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What kind of music do you wish...

08 Mar 03 - 07:20 PM (#905639)
Subject: What kind of music do you wish...
From: GUEST,starcam03

What kind of music do you wish there was more of?

Do you ever feel like there's not enough of a type of music you like? What kind of music do you think there is too much of ~ and what should they replace it with?

08 Mar 03 - 09:36 PM (#905647)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Not enough jazz featuring acoustic stringed instruments.

Too much jazz featuring keyboard instruments, electric guitars and things with spit-valves.

Also, too much "Celtic" music using synthesizers.

I would say something about rap, but Homey don't even go there.


08 Mar 03 - 10:35 PM (#905657)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: mg

oh the Celtic music where they have a breathy female sounding like she is recording in a monastary..the monks would turn over in their graves....I think that particular worm has turned but for years it seemed any recording was like that.

I don't think there are enough jolly tunes myself....


09 Mar 03 - 12:38 AM (#905702)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: michaelr

Noirin Ni Ryan does record in a monastery, and the monks are all colluding -- in and out of their graves.

Personally, I wish there was more Bavarian oompah music featuring bodhrans and noseflutes.


09 Mar 03 - 12:41 AM (#905703)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: mg

that's what I meant..more oompah music.   mg

09 Mar 03 - 12:41 AM (#905704)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: CarolC

I think there is not anywhere near enough Finnish music played on the accordion. I'm working to change that, though.

09 Mar 03 - 05:49 AM (#905758)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: sharyn

It would be nice if they discovered a raft of new O'Carolan tunes or concerti by J.S. Bach and about forty hitherto undiscovered traditional ballads worthy of Child ... as for the rest, singer-songwriters should need to apply for a license to sing their songs in public and there should be a five-year waiting period for each new song so that we don't have to hear unmitigated crap -- and that is across all genres.

09 Mar 03 - 07:15 AM (#905777)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Dead Horse

There's enough of all kinds of music out there, if you were to look for it.
If you dont find it on that there new fangled radio gizmo, you will have to build up your very own collection of CDs and surround yourself with your own special heaven.
Rap CDs make very good skimmers, apparently.

09 Mar 03 - 08:54 AM (#905797)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Sam L

There is not enough of the folk stuff that my dad and his friends used to play--not any, or maybe I've mythologized it to a point where nothing sounds quite like I remember it.

   As long as there's muzak there's too much, and there's too much techno-chick pop, too much dog-jazz panting on and on, too much staid, careful, wimpy classical, too much earnest heartfelt be-sweatered folk-ish singer-songwriter stuff.
   In general I think there's too much silky glossy overproduced recorded music with too many instruments mushed together. Too much music trying to be a commercial for a pre-fab notion of style.

09 Mar 03 - 01:29 PM (#905935)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Frankham

I agree with you when you said,"There is not enough of the folk stuff that my dad and his friends used to play--not any, or maybe I've mythologized it to a point where nothing sounds quite like I remember it."

It's not like it was. There is a tendency toward a kind of pseudo-professionalism in the coffee-houses and not folks getting together and singing/playing as much. This seems to be changing around the country but not so much in my neck of the woods. That's the only reason I got back into teaching again.

I would like to see a return to those parties and gatherings that I used to go to.
(sans tobacco smoke,for me though).

Frank Hamilton

10 Mar 03 - 01:55 PM (#906721)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: GUEST,starcam03

Bee-dubya-ell... I completely agree with you... and before I make a comment about rap... would someone like to give me advice whether that is a good or bad idea around here?

I'd like some more acapella, too. I really like it. And some more good female artists.

10 Mar 03 - 02:31 PM (#906736)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: pattyClink

Too much egocentric solo singing in all genres, not enough great harmony, particularly in the pop and folk areas.

10 Mar 03 - 02:47 PM (#906743)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Just Amy

More movies with traditional music!

10 Mar 03 - 02:55 PM (#906748)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: dick greenhaus

Hey Fred-
What kind of music did your dad play (or, how old is he)?

THere's probably more high-quality recordings of varying quality music from just about any era available now that there ever was before. Give me a ring at CAMSCO and I'll talk to you about it.

10 Mar 03 - 03:12 PM (#906764)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...

would like to be able to find more australian bush music here in the states....

10 Mar 03 - 03:59 PM (#906786)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Rapparee

A lot less "Celtic" that features too much echo and reverb and a lot more that features joie de vivre.

More folk trumpet!

Is it me, or do most women who sing Celtic sing only slow, weepy stuff? (I'll go hide in the bomb shelter for awhile....)

10 Mar 03 - 04:06 PM (#906790)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: M.Ted

Too many people complaining about the music they don't like, and not enough playing the music they do like;-)

Seriously--I like to hear real people sing and play music the music that they love,   not the stuff they think will make them rich or famous--

10 Mar 03 - 04:59 PM (#906814)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Starcam03 - Check out his thread on rap music from a few months ago. CLICK HERE


10 Mar 03 - 05:13 PM (#906825)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: treewind

Sharyn and Mary Garvey - look out for "Sharp Practice" which we're expecting to be released in May on the Wild Goose Label. Not a singer-songwriter number among them, not a guitar in sight as it happens (plenty of other instruments) several jolly tunes, and definitely no blurry "celtic mists" rubbish. All good trad English stuff (except for one Macedonian tune).

Carol C - I'm looking forward hearing some of your Finnish accordion music!

