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Jeri Corlew, songwriter.

12 Apr 03 - 11:11 AM (#931766)
Subject: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: GUEST,MC Motivator

I have watched and heard Mudcatter Jeri's musical skills improve steadily over the last few years, and because she's at times shy to a fault, I figured a little 'outside pushiness' might be in order.

Yes, she'll freak out totally when she sees this, and because I believe she's one of those "Jo-Cohones", she could erase this whole thread before reaching 'full-blush'......but I hope she doesn't.

Why do her songs deserve to be more widely heard and sung? I wish I could give a concrete answer, but I can't. She simply "nails" things a lot of the time. So do other lesser known writers like Bob Coltman, Rick Speyer, Norm Hacking, and Joe Hall. They should ALL be better known. It's in the intangibles.

My suggestion to her has been to start a song-book, complete with melody lines, lyrics.....and CHORDS for those of us not used to the unaccompanied tradition. I'd be happy to provide a few illustrations, and I know that there are several other 'pencil geeks' among us, so t'would be artistic.

By the way....the lady herself is a fine can take an engine THAT'S a rare combination.

Anyone else noticed from snippets and stuff, how good Jeri is? Since she won't do any self-promotion, I don't think it's wrong that we do some for her.

MC Motivator

12 Apr 03 - 11:20 AM (#931773)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: Rick Fielding

Well I heartily second that. I think some catters already sing her songs. I've had one "to learn" in my book for the better part of a year now, and it's a dandy. I'm just lazy, but I'll get to it.



12 Apr 03 - 11:26 AM (#931778)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.

Jeri sang one of her songs for us at Old Songs last year. It was an exercise written under a deadline for a class. The song was beautiful - about a boring drive made easier by remembering the people a hundred years earlier who had risked their lives to make the same trip. The melody suited it perfectly. And Jeri put it across as no one else could.

After her stage performance at the Getaway. I thought she was headed towards a CD and some professional performances.

So YES. We have noticed.

12 Apr 03 - 11:36 AM (#931785)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: catspaw49

In the 4 years that Jeri has been here and regardless of her own humility and self deprecation (Does that mean she shits herself?), it would be a pretty lame nabob who hasn't recognized her talent in a lot of areas, not the least of which is her writing ability. We have others around of course, but I find Jeri's ability with both the tune and the words to be several cuts above the rest. Extremely talented person!!! Also can retrieve clams with her toes.

Gee MC, I bet Rick knows an awful lot of those folks you mentioned.......


12 Apr 03 - 11:39 AM (#931790)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: curmudgeon

MCMotivator - I don't know who you are, but this post shows you to be one of those rare people with exceptionally good taste in music and much wisdom in your assessment of Jeri.

She can also come up with great parodies within minutes and start up big generators, in addition to being a gifted songwriter and singer; her harmonies are exquisite.

12 Apr 03 - 12:00 PM (#931806)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: Bat Goddess

start up big generators -- 'Mudge means industrial grade electrical type generators, singlehandedly saving a concert after a thunderstorm knocked out the power. She's practical as well as decorati . . . I mean, musical. (Well, she can be decorative, too, sometimes.)

She's amazing with parodies, but also writes some seriously cool songs, especially the one about her mother which she doesn't sing anywhere near often enough.

Her tunes are good, too, and have been recorded several times. She's sneakily introduced at least one to the Press Room session -- by "sneaky" I mean she got other people to learn it and love playing it, but somehow never got around to mentioning that she wrote it. (Or else she just shrugged and looked innocent.)


12 Apr 03 - 12:18 PM (#931814)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: Jeri

To steal a phrase from InOBU: JEEZ LOUISE!!!

Linn, whatever the tune was, I really didn't write it!

Thanks guys. You MUST be aware of the fact that, as I mentioned in another thread, Mudcat really has changed my life. Not only have I been able to learn a lot about music, but I've been inspired to write songs by people and their posts here. I also have met people who've helped me believe in myself, and I don't think there's a greater gift than that.

12 Apr 03 - 12:37 PM (#931824)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: curmudgeon

Hey MCM -- I just noticed that you misspelt her name. Its Corlew. A curlew is a bird and Jeri is not, unless of course you're English.

