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Non-monetary tips given to buskers

09 Jun 03 - 02:37 AM (#964350)
Subject: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Marion

So what unorthodox stuff have you received while busking? Or what have you given to buskers?

I've been given:
- loaf of bread
- closed can of pop
- fresh basil
- coins from a variety of countries
- coupon to buy a slice of pizza and get one free
- some weird little plastic thing I couldn't identify
- note containing advice on thumb position
- my favourite: 85 photocopied pages of evidence for life after death, delivered to me without comment by a girl in a rabbit suit

I've politely declined:
- hot dog
- hamburger
- open can of pop
- evangelistic tracts (when I said no thanks, she said, "You could be doing this... for eternity!")

If I don't have any change, I usually offer buskers subway tickets. I don't know what to do with all these foreign coins I've accumulated, maybe I should just pass them on to other buskers.


09 Jun 03 - 02:50 AM (#964354)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull


09 Jun 03 - 04:52 AM (#964374)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,mcgrath of altcar

I regularly receive bones and bowls of water from kind customers. ( They might intend them for the dog though)

Also (french) Luncheon vouchers, Yoghurt, Foreign currency, Sugar, 4 ounces of boiled ham for the dog. Cups of tea. (priceless!)

09 Jun 03 - 05:24 AM (#964389)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Watson

"Have a drink on me", he said, pressing a tea-bag into my hand.

09 Jun 03 - 06:19 AM (#964408)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers

Mars bars, boiled sweets, party poppers (used) a childs soother (dummy) old 50p coin, cigar, a marble.

09 Jun 03 - 07:39 AM (#964446)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Mooh

If memory serves, my first time busking got me half a sandwich from a young lady who probably just felt sorry for me. Union Station, Toronto, 1974(ish). Too be young again...

Peace, Mooh.

09 Jun 03 - 07:40 AM (#964449)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Mooh

Um, "To be young again...". Mooh.

09 Jun 03 - 08:25 AM (#964473)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: alanabit

The ones I can recall right now:
                Guitar strings, cigarettes, hash, other drugs (always flushed down the toilet), several wrist watches, a new pair of boots, sweets, rolls, bread, cans and bottles of beer and soft drinks, jewellery, a social security voucher for a visit to a Hamburg brothel (where was that when I needed it?), chips, coins from more lands than I have ever heard of, fruit, vegetables, flowers, cassettes, pens, personalised writing paper, penknives, invitations, letters, pamphlets from all sorts of strange religious groups, guitar picks boxes and bars of chocolates, books, a bomber jacket, photographs...
      I'll probably recall some more later. I wonder what Larry and Steve Rich will add to this thread?

09 Jun 03 - 09:13 AM (#964491)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Mr Red

I usually get info on sessio9ns in their locale - and pass-on one tip I was told - try to pick-up the rythm of the feet of a likely contributer, it is a mirroring thing and immitation is always flattering. Unless of course, you play the Laurel & Hardy tune!

09 Jun 03 - 09:45 AM (#964506)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Kim C

Don't quit your day job?

(just kidding!!!!!) ;-)

09 Jun 03 - 11:24 AM (#964549)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers

Smiles and questions, and love inquisitions
Encouragement mostly, ehan the braggartly boastly
Coins from afar, from young childeren found dancing
As infantanious amazement leaves their parent's romancing

Winks, blinks and nods with rhythmic bods
And food by the pound quite organic
While lovely maturity, with feminine obscurity
Finds a juicy rejoicy wo'manic

New gigs and numbers, and requests from the hummers
Who still can't remember the titles
Balloons in a heart shape, from clowns without heart ache
And tips about snogs in folk bibles

Flowers and strings, our imagining things
Musicians that blend with the masses
And, the best of it all, for my heart to enthrall
Are good people that neck in the grasses

So while money is good, to have what we should
The rest is good reason for busking
For the people we touch, without sharing a crutch
Will provoke a much lovelier basking

09 Jun 03 - 11:30 AM (#964552)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Thomas the Rhymer

looks like the cookie monster ate mine again... ;^D

09 Jun 03 - 02:55 PM (#964663)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Frug

Always remember seeing a funny thing one day in Birmingham (UK). An old black guy used to sit in the underpass blowing hell out of a harmonica..........boy was he bad. One day a well-to-do lady gave him a parcel and walked away. I walked by and heard the guy cursing and swearing something rotten. I asked the lady when I bumped into her at the train station what she had given him that made him so upset. She was a bit taken aback and said that she passed the guy often and really wanted to help out and admired his spirit and wanted him to get on she had gone and bought him a book........."How to play the Harmonica"


