartney should not. Irish singers who speak Irish should be the only ones allowed to sing in Irish. As they are probably bilingual and speak English as well as they do Irish, they are allowed to sing in either language. Dumb-ass Americans who learn Irish songs phonetically without even knowing what the words mean should be banned from sessions everywhere. They are nothing but pretentious. If I never hear some dip sing "Shule Aroon" again it'll be okay with me.

While we're at it, could we please never hear "Roddy McCorley" again? I know it's in English, but I'm damned well sick of it! It's gotta be the Irish equivalent of "Rocky Top".

Now, that was fun! All you have to do is figure out whether I was serious. And if you accuse me of being a jerk, I'll tell you I was only kidding. Hey, Fred made up the rules, not me!


23 Feb 03 - 12:39 AM (#896394)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

And as for Danny Boy, begorrah, may he go off to plough the rocks o' Bawn alongside the Maid of the Sweet Brown Knowe in the Garden Where the Praties Grow, wearing a Black Velvet Band and driving a lovliest of all Unicorn!!



23 Feb 03 - 12:49 AM (#896400)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Hey, and what about that "Gilligan's Island"?

Why did the Howells take all that money along? And why did Ginger have all those different clothes?
It was a three hour tour, a THREE HOUR TOUR!!!

And why didn't Gilligan and the Skipper have a change of clothes?

They LIVED on the frickin' boat!!!

23 Feb 03 - 01:31 AM (#896416)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

LOL, Cluin. Tom Hanks talked about that once when he was a guest on Charlie Rose's show- talking about 'Castaway', he said they could have had him build a bicycle out of bamboo.

23 Feb 03 - 01:33 AM (#896417)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

Of course cats have no frelling* idea of how to spot a hetero, since they always have their nose up each other's butts no matter the equipment.

While we are at it, why did we have to be the only animals who have to wear clothes? I mean isn't it time that we liberate ourselves as much as the animals are free to prance around in their b-day suits? At the very least we wemoon shouldn't be arrested for baring tops any more than the men!


*Farscape's version of fucking

23 Feb 03 - 01:40 AM (#896421)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

It's too eff-ff-ff-ff-ffing cold for that around here, kat.

However, it is legal for the past couple of years now for women to go topless in public if they want. Contrary to a lot of tight-assed people's fears, not very many women have availed themselves of this new "freedom".

23 Feb 03 - 01:46 AM (#896427)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

So maybe we'd all just toughen up, eh? (It's too cold here, too, right now.:-)

23 Feb 03 - 01:51 AM (#896429)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Whoops, I should have clarified that's it's legal here in Ontario for females to go topless in public.

23 Feb 03 - 01:51 AM (#896430)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

I used to spend some time in my younger days wondering why we don't have a tent-like cavity in/on our beds into which we can insert ourselves and be toasty, sans nightclothes and with no covers touching, maybe with a kayak-like skirting around one's neck... You suppose it could work?

On a documentary I watched recently a journalist in Siberia was given a 'bed' that was like a hairy womb. The outer shell was a tent apparently made of gut or some other translucent material. Inside it was a small tent that was lined with reindeer hides, hair side in. On the 'floor' were piled more hides. There were a couple of fat candles that warmed the air but he was given no covers. He stretched out- and reported in the morning that he had been toasty.

23 Feb 03 - 01:56 AM (#896433)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

It sounds lovely, Ebbie, but I think it'd make me itch like crazy! At least there'd be no drafts to freeze my bum.:-)

Ontario here I come!**bg**

23 Feb 03 - 02:29 AM (#896437)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

It appeared that the journalist had slept in his clothes, kat, or at least they gave no hint of disrobing... But what happened to your fantasy of having a furry coat? :)

23 Feb 03 - 02:42 AM (#896439)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

On the outside, darlin', on the outside.:-) Even my own hair makes me break out and itch if a loose strand falls on bare skin! Talk about touchy, eh?!

Actually, live cats do not make me itch, so maybe, nah...they'd have to be alive, there's not way I'd sleep in it otherwise!

I did read an ad once for a fur-lined bra for those who lived in the northern climes like yerself.:-) But, somehow, I don't think they meant this!

