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BS: English Summer

14 Jul 03 - 09:03 AM (#982872)
Subject: BS: English Summer
From: greg stephens

I like a bit of good weather as much as the next man, but this is excessive. Could someone turn the thermostat down a bit, please?

14 Jul 03 - 09:11 AM (#982877)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Morticia

I would Greg, but I think the knob came off........have you noticed how you can't buy electrical fans for love nor money as soon as the weather gets warm?

14 Jul 03 - 09:25 AM (#982882)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Rapparee

Tsk, tsk, tsk...we colonials here in Idaho thing that y'all are soft, pampered nobility.

The temperature is going to hover around a high of 100 degrees F (48 or so C) again today, and we haven't had rain in six weeks or so. The fire danger is posted as "Extreme".

As they say, "It's hot, but it's a DRY heat." Well, yeah, but it's still HOT.

(Of course, it does go down to the middle 40s to 50s F. at night....)

14 Jul 03 - 09:27 AM (#982884)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Allan C.

It all began when a certain American (who shall remain unnamed - but his initials are: Allan C.) came to visit. The payback is that the weather you missed was raining down on him for almost two solid months!

14 Jul 03 - 09:31 AM (#982888)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: greg stephens

Well, 100F may be 48C to you tough butch colonial boys in Idaho, but it isnt to us effete pampered sissies over here. You want to spend more time on a bit of book-learning instead of cowpunching or lumberjacking or whatever it is you chaps do.

14 Jul 03 - 10:25 AM (#982923)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Firecat

It's too hot!! I can't wait till tomorrow cos I'm off swimming with two of my best mates! Nice and cool hopefully!

14 Jul 03 - 10:27 AM (#982926)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: GUEST,Desdemona at work

I'm leaving for Blighty this Friday, and have heard from friends that the temperature's been hovering somewhere around 31C, which I am hoping will change in the next several days. After the heat waves we typically endure here in New England, I generally head across the pond to *escape* this type of weather!

Which reminds me--is anyone going to the Warwick Folk Festival?


14 Jul 03 - 12:13 PM (#983021)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Noreen

32C here in Bury today- bit too hot for me too.   Gets the washing dry quicker though!

I'll be at Warwick, Desdemona (and we had glorious weather there last year- hope we do again)- see you in the late-night sing in the Arts Cente/even later sing in the Moor & Coast tent?

I'll wear my Mudcat badge and/or T-shirt.

14 Jul 03 - 01:31 PM (#983080)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Tig

Desdemona, Rincewynds will be in the bar at Warwick with the stall. (As usual for those looking for us!)

If you want a Mudname badge bringing let me know - they are only 50p!

14 Jul 03 - 02:05 PM (#983118)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: GUEST,Desdemona at work

Thanks, Tig--that would be cool (and hopefully the weather will co-operate as well!); my family lives in the area, and we should be there Friday evening & all day Saturday--myself, husband & 2 kids.


14 Jul 03 - 02:13 PM (#983129)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: artbrooks

And here I always thought that "English summer" was an oxymoron....sorry, couldn't resist.

14 Jul 03 - 02:20 PM (#983137)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Phot

Isn't it typical,!!

Bikes off the road till next week so Ican't even have a thrash into work, and I'm stuck in the darkroom all this week!
Hot and dark! Great for coffee, crap when the sun shines and you are at work!


14 Jul 03 - 02:28 PM (#983143)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: John Routledge

My first BS posting since THE SPLIT

The heat has got to me

14 Jul 03 - 02:37 PM (#983155)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: greg stephens

The Split: that's interesting, I'd completely forgotten about that, because I took the "merge" option months ago, abd I'd forgotten about the BS divide. So, as a matter of interest, would anyone else who posts on this thread just indicate whether you use Mudcat or divided form?

14 Jul 03 - 03:10 PM (#983184)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Sorcha

Currently 97 here and still climbing. It was still 102 at 7 PM last evening....very unusual for Wyoming. Oh, and Rap, 100=38, not 48. 48 would be almost 120! When it does that,I'm moving to Death Valley...

14 Jul 03 - 04:17 PM (#983219)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Catherine Jayne

I can handle the heat but I cant handle the humidity!!

14 Jul 03 - 04:24 PM (#983222)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Kim C

John Cleese said that English Summer was only one day, and a national holiday at that.

14 Jul 03 - 04:39 PM (#983226)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: greg stephens

My post about merged Mudcat was a bit bizarre,because I left a word out. I was wondering if people posting to this thread read their threads all mixed together, or with the separated BS at the bottom system.
    The weather has now cooled to a congenial 24C at 9.30PM so that is just fine. But it's going to be shorts and big floppy hat again tomorrow. I'm going on holiday on Wednesday so I confidently predict rain and cold from then.