12 Apr 03 - 12:44 PM (#931831)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: Catherine Jayne

Hi Jeri, let me add my name to the accolade!! I think you are such a good singer and songwriter, and should be heard more, I was nailed to my seat at the Getaway when you did Linda Kellys " Sparehand" as your 1st . on stage, public performance!! all this and such a nice person too!!! look forward to meeting again, (this year I hope)

12 Apr 03 - 12:45 PM (#931832)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: GUEST,Jon

??? I'm English and have never seen a Corlew fly!!!

Generally speaking I'm not a big one for words and take much more notice of tunes. Jeri has written a few good ones. Dargonfly is one that comes to mind.


12 Apr 03 - 12:46 PM (#931833)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: Rick Fielding

Hey that's right! I know you want to publicize the lass a bit...but some thought before submitting your header might have been in order. Sorry....don't mean to be a pedant, but sometimes 'lazy spellers' DO bring out my evil twin.

Could a Joe Clone please fix it, so our Mudcat gal gets full value for her embarassment.

Jeri sang a song here in Toronto that impressed a LOT of people, but let's face it, there are more singer-songwriters around today than hookers. As a matter of a fact, there are singer-songwriter-hookers, as well!

I just wish she'd been able to hand out a few simple hand made "Jeri" songbooks,.....they'd have gotten used.



P.S. Watch yer speeling in the future, folks.

12 Apr 03 - 12:54 PM (#931838)
Subject: RE: Jeri Curlew, songwriter.
From: Micca

Oh Bollocks, the catsPHiddle post above is ME!!! Micca

12 Apr 03 - 01:17 PM (#931851)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Jeri

Micca, I was wondering when I'd met catsPHiddle, you cookie thief, you.

Rick, I'll do the songbook. One problem is that I haven't written tunes for some of them.

Does anyone tell the hookers to keep their day jobs?

12 Apr 03 - 01:39 PM (#931858)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: kendall

Jeri is a very rare "bird" indeed. Bright, witty, intelligent, generous and very talented. I don't know of anyone who doesn't love her.

12 Apr 03 - 01:57 PM (#931875)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: katlaughing

Wrote a tune just for me, she did, with my name on it! Very bright, airy, jaunty, optimistic sounding and I love it!

Also, saw the beauty of my sister's words about my mom and her garden, turned them into a beautiful song which she and IvanB have both performed, separately...made us cry it is so beautiful and such an incredible gift for us to remember our mom by.

Plus, she's got this non-nonsence, plainly-stated, tell-it-like-it-is nonchalance which just makes a body wanna get it all down in a Simple Truths to Live By kinda way. Love visiting with her and love that voice! To say nothing of how many fiddles she's got!**BG**


12 Apr 03 - 03:00 PM (#931910)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Tinker

Jeri's music is very much the "stop in your tracks and listen" kind that set you to pondering. I'd second Kat's no nonsense, but Jeri does love nonsense, and is one of the best waltz partners I've ever had... I'd love one of those songbooks...


12 Apr 03 - 03:40 PM (#931928)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Amos

She's on them Mudcat CDs -- twice!!--for good reason!


12 Apr 03 - 04:16 PM (#931945)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: wysiwyg

MMario here - visiting Wysiwyg's cookie

Jeri's songs that I have heard all seem to "grab" me - and she seems to have a knack for performing any song that gives it that same "listen to me" imperative. And I don't mean just when she vocalizes. It is a sheer pleasure to watch her fiddle - and you don't have to hear what she is playing to know that - just watching her play - she is most certainly not a performer who distances herself from the music!

12 Apr 03 - 04:17 PM (#931946)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Big Mick

It tickles me more than I can tell you to be able to take credit for encouraging Jeri early on. At that time it was her fiddle playing and singing. Geez, she would sit in the background and you could barely hear her. I asked her to move up beside and play. That was at our first Getaway. Jeri, Kath Westra and I performed a marvelous song there called "Far Away From Their Homes" (Brendan Nolan). I stumbled on the lyric when I choked up at the emotion of it and she jumped right in and covered for me, just like a pro. An aside, those two ladies did that song so well that it was what inspired Ed Trickett to give me "Along The Famine Road" (Brian Flynn), which is on our CD.

