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MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount

24 Apr 03 - 05:44 PM (#939505)
Subject: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

I'm trying to find the best method for production that's cost effective but attractive and very usable. After all, there are some darn good recipes in this book and I think you'll actually cook out of it. (Not to mention all those foodie tunes you might want to play.)

Since I haven't done the layout work yet while waiting for submissions to come in (7 days left!), I have quite a bit of flexibility. If we order 200 copies or more, there will be a significant savings. We don't get much of a price break until well above that number, although the more that are ordered, the cheaper it gets.

So first, I need a headcount to see how many are likely to actually sell. At least SOME pre-paid orders are a must; the cost of printing the whole run is higher than yours truly feels comfortable coughing up alone. Price will probably be $15 (if we reach 200 copies). Maybe $17.50.

Second, how many would like to purchase an additional CD at about $5 to go with the cookbook? If there's enough interest, it could be worth making that, too.

Third, is there anyone that would like to handle the physical distribution in the US that maybe has a postage meter or has days free to get to the post office? I can do the distribution, but I don't think orders will get as quickly as you might like.

Fourth, how about distribution in the UK? If there are enough orders overseas, I suspect it will be much cheaper to send a big box over and have the individual ones get mailed out or distributed from there.

Let me know!

24 Apr 03 - 09:08 PM (#939640)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Sorcha

Me 1

24 Apr 03 - 10:17 PM (#939666)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: michaelr

Me 2

24 Apr 03 - 10:44 PM (#939674)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Janie

Me 3

24 Apr 03 - 10:56 PM (#939680)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Allan C.

One for me

24 Apr 03 - 11:01 PM (#939683)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Stilly River Sage

I'll take one (are you finished taking recipes? I've posted any number at Mudcat, but none on the list where you're actually collecting them. Guess I'd better go check it out. We made our homemade mac and cheese tonight. . . )


24 Apr 03 - 11:12 PM (#939685)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: maire-aine

Yes, please. One for me.

24 Apr 03 - 11:15 PM (#939688)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Peg

oh yes...I can send a couple more recipes, too.


24 Apr 03 - 11:26 PM (#939693)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Melani

One, please.

24 Apr 03 - 11:29 PM (#939696)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Rustic Rebel

I'm in for one. The CD doesn't interest me though. Did you come up with a name for the book yet Nicole?

25 Apr 03 - 02:35 AM (#939744)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Yes BANKRUPTCY is spelled without an I

"Publish" it on the net - keep the printing company and distributor out of it - reap purely profits.


Nope - no I in gargoyle either

Ever read the story of the The Little Red Hen?

25 Apr 03 - 08:20 AM (#939843)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: MMario

I'll take at least two.

25 Apr 03 - 09:42 AM (#939891)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: jeffp

You can count on me for 1 or 2. I'll have to codify a couple of recipes over the weekend to send you as well.

25 Apr 03 - 01:13 PM (#940055)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

SRS - I harvested a lot of recipes off old MudCat Bookbook threads (since they were submissions), but not the other food threads.

Note to self: (15)

25 Apr 03 - 01:17 PM (#940059)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: GUEST,McGrath of Altcar

Would you be interested in a recipe for Cumberland Tattie Pot? It is THE meal that accompanies hunting sing-songs in the Lake district. Some claim it was John Peel's favourite food. I'm not surprised. It is delicious. I can also send a lovely song (not in the DT) Which mentions hunting from the old Beagle Inn which is in.... tattie pot lane!

Good idea!!

McGrath of Altcar

25 Apr 03 - 01:34 PM (#940066)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Bearheart

Want one for sure. Will you do extras?

25 Apr 03 - 01:35 PM (#940068)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: MMario

Mc of A! Please POST the song as well - pretty please?

25 Apr 03 - 01:55 PM (#940089)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Clinton Hammond

An additional CD? What's on this additional CD???

25 Apr 03 - 02:42 PM (#940135)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

Extras? Well, you can order as many as you want. Only 8 months to Christmas, after all :)

Yes, I'll order more than the headcount, but I want to get a ballpark figure and set a budget goal. Then, I'd like to get anough pre-paid orders to pay for the whole run and then some, then any more that sell after that will be icing on the cake.

The CD would just be a PDF version of the cookbook, probably with an index. Some folks expressed an interest in one, but the majority favored a physical book. If there's enough interest in the CD, maybe it could be an add-on option. I don't want have CDs available by themselves, because we need to rack up some orders to get the price down and the profit to MudCat up.