14 Jul 03 - 05:06 PM (#983245)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Herga Kitty

So does the Met Office, Greg. Where are you going on holiday?

And will it be raining for Sidmouth Folk Week?


14 Jul 03 - 05:31 PM (#983268)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Trevor

I think its fab. Shropshire was apparently hottest place in UK today. I've just been sittin on my step looking at the lovely dusk view over the Stiperstones, ouzo in hand - more please.

(Mind you it did get a bit sweaty busking at the food festival yesterday!)

14 Jul 03 - 05:43 PM (#983278)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Mrs.Duck

Sports day tomorrow!!! and still a week and a half till the end of term and in this heat noone want's to do anything! UK is not equipped for heat - we don't have air conditioning or open air pools (well not many in the north anyway)and we are just not used to being hot - I like Spring

14 Jul 03 - 05:47 PM (#983283)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Rapparee

Wahl, pardner, this here newly minted Idahoan jist warn't ready fer day after day of cloudless blue skies, er low humidity (10%) er having his fingers type a 4 instead of a 3 in 38. Yup. Shore is right interestin' hyar, sittin' in mah air conditioned liberry office, jist waitin' fer quittin' time so ah kin fire up mah airconditioned car.

Fahr departments got another demonstration laid on fer the weekend. They shoot water up inta the air, and folks bring their kids to see it, 'cause that way the kids won't be scared if it ever rains agin.

14 Jul 03 - 05:56 PM (#983291)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Kim C

All right, y'all, it's 90 degrees in Tennessee, and the air is thick as pea soup. But you know what they say... it's not the heat, it's the stupidity.

14 Jul 03 - 06:01 PM (#983296)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Liz the Squeak

Huh, never bloody satisfied.

St Swithuns' day tomorrow so 40 days of what ever the weather is tomorrow..... based on meteorological fact, the weather in mid July usually indicates what the next 5 - 6 weeks will be like, as a period of settled weather approaches. Then it all breaks up just in time for August Bank Holiday.

Ahh, summmer... missed it last year, I was in the bath.


14 Jul 03 - 06:25 PM (#983317)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Sorcha

It hit 100 here again today, about 3PM. Sit in my pool a lot! Haven't dropped Harry Potter in yet..........

14 Jul 03 - 06:43 PM (#983332)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Penny S.

Sports Day today! All the littlies carrying around bottles of water between the activities - maybe we should institute a new race involving water - fill the bucket relay using water cooler cups?


14 Jul 03 - 06:50 PM (#983339)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: greg stephens

h Kitty: I'm not really going on holiday, I'm off on an Irish tour: but playing Cape Clear, Sherkin Island and Ardmore pretty much counts as a holiday. And if it rains, well I suppose I'll just have to sit indoors and drink the black stuff and talk bollocks.

14 Jul 03 - 08:34 PM (#983423)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Micca

Greg, and if its fine you can use the Irish Sunblock (a pub)

14 Jul 03 - 08:55 PM (#983435)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: CarolC

This time last week, we were in southern Georgia (USA) where it was sweltering hot and muggy even inside with the air conditioner cranked up high. Today we're in southern Michigan where the windows are open and there's a lovely cool breeze wafting in. I think I'm turning into a 'snowbird'. I'm feeling inclined to follow the pleasant weather wherever it might be.

15 Jul 03 - 06:24 AM (#983632)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: the lemonade lady

Anyone fancy a freshly squeezed iced lemonade?



15 Jul 03 - 06:54 AM (#983641)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: sian, west wales

Well, this glorious weather MUST be about to break: we've got the Royal Welsh Show next week, and the Eisteddfod the first week in August. OK - fair weather for the two HAS been known to happen, but one carries one's wellies in the boot (where else) of the car 'just in case'.

And speaking of 'Steddfod - looks like there's an off-site venue (Welshpool Town Hall) just for more folky fringe stuff this year. Great! (GrĂȘt!)


15 Jul 03 - 07:54 AM (#983664)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Grab

Liz, looks like you're onto a loser there. Forecast says thunderstorms Thursday/Friday. Of course, if it stays hot after that then we're just talking even more humidity. :-(


15 Jul 03 - 08:10 AM (#983677)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Ella who is Sooze

Coooooo tis too hot here, I'm hot and sulky that I'm in work! What I'd prefer to be doing is, at home under the brolly reading a good book, watching the cat chase flies now and then.

