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Lyr Req: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)

26 May 03 - 11:14 PM (#959545)
Subject: Need words Un du Akerst Yiddish Worksong
From: GUEST,Len Wallace

Hi Gang,

I'm desperately searching for the Yiddish lyrics for the worker's song "Un Du Akerst" written by Haim Zhitlovsky based on a poem by Georg Herwegh.

Forgive the bad spelling, the chorus goes:

Klink klang, kling klang
klacht der hammer mit zine gezan
Kling klang, kling kland
tserayst du keytn fun shklaven tsvang.

The song was taught to me by Tex Konig years ago. Had it on a computer disc which in apparently now inaccessible.

I can sing it based on phonetic translations from an old recording, but would love to have the real words again. I'm doing a gig at Windsor's Jewish community Centre on Tuesday night. Yup - a Canadian born accordion player from a Byelorrusian-Ukrainian background with a Scottish last name who plays a lot of Celtic music will be doing some Yiddish and klezmer for the folks there. Funny thing . . . their poster also billed me as performing "Broadway Songs"!!!

Would appreciate it if anyone has the words. It's a great song.

Many, many thanks.
For music that never dies,

Len Wallace

27 May 03 - 12:17 AM (#959573)
Subject: ADD: Un du Akerst (Zhitlowsky)
From: Joe Offer

Him, Len - I found this in Mir Trogn a Gezang, one of a trilogy of songbooks by Eleanor Gordon Mlotek and her husband. They're available at
-Joe Offer-

UN DU AKERST (And You Plow)
(Chaim Zhitlowsky)

Un du akerst un du zeyst,
Un du fiterst un du neyst.
Un du hamerst un du shpinst
Zog, mayn folk, vos du fardinst?

Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Klapt der hamer mit zayn gezang!
Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Tserayst di keytn fun shklafn-tsvang!

Vebst dayn vebshtul tog un nakht,
Grobst undz ayzn fun der shakht,
Brengst di shefe undz arayn,
Ful mit tvue un mit vayn.

Nor vu iz dayn tish gegreyt?
Nor vu iz dayn yomtev-kleyd?
Nor vu iz dayn sharfe shverd?
Veikhes glik iz dir bashert?

Man fun arbet oyfgevakht,
Un derken dayn groyse makht,
Ven dayn shtarker orem vil,
Blaybn ale reder shtii.

You plow and sow; you graze and sew; you hammer and weave—for others. What my people, do you earn? Where is your table set? Where are your holiday clothes? What joy is in store for you? Working man, awake and recognize your strength! Your mighty arm can stop all turning wheels. Clang—the hammer rings! Break the bonds of slavery!

Text by Chaim Zhitlowsky (1865-1943), translated from a poem by Georg Herwegh, a German poet (1817-1875), who took part in the attempted revolution in Baden in 1848. A refrain was added in the Yiddish adaptation.
In A. ldelsohn's version the line reads, "Break the chains of Nicholas," instead of "slavery."
Also a mention of it here (click):
Title: Un Du Akerst -- àåï ãå àÇ÷òøñè
Genre: Literary Ortigin/Class/Revolutionary/Protest
Subject: Labor/Work/Poverty/Exploitation
Origin: Vinkov IV 06
Transliteration: Vinkov IV 06
Translation: Vinkov IV 06
Music: Vinkov IV 06
On album: B-007(l) (Theodore Bikel, History and Origin of Jewish Music (Lecture))
Author Zhitlovsky, Khaim (1865-1943), Yid -- æùéèìàÈÔñ÷é, çééí, (ééÇãéù)
Vocal Bikel, Theodore
First line: Un du akerst un du zeyst, un du fiterst un du neyst,
First line:àåï ãå àÇ÷òøñè àåï ãå æÖñè, àåï ãå ôÏéèòøñè àåï ãå ðÖñè,
Track comment: Part of Lecture on Origin and History of Jewish Music.
Language: English/Yiddish

Title: Zeira, Mordecai, Unidentifed Song
On album: B-007(l) (Theodore Bikel, History and Origin of Jewish Music (Lecture))
Composer Zeira, Mordecai -- æòéøà, îøãëé
Vocal Bikel, Theodore
Track comment: Part of Lecture on Origin and History of Jewish Music.



