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BS: Help me name our restaurant

19 Mar 03 - 02:01 PM (#913663)
Subject: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

So my partner and I bought this restaurant last year. Previously "Lu-E-g's Sandwich Shoppe", it is a beloved community gathering spot. It was a flyer-plastered, bus-your-own, paper-plate kind of place. We've completely cleaned up and renovated, kept some of the vegetarian bent, but improved (added) service, and have a wonderful menu in place. People like the changes we've made very much, and (knock wood) for these hard times we seem to be doing fairly well. Losing money at a slower rate than everyone else is, anyway!

It's time for us to spend money on real signs, and we're stuck. We've gone back and forth for a year about what to do with the name. We changed it to "Lueg's" to make it a LITTLE easier for people, but it's still confusing for non-locals. And it's not necessarily Italian, so even correcting the spelling won't really work.

My partner thinks we should call it "Dani's". Yuck. Double yuck.

Part of who we are is also lots of live music, an old-time community that meets here almost weekly to play, jam, dance, and an eclectic lineup for Friday nights.

All thoughts/questions gratefully accepted!!


19 Mar 03 - 02:11 PM (#913674)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: curmudgeon

It would help if we knew where you were located, what you serve, and a better idea of the general atmosphere of the place.

Otherwise, you might ask Max if you could call it The Mudcat Cafe -- Tom

19 Mar 03 - 02:11 PM (#913676)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: MMario





19 Mar 03 - 02:22 PM (#913694)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Beccy

How about:


Food For The Spirit or

Spirit for the Food.

19 Mar 03 - 02:30 PM (#913702)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Sorcha

What kind of menu?

19 Mar 03 - 02:34 PM (#913709)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant



19 Mar 03 - 02:47 PM (#913722)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: CarolC

I like your partner's idea. "Dani's" is the first thing that came to my mind. It's easy to remember and spell, and it's a really nice name.

19 Mar 03 - 03:14 PM (#913752)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: PeteBoom

Alice's.... as long as it is just a half a mile from the railroad tracks.... ;-)


19 Mar 03 - 03:18 PM (#913758)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Linda Kelly

Grubs Up    Manna from Heaven

19 Mar 03 - 03:20 PM (#913760)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: MMario


19 Mar 03 - 04:08 PM (#913800)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: catspaw49

How about "The Fockin' Eggplant"...????.........okay, I'll quit........"Louie G's" maybe.......


19 Mar 03 - 04:15 PM (#913805)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

Well, 'spaw, that IS my favorite food in the world....

Our VERY new website is Since that went up the menu has been polished and updated, but you can get the general gist of the food. The new dinner menu has more and better food, some with higher prices, but still pretty accessible.

Our focus is on fresh food, specials every day, simple flavors and preparations. Kind of like the music I like ; ) Some things about us:

Kitchen pretty open and accessible. Noisy, friendly place where staff and customers mingle fairly easily.
Prices that please anyone, with good stuff for people to spend money on if they want.
Fabulous desserts.
Good, inexpensive wines and beers. As much locally produced food as possible.
An old-fashioned soda fountain, fabulous locally made ice cream. Turns into more of a pub atmosphere at night, in what I think of as the more traditional sense: all ages, nice but no pretention.

The best part of seeking your advice like this is the opportunity to look in the mirror and figure out what we're looking at. We've been so steeped in this that it's hard to see clearly. Very much like a new baby!!

And don't think I haven't thought of the Mudcat for names! But there's only one of those...


19 Mar 03 - 04:19 PM (#913809)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Allan C.

I have both eaten and performed at Dani's restaurant. The food and service are wonderful. I have met other musicians who have performed there who, like me, have very much enjoyed it as a venue. They said the audiences were extremely appreciative.

"Dani's" is a short, easily remembered and modern-sounding name. Although "Dani's" doesn't say anything about the menu or the venue, I have always thought of it as "Dani's Restaurant" despite its current name.

