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BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri

21 May 03 - 10:10 PM (#957374)
Subject: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: DonMeixner

John Ashcroft, son of satan, and the Anti-Christ, ( Is that redundantly repetitious?) has been called before a Senate panel in June to answer questions about the Patriot Act. Don't know what that means or where it will go but it is a start.

Don Meixner

21 May 03 - 10:57 PM (#957388)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: Rapparee

Legislation passed in haste, fear, and official paranoia rarely makes good law.

21 May 03 - 11:12 PM (#957395)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: katlaughing


21 May 03 - 11:26 PM (#957401)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: artbrooks

It may be to much to expect that rational thought will prevail, but one can always hope.

22 May 03 - 12:46 AM (#957435)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: GUEST,pdc

Don, such good news. Can you provide a link?

22 May 03 - 01:40 AM (#957444)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: DougR

Ah, but will you feel so jubilant if he satisfies the panel that what he is doing is in the best interest of defeating the terrorists? I guess we will have to wait and see, right?


22 May 03 - 08:31 AM (#957592)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: DonMeixner

NPR was the source

22 May 03 - 10:14 AM (#957639)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri

It'll be a whitewash, most likely. A dose of placation. Congress was in the headlights when it raised the issue of 'sunset clauses' on the Patriot Act. They were going to let some sections of the Act renew instead of die as outlawed in the clauses. But too many people were watching, so they voted like they promised they would on that one. And that's what Congress and Ashcroft will most likely feed the cameras. "The egregious portions of the Act were just sunsetted out of existence." Which will be Bushit. You're STILL a domestic terrorist if you march in a protest or break a law. Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act. Look it up.

22 May 03 - 10:29 AM (#957645)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri

'outlined' in the clauses.

22 May 03 - 10:53 AM (#957662)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: katlaughing

Ashcroft is also under fire for this. Seems the gov. would love for Americans to keep smoking as it means a revenue of 289 BILLION per year in taxes!! Ashtray seems to be doing his bit to make sure we all keep puffin'.

23 May 03 - 01:17 AM (#958043)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: DougR

Geeze, Don, you're using NPR as a source? That's supposed to be non-biased? Right? Right.


23 May 03 - 10:27 PM (#958525)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: GUEST,Clint Keller


Are you saying that NPR is lying because of bias and that John Ashcroft has *not* been called before a Senate panel?


23 May 03 - 11:23 PM (#958533)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: DonMeixner


NPR was delivering a news item here, not stating an opinion. It carried no more bias than if they were reporting a plane crash. The news fact is Ashcroft has been called to answer questions. The opinion that Ashcroft is Evil-incarnate and the Anti-Christ is from me.


24 May 03 - 02:04 AM (#958554)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: Mudlark

NPR biased....of course. Joined the ranks of gov't yea-sayers, supporters and fellow travellers a long time ago...just dresses it up differently. Oh for the far off days when NPR was the bastion of alternate opionion, of in depth news from other countries, of the kind of stuff that ISNT carried on Fox and CSNBC. Good old days, indeed.

24 May 03 - 12:14 PM (#958707)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: DougR

Cabinet members are called on to testify before congressional committees all the time. No big deal.


08 Jun 03 - 01:13 PM (#964050)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri

WASHINGTON - Attorney General John Ashcroft asked Congress Thursday for expanded powers to hold suspected terrorists indefinitely before trials and to let him seek the death penalty or life imprisonment for ANY terrorist act....


`(5) the term `domestic terrorism' means activities that--
`(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
`(B) appear to be intended--
`(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(Misdemeanors, folks. Death penalties.)

09 Jun 03 - 12:37 AM (#964334)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
From: mack/misophist

Ashcroft may very well be the antichrist. Don't get too hopefol.

09 Jun 03 - 12:19 PM (#964577)
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri

More of an 'anarchist'. This isn't rule by law.