27 May 03 - 12:30 AM (#959576)
Subject: ADD: Song for the United German Workers' Org.
From: Joe Offer

Hey, I think I found the original source. this is longer, but many of the Yiddish verses seem to be taken from here. I think the German is far more powerful than the Yiddish in this case. Anybody want to work up a translation with me? If you post your version, I'll add mine.
-Joe Offer-

Bundeslied für den Allgemeinen deutschen Arbeiterverein
(Georg Herwegh)
April 1864. Quelle: Georg Herwegh, Werke. Teil 3. Berlin. Bong. S. 88f.

You are many, they are few. (Eurer sind viele, ihrer sind wenige.)

Bet' und arbeit'! ruft die Welt,
Bete kurz! denn Zeit ist Geld.
An die Türe pocht die Not -
Bete kurz! denn Zeit ist Brot.

Und du ackerst und du säst,
Und du nietest und du nähst,
Und du hämmerst und du spinnst -
Sag', o Volk, was du gewinnst!

Wirkst am Webstuhl Tag und Nacht,
Schürfst im Erz- und Kohlenschacht,
Füllst des Überflusses Horn,
Füllst es hoch mit Wein und Korn.

Doch wo ist dein Mahl bereit?
Doch wo ist dein Feierkleid?
Doch wo ist dein warmer Herd?
Doch wo ist dein scharfes Schwert?

Alles ist dein Werk! o sprich,
Alles, aber nichts für dich!
Und von allem nur allein,
Die du schmiedst, die Kette, dein?

Kette, die den Leib umstrickt,
Die dem Geist die Flügel knickt,
Die am Fuß des Kindes schon
Klirrt - o Volk, das ist dein Lohn.

Was ihr hebt ans Sonnenlicht,
Schätze sind es für den Wicht;
Was ihr webt, es ist der Fluch
Für euch selbst - ins bunte Tuch.

Was ihr baut, kein schützend Dach
Hat's für euch und kein Gemach;
Was ihr kleidet und beschuht,
Tritt auf euch voll Übermut.

Menschenbienen, die Natur,
Gab sie euch den Honig nur?
Seht die Drohnen um euch her!
Habt ihr keinen Stachel mehr?

Mann der Arbeit, aufgewacht!
Und erkenne deine Macht!
Alle Räder stehen still,
Wenn dein starker Arm es will.

Deiner Dränger Schar erblaßt,
Wenn du, müde deiner Last,
In die Ecke lehnst den Pflug,
Wenn du rufst: Es ist genug!

Brecht das Doppeljoch entzwei!
Brecht die Not der Sklaverei!
Brecht die Sklaverei der Not!
Brot ist Freiheit, Freiheit Brot!


Click to play

Als 1863 der Allgemeine Deutsche Arbeiterverein gegründet wurde, bat sein erster Präsident Ferdinand Lassalle den Dichter Georg Herwegh um ein revolutionäres, anfeuerndes Bundeslied. Im Oktober 1863 übersandte Herwegh dem Freund, den er einige Jahre vorher in Heinrich Heines Wohnung kennengelernt hatte, sein "Bundeslied". Lassalle trug es mit zündender Wirkung auf vielen Versammlungen vor. Von dieser ersten "Hymne des deutschen Proletariats" gibt es verschiedene Vertonungen, darunter ein vierstimmiger Chorsatz von dem bekannten Komponisten und Dirigenten Hans von Bülow unter dem Pseudonym "Solinger". 1910 wurde das "Bundeslied" vom Landgericht I Berlin verboten.

Notes Source: Liederbuch der Sozialistischen Jugend - MIDI on this page.

