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BS: Bush national guard performance

08 May 03 - 11:57 PM (#949094)
Subject: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: maire-aine

Dear folks, sorry to start another thread here, but I can't seem to find anything among the jumble of George Bush threads. Somewhere I think I saw a link to an article about Dubya's national guard career, with some comments about his absence for extended periods of time. Now, when I go to look for it, I can't find it. Was I mistaken? Is there anybody out there who can help me with info on his career as a pilot? Thank you. And thank you for your patience.


09 May 03 - 12:02 AM (#949096)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Blackcatter

Most of my friends who were pilots in Vietnam know of his period of AWOL. - not showing up to the vast majority of roll calls he was required to.

Once again a pointless Republican who is no military hero, yet who is loved by the military (because he gives them everything they want).

Even Hitler had a better military career.

09 May 03 - 12:17 AM (#949102)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: NicoleC

'Tis true. There's even been a $3500 reward out for anyone who saw GWB in uniform during the missing period. No one has tried to collect it.

Hardly an unbiased source (if the domain name didn't clue you in), but it has less biased links:

Washington Post
Boston Globe (They originally broke the story, I think.)
From the Straight Dope

There's also a prominant LA Times story that's out there, but it requires subscription to view and search their web site.

Someone's attempt to debunk the story   They don't have much of a case, but there's the other viewpoint anyway.

09 May 03 - 12:18 AM (#949103)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: GUEST,pdc

Here you go, and there are further links within this site as well.

GW Bush: military "career"

09 May 03 - 12:59 AM (#949125)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: DougR

Ho hum. Not meant as anthing derogatory to the poster, but this subject has been visited and revisited aslmost as many times as Clinton's blow jobs. I think it is particularly peculiar that this topic captures the imagination of so many who avoided military service completely during the year Bush was allegedly AWOL. Next thing you know somebody is going to come up with the "fact" that he spent that year in Canada! Surely there is some new dirt out there that can be dug up on Bush! I just think some of you folks aren't trying. :>)


09 May 03 - 01:16 AM (#949138)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: NicoleC

I'm not "Dreaded Guest," Doug, I don't make this shiite up for kicks. From all reports, GWB did indeed fail to show up for almost 18 months of National Guard service, in which he was supposed to be bravely protecting Texas from the Mexican Air Force. (Hell, I got a better pilot aptitude score when I was trying to enlist, and I'm half blind!)

Meanwhile, he campaigned making cracks about Clinton's Vietnam draft dodging, which is not only true for almost every successful politician we have, but DUH!

Pot. Kettle. Black.

When the Pres is Commander in Chief of the armed forces and seems to have no issues asking other people to risk their lives in service, I think it's very valid to weigh their own military record. Personally, I'd rather have a Pres who never signed up at all than one who swore an oath to serve, and then didn't bother to keep it. It shows neither principle nor fortitude.

Of course, I don't think GWB is keeping his Presidential oath to Protect and serve the Constitution of the United States, either. Anyone who declares, "There ought to be limits to freedom," just doesn't remotely understand the Constitution, let alone have the gumption to try and protect it.

09 May 03 - 01:43 AM (#949144)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: DougR

Nicole: does that mean that you won't be celebrating the Fourth of July at the White House this year? :>)

My point is, and I'm sure you grasped it, surely something NEW can be found to revile your president, rather than beating this old horse to death again. Maybe he attacked an innocent young girl scout selling cookies door to door, or maybe, oh, I don't know...Bobert!

I've read the Internet reports on his alledged AWOL from the Guard, and have certainly read accounts of it seemingly forever here on the Mudcat. If it's true, it was wrong! Reading the accounts on the Internet, dredged up by people who hate GWB, however, causes me to doubt the truth of it. It is such a juicy story, I wonder that every newspaper in the country hasn't jumped on it with three inch headlines (oh I forgot ...the press is totally controlled by Republicans, right?).


09 May 03 - 01:57 AM (#949151)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: leprechaun

Don't worry, Doug, some Hollywood turds will undoubtedly make a movie out of it.

09 May 03 - 08:16 AM (#949233)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: kendall

A local lawyer here uncovered the truth about Bush. Bush said he had not had a drink after 1968, and the truth was, he did! It was just before the election, and too late to sway anyone's mind, so, all the lawyer did was set himself up for abuse. He got death threats for telling the truth.
Doug, I hate to tell you this, but, the news media are all controlled by big business, and big business is controlled by republicans.
Look back on what they did to Clinton, 50 million dollars to prove nothing! They started the day he announced, and they didn't let up for 8 years.

09 May 03 - 08:46 AM (#949249)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: TIA

DougR says:

"Reading the accounts on the Internet, dredged up by people who hate GWB, however, causes me to doubt the truth of it."

DougR, would you also then subscribe to the statement:

"Reading the accounts on the Internet, dredged up by people who hate WJC, however, caused me to doubt the truth of it."

where "it" refers to Haircutgate, Troopergate, Travelgate, Whitewatergate, Paula Jonesgate,.........?