23 Feb 03 - 10:50 AM (#896610)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

My grandmother has a radio that only plays Rocky Top and news that changes without getting up to date.

   After Castaway I got a contract with my wife that if I'm ever lost at sea for four years with a volleyball and I come back and she's remarried I still get a "greeting/severance package" including something more than a tearful hug.

   I read about an inventor once who designed a bed with a lateral channel in it so he could sleep with his arm around someone without cutting off his circulation.

Actually, the Howell's only brought one trunk full of cash, mere change, as was discussed in the Mr. Howell-imposter episode. I don't know about Ginger, never noticed if she changed or not, I was fixated on Mary-Ann. I think Ginger had a dress made from the sail, though. It is strange that after the Skipper died, the Professor turned into a striking twin of him.

   What foul thing can I say or defend today? Barbie. I like Barbie, and all the bad press she gets is mean-spirited scapegoating. People blame her for their own erotic fetish of her. She's really very shy, and not too bright, but tries hard, and feels freakish, and cries herself to sleep at night in her little box, or more often, left laying out on the floor. American Girl dolls are smug pretentious over-priced crap, not worth a Bag O' Barbie Heads. They can kiss Barbie's MATEL tm. I think high school kids should do nude life-drawing as a required curiculum, at 7:00 am, to develop visual skills, learn to participate in seeing, so they aren't so easily led by advertising and pop-culture imagery to screw themselves up.

23 Feb 03 - 11:42 AM (#896642)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

I think Walt Disney founded the Axis of Evil. If we could only subtract the influence of Mickey Mouse from world history, we would find much less hatred toward the U.S. Exporting Mickey and Goofy was a colossal strategic blunder. Talk about weapons of mass destruction!!


23 Feb 03 - 12:14 PM (#896662)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Amen, Amos!



23 Feb 03 - 12:21 PM (#896667)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bill D

well *I* think guitars and banjos ought to have a little micro chip embedded in the neck that emits a pulse of energy and beeps or flashes a red light when the instrument varies from standard tuning! Guys who play at home all week show up at gatherings, having re-tuned to themselves until they are WAY off, and then they tune to each other, and poor, long suffering autoharpists are left sitting.

Ya' know, I'm beginning to think it's a plot! Bluegrass bands are behind it!

23 Feb 03 - 01:32 PM (#896715)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

Bill D, do you visualize a beep/red light for each string? Just picture 10 people sitting around trying to make music and these plaintive beeps keep resounding all around the room. Probably come to fist fights.

23 Feb 03 - 02:03 PM (#896737)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Fred, I'd like to know more about that bed... I always have a problem figuring out what to do with that "lower" arm while spooning. Always falls asleep on me in whatever position I put it.

23 Feb 03 - 02:34 PM (#896756)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bill D

"Bill D, do you visualize a beep/red light for each string? "

Will Rogers was once asked during WWII. "What shoud we do about the German submarines?"..."Easy", he said, "boil the oceans!"

"Oh, Will, that's are we going to do that?"
"That's not my department...I leave the details to the experts, I'm just the idea man!"

sure...have a beep for each string!

23 Feb 03 - 02:47 PM (#896771)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Would the beeps be in tune at least?

23 Feb 03 - 04:56 PM (#896849)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

They solved that problem with the clamp-on solar-powered electronic tuner. Presumably it makes "A" while the sun shines. Hertz, dunnit? :>)


23 Feb 03 - 05:12 PM (#896859)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bill D

ohhhhhh.....Amos...go to yer room!

23 Feb 03 - 06:41 PM (#896914)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

Amos's clamp-on solar-powered electronic tuner would be appreciably quieter in the evening. I could live with that.

23 Feb 03 - 06:42 PM (#896916)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

Yeah -- it only hertz when I play....


23 Feb 03 - 06:58 PM (#896931)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

Say, that'd be alright as long as we could get all of the ding-dongs to ding in tune and dong on time!

23 Feb 03 - 08:24 PM (#896987)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

a one, a two, a ding, a one, a two, a dong, a one, a two...