27 May 03 - 12:50 AM (#959579)
Subject: RE: Need words Un du Akerst Yiddish Worksong
From: masato sakurai

Hope this Hebrew title shows correctly.

און דו אַקערסט


27 May 03 - 01:14 AM (#959581)
Subject: RE: Need words Un du Akerst Yiddish Worksong
From: Joe Offer

Your post looks good to me, Masato - but my attempt at Hebrew letters didn't. I tried installing a Hebrew font on my browser, but then the German umlauts didn't display properly.
-Joe Offer-

27 May 03 - 01:45 AM (#959586)
Subject: RE: Need words Un du Akerst Yiddish Worksong
From: masato sakurai

I can't read Hebrew letters, though.

The tune:

T:Un Du Akerst Un Du Zeyst
S:Ruth Rubin, A Treasury of Jewish Folksong (Schoken, 1967, pp. 100-101)
B,> EG2B,2|G> G(F2E2)|^D> EF2E2|G FE4|
w:Un du a-kerst un du zeyst,_ Un du fi-terst un du neyst,
G AB2B2|c BA4|B cB2B,2|B A(G2F2)|
w:Un du ha-merst un du shpinst, Zog mayn folk vos du far-dinst?_
|: B,2(E2G2)|B,2(E2G2)[1|G FG2A> A|B c (BAGF):|]
w:Kling-klang,_ kilng-klang,_ Klapt der ha-mer mit zayn ge-zang;___
[2{B,}B, B,G2F F|G FE4|]
w:Tsurayst di key-tn fun shkla-fn tsvang!

Click to play

27 May 03 - 02:56 AM (#959596)
Subject: translation: Un du Akerst Yiddish Worksong
From: Joe Offer

Rubin's Treasury of Jewish Folksong has a singable translation of the Yiddish song:

1 You are the plowmen and you sow,
You are the farmers and you mow,
And you toil with might and main:
What, my people, is your gain?

Kling klang, kling klang,
The hammer beats relentlessly.
Kling klang, kling klang,
Break the bonds of slavery.

2 Day and night you weave on the loom,
Dig out metals in the gloom.
Reap the harvest in due time.
Flowing horn of bread and wine.

3 But what feasts have you to share?
And what festive clothes to wear?
Where, my people, is your sharp sword?
Where, oh where is your reward?

Here are Rubin's notes:

In 1864, Georges Herwegh, following the theme of Shelley's "Song to the Men of England," wrote a hymn for the German Workingmen's Federation.
The Yiddish text given here is a translation of Herwegh's poem by Chaim Zhitlowsky.

27 May 03 - 03:08 AM (#959597)
Subject: ADD: Song to the Men of England - Shelley
From: Joe Offer

This gets interestinger and interestinger. Here's "Song to the Men of England."
-Joe Offer-

(Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792-1822)

Men of England, wherefore plough
For the lords who lay ye low?
Wherefore weave with toil and care
The rich robes your tyrants wear?

Wherefore feed and clothe and save,
From the cradle to the grave,
Those ungrateful drones who would
Drain your sweat -nay, drink your blood?

Wherefore, Bees of England, forge
Many a weapon, chain, and scourge,
That these stingless drones may spoil
The forced produce of your toil?

Have ye leisure, comfort, calm,
Shelter, food, love's gentle balm?
Or what is it ye buy so dear
With your pain and with your fear?

The seed ye sow another reaps;
The wealth ye find another keeps;
The robes ye weave another wears;
The arms ye forge another bears.

Sow seed, -but let no tyrant reap;
Find wealth, -let no imposter heap;
Weave robes, -let not the idle wear;
Forge arms, in your defence to bear.

Shrink to your cellars, holes, and cells;
In halls ye deck another dwells.
Why shake the chains ye wrought? Ye see
The steel ye tempered glance on ye.