09 May 03 - 09:03 AM (#949265)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: katlaughing

We haven't even come close to the bullshite the GOP pulled with Ken Starr in going after Clinton for nothing compared to what Little Boy George has done, Doug. If you ever get your head out of the sand and come up for air, maybe you'll start seeing the truth.

09 May 03 - 09:09 AM (#949270)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: artbrooks

Well, lets see-we had a President who performed a morally reprehensible act and then lied about it...a second morally reprehensible act. Now we have a President who lied in order to justify a war...or has anybody found any "weapons of mass destruction" when I wasn't looking?

09 May 03 - 09:11 AM (#949272)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: artbrooks

Sorry-wrong key.

I see no reason to dredge up 30-year-old history...he has enough to answer for right now.

09 May 03 - 09:29 AM (#949284)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Jim the Bart

As long as this man continues to use the military for photo opportunities, we will continue to point out that his personal military history proves him to be a hypocrite. Maybe if he just once came clean on his history and admit that he was young, and lazy, and screwed up we'd let it go. But then he wouldn't be electable, would he? It is his shamelessness in exploiting his position that brings this story back time and again.

09 May 03 - 09:30 AM (#949285)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Amos

Well, it reflects on his opportunism and his lack of integrity that he intentionally tried to use the whole aircraft carrier landing shtick to paint himself as a military aviator used to flying fighter jets; the facts appear to be that he flew the minimum required to get through and was a dismal failure as a military person. I have no problem with his not being a military person. It takes many kkminds of people to keep life interesting, and being military is not especially attractive. But I take serious objection to his pretending, for personal gain, to military qualifications he did not earn, and to the intentional manipulation of the press to create false images about himself. I also agree with Peg that committing to do something for the military and then NOT doing it is hypocritical in the extreme.

I am sorry to say, DougR, that your revered leader suffers from extreme moral turpitude. He's a PR sleazeball with an itchy trigger finger.


09 May 03 - 11:10 AM (#949346)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: GUEST,Claymore

Kendall, you know damn well that lawyer opened court sealed documents to uncover a drunk driving arrest in 1970. He should have been disbarred and it is my understanding his license to practice is under review. There is no honor in making a hero out of a scumbag.

Incidently as always, the liberals are ignoring facts that perhaps they should pay attention to. Someone mentioned that he scored a 25% on his pilot apptitude, but failed to mention that he scored a 95% in officer abilities, one of the higher marks the unit had seen upon entrance (evidence of future presidential greatness, perhaps?).

I would suggest reading the Washington Post article linked above as it destroys most of the comments made above. Even though he failed to make his drills towards the latter part of his tour at the Guard, he excelled as a pilot, and in all phases of his training for three of the four year hitch. Incidently Gore did slightly more than 20 months total. And Bush's pilot skills in his single seater jet were praised by more than a few in the article (ain't facts a bitch?).

And by the way, if you are looking for bias in that article; as a Democrat flagship paper, the Post endorsed Gore... (ain't facts a REAL bitch?)

09 May 03 - 11:35 AM (#949365)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: maire-aine

Wow. Thanks to everyone for the info. I hadn't expected so much discussion. But as long as GWB parades around in a flight suit "costume", his real performance in the military is open to inspection.

09 May 03 - 12:46 PM (#949426)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: kendall

That lawyer got the info in open court. He simply dragged the truth out into the open.
The man is a liar, and a phoney. Clinton lied, Reagan lied, but comparing a blowjob to starting an unnecessary illegal war in which thousands were killed is hardly the same thing.

We have elections coming up, and I will not vote for any democrat who was in congress during the last election. They could have stopped this phoney and didn't, so, screw them all. HOWARD DEAN for president.

09 May 03 - 03:49 PM (#949555)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: katlaughing

Oh, yeah, he dipped snuff in class while at Harvard. Yuck!

Whether he flew or not, Claymore, the facts are still that he dodged service he'd been ordered to, then lied about it.

10 May 03 - 12:29 AM (#949722)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Bobert

First of all, Daddy Bush was influencial in getting Bush the Junior into the Air National Guard.

Secondly, the costs to the American taxpayers to trian a piolet in the Air National Guard exceeds $100,000.

Now we come to thirdly. After completing training, Bush the junior was to busy womanizing, partying and snorting coke to live up to a contract he had with the government.

Which leads us to fourthly: Bush the Junior *stole* my tax dollars!

Then he *stole* the election.

And now we seeing him landing on an air craft carrier, again at the expense of my tax dollars, aftern the Texas Air National Gurad goriunded him! Hmmmmmm?

Hey, all you Bushites. I didn't like Clointon one bit but at least he was just a *liar*. You guy is a *liar* and the *theif*. No two ways about it....

So defend that, Doug, et al. What say you in *defense* other that Bobert needs to get back on his meds? Yeah, where is your defense?


10 May 03 - 01:34 AM (#949736)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Nerd

Ha, ha, ha! You guys get funnier all the time! Claymore, why point out that Gore did 20 months and W did a "four year hitch"? Are you trying to suggest that W was really more conscientious than Gore? When Gore went to Viet Nam and W was in the Texas guard? When Gore did all that was asked of him, and W got out early for biz school and never showed up for the eighteen months before that? You're not for real.

