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BS Anybody about? Seems quiet

25 May 03 - 03:04 PM (#958967)
Subject: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: greg stephens

Nobody seems to have posted for hours. Anybody still alive? This happened to me once before.

25 May 03 - 03:06 PM (#958968)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: curmudgeon

Mudcat has been down for abut five hours and just came back.

25 May 03 - 03:07 PM (#958969)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: greg stephens

Hi Curmudgeon, glad you're still alive. thought I might have to talk to myself for the rest of my life.

25 May 03 - 03:20 PM (#958978)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Leadfingers

I know a lot of Catters are away festivalling and so are not able to even look at Mudcat especially when it seems to have been down all afternoon for us in UK.

25 May 03 - 04:16 PM (#959017)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Greg:

Just posted you a PM so you wouldn't feel like the last man on earth.
I'm about too much these days... just not about Mudcat... enjoying life to the fullest, soaking in the sun (and more often these days, getting soaked by the rain) encouraging new grass to grow and attacking any weeds brave enough to enter our yard, and singing praises to the Lord...

Lead is right... Brit fests cut this place down to a near ghost town...

Monday, she will come..


25 May 03 - 04:23 PM (#959020)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: GUEST,Cretinous Yahoo

If I could find a woman who would go down as often as the Mudcat, I'd marry her.

25 May 03 - 04:32 PM (#959026)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Peter T.

Yeah, but Cretinous Yahoo, it only seems to happen on the weekends. A happy marriage needs more than that..... yours, Peter T.

25 May 03 - 04:50 PM (#959035)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Linda Kelly

Just got back from festival of the sea at Leith in Scotland -lots of catters there -probably still on the road fighting their way through the rain.

25 May 03 - 07:16 PM (#959101)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Liz the Squeak

Are we not about to be booted off for a few days? Max had this weekend down for moving house. I couldn't get in all day, and thought he'd started early.


25 May 03 - 09:22 PM (#959125)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: GUEST,Cretinous Yahoo

I was joking! actually, Mudcat has been very good lately. A LITTLE HUMOR!!

25 May 03 - 09:25 PM (#959127)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: kendall

That may be too sexist to be funny.

26 May 03 - 01:43 AM (#959182)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Liz the Squeak

Sorry Cretin, but you know what they say.... give a dog a bad name.....

Call yourself something like 'tongue in cheek boy' and you might stand a chance of not being shot down in flames.

Personally I think you've just been hanging round with the wrong women.

Or you have a really small wiener.


26 May 03 - 09:03 AM (#959251)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: kendall

It's been my experience that the "Wrong" women are more fun!

26 May 03 - 11:05 AM (#959298)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: GUEST,Midchuck down in the office

That may be too sexist to be funny.

Is that possible?

Reminds me of:

Q: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?



26 May 03 - 11:21 AM (#959304)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: HuwG

Well, I have been quiet for some weeks, due to being made redundant, and therefore unable to misuse the computers at work.

I have (obviously) acquired one of my own, and got it on line (all by myself; I tied my own shoelaces, too), to do job searches and e-mail job applications. If you apply for a computer industry job nowadays with a typewritten CV via surface (snail) mail, you are supporting the paper recycling industry but not otherwise achieving much.

However, the computer industry in the UK at any rate, seems to be very much in the doldrums, so I may have to ride out a long storm. Wish me luck.

26 May 03 - 11:55 AM (#959315)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Art Thieme

We are all over at the music threads. ;-)


26 May 03 - 11:35 PM (#959561)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: GUEST,Zaftig Mudcatter

Cretinous Yahoo,

If YOU'D go down as often as Mudcat, perhaps a woman would marry you!


26 May 03 - 11:46 PM (#959565)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Stilly River Sage

I'm ready to go back to work on Tuesday to rest up from my days off. I spent all day today up in the attic installing heavy-guage "hardware cloth" (1/2 in square mesh, much more heavy-duty than chicken wire) over the ventilation louvers and then climbing up to the soffets to put the same stuff over the holes squirrels and birds have been using. By now the birds are fledged and the baby squirrels are big and frisky. Time to move out of the attic!

I also dug a bunch of flower beds, hauled mulch and compost (had to load it myself, but it's free, so I can live with the shoveling!) and lots of other stuff. I'm ready to go sit quietly in front of my computer at the library and let the motrin kick in so my sore muscles heal. And I'll visit Mudcat a little more. . .


27 May 03 - 01:30 AM (#959584)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: open mike

strawberry music fest and folklife fest
were keeping some in calif, wash, etc.
out from in front of their computers.
(*thank goodness!) weather was excellant,
music was great, and being away from
phones, electricity (except for the
speakers on the ;stage, and the lights
on the performers) and e-mail waas a
welcomed relief==,missed you all, thouhg,
and glad to be home now.

27 May 03 - 03:59 AM (#959608)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: John MacKenzie

Love is a two way street, and the folks who live at number 69 are always smiling.
The rest of them are contributing either to The worlds greatest BS thread, or wishing Spaw happy birthday, judging by the number of contributors to those threads.

27 May 03 - 06:10 AM (#959633)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Liz the Squeak

Add to that the fact that most folks couldn't get in all day Sunday..... or did I already say that.

Kendall - I suspect your 'Wrong' sort of women are the right sort that Cretin was looking for, but was finding the other wrong sort. I'm neither wrong nor right (except that, as a woman, I am ALWAYS right), but am flexible enough to know that being the wrong sort isn't always as much fun as being the Wrong sort and I can go back to being the right sort if I want to.



27 May 03 - 08:27 AM (#959682)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: kendall

Clear as mud, Liz. He said he was joking, is he still a cretin?

27 May 03 - 08:30 AM (#959684)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: GUEST,Cretinous Yahoo

There are two things you Brits are not famous for; your cuisine, or sense of humor.

27 May 03 - 10:45 AM (#959765)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: John MacKenzie

These guys that turn nasty when you don't laugh at their puny jokes,tsk tsk.

27 May 03 - 03:03 PM (#959926)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet

What's nasty about the truth?

27 May 03 - 03:13 PM (#959935)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: kendall

Now, play nice, kids.

27 May 03 - 03:13 PM (#959936)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Bobert

Hey, Gregster... Like Jerry, I've been busy soaking up the Lord's blessings and a tad too much of His danged rain. Tweed and I just returned from Mississippi where we origtinally planned to see the Handy Awards up the road in Memphis, Tennessee but had to much fun with them blues folks that we barely got into Memphis to speak of.

I got more things going on right now than I can keep up with. Hence, not a lot of pudder time. Love to Kate, from us....


28 May 03 - 04:46 AM (#960318)
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah, now here we see the difference.. I said that Cretin had a small weiner. Had I been a man and an American man, that would have been funny.

Because I'm a Brit and female (last time I checked), it's not funny.. who's got no sense of humour now then?

And I can't be arsed to type out 'Cretinous Yahoo' every time.