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BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!

15 Apr 03 - 10:14 PM (#934407)
Subject: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Little Hawk

Thank you for being the Heart of every nation. Thank you for being the voice of sanity and the guardians of peace. Thanks for your courage, your grace, your beauty, your kindness, and your wisdom. Thanks for your good sense. If more of you were in positions of power we would have far less war and far more responsibility.

(And regarding certain exceptions, like Condeleeza Rice or Lady Thatcher...well, I happens.)

Women, sisters, you are the hope and light of the World. You are magnificent.

Sometimes it just needs to be said.

- LH

15 Apr 03 - 10:17 PM (#934409)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: catspaw49

Ain't got laid lately have you? Nice try...........maybe you'll get lucky with that line but I doubt it.........You were a little too cloying. Makes it a bit transparent, ya' know?


15 Apr 03 - 10:18 PM (#934410)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: CarolC

You're welcome ;-)

15 Apr 03 - 10:22 PM (#934412)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Sorcha

LOL! Just bricking along here.

15 Apr 03 - 10:29 PM (#934416)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Bobert

Ill second ya on that one, Little Hawk, and I *did* get laid this morning.


(Did I say that?)

15 Apr 03 - 10:47 PM (#934427)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Little Hawk

You're getting so predictable, Spaw. That's why we love you.

15 Apr 03 - 10:47 PM (#934428)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Ebbie

Oh, my. We couldn't do it or be it without you!

It needs to be said for the men too.

Things I love about a man:
*The flat area below and between his neck and his shoulder
*The tenderness of his voice in song
*The innocence when he just doesn't get it
*The frustration when he tries so hard to understand a woman
*His glow when a woman takes obvious enjoyment in his interests
*His singlemindedness in following his interests

More, anybody?

15 Apr 03 - 10:57 PM (#934435)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: CarolC

My feller understands me pretty well, so I don't get to see that frustration. But that's ok, because I like that he understands me. And he usually get's it, so I don't see that kind of innocence.

I like men because they're FUN!!

(But I definitely vote for that flat area.)

16 Apr 03 - 12:11 AM (#934464)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Forum Lurker

Ebbie-If only #3 and #4 were enough!

16 Apr 03 - 12:20 AM (#934468)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Amos


Thanks for the insight!!



16 Apr 03 - 12:45 AM (#934479)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Jack the Sailor

Most times I get it.
Sometimes I just pretend that I get it.


16 Apr 03 - 01:12 AM (#934487)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: NicoleC

Ebbie, you forgot the strangely endearing (yet frustrating) look they get when they are trying very hard to give you the impression they don't get it, when they really do, but wish they didn't.

16 Apr 03 - 02:09 AM (#934502)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: GUEST,Beffudled

A few more historical(maybe hysterical as well ha ha) women who havent exactly done much to advance the cause of human kindness or presided over warlike nations...Mary queen of Scots,Cleopatra,Joan of arc,Bodicea,Imelda Marcos,Golda Meyer,Mrs Bandaranika(Sri Lankas leader not to mention most of the Tamil tiger suicide bombers who happen to be young women,Winnie Mandela,Mrs Milosovich(wife of Serbian tyrant Slobodhan),Benezia Bhuto discredited former leader of Pakistan,Marta Hari,Queen Elizabeth 1st etc etc....

Yes Women can be lovely...Women can be pretty things,sexy things,occassionaly they can even be intelligient,but universaly saintly bringers of world peace I think history does not bear that out..Remember the old saying "A women scorned" and maybe you'll get my Drift ha ha.



16 Apr 03 - 02:11 AM (#934503)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Peg

how did this thread become about men so quickly???? Kinda funny...

16 Apr 03 - 06:11 AM (#934585)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Peg, I was wondering the same thing. I want to bask for a minute!

16 Apr 03 - 07:23 AM (#934622)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: catspaw49

Well it wasn't me that caused the drift! Personally, I think it started that way. Litle Hawk posted such a self-serving and pathetically transparent load of drivel in his sad attempt to get a pity-fuck, that I think it was all about him to start with.......


16 Apr 03 - 08:16 AM (#934637)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!

Spaw - I am amazed you'd even get a pity-wank with an attitude like that!

16 Apr 03 - 08:25 AM (#934642)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Amos

Just to put things on the right track, I think -- regardless of Spaw's misconstructions -- that the women of the world do deserve thanks, and applause, just for adding such rich qualities to the human scene. I somehow get the impression that LESS than half as much would get done without 'em. And it'd be a LOT less interesting, too!


16 Apr 03 - 08:31 AM (#934644)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: saulgoldie

Well, like Bobert, I don't need to curry any favor. ;) of my favorite "drums" is that when the women of the world (all counrties/all cultures) are truly empowered, war will become a bad and fading memory, and all other major problems will be dealt with in a much more Zen manner, rather than the "dominance" approach taken by the (mostly male) leaders up to now. Of course, women like Condy Rice, Maggy Thatcher, and such are not among the women I see making the world of my vision. But they are such an infinitesimal minority that their voices would be inconsequential.

Thanks for the note, LH.