She started singing more as many of us encouraged her. Rick and I were standing and watching her sing at the next Getaway and just chuckling and marvelling at how far she had come as a singer. The woman sang with a powerful voice, and we were both very proud to have been part of encouraging her. And a bit in awe of her talent, I might add.

Rick took a lot of interest in her songwriting early on. He saw a lot of potential in her. She often sent me songs, and the thing I like is that one didn't have to baby her. If you saw a problem in the lyric, she was willing to listen. But if she didn't agree she would defend what she was trying to say. In short, just a very talented person with all the right things going for her.

As far as everything else she does, what can I say? If you only knew all she does to keep this place going, it would amaze you. It would also make you realize what a debt we ALL owe her.

Finally, she is my dear friend. A wonderful smile, hugs to die for, great conversation, razor sharp wit, and loyal to a fault. For me she belongs in a very select group of some of the closest friends I have ever made. The others know who they are, as does Jeri.

Thanks, my friend. My life is better for knowing you.

Now..........get back to work. LOL.


12 Apr 03 - 05:17 PM (#931978)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Charley Noble

Nice thread for a deserving person!

Charley Noble

12 Apr 03 - 05:22 PM (#931986)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: bradfordian

When I first played the BLUE PLATES SPECIALS, Orchid became one of favourites (only by a hair, of course, they're all great!). Three songs really grabbed me. Harvey's "If it wasn't for the song", Kendall's "Rolling home to old New England", and Jeri's "Wings of Song". Wings of Song was the first "new" song from the CDs that I sang at both my folk clubs. Not an easy tune in parts, but I got there in the end. I was asked "who wrote that?", and told them, (Of course they hadn't heard the name before). The song has got that magical french ingredient "je ne sais qui". I love it and yes, credit where it's due. Well done Jeri and thank you. I may try and get around to "Why we sing" as it's also on my Blus plate specials list.

12 Apr 03 - 05:27 PM (#931987)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Bill D

being only semi-musical, meself, I just thought of Jeri as one of the sanest, cleverest posters going..(and HOW I miss her banter in ICQ chat in the days of the radio program)...yeah, I have been at the Getaway and noticed the blossoming musical talents too, but I know good musicians whom I would NOT like to be snowbound with...*wry grin*..(and only a few who can hang a spoon on their nose...and will do it publicly!)

Nice to have you around, Jeri...

12 Apr 03 - 05:36 PM (#931991)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: George Seto -

Here's my favourite Jeri song:


12 Apr 03 - 05:45 PM (#932001)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: bradfordian

except Wings of song is on Violet, (just testin')

12 Apr 03 - 09:05 PM (#932103)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Jeri

Bradfordian, I had no idea anyone was actually singing anything I'd written. The tune IS a bit hard to sing - it started life as an instrumental lament. I try to start it about as low as I can manage.

George, I somehow missed your post about you giving the "Bug Up My Butt" song to Dave (?) to sing on stage. It's just a bit scary.

Mick did drag me from the shadows of obscurity at the Getaway, and anyone who saw that concert probably noticed I was scared to death up there. I think I've gone from wallflower to potentially obnoxious in record time!

13 Apr 03 - 01:02 PM (#932436)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.

You felt scared. You looked totally in control. The audience was stunned. Honest.
The only surprise is that you haven't followed up with a CD.

13 Apr 03 - 01:31 PM (#932451)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: GUEST,diggy-lo

I had the pleasure of hearing Jeri once when she was far from home. What a powerful voice and strong commitment. Several people in one of the song circles I attend talked a lot about her for a couple of weeks. Keep singing Jeri.


13 Apr 03 - 02:21 PM (#932485)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: georgeward

Jeri, you didn't learn about hanging spoons on your nose in public from Vaughn, did you ? Whether or no, she would so love this thread.
As do I. -G

13 Apr 03 - 04:24 PM (#932564)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Jeri

George, the words of 'Wings of Song' referenced above were for Vaughn. Liner notes for Violet here. I think she planted the seeds. I was still too chicken, back then, to let 'em grow properly. I actually learned the spoon hanging thing in the Air Force. We were eating lunch in the hospital cafeteria, and some doctor started it.