09 Jun 03 - 05:51 PM (#964743)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: greg stephens

Herbal cigarettes(shoplifted by the child who gave them to me, passing them on because they were disgusting). Packet of johnnies. Chocolate, and many other sweets. Illegal substances(of course handed in to the nearest available constable).Sherry and mince pies. Bottle of wine.Improving tracts. Spit(from an unpleasant child, or possibly music critic).

09 Jun 03 - 06:01 PM (#964753)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Little Hawk

Here are some handy ones...

"Don't play in the rain, it's bad for the guitar."

"If a pigeon shits on you, it's good luck." (for the pigeon)

"Your fly is open."

"Your G-string seems a bit low..."

And some handy questions...

"Got change for a twenty?"

"Do you play 'Seasons in the Sun'?"

"Wanna trade that guitar for an old Kent?"

I was once given a little gold peace symbol by a girl who also wanted my autograph. I was surprised, but agreeable. First time anyone ever asked me for it. I do not care much for busking.

- LH

10 Jun 03 - 02:27 AM (#964908)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Cluin

A group of young girls dropped a condom (no, not used, it was still in its original packaging) in my case as they walked by, giggling. The girl I was seeing at the time hated them so I passed it on to a friend at the bar later.

And a fellow picker dropped a nice imitation tortoise shell pleck in the case as he walked by. I kept that one for a while as a good luck charm. I think it's still in the old Sucrets box I keep my extra picks in.

10 Jun 03 - 02:49 PM (#965256)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Ely

1) Apples, onions, zucchini, and a loaf of bread--from vendors and customers when we were playing at an outdoors farmers' market in Decorah, Iowa

2) One slightly used Dum-Dum lollipop--from a small child at said farmers' market

3) Extra musicians--I and two friends of mine were playing at a street fair in Missouri (on banjo, mandolin, and guitar) and suddenly every grandfather in town who owned a guitar wanted to play with us. I guess they were just glad to see twentysomethings playing old-time music, but soon we had a banjo, a mandolin, and five guitars, including one extremely loud twelve-string Martin. None of us were playing the same tune/rhythm/tempo (because we couldn't hear each other above the Martin) and I've never heard such a racket before, but at least all the Grandpas had a good time.

10 Jun 03 - 03:14 PM (#965277)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Amos

Didja get to keep the grandfathers? :>)


10 Jun 03 - 05:08 PM (#965361)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,emily rain

the teeniest, tiniest ceramic pitcher... on a cord for wearing around the neck. wore it 'till it broke, was glued, broke, was glued, then broke into millions of pieces and was laid to rest. i've been given guitar strings, too.

10 Jun 03 - 05:19 PM (#965368)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Amos

Hello, emily!! How nice to hear from you!! Long time no see!


10 Jun 03 - 10:07 PM (#965528)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Gypsy

Wonderful, HOT coffee on a cold day............

10 Jun 03 - 11:25 PM (#965556)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

A "prophylactic - condom" is always a good contribution


If they ain't met the night's rent .... you know what they being next.

11 Jun 03 - 02:03 AM (#965618)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Wilfried Schaum

I never went busking on purpose, but often was invited to perform when I entered a pub having my guitar with me, or a friend with a guitar. So I got:
In France: Red wine galore
In Germany: White wine galore, in beer areas: beer galore.
Best happening, autumn 1963: When 4 of us went out one evening to try the new wine in a university town an elderly gentleman asked us for a student song. For every song he stood us a round. After the sixth song I proposed to check our walking abilities, and we had to stop our performance immediately in order to reach our home unharmed.


11 Jun 03 - 02:19 AM (#965625)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: alanabit

That reminds me Wilfried. In December, people have sometimes brought me out a glass of Glühwein. I can't drink much alcohol, so one glass of the hot liquid warms my insides nicely, but is definitely enough. On those occasions when I have been driving, I have alway left a good hour and a half before I got behind the wheel again after one of those. Down in Linz in Austria once, somebody brought me out a mug of that hot punch which they drink in winter. Can you remember what they call it? They left me the mug, which had the name "Cafe´Arabia" on it. When had I finished my set, I duly tried to return the mug to the cafe´of that name, but they told me it wasn't one of theirs. So I got to keep the mug as well!