Can you tell I have a cold and am sitting here deprived of makin' music for the last four days? 'Course I could get out the guitar and work on some stuff but I'm napping instead.

24 Feb 03 - 09:24 AM (#897241)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

Barbie gets no reaction at all--sure, maybe if she had lesbian butt, people would care.

Cluin I'll try to find the article about the bed, but it made no mention of whether he'd tried to market it. Although he had many hi-tech inventions his biggest market success was simply imbedding a t.v. remote in a football. I guess so one doesn't lose it.

   I think there are little gadgets to transpose tunings digitally, maybe instead of a beeping light just a standard tuning zapper. With a mute button. Or we could make everyone play harmonica also, to keep them in line.

BWL, and what about Brits singing in American, and vice-versa? What about McCartney speaking fake French between songs? Can I use a couple of German phrases from Die Gedanken Sind Frie in this one song I do? I'm not sure about it. A woman tried for thirty minutes to teach me to pronounce nachtlichte--or whatever--then never spoke to me again.
    My theory, French painters shouldn't try to do abstract expressionism. Anyone ever heard any good French rock n roll? There's something about umph that is lost in translation, comes out poodle-groomed, or wearing a tasteful scarf.

   I will try to say something more offensive later, to stir up trouble.

24 Feb 03 - 09:56 AM (#897272)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Uncle_DaveO

Fred Miller asked:

"Anyone ever heard any good French rock n roll?"

No, but then I've never heard any good American, Canadian, or English rock and roll, either.

Dave Oesterreich

24 Feb 03 - 01:04 PM (#897438)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

I think there are little gadgets to transpose tunings digitally, maybe instead of a beeping light just a standard tuning zapper. Fred, you have inspired me to think outside the box- Since the instruments cannot be taught in the same way as humans, why not a digital gadget that gives the human a slight electric shock whenever a string goes 'off'? (If there's more than one string at fault, the shock could be made stronger.) A beep could be sounded at the same time so that other players in the group know that something is being done about the problem. Motivation- that's the key.

24 Feb 03 - 01:40 PM (#897486)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

Joni Mitchell had an electronic guitar built for her that does indeed digitally transpose the strings to her different tunings without her having to retune. I remember reading about it a couple of years ago in Acoustic Guitar (of all places).

24 Feb 03 - 03:57 PM (#897618)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

Fracoise Hardy did first rate doowop, native Parisienne style -- I can still remember most some of the words to "Ton Meilleur Ami" and "Tous Les Garcons et Jeunes Filles de mon Age" which were hits in 1966.


25 Feb 03 - 09:31 AM (#898229)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

Uncle DaveO, that's the spirit! But you've never heard any good rock? And some people say it's too loud....

I have a little documentary about Bluegrass which keeps cutting to two anonymous farmers in a field for comments, and my favorite is about Elvis and the popularity of rock n roll. "Well I don't like to say it, but to me his doings was foolish."

The tuning zapper might work with the same technology as my car alarm device, which delivers a searing shock to the car owner when the alarm goes off, and keeps it up til the car is silenced. Then delivers a whopping hair-extending shock shortly afterward, for good measure.

   Hi ho, I can't think of nuthing.
    But why is it if you tell a guy you don't like something, they'll usually remember it. But if you tell a woman you don't like something, she'll go out of her way to keep offering it to you on a platter for the rest of your life? If you are a vegetarian, a woman will suddenly start fixing you chicken sandwiches while her husband keeps saying He won't eat it, he will not eat that, he's a whadyacallit, one of those, um, he won't eat it. Tell a woman you read a book and hated it, she'll give it to you on your next birthday. I've encountered this thousands of times, and only wish I'd known about it sooner, when I was younger, so I could've told everyone I was gay.

25 Feb 03 - 05:24 PM (#898624)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Cluin

I knew a guy that tried that one a few times, Fred. It didn't get him laid though. He just had to listen to a lot of bitching.

25 Feb 03 - 10:22 PM (#898804)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: katlaughing

Fred, are you sure we don't remember? Maybe we're just being perverse and jerking your chain!

26 Feb 03 - 09:27 AM (#899076)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

You're probably both right. My doings is foolish.