13 Apr 03 - 05:11 PM (#932592)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

It's been a few years, Jeri, but I've also enjoyed your wonderful songs. Keep cranking them out! I want to hear some at Old Songs!

14 Apr 03 - 10:24 AM (#933116)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: JedMarum

I especially love her mother's gardening song ... sorry, Jeri I don;t recall the title.

Jeri has a way with verse. She can tell a tale and reveal her deepest thoughts in a graceful and pretty lyric. She can paint a story with verse. This is a rare gift and Jeri has developed the skill.

I look forward to more good stuff from this soulfull lady!

14 Apr 03 - 05:53 PM (#933446)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: George Seto -

I wondered, Jeri! Yes, That was Dave Stone. It was a quiet evening at the pub, and we tossed a few songs at Dave, and one of them was this one. He liked it. Not sure if he'll use it again.

14 Apr 03 - 06:14 PM (#933456)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Jeri

Animaterra, I just may do a couple! (I can't wait for Old Songs!)

Jed, "My Mother's Garden?" It's the one I wrote for kat & Bet. Thanks for the kind words.

George, I'm glad he liked it even once. Sometimes funny songs just aren't funny much more than once. It's the surprise that makes folks laugh.

15 Apr 03 - 10:20 AM (#933941)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: lamarca

Jeri, I'm joining in the chorus of people who think your songs are fantastic - you have a way of crystallizing a feeling or image into a few well-chosen words; that's a great talent. I also deeply respect your posts here on Mudcat - you have a LOT to contribute, and yours is one of the calm, reasoned voices among a lot of babble that still makes me want to come back and visit here now and then! All that and a great fiddle player, too (who's graciously agreed to accompany us on one number at NEFFA).

15 Apr 03 - 12:25 PM (#934015)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: GUEST,MC Motivatah!

Yes kats and kitties, I've decided to find my "roots", hence the change in my Mudcat name. Actually my 'real' name is Marvin Chrissie Motivatah, because my parents really wanted male and female twins.

We should also mention here that the incredibly beloved Songwriter-Jeri, also quit smoking this year, and believe me, that's harder than writing a darn song!


15 Apr 03 - 06:08 PM (#934261)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: KathWestra

Jeri is a wonder. Her songs make me laugh. Her songs make me cry. Sometimes they make me laugh so hard I cry. But never, ever, do they leave me indifferent. Nor does her wonderful singing. She is everything everyone has said--fun, funny, loyal, smart, talented. etc. etc. etc. I feel blessed to know her. Her "Why We Sing" song, inspired by Big Mick's Mudcat thread of the same name, is a powerful distillation of the sentiments there (it's one of the ones that always makes me cry). Her "Shine Like a Diamond" is a true gem.

But Jeri has never told me that she hangs spoons from her nose. I thought that was MY trick (learned from Sandy Paton many years ago at a post-Fox-Hollow lunch where he also stood on a chair and did a hilarious rendition of "I'm a little teapot"....but that's another story.) Can't tell you how many photos there are of me with spoons. Jeri, we'll have to pose for a spoon pic when we see each other in early May! I just KNEW we were soulmates! XOXOO Kath

15 Apr 03 - 07:02 PM (#934309)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Morticia

what all of them said.....I am trying to learn one of Jeri's songs at the moment and I know perfectly well I won't do it justice...but ain't it a blast that your stuff is being sung over here(UK) too?

16 Apr 03 - 10:31 AM (#934726)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.
From: Naemanson

Ooh! Ooh! Can I put in my 2 cents worth?

Jeri knocked me off my feet the first time I heard her and has continued to bowl me over with every song she sings. She is a consummate performer and one of the best song-writers I have heard anywhere or anywhen. I wish I havd one bit of the talent she has.

And she's cute, too.

17 Apr 03 - 08:04 AM (#935329)
Subject: RE: Jeri Corlew, songwriter.

What everybody else said, and anyone who likes Zevon's song "Carmelita" has got to be all right.