As for other suggestions, I can think of only a few which I will list along with my objections to each:

Comfort Foods (which speaks to the atmosphere and the menu but says nothing about the music)
Memorable (describes both the music and the food but I think is just not right somehow)
Old Time Goodness (describes the music and the food to some degree; but denies the restaurant's more modern attributes and I think it may be an awkward name for a restaurant)
Great Licks (Hm-m-m...some folks might get the wrong idea...)

If you'd like to know more about the restaurant, you can see more here.

19 Mar 03 - 04:35 PM (#913830)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Beccy

I like "Lembas"... LOTR, anyone?

What about

A Bushel and a Peck

19 Mar 03 - 04:37 PM (#913836)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Mudlark

Have to agree, Dani's is a good "open" name, easy to remember, no ambiguity as to how it's pronounced, and meaningful as well.

Vivo is the only other name that comes to mind, thinking about the atmosphere...

19 Mar 03 - 04:38 PM (#913837)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Allan C.

Pardon my ignorance, but...what's a lembas?

19 Mar 03 - 04:41 PM (#913841)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Sorcha

Wow! I'm impressed! How about just "The Pharmacy"? or, Danto's?

19 Mar 03 - 04:42 PM (#913842)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Beccy

Allan C- It's "elvish bread" from the Lord of The Rings trilogy. According to Samwise Gamgee, who "usually don't hold with foreign stuff" it was quite good. (I know I'm a nerd- no need to point it out.)


19 Mar 03 - 04:53 PM (#913857)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: katlaughing

Full Plate
Whole Foods
Cafe du jour
Plain and Fancy...Come to Clancy's! (Well, there doesn't have to BE a "Clancy**bg**)
The Ambrosia
The Good Earth Cafe
Fortunata's (with a nod to Mudcat's own Fortunato:-)
Pure and Simple
Open Sesame
The Return Again Cafe
Returns/Repeats Welcome Cafe
The Soft Spot
The Regulars' Rave Cafe

Okay, I'll stop...for now! Thanks,this is fun!


19 Mar 03 - 05:00 PM (#913861)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Allan C.

Wild Mountain Thyme

19 Mar 03 - 05:01 PM (#913862)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: The Walrus

How about "Chrysanthemums" ?

"When you are of Earthly goods bereft,
And of all you had, but two loaves are left,
Then sell the one, and with the dole,
Buy chrysanthemums, to feed the Soul"

Good luck with the business.


19 Mar 03 - 05:06 PM (#913868)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: GUEST,sorefingers

Name that pasteboard and tinsel

Sandwicker's Gnawing Exchange No Cats Please!

19 Mar 03 - 05:10 PM (#913870)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Janie

Dani---I stil vote for "Dani's"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xo Janie

19 Mar 03 - 06:47 PM (#913982)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant

But I am partial to "The Mudcat Cafe".
Have some fun. Name it Ruby Tuesday and wait for the lawyers to attack.

19 Mar 03 - 07:07 PM (#914002)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Night Owl

It must be hard to be objective about the sound of your own name....BUT here's 'nuther vote for "Dani's".

19 Mar 03 - 07:24 PM (#914016)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Uncle_DaveO

I like The Good Stuff Cafe".

Dave Oesterreich

19 Mar 03 - 07:34 PM (#914022)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: smallpiper

Its gorra be "Dani's" but answer me this where the hell is it? I know its not in Hull!

19 Mar 03 - 08:35 PM (#914053)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Amos

I think you would be within your rights to call it "Friends".


19 Mar 03 - 09:42 PM (#914090)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Sorcha

"The Ya'll Come Back Now Joint"?

19 Mar 03 - 09:56 PM (#914095)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

Well, it's in Hillsborough, NC, about 10 miles north from Chapel Hill and Durham. Interesting community: plenty of university (Duke, UNC) influence and culture, but also plenty of rural heritage.

I've got some photos to post tomorrow.

One of the things we're considering is using the "James Pharmacy" that you'll see on the building front. Would "James Pharmacy Restaurant" be really wierd? You'll understand better when you see the building why it might make sense. The facade is lovely old glass and art deco lettering. Hard to compete with by adding new signs. There's also a Historic District Commission to deal with that would frown on our covering up this lettering.