11 Jun 03 - 08:43 AM (#965744)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Rick Fielding

In Holland....dope, dope, and more dope.


11 Jun 03 - 10:14 AM (#965800)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Wilfried Schaum

Hi alanabit - There are a lot of names for different kinds of Glühwein or punches. I can give you a short and surely incomplete list of names used here, but in Austria there can be used local names not known over here.
punch = Punsch (East Indian: five)with water, tea, lemon, arrack, sugar (the classical preparation.
If the sugar is dripping in burning, we call it Feuerzangen-Bowle = lit. tong bowl = burnt punch.
Nowadays instead of tea a strong red wine is used, and rum instead of arrack

Any hot spiced wine is called Glühwein = lit. glowing wine.
Now obsolete distinctions were made in former times according to the colours of clerical garments:
- Bischof = bishop, from white wine, and
- Kardinal = cardinal, from red wine.


11 Jun 03 - 11:45 AM (#965857)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: alanabit

Thanks Wilfried. I thought it was something like Punsch in Linz - but that was a few years ago and I wasn't quite sure. Of course, there are plenty of regional variations of bread, coffee, beer and dialect even within Austria!
I have seen the Feuerzangen-Bowle made, but I have never tried it. I think that tends to get made up specially for particular customers, doesn't it? I love the smell of Glühwein, but you have to have a very clear head if you are drinking it!

11 Jun 03 - 03:48 PM (#965994)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: M.Ted

Someone gave me a broken nickel plated clarinet once--a lot of food, a deerstalker cap--someone once tried to leave a kitten in my case, but I gave it back before they got away--Often was invited to parties and given places to stay--once I was invited stay with a group of students in a hotel room at the shore--when I woke up, they'd all gone, leaving a large unpaid phone/room service bill--

11 Jun 03 - 04:35 PM (#966021)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Thomas the Rhymer

One pitcher is worth a thousand words
And a chord will play every song...
One singer can teach of the bees and the birds
And a listening heart can't be wrong

12 Jun 03 - 11:58 PM (#966695)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Marion

Good story, Frug.

I mentioned in the opening post:

- my favourite: 85 photocopied pages of evidence for life after death, delivered to me without comment by a girl in a rabbit suit

I just skimmed through this and was interested to learn that in heaven, everyone is 30 years old, "the perfect balance between youth and wisdom".

Marion, Young and Wise

14 Jun 03 - 01:59 AM (#966896)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: hesperis

Yay, I got something interesting on my last busking attempt... at first I thought it was a quarter... probably the person who gave it to me among other loose change thought so too.

But... it was a token for the "Detroit & Canada Tunnel" for "One Fare". I guess it'll be useful if I ever want go to Detroit.

14 Jun 03 - 12:31 PM (#966900)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Amergin

wwhich probably isn't very likely right?

14 Jun 03 - 03:48 PM (#966956)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: hesperis

Nope. *g*

14 Jun 03 - 03:53 PM (#966958)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Rick Fielding

I taught my late musical partner Mark B. how to juggle and he got a lot of mileage out of that. He would throw his Epiphone Texan high into the air and catch it again to the gasps in the crowd. On a good afternoon he made twice what I made in a top Hotel (The Royal York).

I never had the nerve to do that with one of my good axes, but as my students will attest I still spin THEIR guitars!!

Watch an early clip of Uncle Dave to see how he handles the banjo in a similar fashion.


17 Jun 03 - 12:57 PM (#967752)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Marion

Rick, I totally misunderstood you when you said a while ago that you paid for lots of trips by busking.

Dumb question for American buskers:

Since we have $1 and $2 coins in Canada, getting paper money as tips isn't that common a problem - same for those who play for euros. But in the US you must get dollar bills all the time - what do you do with them? It seems a little uncouth to stop the song to pick up or weigh down the paper - but the length of a song is plenty of time for bills to blow away in. Do you tend to collect tips in a deep container instead of your cases?