25 Apr 03 - 03:17 PM (#940149)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Alba

One for me Nicole pleeze:>)

25 Apr 03 - 03:18 PM (#940151)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Clinton Hammond

Suggestion... instead of mailling a CD... why not make the PDF available for download? That way you can still charge the extra 5er... but you don't have to 'ship' anything... people can go and down the PDF themselves and either print it off, or burn it to CD themselves...

Just an idea...

25 Apr 03 - 03:29 PM (#940153)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

It's an idea, but the PDF file will be very large (30-40MB at least); most people couldn't download it. I guess it depends on how far I could compress it down.

25 Apr 03 - 03:33 PM (#940157)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Clinton Hammond

Wow... that is big.... not a big deal for anyone on a real connection, but I wouldn't wanna dial-up it...

25 Apr 03 - 03:50 PM (#940169)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Ed.


I don't wish to be negative, but I'd doubt that you'd get 200 takers.

History here suggests that only half the people who say that they'll buy something 'mudcat' actually do.

Speak to (or PM) Max, Dick Greenhaus and Amos (who have all done mudcat fundraisers) to get a better idea on likely sale figures. I think it might be a little smaller than you expect.

I really don't understant how the PDF file could be 30+ MB. (Unless it's a 10 000 page master work)

Let me know how you're doing it (here or via PM) and I'll try to advise on pdf.

Sorry for not posting the most optimistic message. It is however realistic.


25 Apr 03 - 03:56 PM (#940170)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Clinton Hammond

I was gonna ask, "Are there even 200 people who come here?"


25 Apr 03 - 04:35 PM (#940190)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

I know, Ed. I'd LIKE to get 200... but I don't think I will. We're looking at a production cost of $11 each for 100 copies, and $7.50 for 200. (Not including mailing the suckers.) That's a big difference; $11 is too high to make enough money off the project to make it worthwhile, so a lot of corners will get cut to bring the cost down. Hence, the head count. And the pre-orders. Before I do much too much work that might have to be redone.

The PDF size will depend a lot on how many graphics and layout elements I include. If this were text only, then yes, the file would be pretty small. Last project like this I did, a 16 page Distilled EPS file was almost 5MB. On the other hand, I just converted a 56 page user manual to PDF from MS Word with minimal images, and it's just over 100kb.

25 Apr 03 - 05:03 PM (#940209)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Ed.


You obviosly know your pdf, so ignore that part of my post.

However, I think you'd do well to get an uptake of more than 50 at the price you suggest

25 Apr 03 - 06:00 PM (#940263)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: GUEST,Burke

I know you're still collecting recipes, but how big are you expecting this to be?

25 Apr 03 - 06:16 PM (#940280)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

Probably 5.5" x 8.5", 100 double sided pages, coil bound. (-Ish.)

26 Apr 03 - 06:58 AM (#940567)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Mary in Kentucky

Count me in for one. Though I enjoy NOT COOKING, I'll see if I can submit something.

26 Apr 03 - 07:15 AM (#940573)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: gnu

I now count 18. Please help Nicole out by counting off as was started early in the thread. Sooo.... who's 19 ?

26 Apr 03 - 09:43 AM (#940608)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Hollowfox

I'll definitely take one, probably two. I'll take a cd if it's made available.

26 Apr 03 - 01:45 PM (#940757)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

Mary, if you're not a cook, submit a photo or a drawing or poem about food or something like that.

26 Apr 03 - 02:24 PM (#940785)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

Catching up on unanswered questions --

M of A - yes and yes, please!

RR - Sort of. I'm still pondering it. I keep coming back to "Whiskey Before Breakfast (And Other Meals from the MudCat Cafe)."

26 Apr 03 - 09:14 PM (#941005)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Mary in Kentucky

Nicole, how do you feel about a famous recipe as long as I give credit to the author. I'm thinking of the famous mint julip recipe by a former mayor of Louisville or the Hot Brown Recipe from the Brown Hotel in Louisville. Then I can get my hands on a silly recipe of how to cook a camel. Maybe I should just stick with cornbread.

27 Apr 03 - 11:01 AM (#941229)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Amos

There's a couple of Texas recipes in the current Texas folklore thread that make muh mouth water. From JohninKansas..


27 Apr 03 - 01:55 PM (#941322)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

I think we need to stick with original material. While it's unlikely anyone will ever care about a little fundraiser cookbook, stanger things have happened. If you've never had lawyers sic'ed on you, you're missing a lovely experience.

27 Apr 03 - 03:16 PM (#941388)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Rapparee

My cookbooks are packed -- can I get an extension until the middle of next week? Please?