I REALLY don't like the idea of using my name. What if something happens with my partner, and I, like Wally Amos, lose control of something that my name is on? Without sounding falsely modest ('cause I AM a good cook), I just don't feel comfortable with something named after ME.

The menu could on any given day include:
- Southern-style chicken and dumplings
- pierogie
- homemade lasagna
- tofu and corned beef reubens
- shrimp scampi
- patty melts it's as hard to quantify the food aspect as it is the music!


19 Mar 03 - 11:25 PM (#914147)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Amos

Well, you could give a nod to the town's history by calling it the Bill of Rights Cafe.

The State Constitutional convenion that was held there just after the Revolutionary War was a key factor in getting the Bill of Rights added to the Consittution.


20 Mar 03 - 01:53 AM (#914210)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Allan C.

I, too, had considered working the old pharmacy sign into the name, Dani. Here in Charlottesville there is a very popular restaurant that is called "The Hardware Store" because that is what once occupied the building. I think there is something rather cool about it's being called that. I am not so sure that "The Pharmacy" would be as well received. But that's just my opinion and I have been known to have been wrong at least twice.

20 Mar 03 - 02:21 AM (#914223)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: open mike

my first opinion would be on re-spelling
the current name as "Louie G.'s"
as was suggested by an earlier post..

however if you use the pharmacy idea
imagine the sub-titles: cures what ails you,
what the doctor ordered, heals you,
hey -- how about the Balm of Gilead?

isn't Duke University into some spiritual
pursuits, like channeling, automatic writing,
or other para-normal events? spiritual?

And is Edgar Cayce institute near by?
maybe something other-worldly, cosmic, or?

I like the idea of the bill of rights too..
ties in to a good local history fact!

isn't it the home of the red clay ramblers
in that neck of the woods..chapel hill or

many people all over the world would feel at
homoe there if it bore the name of mudcat cafe'!

we did a play in chico years ago based on the
appalachian spooky stories of Manly Wade Wellman.
It was called the Ballad of Silver John. He was
a hero that vanquished demons and spooks with
his silver-strung guitar...there would be your music
tie-in as well as area legends...

are you in Appalachia? how about something from
the hill people traditions? something song-catcher-ish?
something of local initerest like the little girl's
statue that came to symbolize Savannah...

is that music box museum still in hillsboro?

whatever you call it the food will still taste
as good, and the people will still come and the
music will sound as nice. good luck!

20 Mar 03 - 07:18 AM (#914327)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

A good point, Mike. One of the most important things here is how it gets explained to and among people. A name that needs explaining all the time is a big pain in the butt, forever.

Thank you all so much! I'll be thinking about local history, today.


20 Mar 03 - 08:20 AM (#914366)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: MMario

I think Ipen Mike has a point. A respelling to make the name match the phonetics and thus not needing the explanation might be the best way to go.

20 Mar 03 - 08:29 AM (#914375)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: catspaw49

Hey Dani.......Although I'm glad open mike liked my respelling, the place is different now and although tradition and history are nice avenues to explore, you really need to go with Dani's. You have a lovely name, quite suited to the purpose at hand. Easily remembered and short, it's a name with a friendly tone about it as well. What else could you ask for?


20 Mar 03 - 10:01 AM (#914449)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Amos

Open Mike:

Duke is not into channeling and spiritualism as far as I know -- but it was the site of the first serious efforts to develop meaningful tests of abiltiies such as are sometimes called parapsychological. These were constructed on scientific priciples of controlled experimentation and statistical results.

I suppose you could call it "Psyche's": it is as easy to say as Dani's, although less pretty.


20 Mar 03 - 10:38 AM (#914501)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

Don't know if the above links will work, but it'll give you some idea what the place looks like. The last is the storefront. It actually looks much prettier than this photo came out, but it'll show you why I'm considering "The James Pharmacy Restaurant".

There are lots and lots of old Lueg's fans who will hate the fact that we're changing the name, despite their liking the other changes we've made. That proprietary sense will lead them to HATE my naming it after myself, I believe.


20 Mar 03 - 10:42 AM (#914509)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Sorcha

This looks like a FUN! place. Wish I was closer.