17 Jul 03 - 02:31 AM (#984948)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Marion

A little boy (maybe 7 or 8) dropped a flower in my case. Awwww...

Alanabit, I think I'm going to need more explanation of this one: a social security voucher for a visit to a Hamburg brothel


17 Jul 03 - 02:39 AM (#984952)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Wilfried Schaum

a social security voucher for a visit to a Hamburg brothel
This is a widespread joke in Germany. The German Welfare System hands out money for the needy and bonuses for certain goods. The voucher in question is a fake resembling the original form with only one difference: The goods granted. Jokers all over Germany just change the name of the town, insert their own, and hand it out to their friends.


17 Jul 03 - 04:51 PM (#985460)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Walking Eagle

My former and I once took a trip to Key West Fl. We were near broke and I decided to try a little busking at Mallory Sq. at sunset. I tuned up the dulci and found a place to sit. Mostly, I got complaints from other buskers that I was killing them because people were crowding around me to see what strange instrument was making such sweet sounds. So, I moved to a remote spot to keep everyone happy. The crowd moved with me! All the tourists on the square wanted to see my strange little instrument. And play it. I raked in over $700 that evening. When I closed up shop, I went around to the other buskers and dropped $20 in their cases, just to be neighborly.

I don't run into much busking here in my little corner of S.E. PA. When I encounter a busker, I always leave a generous tip.

24 Jul 03 - 01:10 AM (#989368)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers

The lepor left the prostitute with the tip of his.....

24 Jul 03 - 07:17 AM (#989385)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: hesperis

I got an offer of marriage the other day. lol!

24 Jul 03 - 12:27 PM (#989671)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: alanabit

Thanks for that one Wilfried. I was always baffled! It happened over twenty years ago and I always smile when I recall it. The institution which would purportedly have offered me this agreeable service was in Hamburg - and I was not inclined to travel all the way up there from Köln. There were both Deutsch Marks to be made and young ladies to be met in this town. All told, I think I probably had more fun here. I think if I went into one of those institutions now, the girls would take one look at my thinning, greying hair, offer a chair rather than a bed and ask me if I was feeling faint and needed a glass of water.

24 Jul 03 - 03:54 PM (#989865)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,Les B.

Walking Eagle - great idea, giving the other buskers $20 - that's class! Was it an Appalachian or a hammered dulcimer you were playing ?

Our four piece was busking at a Farmer's market last saturday when a little boy ran up out of the listeners and started stuffing coins in the sound hole of our guitar player's new Martin - while it was being played! I think the kid's mother had suggested our open guitar case, but the kid got confused! For an instant we thought he was attacking the guitar. It was an uneasy moment... Our guitar player stands about 6 foot 5 inches and here's this little kid standing on tip toes pawing at the front of a fairly expensive instrument. Turns out it was about 75 cents in small change and no harm done.

24 Jul 03 - 04:25 PM (#989887)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Sorcha

Marion, indoors, use of case is common. Outdoors or in bars a can is usually used.

26 Jul 03 - 01:30 AM (#990939)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Marion

Thanks, Sorcha and Wilfried.

Les, my Ukranian fiddling friend tells me that when his Ukranian fiddling grandmother used to play at wedding receptions, the custom was for guests to push coins through the f-holes while she played. It can't have been too good for the sound - or too good for the fiddle to shake the tips out!

I was amused when a lady came out of the store, gave me ten bucks, showed me a lottery ticket, and told me: "I decided before going in that if I won anything I'd split it with you..."


26 Jul 03 - 02:02 AM (#990949)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Sorcha

I got a Budweiser 'plastic Paddy' armband garter once.......

26 Jul 03 - 06:08 AM (#990990)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Deckman

This thread reminded me of a bad joke I recently heard. If you want some excitment next time you're listening to a busker ... take some money OUT of the guitar case and tell him that you DIDN'T like his music! CHEERS, Bob

27 Jul 03 - 04:55 AM (#991378)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Peter Kasin

Frug, that's a great one.

I once got a banana peel, another time a business card of a shoeshine.


27 Jul 03 - 08:45 PM (#991675)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Walking Eagle

Les--it was/is an Appalachian Dulcimer. Folks were going nuts over it!

27 Jul 03 - 11:25 PM (#991725)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Ely

I did not get to keep the grandfathers. Too bad, since I don't have any grandparents left of my own.