16 Apr 03 - 08:34 AM (#934646)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: harpgirl

...thanks for saying that saulgoldie. If I said it I would have a hoard of monkey demons descend on my head! HARPGIRL

16 Apr 03 - 08:38 AM (#934649)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: catspaw49

Ah hell Harpy, you got them monkey demons livin' in your attic full time, so don't complain......glad to see you didn't buy off on LH's pickup line. I knew I could count on you!


16 Apr 03 - 09:10 AM (#934671)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!

What planet are you lot on? No war if women were properly empowered? Yeah right.
Women are not all sweetness light and diplomacy. They can be just as savage & ruthless as men. Talk about generalisation!!!
A lot of this peace and love hippy-dippy earth-mother stuff is just totally mendacious. Don't trust the women - 'cos you know they tricks you easy.....

16 Apr 03 - 09:17 AM (#934678)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: harpgirl

...see what I mean!!!   hey Pat, don't you think LH would get luckier if he moved out of his parents' house?????? ....and that dachshund fetish is just too wierd!!! besides, I fell in love April 6th...harpy

16 Apr 03 - 09:24 AM (#934684)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: gnu

April showers ?

16 Apr 03 - 10:08 AM (#934711)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Amos

Way to fall, Harp!! Rotsa ruck!!


16 Apr 03 - 11:16 AM (#934760)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Peg

I think it's not so much empowerment of women per se, but an embracing of the feminine paradigm, that might help save the planet and prevent needless war...

There was a time in the 1970s and again briefly in the 1980s when it looked like the western world (by that I mean mostly the USA from whom many industrialized countried take their cue) might be trying to shift its thinking to that paradigm: to choose conservation over plundering resources, cooperation among nations over competition, charity over greed, health over indulgence, protection over exploitation, etc.

But even though these possibilities existed, I think your average Joe (and Joanne) on the street didn't want it enough, and now, well, we're fucked.

I agree women can be ruthless; but generally speaking we are not as likely to think picking up a gun or putting up our fists is the first way to solve our problems...

16 Apr 03 - 11:25 AM (#934768)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: catspaw49

Obviously Peg, you haven't been watching Jerry Springer!


16 Apr 03 - 11:57 AM (#934793)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Peg

why, Spaw, how did you know that???

Actually I saw a great deal of it in my old job at Fleet; these two traders for Quick and Reilly always had it on their TV every day.

I understand it is about 90% fabricated, including the "violence."

16 Apr 03 - 12:22 PM (#934800)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Little Hawk

Ha! Ha! Well, this is percolating along nicely, and drawing all the usual knee-jerk comments, insightful remarks, and standard reactions one might expect on the Mudcat.

I know for a fact that Spaw watches every episode of Jerry Springer religiously! It's the very foundation of his whole concept of what life is all about. Besides, he likes to bug me, and I gave him a golden opportunity to do that by launching this thread! :-) He's really not the insensitive asshole* that he pretends to be... *(He's considerably worse than that, in truth. He is the very nadir of all that could be called "human".)

Alas, there will always be some very stupid women around, giving a flawed reputation to what is essentially the much more intelligent half of the human race (females)...and, brother, you can see 'em on Jerry Springer! But I doubt they would even be there in the first place if not for men, who invented that stupid show and who fund it, and who enjoy seeing witless women catfighting on TV.

You can also see stupid women at your local seedy bar...right beside the even stupider men who are the basic constituency of the place. Like attracts like (and opposites attract too!).

I was not aware of that flat part between the shoulder and neck thing...but it figures, cos I love that part in women too. I will bear this in mind in the future.

I do NOT have a dachshund fetish. I just like 'em. They're funny.

And hey! "Getting lucky" is not what I call it. I call it "getting entangled". Entanglement is not luck. Every time I do, it delivers a double whammy to my finances and my emotional health that requires an extensive recovery period. As far as I'm concerned, sex is vastly overrated. It's the most overadvertised, overhyped fantasy in the whole friggin' World (although it is enjoyable).

I didn't think that way when I was 25, but I do now. "The thrill is gone".

- LH

16 Apr 03 - 12:42 PM (#934806)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: harpgirl

...methinks the gentleman doth protest too much!    harpy

16 Apr 03 - 12:47 PM (#934811)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: saulgoldie

Love them dachshunds; they're funny...and when you get tired of watching their goofiness, they taste like chicken!

Um, "Guest" it may very well be the case that women would run/ruin the world the same way. But until they are equally empowered, we will never know now, will we? I doubt that they would do much worse!

I will concede, however, (Spaw), that Springer's guests are an accurate representative cross-section of the general public, both male *and* female (and everything else that appears there, too). That is an unquestionable fact. Basically, people suck regardless of gender.

And why is everyone making fun of LH?

16 Apr 03 - 01:03 PM (#934816)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: catspaw49

Well Saul, I think it's the ease of the target. The Hawkster is just "out there"......ya' know? And he leaves these beautiful openings!

I contend that the Jerry Springer Show is a direct result of his former contact (being mayor) with Cincinnati where more weird crap happens per capita than anywhere else I know.


16 Apr 03 - 01:13 PM (#934829)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: harpgirl

...I give him a hard time cuz he's cute!

16 Apr 03 - 06:08 PM (#935009)
Subject: RE: BS: Thank you, women of the World!!!
From: Little Hawk

I agree about Cincinnati, Spaw. Crazy place.

Why, thanks, springhopper!

- LH