20 Mar 03 - 10:49 AM (#914519)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: katlaughing

I think ya'll oughta get the drift and leave off on her using her own name. I think her reasons are valid and I support her in that.:-)

The pharmacy idea is kind of neat, but also kind of doesn't roll off the tongue very easily. If it were shortened to just "the pharmacy" or "james'" it would be easier, but I am not sure those are very good solutions. Like AllanC, I would be a bit concerned about the negatives, also, even though "pharmacy" denotes legal drugs.*bg*

A few more ideas:

The Bide A Wee
Tarry On (rather than Carry on)
The Debate Team (with a nod to the Bill of Rights discussions)



20 Mar 03 - 10:56 AM (#914531)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dave Bryant

You could always borrow the name from a UK TV series - Pie in the Sky. And of course there's alway Danni's Diner.

20 Mar 03 - 11:11 AM (#914546)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Stephen L. Rich

How about "Ralph". That's a nice name. *G*

20 Mar 03 - 11:57 AM (#914589)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: John MacKenzie

Try again, halfway through my first post the text disappeared.
The Food of Love
The Love of Food
From the quotation, "If music be the food of love, play on."
Eggplant in Italian is something like Melanzane [mell-an-zah-nay]
And in French it is Aubergine, this would give you the bonus of a wordplay on the French for an inn, Auberge.
There is also a long running UK radio programme called "Friday night is music night"
Batman thought,"Dinner dinner, dinner dinner, DANI'S"
I think I'll mosey along now, my medication's wearing off!! BG

20 Mar 03 - 02:39 PM (#914696)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Mudlark

I've always loved the word aubergine!

Can imagine you wanting to work in words from a great sign but somehow pharmacy/food is a bit off-putting, no matter how neat the sign is, ditto drug(store), chemist, etc.

When the right name comes along, you'll know it. Good sess to this new enterprise! ( could call it The Mother Ship)

20 Mar 03 - 02:44 PM (#914701)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: katlaughing

Got It Right Cafe
Aubergine Dream (I like that word, too!)
Dani's Little Dividend (just for fun!)
Blue Plate Special (tip of the hat to Mudcat)
Ring Our Chimes Cafe

20 Mar 03 - 02:53 PM (#914707)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: jeffp

How about

Down on the Pharm
Pharm-Fresh Food
Jack's Pharm - See?

OK, now I'm getting silly.


20 Mar 03 - 03:21 PM (#914733)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Blues=Life

Old Drug Store Cafe?

James Pharmacy Cafe?

Names of local places are funny things. There used to be a place in Mt. Pleasant, IA called Goo-Cheez. It was not Italian (so it wasn't a mis-spelling of Gucci's) They didn't serve Goo. They hardly served Cheese. Nice restaurant, nice bar, great food, unexplainable name.

I like the looks of the place, Dani, next time I'm up that way I'll stop by.

Good luck,

20 Mar 03 - 03:47 PM (#914753)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Mr Red

How can I better some of those above (and why should that stop me?)

Bar Getz
Tuna Sandwich
the Drum Kettle
Staff Nosh Station
Aural Gratification (I defy your mind not to wander)
the Ploughman's Bunch
the Food of Love (less subtle but more accessable than that above)
Repast Times
Jigs and Meals or Jugs and Reels
the Mad Platter
Music While You Wok (ref to old UK radio program)
the Musical Noodle

& (only joking)
the Bad Salad, Riff Raphael's, Vilikins and his Diner, HillBully Beef, Corn on the Throb, Swallows and Amazing Tunes, Kitsch Inn, Meal in a Minuet, Cakewalk

On balance I would counsel a name change - you will never please everyone. But it has to be your place, personality sells as much as food.

20 Mar 03 - 04:32 PM (#914775)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: C-flat

"The Musical Gastronomer"
"Sing for your Supper"
"Yaskers Pharm"
"The Tuning Fork"
I agree that "Dani's" is a good name!

20 Mar 03 - 04:59 PM (#914795)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Allan C.

Wow, C-flat, I really like "The Tuning Fork"!