28 Jul 03 - 03:03 AM (#991776)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Ella who is Sooze

In one hour, £20, a can of strongbow cider with 50% extra, a chip and that's about it....

I've not busked since, it's too cold and I prefer doing gigs to busking - a lot less hassle!

A friend of mine has been threatened with a gun whilst busking and calmly played on ignoring the person. (and it wasn't because he is a bad player).

25 Aug 04 - 02:39 PM (#1256560)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: English Jon

Mushroom pasties, beer, foreign coins, telephone numbers, tickets for nightclubs, silver bracelet, soft fruit and >ahem< *s*e*x*.

seems everyone loves a hurdy gurdy man.


no one's ever given me a kitten though :(

25 Aug 04 - 03:22 PM (#1256599)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: PoppaGator

As others have mentioned, places to stay and/or new girlfriends were among the best "perks" I aquired back in my old busking days.

Various intoxicants were fairly common "tips" in San Francisco in 1907/71/72. The very first day I took my guitar out on the street -- at the insistence of my housemates, who figured I ought to try earning some money if all I was going to do all day was sit around and pick -- I was scared to sing, and stood there quietly fingerpicking for an hour or two until a passing hippie gave me a pill, identifying it as a cap of mescaline and telling me "this is something you can really use."

I would be more reluctant today than I was then to assume it was OK. I figured "why not" and popped it into my mouth.

Not long afterwards, I started singing at the top of my lungs and was well on my way. I took in more money that first day (just less than $100, in 1970 dollars of course) than I would collect in any other single day for the next year or more; I had found my new career path.

25 Aug 04 - 03:33 PM (#1256606)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Cluin

Busking one time with Clinton Hammond, we got religious advice as a tip:

"You boys shouldn't be taking the Lord's name in vain like that! Maybe you could sing "Gosh darn them all!"?

25 Aug 04 - 03:46 PM (#1256616)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Wilfried Schaum

Once upon a time ...
a friend of mine and me (old scoutmasters, with a guitar and a bamboo flute) were wandering through a South German wine area near the Rhine. And then we saw an inn, some tables with bottles and snacks at the front, and we were told that the Tour de France will be passing soon. A jeep stopped, out came a French Colonel (some decades ago the hereditary enemy for centuries). He ordered to feed and wine us.
After a while he came out and looked for us, and said: "I should like to invite you inside, but I see you are well fed and get a good wine; I'd rather rather like to be with you outside." And then he asked us for a German soldiers' song from WWI about the last surviving brother of three. !!!
So we sang this song, and he was so happy to hear it; I don't know the reason why. May be he was a boy scout, too; maybe he was tired of an enmity of old - but maybe he liked this song and had his experiences warring in far countries. So we got our payment before thinking of busking. God bless you, foreign colonel!

Peace! (as my friend mooman ends his contributions)

25 Aug 04 - 08:19 PM (#1256930)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,petr

dont fry bacon with no shirt on. good tip.

26 Aug 04 - 04:34 AM (#1257135)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Gervase

Weirdest was a 5lb bag of Brazil nuts (and that's a heck of a lot of nuts). Other oddities included a kiwi-fruit flan, condoms, a four-pack of Guinness and a rosary.
Unlike English Jon, I never got s*e*x, but I did get a rather cheesy porn mag dropped in my box once (which is probably a an abstruse way of saying that hurdy-gurdy-players might be sexy, but melodeon players are wankers!).

31 Aug 04 - 01:44 PM (#1260876)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Uncle_DaveO

"Swifty Jim, in the third race, to win!"

Dave Oesterreich

31 Aug 04 - 05:56 PM (#1261100)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: EBarnacle

In Copenhagen, we raised enough in 15 minutes to provide Carlsberg for our group. My best, though was a bottle of Craggenmuir single malt Scotch, offered without comment.

01 Sep 04 - 05:32 AM (#1261426)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: The Fooles Troupe

... maybe with a silent prayer that after you had finished the bottle, you would be unable to continue making that horrible noise?