With plough and spade and hoe and loom,
Trace your grave, and build your tomb,
And weave your winding-sheet, till fair
England be your sepulchre!

from Shelley and the Yiddish lyrics, you have a pretty good idea of the meaning of the German lyrics by Herwegh. However, the first verse of the Herwegh song is his own, and it's powerful:

Bet' und arbeit'! ruft die Welt,
Bete kurz! denn Zeit ist Geld.
An die Türe pocht die Not -
Bete kurz! denn Zeit ist Brot.

"Pray and work," cries the world -
Pray quickly, for time is money!
Danger Poverty knocks at the door -
Pray quickly, for time is bread!

27 May 03 - 06:23 AM (#959637)
Subject: RE: Need words Un du Akerst Yiddish Worksong
From: Wolfgang

It seems obvious to me that Herwegh has know the English song before penning his song. (Many English songs have been translated into German at that time, for instance "For all that"). However, I have not found any acknowledgement of that in online Herwegh texts.

A fine translation, Joe, except that 'Not' should not be 'danger'. It is rather 'hardship' or even 'poverty' that is knowcking at the door.


17 Feb 12 - 08:44 PM (#3310349)
Subject: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)
From: GUEST,Vicki

I sing with the Triangle Jewish Chorale in North Carolina, and was wondering if anyone has a four-part arrangement for "Un du Akerst." I've been singing it solo for years, but would love to have an arrangement the whole chorus could sing....
A sheynen dank!

04 Jul 14 - 09:08 AM (#3638970)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)
From: GUEST,Egmont Fassbinder

Title: Un Du Akerst – און דו אַקערסט
Author: Zhitlovsky, Khaim – זשיטלאָװסקי, חיים
Genre: Literary Ortigin/Class/Revolutionary/Protest
Subject: / Labor/Work/Poverty/Exploitation
/ Origin: / Vinkov 4 06/ML MTAG 90
/ Transliteration: / Vinkov 4 06/ML MTAG 90
/ Translation: / Vinkov 4 06/ML MTAG 90
/ Music: / Vinkov 4 06/ML MTAG 90
/ Additional song notes: / And You Plow
/ On album: / B-007(l) (Theodore Bikel, History and Origin of Jewish Music (Lecture))
/ Track ID: / 15894
/ Artist: / Zhitlovsky, Khaim – זשיטלאָװסקי, חיים
Artist: / Bikel, Theodore
First line: / Un du akerst un du zeyst, un du fiterst un du neyst,
First line: / און דו אַקערסט און דו זײסט, און דו פֿיטערסט און דו נײסט,

Un du akerst un du zeyst,
Un du fiterst un du neyst.
Un du hamerst un du shpinst
Zog, mayn folk, vos du fardinst?

Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Klapt der hamer mit zayn gezang!
Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Tserayst di keytn fun shklafn-tsvang!

Vebst dayn vebshtul tog un nakht,
Grobst undz ayzn fun der shakht,
Brengst di shefe undz arayn,
Ful mit tvue un mit vayn.

Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Klapt der hamer mit zayn gezang!
Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Tserayst di keytn fun shklafn-tsvang!

Nor vu iz dayn tish gegreyt?
Nor vu iz dayn yomtev-kleyd?
Nor vu iz dayn sharfe shverd?
Veikhes glik iz dir bashert?

Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Klapt der hamer mit zayn gezang!
Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Tserayst di keytn fun shklafn-tsvang!

Man fun arbet oyfgevakht,
Un derken dayn groyse makht,
Ven dayn shtarker orem vil,
Blaybn ale reder shtii.

Text by Chaim Zhitlowsky (1865–1943), translated from a poem by Georg Herwegh, a German poet (1817–1875)

Die erste Strophe hat der Übersetzer anscheinend unterschlagen:

Georg Herwegh
Bundeslied für den Allgemeinen Deutschen Arbeiterverein
„Bet' und arbeit!" ruft die Welt.
Bete kurz, denn Zeit ist Geld!
An die Türe pocht die Not,
Bete kurz, denn Zeit ist Brot"

Es gibt eine Aufnahme dieses Lieds von Theodore Bikel auf einer amerikanischen Schallplatte: „From Bondage to Freedom"
Label: Elektra ‎– EKL-200
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1960

Wenn jemand mir mitteilen könnte, wo ich diese Schallplatte noch einmal hören könnte, wäre ich sehr glücklich.