27 Apr 03 - 03:38 PM (#941412)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

Sure. As long as I don't get too many late recipes, I should be able to fit stuff in.

27 Apr 03 - 04:27 PM (#941453)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Penny S.

Put me down. Is that 19?

27 Apr 03 - 07:34 PM (#941551)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Rapparee

I'll take at least one.


28 Apr 03 - 02:43 AM (#941685)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Wilfried Schaum

1 book for me, and a CD.


28 Apr 03 - 05:55 AM (#941728)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: rich-joy

I'm up for one - despite the exchange rate to Oz $ !!!
Cheers! R-J

28 Apr 03 - 11:56 AM (#941928)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

Note to self: (24)

21 May 03 - 03:34 AM (#956746)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Wilfried Schaum

Refresh - Hey catters, no one else interested in such a fine enterprise? Rally for support and order in masses!


21 May 03 - 09:36 AM (#956887)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Kim C

I want a cookbook. :-)

21 May 03 - 01:15 PM (#957054)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Bearheart

Did we get a final price? Where do I send my money?


21 May 03 - 02:49 PM (#957111)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: open mike

i'd like one--are you in receipt of my cobbler recipe?
we can have order blanks at the gathering...
we have patches for sale and order blanks for

25 May 03 - 10:31 PM (#959147)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

I can't get a final price until I get a final product, but $15 looks like a pretty safe bet at this point. Good progress has been made, but what with jetting off to Europe and trying to relocate myself and the office... well, I am setting the weekend of the gathering as my deadline for a rough draft to preview and having final ordering info ready for Mudcat.

I got your recipe, Laurel.

26 May 03 - 02:03 AM (#959185)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Wilfried Schaum

Hi, Nicole - Have you considered the possibiliy of electronic publishing to keep the costs low?
You could zip the book for download and so avoid the postage, too.
The zip-file could be password-protected, access only for catters who have paid their (I hope smaller) fee.


26 May 03 - 01:55 PM (#959363)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

It's been discussed, Wilfried, but most folks wanted an actual cookbook that you could cook out of. Printing out 200 pages on a typical home inkjet would, for most people, cost more than the physical cookbook itself.

On a related note, only 2 or 3 folks have expressed an interest in a CD so far, so it seems unlikely that there will be a CD version. It doesn't seem worth the extra 30-ish hours of work to produce the CD.

26 May 03 - 03:42 PM (#959407)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: DougR

I'll buy one Nicole.


26 May 03 - 09:17 PM (#959515)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: michaelr

Nicole -- I think skip the CD; most (as would I) would prefer a real book. Spiral-bound is great as you can flip it around to the page you want, and Kinko's can do that if you don't have the apparatus at home.

See you at Concow Lake?


27 May 03 - 09:24 AM (#959712)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: JennyO

Are you still taking orders, and can you send one to Australia? (but only if it is a book).

BTW, I think spiral bound is an excellent idea.


27 May 03 - 09:36 AM (#959720)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: Dave the Gnome

I'd happily take one but you durned yankees put such weird measurements in like sticks of butter and spoons of molaseseseses...

Seriously (I have figured out mosty of the conversions) I'd have one. Paper or CD.



27 May 03 - 11:42 AM (#959795)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: NicoleC

Right now I'm just getting a headcount so I know how many to print up. Sending overseas is no problem, but there may have to be a bit more postage.

DtG, some of the recipes are in weird overseas units. "Grams?" What are ya'll thinking?! :)

20 Nov 04 - 12:56 PM (#1333698)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: GUEST,peter ffoulkes

In April 03 McGrath of Altcar wrote:

"Would you be interested in a recipe for Cumberland Tattie Pot? It is THE meal that accompanies hunting sing-songs in the Lake district. Some claim it was John Peel's favourite food. I'm not surprised. It is delicious. I can also send a lovely song (not in the DT) Which mentions hunting from the old Beagle Inn which is in.... tattie pot lane!"

I have been trying to get hold of the words / music to "the Old Beagle Inn for years. If anyone out there actually has those I would be extremely grateful if you would contact me.

Many thanks

Peter ffoulkes (

A decent recipe for Tattie Pot Pie wouldn't go amiss either!

20 Nov 04 - 01:14 PM (#1333719)
Subject: RE: MudCat Cookbook Details Cost/Headcount
From: michaelr

Peter, it's a bit unlikely that McGrath of Altcar would find your request in this cookbook thread. You'd get better results by either starting a new thread requesting the song, or joining as a member so you can send McGrath a Personal Message.
