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BS: Newbie

17 May 03 - 01:30 PM (#954429)
Subject: BS: Newbie
From: Sarah_M

I've been lurking and browsing here on and off for a while, thought it was about time I registered and introduced myself. My name is Sarah and I'm based in Manchester, UK. A regular at the Full Circle club which meets every Friday at the Hare & Hounds, and formerly was a regular at Pete Wardle's "Manchester Unplugged" which has done the rounds of many city centre pubs (the highlight was at the Rising Sun with Mike & Irene - anyone remember that?) So I've been round-and-about the local folk/blues scene here for about 8-10 years. And of course I'm curious if there's anyone here at Mudcat that I know?

I sing, mainly, but lately (at the grand age of 36) I'm learning to play guitar.


17 May 03 - 01:48 PM (#954439)
Subject: RE: BS: BS: Newbie
From: John MacKenzie

Welcome Sarah, 36 eh, well I'm 20 for the third time, and 36 seems spring chickenish to me. I'm old enough to remember the old MSG, those were the days; anyway enjoy.

17 May 03 - 06:02 PM (#954553)
Subject: RE: BS: BS: Newbie
From: Amos

Welcome to membership, Sarah! Pleasure to have you around, I am sure -- spring chickens always welcome! Don't feed the trolls or stand downwind of Mister Patterson. No magnets in the vicinity of Spaw's tocker. Do not buy drinks for anyone from Hull. Do not ask about the Reg boys or start a debate on what folk music is. Provide your own tiple, for sanitary reasons.

Aside from that, relax and enjoy!


17 May 03 - 06:04 PM (#954555)
Subject: RE: BS: BS: Newbie
From: Sorcha

Hi Sarah, Welcome to the zoo. We're only dangerous at feeding time! Or, when jOhn9 from Planet Hull has had too many bears.........

17 May 03 - 06:40 PM (#954582)
Subject: RE: BS: BS: Newbie
From: Crane Driver

Hi Sarah. Only been to Manchester once, and don't remember ANYTHING. Nevermind, welcome to the real world. If you want real, instant insanity on a stick, try the Mudchat. You'll never be the same again.


17 May 03 - 06:57 PM (#954587)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: stevetheORC

Ignore the lot above they are all certified insane, beware of Joh9o from Hull and his rampaging Goldfish and join us all in chat at some stage for the most part we are civilised LOL

De Orc

17 May 03 - 07:09 PM (#954596)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: artbrooks

Welcome, and beware of Oakley, stay out of the strewberry jello pit, and never say anything unkind about William Shatner (you know, the has-been actor and in-name-only author of bad science fiction novels).

17 May 03 - 07:33 PM (#954609)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: smallpiper

That bit about buying people from Hull drinks is wrong it should read "Always buy people from Hull drinks"....

Welcome to the insane zone! (Watch out for Oakley's inventions)

Oh and anything with a 9 in it is good!

17 May 03 - 07:39 PM (#954614)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Gareth

Welcom to the madhouse.


17 May 03 - 11:30 PM (#954665)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Cluin

Hi Sarah M. Maybe you know me.

Didn't we meet at the Blue Moon Cafe in Lafayette in fall of 1987?
Ever been there?


Me neither. Must've been two other folks.

18 May 03 - 12:16 AM (#954676)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Greetings Sarah M.

Hare and Hounds is a grand sport.

Step back for a moment while I piss in your beer.


18 May 03 - 10:12 AM (#954805)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Tweed

Dere Sarah,
Welcome and heed all advice above, expeshully Gargle's az he iz neerly gone blind, drinks from the toilet and pisses in hiz mug these days but otherwise iz a decent sort obv chap az all will attest too I'm shure.


18 May 03 - 11:36 AM (#954842)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: khandu

Welcome, Sarah! It is a pleasure to have you onboard!

However, it is imperative that you post on the MOTHER OF ALL BS THREADS! It is an un-spoken requirement for all newbies!

As a poster on this the MOAB thread, you get certain "perks". You will have your name in the most-historic thread ever published on the net. Future generations will speak of you as a MOAB contributor! You will live in infamy!!! Your car will crank better and you will find you guitar playing will grow by leaps and bounds!!

So, don't be afraid...jump into the deep water, if you flounder, someone will lend you a hand!