01 Sep 04 - 09:44 AM (#1261576)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: InOBU

Hiya folks (hullowww Allanabit!)
Let's see, cigarettes... (I don't smoke) lots of religious tracts - mostly born again types no salvationists... a three of hearts from a pack of cards... an offer to come up for breakfast... but the most touching, I was playing in Thomkins Square park, Bobby (see my song Bivouac of the Forgotten) Vinny (see the posts about the Native American harmonica player in the hospital) and about six other fellows who were down on their luck and living on the street and drinking their meals... were all sitting on a bench listening intently. As I was packing up, they had a wee huddle and between the six or seven of them, scraped together pennies, dimes and such to put something in the case... that was the most meaningful thing to wind up in the case.

02 Oct 04 - 09:13 PM (#1287142)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Blissfully Ignorant

I was in a pub one time(it's truly disturbing how many of my stories start out like that) with a friend and we had just run out of money. We were sitting there nursing what we thought were to be our last beers. All of a sudden i had an alchohol-induced urge to sing, so i did, with my friend banging on the table in rythym- when we finished, thre was an unexpected round of applause and a very welcome round of drinks! Obviously everyone else in the place was inebriated too :) Anyway, encouraged by this, we carried on for th rest of the night, being joined by someone on a guitar and ended up leaving with more money than we had come in with, several small objects of variable legality in our pockets, and a blood alchohol level that was far from sensible. It's funny how these things just happen...

03 Oct 04 - 11:39 AM (#1287438)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: alanabit

I recall hearing a possibly apochryphal tale of a busker who was drinking in a busker's pub in Paris. He did not have enough money to pay his bill. Apparently, he told the staff, "I'll be back in half an hour." He went out, pitched and duly re-emerged half an hour later with more than enough money to pay his bill and continue drinking! I don't know if it actually did happen, but I have known plenty of places where it could have.

03 Oct 04 - 02:52 PM (#1287548)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Marion

Last night while busking I met a stand-up comedian. I found him rather boasty - when I asked if he had some gigs lined up in Toronto he said several times that he only did "major dates" and that his last show was $120 a seat. Anyway, besides giving me a tip he gave me some promotional junk and said that I should write to his Canadian distributing house and tell them that I'd met him and they would send me a free T-shirt.

Odd, I thought.


Alanabit - what's a busker's pub?

03 Oct 04 - 10:27 PM (#1287901)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Gypsy

Most recently, grapes, handmade soap, organic apples. Less recently, flaky, wonderful pastries brought by a gorgeous young creature enamored of the men in the group. Good thing i don't eat sweets as a rule! ;)

03 Oct 04 - 10:34 PM (#1287907)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers

A handful of Durex is always helpful when desperate days turn to needful nights.

04 Oct 04 - 12:03 AM (#1287955)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: RWilhelm

A set of 12-string guitar strings thrown from a bicycle and an antique cigarette that fell apart before anyone could smoke it.

04 Oct 04 - 02:39 AM (#1288002)
Subject: RE: BS: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: alanabit

I see the anonymous Guest was back at 1034. It's interesting to see how he has wit at the same level as his manners.
Marion, a buskers pub is a pub where you could expect to meet other buskers. In Köln it used the be "Der Lederer", where buskers would mingle with the usual crowd, railway workers and quite a lot of people who worked at the radio and television service in the building opposite. In Basel, it used to be "Chateau Lapin/Hasenburg". Many towns had one. Phil Free, the finest outdoor comedian I ever met, jokingly used to refer to the busking pub as, "The Office".

12 Apr 09 - 02:54 AM (#2609535)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,cassie

Ihave received many different things busking.
someone put a chewed piece of chewing gum in my box, a cough lozenge,
a twinkie, a couple of rolled cigarettes, a unopened can of soft drink,a unused towel holden written on it given to me by a passerby said I might need it its my tip, a piece of chewing gum still in its paper,foreign currency from thailand,india, and the phillipines,free coffee and a biscuit,cheap meal voucher from the hare krishnas,a book from the seventh day adventists, had numerous offers of drugs marijuana namely I declined,a cd from a religous man,i scored two boyfriends,a brochure for cheap housing from a passerby,three candy canes,and I had a gig offer from a man who played the piano accordion.

22 Feb 10 - 06:27 PM (#2847102)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Sandra in Sydney

one of my friends is a retired schoolteacher, a thin, almost scruffy bloke who looks like he needs a meal. He busks several days a week in various locations & wears an old jacket & uses an even older cricket cap to collect contributions. He's a very well known songwriter & poet who also has a large repertoire of traditional songs which he uses when he busks. He's written a poem about his experiences busking.