Hi ho. Freud sucks. Freudian readings of art are an excellent way to misunderstand everything in grotesque and comical ways. Analysis is a great way to prey on people's narcissism and depression, and turn it into a business. Does it work? Yes, often it does, but no particular theories work any better than others. Having sex with a prostitute probably works too, but one might be better off developing an amateur sort of relationship.

26 Feb 03 - 10:46 AM (#899134)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bee-dubya-ell

"Anyone ever heard any good French rock n roll?"

I once heard an explanation of why French music is distinctly French sounding. The music of a culture is, to some extent, a reflection of its language. We hear our spoken language day in and day out and carry some of its characteristics over into the metrical component of our music. French is a relatively unemphatic language. It doesn't have the hard consonants and distinct accents that, say, German has. The French run all of their words together into a flowing stream of words. The Germans pronounce each word distinctly. This characteristic carries over into their music. (Try to imagine Debussy having written "Die Gotterdammerung" or Wagner having written "La Mer".)   

Rock 'n roll is a very beat-driven form of music. The French language just lacks the strong emphasized beat that rock 'n roll must have to work.

Now, Cajun French is a different matter entirely. It is many generations removed from Continental French and has developed much more distinct accents, probably as a result of many speakers being bi-lingual with English. Cajun music is extremely beat-driven.


26 Feb 03 - 11:16 AM (#899156)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: GUEST,Les B.

Jeez - I thought "Lesbian Butt" was going to be somehow related to "Plumber's Crack" - which, by the by, they're now making T-shirts with an extra four inches of tail (no pun intended) to eliminate that oft seen sight.

26 Feb 03 - 01:16 PM (#899240)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

Fred M, you mention the perplexities of human nature- mostly typified by women who don't take one's word for something. But men do the same thing.

I was at a music party where one man said, I like just about any kind of music. There are only two songs I don't like, songs that I just can't stand: The Lion Sleeps Tonight and something, something (I've forgotten). Another musician said, Hey, that's a good song- let's sing Lion Sleeps Tonight. And they did. Then dang! if they didn't sing the other one too.

The first man and I looked at each other stupefied then burst out laughing. I have no idea if the group had simply not heard the caveat of the first man or what. Maybe we can just put it down to the perversity of the human bean.

A cousin of mine told me of when he was a shy 16-year-old hired out as a farm hand. The first time he was offered sweet peas at dinner, he tried to tell the farmwife that he didn't care for peas. It came out wrong evidently, for after that she made sure that whatever else she was serving, my cousin got his side dish of peas.

26 Feb 03 - 01:22 PM (#899245)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos


Freud was much too afreud of women to be able to build a decent psyche model for them. Hell, no-one's been able to -- the darn critturs are afraid of themselves and more intimidating than anything else in the language-using Earth.

Somebody should have told him, "Look, Sigmund, there's nothing to be afreud of except being a Freud itself!".

Would have cured him of that nasty cigar habit, for shoah!


26 Feb 03 - 02:01 PM (#899285)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Doug_Remley

I always thought going "bi" might make finding dates easier by a substantial parcentage.

26 Feb 03 - 02:11 PM (#899298)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Speaking of "Rocky Top", in addition to being the world's most overplayed bluegrass song, it is, as many of you are doubtlessly aware, the "fight song" for the athletic teams of the University of Tennessee. As such, it played a major role in one of the most outrageous practical jokes I have ever had the pleasure of being a party to. I guess this thread is as good a place as any to tell the story.

For several years, I worked for a fellow who had graduated from Florida State University and was a serious football supporter and season-ticket holder. For those of you who live outside the US (or just don't give a shit), FSU is a perennial contender for the national championship of US college football. A few years ago, FSU played Tennessee for the national championship and lost. My boss had attended the game which was played at, I believe, the Fiesta Bowl in Arizona. Anyway, the office staff decided that the humiliation of having his team lose was not quite enough. So, our office alpha-geek went online, found a really obnoxious MIDI of "Rocky Top", downloaded it onto the boss's computer and set it to play when a new window was opened. Boss arrived back home, took the requisite number of jibes for being a supporter of a losing team and sat down to get some work done on his computer only to have it play the other team's fight song as soon as he opened a window. How sweet it was.