20 Mar 03 - 05:16 PM (#914809)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Jack the Sailor

Dani's Boy


Mighty Veggie

The carrot stick

20 Mar 03 - 05:44 PM (#914832)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant

What and why are wet walnuts?

I may visit just for the grits!

20 Mar 03 - 05:49 PM (#914837)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: katlaughing

The Do drop in Cafe

I really like the Tuning Fork, too!

20 Mar 03 - 06:33 PM (#914868)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: open mike

i kind of like the idea of combining the music and the food
by including both in the name...such as this suggestion:
Jigs and Meals or Jugs and Reels
or something like that...
the debate society brought up the fact that the term
FORENSICS has two meanings: debate and investigation
as is coroner's murder not to
use forensics for a name! (but can anyone explain
why these two meanings for the same word>??)

20 Mar 03 - 06:43 PM (#914872)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: GUEST,Jambo1874

Picking up on a couple of points in the discussion:

The Tuning Fork is the name of a pub a couple of miles from my house. It's called that because it is located at a Y-shaped junction.

Could you produce a viable name by combining "Dani" with something local, or with part of your partner's name?

I think names based on the pharmacy won't work (IMHO).

I also noticed these magic words when visiting your site: "Believing as many as six impossible things before breakfast".

Maybe whoever cracked that "Alice's" joke earlier in the thread wasn't too far off the mark. The "Alice" books could provide some inspiration. The Looking Glass? Queen Of Hearts? The Lion And The Unicorn?

And don't forget the how Alice was paraphrased by the wonderful Douglas Adams:

"If you've done six impossible things before breakfast, why not round it off with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe?"


20 Mar 03 - 06:44 PM (#914874)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: GUEST,ClaireBear

I quite like The Blue Plate (but leave the special for the specials menu) -- or (a nod to the "Dani's" fans) you could start out as "Dani's Blue Plate" til your clientele gets to know you, then drop the Dani's (or drop the Blue Plate, depending on what you find people are actually calling the place).

Great good things --

20 Mar 03 - 07:48 PM (#914914)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: McGrath of Harlow

That soda water fountain you mentioned made me think of the Big Rock Candy Mountain; lots of good names for an eatery in there (and it's a good name in itself). The Crystal Fountain for example.

20 Mar 03 - 07:55 PM (#914919)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: katlaughing

Jambo, good points, but I think the reference was to Arlo Guthrie's song Alice's Restaurant.:-)

It would be neat to tie in teh Douglas Adams connection.

20 Mar 03 - 08:12 PM (#914930)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Neighmond

What about the Idle-while?

20 Mar 03 - 08:28 PM (#914944)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: McGrath of Harlow

At Sidmouth one of the main eateries calls itself "Food for Folk" - I doubt if they've patented the name, and it's a log way from Devon to North Carolina.

20 Mar 03 - 08:36 PM (#914954)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: robomatic

There was a nice place in Seattle I used to go to called "The Surrogate Hostess". I always liked the name and the place. I doubt they have a patent on it.

20 Mar 03 - 09:46 PM (#915002)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: catspaw49

Going with your picture of the place outside and your pharmacy, I'm surprised something like "St. James Confectionary" or something hasn't come up yet.


20 Mar 03 - 11:46 PM (#915079)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: CarolC

In the town where I used to live there is a restaurant called "The Pharmacy". It's a really cool place. The name doesn't seem to throw people off at all. Great food, great ambiance, great music, and my hubby and I had our first "3D" date there.

For some reason the name "Arabella's" popped into my head a few minutes ago.

21 Mar 03 - 01:09 AM (#915114)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Lyrical Lady

The Dispensary....Dani's Dispensary.....or if you're going to combine the art of food and music... how about Sweet Arts .... or how about The Barley keeping with the jar of candy usually found in old drugs stores.....
I had a restaurant once called the Five Roosters. I had a problem with the racoons one night. They killed off all but one rooster... My beloved restaurant was then known as Four Cocks Short!!!


21 Mar 03 - 03:51 AM (#915157)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Roger the Skiffler

Salmonella Central


Sam 'n' Ella's

....just a thought

(hiding in the dumpster out back)

21 Mar 03 - 04:12 AM (#915166)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: John MacKenzie

Just what the Doctor Ordered
Doctor's Orders
Defries Prescription
Dani's Pharm AC


21 Mar 03 - 04:52 AM (#915178)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dave the Gnome

Tea and Symphony.