And M.Ted - we love what we do, I don't think we could do it if we didn't.

You heard it here first!
I'm sure Camsco will be able to get hold of it for you if you're on that side of the pond. WG may even be getting their stuff on Amazon soon, from what I've heard.


10 Mar 03 - 05:18 PM (#906828)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Walking Eagle

I don't much care for 12 and 13 year old young girls recording stuff that is better suited for older young women.

Singer song writers can get on my nerves a little, as though their's is the only music they should record. There's nothin' wrong with covering a good old tune to pass it along.

I too would like to hear a little more happy music.

All music desperately needs more things for the pre-teen to young teen group. Things that are witty and not so suggestive of sex.

What really bores me to tears is what I call Vanilla Jazz.

Myself, I'm beginning to find more wisdom in parodies.


P.S. A great radio show for pre-teens airs every evening at 7:30 on WXPN 88.5 in Philadelphia. Live stream at It is witty and the youngsters definately have a voice on the show.

10 Mar 03 - 07:59 PM (#906940)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: michaelr

CarolC -- have you checked out Maria Kalaniemi (sp?)? She's a red-hot Finnish accordion player.


10 Mar 03 - 11:06 PM (#907033)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: khandu

After pondering your question for a few hours, I have decided. IMHO, there is not enough khandu music. I never hear it on the radio, or on TV. I have never gone to a club and heard anyone playing any khandu music. I have never seen it reviewed in "Green Linnet" or "Rolling Stone". Never seen posters in a music store blaring "khandu- now on sale!"

In fact, about the only time I hear any good khandu music is at home, when I play it. Hmmmmm...."What the world needs now is more khandu"...what an idea for a song!!!

My second wish is for more "Badly Recorded Blues"!

10 Mar 03 - 11:18 PM (#907039)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Walking Eagle

I personally am no fan of Portugese music called Faddo. Too much of a downer!

I DO like music played on an instrument called an oud. It's a bit like a lute, so I'm told. Pronounced 'ood'.

10 Mar 03 - 11:39 PM (#907054)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: open mike

i wisd i could turn on the radio and find music
that I like to listen to..."americana" is one
name given to the genre--acoustic, "folk",
bluegrass, when i go to look for my favorite
music in a record store they usually lump it
under the label country...which is not exactly
right...often the theme of songs i like the best
is rural--or small town--"sitting on the back porch",
walking down a road, or "herding cattle in an
air-conditioned cadillac soupe de ville", but
one of the radio stations not far from here recently
cancelled a blue grass show which had been on for
almost 20 years, in favor of changing over to jazz
programming...I just have to keep tapes in the car
for those times when the radio is just not delivering
programming of interest...some say they solve this by
subscribing the XM radio, but i often check out books
on tape from the library to put on when i just have to
turn the radio off..

11 Mar 03 - 11:31 AM (#907387)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Sam L

Dick G, I think Frankham may have my number, it may not be the music itself but a way of playing it, hanging out, getting along. We don't know how to do that like my parents did, we're tired, awkward with each other, we suck at it. My dad and his friends sang things most folk people know, and it depended who showed up. Little Margaret was my Dad's signature thing, and he did a two-chord twa corbies, all kinds of stuff, they once improvised the Berea college motto to Wildwood Flower at the Firehouse there. Just playing around. And they did a song called Little Birdie which I can't find a full, right-sounding version of, so I focus my general sense of loss on that, and don't know how much I really want to find it.

Divorces, splits, taking up with one's students, not knowing who to invite anymore, deaths of some of those core people everyone gathered around like a campfire--like my Dad. It dwindled away.
There's too much divisive-statement, separately categorized demographic interest music, wrapped in cellophane. People don't know how to get together and play because it's young people, old people, folk this, rock that, everything is a commercial for something. I even like some rap, but it took awhile to find what I needed from it.

Walking Eagle it's nice of you to provide a like to good stuff pre-teens might like. And there's a band called Shalom that played some events here, with a good oud player, and they are fantastically ambient, energetic, almost sound improved, but then all tight together.

11 Mar 03 - 12:19 PM (#907433)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Bill D

too many people out to make $$$$ (or £££££ if you prefer) in a world already glutted with badly done former attempts. They change and improvise in hopes THEY will hit a fad and be on top for a few weeks.

More music about 'stuff' and 'places' and less about 'inner feelings'....

More good jazz and more songs with tunes I can hum.

12 Mar 03 - 02:51 PM (#908374)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: GUEST,starcam03

Bee-dubya-ell... lol... um, thanks for that... I think I'll keep my comment to myself.

And Open Mike... I completely agree! We need more bluegrass! And it is wrongfully lumped in with country. It annoys me.

I'd like more trip hop and trance stuff, too. I like mellow music, but that still has lyrics that are positive and happy.

I'd like more jazz from women like Diana Krall. She is both beautiful and talented. And Norah Jones, too.

I'd like to see more chick groups, too. We had the Go-go's and Bangles, but no one seems to have taken the girl group spot. I mean, I think we have the Dixie Chicks, but I think we need someone younger. Lillix maybe (I'll have to look for a link). What do you think?

14 Mar 03 - 12:08 AM (#909628)
Subject: RE: What kind of music do you wish...
From: Gurney

Too much 'applauding the break' in jazz clubs. Not enough uninterrupted jazz. Too many orchestras in classical music. It sounds more available from a trio.