Mrs Lemon... are you taking your lemonade skills to the Royal Welsh show this year? I'm working up there for one day and I'd come and try some.... by the way, have your tried Lavender lemonade, I've a rather nice recipe for it at home... yum... though it does remind you some what of old ladies!


(I like the heat, but not the humidity too - I remember when I was in Washington DC it was unbearable!)

15 Jul 03 - 12:14 PM (#983818)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: sian, west wales

yes, Ms. Lemon - tell. If you're at the Squelch, say where. Not sure what day I'm going, yet.

And Ella - I want that recipe! (Could I just soak some lavender in lemonade ... ?)

In Carmarthen, where it rained for about 2 minutes; 10 minutes later, there's no sign of it. I think it evaporated the minute it hit the pavement!

15 Jul 03 - 06:02 PM (#984018)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer

Hallo Sian...

Of course I'll get you the recipe... it uses a lot of sugar but it strangly refreshing - in a granny kind of way... fuddles the senses and brings back all sorts of memories! It'll take some getting, I'll have to twist a few of my family's fingers but I'll get it you as soon as I can!

Nope, you can't just soak the lavender in lemonade - but I'll tell you how...

I'm at the squeltch show working on the Tuesday all day I'll tell you where when I pm with the recipe! I'll be having fun with trees is all I'm saying!

It rained here too in the Southern most bit of S. Wales. I was on me way to teach music in Newport and big drops of the wet stuff (and no alcohol involved) for about ten minutes then nothing...:-(

THough, if Flossie (my cat) is anything to go by she is currently doing laps around the house doing a good impression of a besom in a fit! THis usually means there's a weather change about....

PPPPPS SOS SOS... does anyone know how to get rid of caterpillars on my new growing tomatoes? IT's my first ever crop and the little blighters are having a ball on the matoes..... grrrrrr!



15 Jul 03 - 06:04 PM (#984021)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: GUEST,Ella at home cookieless

Oh bum... and apparantly now I'm sans cookie now too..

ho hum!

The above one was from me not guest...

15 Jul 03 - 07:01 PM (#984045)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Gareth

Well I don't know what the Saxons think about thier summer, but here in the Rhymney Valley - Well it's to hot and humid.

But as Sian says, with the Eistedfordd, Farmers subidy show (Royal Welsh), and the Sengynddd and Caerphilly carnivals due, its bound to precipitate.

A sweltering Gareth

16 Jul 03 - 02:54 AM (#984234)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Liz the Squeak

Don't blame me, I'm not Michael Fish!!

Be grateful you aren't in the South of France where 2 people were killed in thunderstorms yesterday!


16 Jul 03 - 08:59 AM (#984381)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: nutty

Another sweltering hot day ..... I was down on the beach with the dogs at 8am and there wasn't even a hint of a breeze.

The breeze has got up since but its warm. I tend to hide inside if I can but I needed to get the sprinkler system set up (now to water the garden I just need to turn on the tap) so had to run the gauntlet of the heat.

People in other countries probably think that its strange that we complain about such perfect weather ..... or at least it would be perfect if our houses were designed for it (marble floors and swimmimg pools) but coping with such heat in a house designed to conserve it can be difficult.

16 Jul 03 - 12:18 PM (#984489)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Trevor

I'm going to Builth on Monday - bound to pee down!

16 Jul 03 - 12:54 PM (#984519)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: VoxFox

Canadian Temperature Conversion Chart.
70 above - Texans turn on the heat and unpack thermal underwear.   People in Canada go swimming in the Lakes.
60 above - North Carolinians try to turn on the heat.   Canadians plant gardens.   
50 above - Californians shiver uncontrollably. Canadians sunbathe.
40 above - Italian and English cars won't start. Canadians drive with their windows down.
32 above - Distilled water freezes. Lake Superior water gets thicker.
20 above - Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves and wooley hats.   Canadians have a last cookout before it gets cold.   
0 degrees - People in Miami all die.   Canadians lick the flagpole.   
   -20 - Californians fly to Mexico. Canadians get out their winter coats.
-40 - Hollywood disintegrates. Girl Guides in Canada are selling cookies door to door.
   -60 - Polar bears begin to evacuate.   Canadian Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.
   -80 - Mt. St. Helenes freezes.   Canadians rent a video.
-100 - Santa Clause abandons North Pole. Canadians get frustrated because they can't thaw the keg.
-297 - Microbial life no longer survives on dairy products. Candian cows complain about farmers with cold hands.
-460 - All atomic motion stops (absolute zero on the Kelvin scale). Candians start saying, "Cold 'nuff for ya?"   
-500 - Hell freezes over. Leafs win the Stanley Cup.
    I thought this was a good place to put this little gem..:o)   VF (hope the line breaks work, If not please help!!!)