One of his mates, a post-war British migrant with similar musical talents, once stopped & listened for a while, then asked seriously in a very well-bred English accent "If I give you money, my good man, will you drink it?"

In his best Australian accent his friend assured him he wouldn't & solemnly received the offered coin, while gratefully touching his cap.

They're both Irish Australians, fond of a beer or three, & very unsupportive of monarchies & other hereditary systems.


23 Feb 10 - 12:39 AM (#2847308)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,greg spence wolf

Non Monetary tips I receive are:
hugs and kisses from women
stuffed animals, especially after I left one in my case
Food, pizza, sandwiches, apples, etc
CDs, casettes, books
costume jewelry, mardi gras beads

23 Feb 10 - 10:18 AM (#2847624)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: meself

A woman once lifted her sweatshirt and showed me her rather appealing bare breasts. I mean, once when I was busking.

23 Feb 10 - 05:49 PM (#2848108)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: PoppaGator

Not technically from busking ~ I haven't played out on the street for decades ~ but I play a "basket-house"-type venue on a regular basis. I recently found a Monopoly-money fiver in my tip basket!

02 Aug 10 - 10:37 AM (#2956689)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: GUEST,MrBlue

cigarettes, joints, flowers, Notes that say bizarre and sometimes desperate things, and once on valentines day, a red rose and a scottish tartan waist coat and one mostly finished bag of goon.

I can't help noticing, that what is there, begets more of that ie; put a cigarette in there, and more will arrive. Put a soft toy there, and all manner of odd things will come. Put a $10 note in there, and other people who really want you to know they love what you do, will be inclined to also put in $10,- or even beat it!

02 Aug 10 - 10:44 AM (#2956694)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: The Sandman

a book of sea songs and shanties

02 Aug 10 - 03:23 PM (#2956887)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: Susan A-R

A bottle of wine and a couple of grapefruit (we were playing at the local food co op)

03 Aug 10 - 03:41 PM (#2957490)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: gnu

My buddy received a half eaten cookie from a toddler. The crowd loved it. Brought a tear to the eye.

Especially when he was packing up his guitar and realized it was a chocolate chip cookie... which had soaked up the hot sun for over an hour.

29 Aug 10 - 07:59 PM (#2975488)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers

An unopened can of beer from a 24 pack...from a college student on a Friday night. Guitar picks, a casino chip,lyric sheets, prayer cards, a jigsaw puzzle piece, a fancy 7 fold necktie with tags($129.00) and security device still attached and a $25.00 VISA gift card with $11.50 left on the balance. I started busking in the Boston subway 4/09.

29 Aug 10 - 08:58 PM (#2975528)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: The Fooles Troupe

"If I give you money, my good man, will you drink it?"

The appropriate response is "Only if you insist, sir!"

29 Aug 10 - 10:30 PM (#2975587)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: olddude

The best one was a small Jack Russell terrier dog ..
he took a leak in my guitar case !!

18 Dec 10 - 10:16 PM (#3056853)
Subject: RE: Non-monetary tips given to buskers
From: ollaimh

i have been given

two pairs of shoes and three shirts in a bag.
an uncooked chicken
many joints(i don\t smoke no more(really--no really) so i gave them to other buskers
a bag full of pills that i din\t investigate(handed on the the other buskers into such things)
a 1920 gibson a junior mandolin
a tiple by ss stewert
several cheap guitars
hundreds of foreign coins
enough uk coins to have change when i get off the plane for years
many kinds of food especially a lady in toronto used to bring me the best east indian left overs i have ever eaten and so much at the end of a night i would meet up with a few other buskers and we would feast

a recorrding of my old pal tex koenig(may he rest in peace) a great busker and a great guy(i'd have paid a lot for that rare album)
many other tapes and records and cds

invites to raves, to the ballet, to the symphony, and to led zepelin once
a stripp dance by a lovely young lady who had me fulmoxed as she got down to the bra and less--gulp)(she must have been stoned)its hard to concentrate on the notes when a young and beautifull woman is unveiling herself(this was late friday in dundas station in downtown toronto and not a soul paid any attention while she performed
i'll think of others for tomoprrow
i did this for the greater part of thirty years so i've seen some strange things.