DougR, here you are doing the "ho-hum" routine, where on the other thread you started about a "great day for W," you gush about his flight experience. When it turns out he exaggerates that experience, that's not significant to you?

come on guys, you can do better!

10 May 03 - 06:14 AM (#949808)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: kendall

Feed a cold, starve a fever,
Argue with no true believer.

10 May 03 - 10:01 PM (#950268)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Bobert

Funny thing, Kendall, my friend, is that there are a few folks around the joint who are, in essence, sayin', "Well, Bush was a purdy danged good pilot (before he went AWOL)." Clinton get's a few jollies wihich cost the taxpayers, ahhh, zip (er zipper...) and then Bush steals over a $100,000 of my tax bucks getting trained and then walks out on his obligation to serve. Hmmmmmm?

And, no, I'm not Clinton aplogist. Most right wing Democart in history. Just some real good old fashion dual standards here...

Awww, nevermind, Kendall. You're absolutley correct. Ain't no talkin' with "thru believers". They are too far gone...


10 May 03 - 11:05 PM (#950306)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: leprechaun

If I had the to opportunity to fly with George W. Bush I would consider it a great honor. It will be my great honor soon to vote for him again, when he steals another election from you dribbling snot-nosed sissy whining cry babies.

Bush in 2004!

11 May 03 - 12:08 AM (#950339)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Bobert

Yo, lepper.... Bite me! Awww, jus' funnin'. Heck, I don't want you that close to nuthin' that I care about.... Ahhhh, like I've said, "flyin'" ain't the problem. It's the *landin*. Tell you what, if I get Junior to pledge to the "Will He Land or Crash", will you fly 2nd seat? Oh, sujre, you'll say "yeah" but Vegas has it 73-1 the Junior crashes the plane. Ahhhh, lep, I don't have to remind you, ahhhhh do I, that when you crash an F-16 trying to hit ai aircraft carrier, that you no longer have to be concerned about that baloon payment comin' up..... Know what I mean...

As fir you gettin your jollies votin' fir an administration that doesn't give a crap about you, the history of this great country ot the constitution... knock yerseff out! Hey, differentt strokes fir different folks...

BTW, my plants are about a foot high now. I just topped 'em so they'll bush out. Got 'em mulched up good and they're sittin in 50% cow manure. Ain't 'cha proud? I figgurd you'd be...


11 May 03 - 12:11 PM (#950489)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: kendall

There's many a slip twixt cup and lip. If Bush plans to steal another election, he needs to get off his ass and do something about the economy besides giving another tax cut to the fat cats who elected him. Can anyone here say that last tax cut did a damn thing for the country?Bush just declared war on about 1/3 of the world's population, and, if anyone thinks they are going to roll over and play dead, think again.
Personally, I am not flying for as long as I can put it off.

11 May 03 - 01:11 PM (#950513)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: leprechaun

50% cow manure? You sure those aren't psilocybin? Can't you find any bat guano?

11 May 03 - 03:47 PM (#950571)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Bobert

Yeah, lepper, I'll go back in August with the Bat guano. To early fir that crap. Just burn 'em up. But that composted cow manure works real good but its gotta be composed and not fresh. Fresh is good fir 'shrooms but I'z ain't into that heavy stuff any more. Might of fact I ain't into the pot too much either. I just grow it to sell to school kids... (Ahhh, Bobert? Lep ain't gonna believe that you sell pot to school kids!...) Okay, I lied. But I do like the thrill of doing it and getting away with it, which either Iz purdy good at or have been darned lucky. Who knows, this may be the October when I take an emptt back pack up there and have you jump out from behind a tree and haul my butt in. Who knows? Ahhhh, you'd probably just take you a little bag o' weed and tell me to get lost.

Ahhhhh, I'm still watchin' the odds on Junior Bush sucsessfully landing an F-16 on a carrier deck and they're now at 84-1 that he crashes the plane. Well, I will give him credit 'cause he's got me beat out. I'm at 96-1 on crashing the danged thing but I think I could drop a tail draggin Cub on the deck without no hook, but it don't matter, 'cause it looks like the military isn't going to offer me any opportunities.


11 May 03 - 05:11 PM (#950624)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: leprechaun

Well I'm 0 and 1 on landing sky-diving planes this year. The count so far - one wire fence and seven filbert trees.

By the way, guess who helps us fly around Oregon spotting marijuana plants in the national forests?

The Army National Guard!

11 May 03 - 10:35 PM (#950754)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush national guard performance
From: Bobert

Like I said, lep, ain't about flyin' em. It's about landin' the danged things. When me an' my brother gotta fly anywhere, I take off and fly us where we gotta go and he, ahhh, lands... Like big whop! No really, it is big whop. I hate landing planes. I've got two landings under my belt and hated both of 'em...

Ahhh, Bush's odds are now at 116-1 the he crashes. Mine? Ahhhh, not too bad with a 114-1. Hey, I ain't never flown no jet so I dopn't know why Iz shot ahaed of the "Aviator of the Century" but I'll take it...