Freundliche Grüße

Egmont Fassbinder

22 Nov 16 - 08:31 PM (#3822173)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)
From: keberoxu

Searching Mudcat for references to Georg Herwegh, and up came this thread. Herwegh's German poetry is strong medicine! James Clarence Mangan, fighting the famine in Dublin, stumbled across Herwegh and was greatly taken with his poems. Mangan has some memorable translations of Herwegh poetry, although I don't believe it includes this Bundeslied.

Columbia University has online poetry, under copyright, and at that website is a free-verse English "translation" of Herwegh's Bundeslied. I thought of copying it here, but might it cause trouble....since it's copyrighted.

23 Nov 16 - 01:58 PM (#3822291)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)
From: keberoxu

So as not to take this thread off track, I will post about Herwegh and his other poems, elsewhere on the forum. In passing, will just note that Heinrich Heine, a poet colleague with whom Herwegh was friendly in their youth, wrote a poem to and about Herwegh, "Gedicht an Georg Herwegh," in which Heine dubbed him "die eiserne Lerche," which might be translated "the iron songbird."

18 Apr 22 - 10:19 AM (#4139427)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)
From: Monique

Yiddish lyrics in Hebrew characters.

און דו אַקערסט

און דו אַקערסט און דו זייסט
און דו פֿיטערסט און דו נייסט
און דו האַמערסט און דו שפּינסט
זאָג, מײַן פֿאָלק, װאָס דו פֿאַרדינסט

קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג-קלאַנג
קלאַפּט דער האַמער מיט זײַן געזאַנג
קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג קלאַנג
צערײַסט די קייטן פֿון שקלאַפֿן-צװאַנג

וועבסט דייַן וועבשטול טאָג און נאַכט
גראָבסט אונדז אייַזן פֿון דער שאַכט
ברענגסט די שפֿע אונדז אַרייַן
פֿול מיט תּבֿואה און מיט ווייַן

קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג-קלאַנג
קלאַפּט דער האַמער מיט זײַן געזאַנג
קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג קלאַנג
צערײַסט די קייטן פֿון שקלאַפֿן-צװאַנג

נאָר וווּ איז דייַן טיש געגרייט
נאָר וווּ איז דייַן יום-טובֿ קלייד
נאָר וווּ איז דייַן שאַרפֿע שווערד
וועלכעס גליק איז דיר באַשערט

קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג-קלאַנג
קלאַפּט דער האַמער מיט זײַן געזאַנג
קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג קלאַנג
צערײַסט די קייטן פֿון שקלאַפֿן-צװאַנג

שאַפֿסט אונדז אוצרות אָן אַ שיעור
אַלצדינג נאָר ניט פֿאַר דיר
און פֿאַר זיך האָסטו אין נויט
נאָר געשמידט אַ שווערע קייט

קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג-קלאַנג
קלאַפּט דער האַמער מיט זײַן געזאַנג
קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג קלאַנג
צערײַסט די קייטן פֿון שקלאַפֿן-צװאַנג

מאַן פֿון אַרבעט אויפֿגעוואַכט
און דערקען דייַן גרויסע מאַכט
ווען דייַן שטאַרקער אָרעם וויל
בלייַבן אַלע רעדער שטיל

קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג-קלאַנג
קלאַפּט דער האַמער מיט זײַן געזאַנג
קלינג-קלאַנג, קלינג קלאַנג
צערײַסט די קייטן פֿון שקלאַפֿן-צװאַנג