18 May 03 - 11:49 AM (#954852)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Duckboots

Welcome Sarah. This place is fascinating. I'm originally from Glasgow and Keighley and 'married into folk music'.

You'll soon find out who's writing from the asylum!


18 May 03 - 08:03 PM (#955104)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Noreen

Hi Sarah!
Yes, lots of Manchester catters, a fair few of whom have been away for the weekend at the Yorkshire gathering.
I live in Bury, and have sung at the Hare & Hounds a few times (and work with Sean) but found it too smoky the last couple off times I went :0(

18 May 03 - 08:18 PM (#955112)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: khandu

Probably the best way to see who is "writing from the asylum" is to visit the "asylum" threads...such as, THE MOTHER OF ALL BS THREADS


18 May 03 - 08:43 PM (#955120)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Amos

Khandu, by the way, fancies himself of royal lineage and stature, although he is in fact a poor country boy from Mississippi. This sort of compensatory mechanism has various names depending on whether they are Freudian dreams or Jungian dreams, but in any case they are beyond the scope of things to take seriously, even here. And that is saying some!! :>)


18 May 03 - 09:21 PM (#955143)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: khandu

There is my dear friend, Amos, doing his usual, following me around from thread to thread, attempting to undermine all that I say! He is somewhat jealous because he knows he will never become the King of Mississippi as I once was!

Sarah, Amos is one of those of whom Duckboots spoke! ;-)


18 May 03 - 09:37 PM (#955149)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Cluin

Break it up, you two! Other people wanna get to the veggies & dip as well.

18 May 03 - 11:57 PM (#955200)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Amos


Your usual head-in-the-butt logic is showing. It always has to be about you, doesn't it?   So I am following you around even though I came to this thread at 6:02 the evening it started and you wandered by at 11 the next morning? Hmmmmmmm?

But.... soft -- I know the smallest notion of a personal flaw can set you off, ole pal, so rest easy and have it your way. Just consider me nodding and smiling.


19 May 03 - 04:05 AM (#955250)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Doug_Remley

Greetings! This place is surreal.

19 May 03 - 09:42 AM (#955400)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: nutty

Hi Sarah

It's a shame that you missed the Yorkshire Gathering -- then you would have learned, first hand, who to avoid. Still there's always next year.

There should be a goodly number of catters at Saddleworth Folk Festival ..... if you get there be sure to introduce yourself.

19 May 03 - 10:23 AM (#955434)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie

Gee, I wonder if Duckboots' idea of the 'asylum Writers' is the same as yours Khandu?

I doubt if she means the 3 or 4 '24/7' Mudcatters, more likely the one who goes from totally incomprehensible to just plain mean. You can recognise the poster from the combination of Scripture and Scatology.

Welcome Sarah.


19 May 03 - 10:36 AM (#955439)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: MMario

I think she got scared away - only the one post from her. And you notice I refrained from asking her if she wanted to transcribe all five volumes of Child, or all four volumes of Bronson - or even the 32 hours of taped original songs moldering in the garage...

19 May 03 - 01:11 PM (#955544)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: John MacKenzie

Is Khandu the king that Huck Finn and Jim met while travelling down the Mississippi on a raft??

19 May 03 - 01:16 PM (#955548)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: MMario

I don't think he's that old...

19 May 03 - 06:31 PM (#955745)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: Doug_Remley

What happened to Sarah? If she's been lurking about reading threads she knows she's not in Kansas anymore.

19 May 03 - 06:41 PM (#955754)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: greg stephens

Welcome welcome. There are a lot of Americans about and some people from Yorkshire, but ignore that and it's quite civilised.
By the way, what is your definition of "folk music"?

19 May 03 - 10:05 PM (#955851)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: khandu

Alas, I am undone, I am bereft. Amos has revealed me for what I am... a fraud.

No, I have no Royal Blood...I am a mere poor country boy trying his best to fit in a world made for some one else. I even invented the persona known as "khandu". I am really nothing like him. I am a lowly dog. I am sorry.

Nonetheless, Welcome, Sarah!! Really, we are glad to have you here!
We look forward to hearing more from you!


19 May 03 - 11:33 PM (#955889)
Subject: RE: BS: Newbie
From: artbrooks

And don't pay any attention to Ken-doodoo