After about a dozen plays we were told to remove it or find other jobs. So it goes.


27 Feb 03 - 02:42 PM (#899881)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

This is a pretty funny absurd mix of interesting observations! I guess I'm a cowardly lion about stirring up trouble though.

I always thought being bi would help one's odds, and it was exactly that remark that prompted my co-worker to launch into an attack. A friend of mine was seeing a bisexual bipolar person, and coined the terms a "Bi-bi", or "bi and bi", for the combination. Is that mean? Aw shucks.

Speaking of both perversity and French, after awhile I learned to run the few French phrases I knew all blurrily together, with the result that when I said I couldn't speak French, people kept speaking it to me, in disbelief. So I went back to overpronouncing everything. Young people all knew English from songs, so if you were fluent in old Beatle lyrics you could communicate. Oddly, Beatle's songs seemed to cover every situation I encountered.

27 Feb 03 - 04:57 PM (#899987)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Bill D

Jean Redpath used to say, "Did you ever notice that when you have a stong accent, people YELL AT YOU SLOWLY?"

27 Feb 03 - 05:02 PM (#899992)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: GUEST,Les B.

Fred - your friend with the dupled girlfriend must have found new meaning in the old song "In The Sweet Bi and Bi"!

Ebbie - the farm boy and the peas made me flash on a memory I'd almost totally suppressed. When I was about 13 my dad took me on spring round-up at the main ranch. I was excited to be going out on circle with the real cowboys. The foreman was a blustery bag of wind and his wife was a pushy old biddy cut from the same cloth. They laid on a huge ranch breakfast. I asked for milk and when it arrived it obviously tasted rancid. I just put it aside and didn't say much. Sure enough the wife comes along and asks why I'm not drinking it. I try to quietly tell her, but she ends up verbally embarassing me into drinking the whole damn tumbler. Writing this now, some 45 years later, it still pisses me off!!!

27 Feb 03 - 07:31 PM (#900091)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Ebbie

Les B, my cousin still resents the farmwife too!

27 Feb 03 - 08:02 PM (#900111)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Amos

Couldnt'cha have knocked it over into her lap by accident?


28 Feb 03 - 01:02 PM (#900487)
Subject: RE: BS: Devil's advoCats
From: Sam L

I have a couple of odd memories similar to that, just barely hanging by their fingers to a cliff in my brain. My brother and I wanted to ride a bus to Sunday school, and were allowed. He ran off and I got lost in the hallways, scared to open any doors. So a minister found me, asked if I was lost, and when I said yes, he had a great idea of taking me out in front of the whole congregation, so they could all pray for this "lost" child. I hate that clever bastard, whoever he was.

   And I had a babysitter who ironed and watched soap operas continuously. To this day the smell of ironing depresses me utterly, smells like a never-ending day of captivity and boredom. I remember how she complained about her soap being cancelled because of the first moonwalk.
   It's hard to talk about personal style, maybe because so much of it is about what you don't do, or won't do. It's hard to consciously notice the omissions. I guess one frustration I have with mudcat, artists, and life in general, is it's hard to talk about what and how stuff comes across. Since I started a thread I can't live up to, maybe I can throw this in too. I've been reading some older threads about criticism, useful criticism, annoying criticism, smart-assed guy-in-a-bar criticism. But there are scattered bits and pieces of what I'm looking for. And any attempt to characterize somebody's stuff starts to come across as a slight, or a put-down, even if it isn't meant that way. Did you ever make a good comment that the player seemed to really get, and appreciate? It's hard to do.

   What's something you can't do well, that is a weakness and maybe also a strength? Or do you see it only one way or another? I can't sing that effortless-sounding, floating sort of singing, much. On the other hand, I can sing some stuff okay, and don't often sound facile or disengaged. Sometimes it quells my envy of better singers, and I'm okay with my own voice, for the most part. Virtuosos make a lot of bad records, I think, because they try to show themselves being Good, instead of simply being Good. I find some virtuoso-driven music depressing, and maybe not entirely out of envy.