Works for me;-)



21 Mar 03 - 02:48 PM (#915513)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Mr Red

Dani's Pastry (worth a thought)
Vic Tewl's or Sue Crow's
the Beat Oven
Bach 'n Ale Here
Toccata & Food
Handle's Lager
Jam Sandwiches
6/8 TeaTime
Good Taste
Plougman's Munch
Stock Options
Turn Over
Salsa Cellar

I have more...........

21 Mar 03 - 02:53 PM (#915522)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: McGrath of Harlow

I'd advise you to avoid the puns. Once the novelty wears off, which could take as long as five minutes, such names can get annoying for many people.

21 Mar 03 - 03:04 PM (#915530)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: MMario

Why not just name it "Buy food Here"?

21 Mar 03 - 06:21 PM (#915691)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: GUEST,Jambo1874

From: katlaughing
Date: 20 Mar 03 - 07:55 PM

Jambo, good points, but I think the reference was to Arlo Guthrie's song Alice's Restaurant.:-)

I think so too. ;^)

It's just that I can come up with more spurious restaurant references from Lewis Carroll and Douglas Adams.


P.S. McGrath of Harlow is right - leave the puns (even the hot cross ones).

21 Mar 03 - 07:46 PM (#915743)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Nemesis

Damien Hirst has an achingly cool and trendy restaurant (ie. outrageous prices) in London called Pharmacy .. confuses the heck out of people wandering in for an aspirin ..

Soul Kitchen (not very original though) (?)
Belshazzar's Feast
Beggar's Banquet
Farmacy (ie fresh ingredients)
The Pitch Inn

21 Mar 03 - 08:59 PM (#915777)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Tinker

I've had differing ideas floatin' in my head all day...

Down Home
Blue Skies
Tasty Tones
Phancy Pheast

But, I think I like Louie G's the best, every fiddle case walking through the door might give one pause though... It does seem to bring to mind prohibition..

Good Luck

21 Mar 03 - 10:42 PM (#915809)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

Hille, you raise a good point. But we can't lose the sign, and people do still walk in looking for aspirin once in a while. We make 'em a milkshake and send them around the corner!


22 Mar 03 - 03:46 AM (#915889)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: C-flat

Maybe you could be "Apothecary Now!"

22 Mar 03 - 04:29 AM (#915896)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: katlaughing

Harmony Farm-a-sea/Pharmacy/Fharmacy/Pharm-a-cee

Prescription Cafe

22 Mar 03 - 07:29 AM (#915933)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Mr Red

I disagree with McGrath of Harlow about puns, though I have to agree it does depend on the quality or the humour, banana skin is not going to be funny for long.

22 Mar 03 - 10:01 AM (#915968)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Nemesis

Pharmucopia .. what am I trying to spell .. like Cornucopia ???

22 Mar 03 - 10:18 AM (#915974)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: JennyO

The Cornucopia Cafe is the name of the place where my folk club meets. It's actually in the grounds of a former psychiatric hospital. I wonder how they came up with the name? Pharmucopia might have been more apt!

My brother sent me a photo of a restaurant with the rather unfortunate name: "Fook Yue" and the question - how do they answer the telephone?


25 Mar 03 - 01:26 PM (#918061)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Janie

How about "The Restaurant Formerly Know as L_U_E_G's That Is Not Now Called Dani's" (Arrgghh, Dani, stop throwing bagels at me!)


25 Mar 03 - 02:18 PM (#918117)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Mr Red

There is a medical condition known to lexicographers where they see so many words as letters they cannot read anything for about a month.

Dani? How close are you?

25 Mar 03 - 04:14 PM (#918221)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: McGrath of Harlow

Fountain of Health

25 Mar 03 - 05:49 PM (#918321)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Charley Noble

How about shortening your current name to LUGS. Sounds like a great place for guys with crowbars/tire wrenches under their arms to hang out. Now I can guess from your website that your place is much more mellow, but sometimes an "in-your-face-name" attracts attention, and those who are in on the joke take satisfaction.

Charley Noble

26 Mar 03 - 06:18 AM (#918613)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Mr Red

Er you dont want a name that a graffito can turn it into something you would regret. LUGS only needs an S. A Noble suggestion notheless.

26 Mar 03 - 06:22 AM (#918616)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: katlaughing

Could do Dani's backwards or scrambled: Inad's, or strictly speaking, Sinad's:-). Others: Nadi's, Nida's, Aind's, Aidn's


26 Mar 03 - 07:37 AM (#918652)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: MC Fat

I saw a cafe called the Frying Scotsman once or howabout Salmonella'a

26 Mar 03 - 09:14 AM (#918699)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: annamill

Has anyone mentioned "The Pot-Bellied Stove"? Your place kinda sounds like that type of atmosphere. Everybody sitting around talking, playing music. A center of the community. Just a 9:16, before coffee type of an idea.

Good luck Dani.
Love, Annamill

26 Mar 03 - 10:28 AM (#918744)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Jeri

I like "Dani's" because that's what all the locals are gonna (or perhaps already do) call it. "Meet me at Dani's on Fri afternoon." I understand the problem with naming it after yourself though.

How about "My Place" or "Our Place?"
How about "Grits?" (heehee)

26 Mar 03 - 12:02 PM (#918814)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

This has been great. Thanks so much for ALL your suggestions. Most made me think really hard about what we're doing, who we are. Some just made me giggle, and I appreciate THAT, too.

We've decided on The James Pharmacy Restaurant. I think that to locals that will be generic enough that they can call it whatever they like (Lueg's, Dani's, whatever) and loose enough that it will evolve into a natural name (James, The James, The Pharmacy) whatever.

Anna, I wish we'd had more time to talk at the Getaway. Do you know Piancone's in Bradley Beach? That place has shaped my culinary career. The caliber of food, and the style of eathing and cooking is where we're headed. If it's still around, and you get a chance, could you grab me some menus? PM for my address if you do. Thanks!!


26 Mar 03 - 12:57 PM (#918859)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: John MacKenzie

Well congrats on your choice Dani, lugs in Scotland mean ears, and fried ears is not a good thought.

26 Mar 03 - 01:23 PM (#918887)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: ToulouseCruise

well, with the pharmacy theme, there was a small bar located in my hometown called "Apothecary's" (spelling?), sort of towards the historic side of things...

dunno if it fits your theme though, but someday when *I* own my own pub/restaurant, I will be calling it "The Grub and Grog"... I think.

Best o'luck!

26 Mar 03 - 01:26 PM (#918890)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Dani

Hey Brian, talk to me BEFORE you do it!!

I forgot to mention that my partner's favorite ideas were a) "Dani's", and b) "Hot Licks". Told him he couldn't name it anything he couldn't tell his mother about ;)


26 Mar 03 - 01:36 PM (#918899)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: ToulouseCruise

It's been that good of an experience, eh?

oh... and despite the name offerings that I suggested, I like Dani's as well... not Dani's Place, or Dani's Restaurant, or Dani's Good Eats and Cold Drinks or anything like that... just Dani's...

btw, what do you think of my duo/band name, Toulouse Cruise? We figure as you get drunker, it becomes more and more like "Two Loose Screws".....

27 Mar 03 - 11:53 AM (#919735)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: Charley Noble


Please give some consideration to "Swill and Squeal," one great name for a rib joint. I promise to come by at least once...

Maybe I'll contribute the "Lugs" concept to an all-women band looking for a name, i.e., "The Lug Wenches."

I used to belong to a contradance band called "The Sea Slugs," better known as "The Slugs" for short. Some of the band lived on an island in Casco Bay where there were a lot of summer weddings and we did very well, despite the name.

Charley Noble

27 Mar 03 - 12:30 PM (#919772)
Subject: RE: BS: Help me name our restaurant
From: open mike

congrats on deciding...hope you get lots of mud catters
at your pub and grub...coming in for their prescription
of food for the body and soul! yum ! get your hot licks