16 Jul 03 - 02:32 PM (#984595)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: the lemonade lady

Nope they won't let me in. Either the Lemonade Factory are there or it could be that the consession has been bought up by some catering company who want to sell everyone warm, canned, artificially sweetend drinks, for vast amounts of money.



16 Jul 03 - 06:10 PM (#984720)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Terry K

It's bloody lovely - bring on some more!

16 Jul 03 - 08:12 PM (#984776)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Mr Happy

i was just a pool of sweat on the floor all day!

17 Jul 03 - 04:32 AM (#984979)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Liz the Squeak

Mr Happy, that is just SUCH a lovely mind image.... I may have to forego breakfast...............


17 Jul 03 - 05:41 AM (#985000)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: sian, west wales

Isn't that bleedin' typical? Trev's at the Squelch Monday, Ella Tuesday and me Thursday (and Ms. L not at all; may you can officially 'not' do Wednesday, Ms L?). We'll need to get organized next year. (No-one braving the Eisteddfod then, but me? Maybe I should ask in a new thread ...)

Weather's broken here, although I hear that the word 'exploded' might be more appropriate over Cardiff way. Nice cool breeze, with a promise of warm again for the weekend. Just the way we like it!


17 Jul 03 - 08:46 AM (#985085)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: the lemonade lady

Sian...' (and Ms. L not at all; may you can officially 'not' do Wednesday, Ms L?). ' ???


17 Jul 03 - 10:28 AM (#985155)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Sandra in Sydney

VoxFox - I love the list

And all you Pommies complaining about your weather - it sounds like Sydney - heat, humidity, it's definitely our weather, give it back. It's almost midwinter & we're having unseasonable days of 19 to 23!! what is the world coming to. I'm still wearing autumn/spring clothes - velvet skirt, silk shirt or longsleeved cotton tee shirt with thin fleecy waistcoat & medium fleecy jacket over. In the last 2 days I've seen several young women wearing sleeveless tops & not even carrying jackets.

Speaking of humidity I have a cartoon, drawn in the 1940's with workers straphanging on a nasty humid Sydney summer day. One exhausted woman is gasping & sweating (perspiring or even glowing) amongst a tram load of others doing the same & she's saying "It's not the humidity, it's the humanity"


17 Jul 03 - 11:04 AM (#985195)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: sian, west wales

Sal - it's just that we sort of had the 4-day event covered (Mon, Tues, Thurs) except for Wed. ... so I thought if you could officially 'not' do Wed. we'd have a hat-trick. Sort of.

Sorry. Sometimes I have a weird way of looking at things.


17 Jul 03 - 11:32 AM (#985220)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Noreen

Well, the weather's broken here (just north of Manchester) with a cracking thunderstorm- I'm by the open window watching the rain and jumping out of my seat as the storm passes right overhead - wow!

I love thunderstorms.

17 Jul 03 - 01:36 PM (#985342)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Steve Benbows protege

Well usually "English Summer" is a contradiction in terms, but this year has been excesively hot. It has now broken!! (I hope the weather is good for Sidmouth!)

17 Jul 03 - 05:57 PM (#985502)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Penny S.

According to my Aussie colleague, it was hot enough to bear comparison with Oz earlier this week.


17 Jul 03 - 07:31 PM (#985561)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Gareth

Yeeeh Haaaa ! - Cloud, heavey rain - Normal South Wales Weather restored. But 2/3 days of this and I will have to cut the lawn.


18 Jul 03 - 05:59 PM (#986217)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Phot

Two or three days of this, and the Landrover will be muddy again!

status quo restored.

Bummer! Triumph back under cover, PooT!


18 Jul 03 - 06:01 PM (#986220)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Liz the Squeak

That will save me watering the garden at stupid o'clock at night then..... I wish!


18 Jul 03 - 06:49 PM (#986275)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Gareth

Just remember Liz - your only a few days drought off a "Watering Ban".


19 Jul 03 - 03:16 AM (#986431)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah, that explains the police helicopter that circled the house for half an hour last night then.....

Have to use the stealth hose tonight.


20 Jul 03 - 06:08 AM (#986915)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: GUEST,ella at home sans cookie

Well, it is ok weather today, cloudy bit of a breeze and sun... suits me fine.

Yes Sian we've almost got the squelsh show covered... I'm not looking forward to standing up all day, in under a plastic tent, or trying to get people to come and see our displays..... apparantly I going to be a go getter.... so look out for a stressed person, long hair, bending people's arms and chasing them into our stand with a pitch fork....

I'm told we get an hour for lunch...whooo hoooo! What's more, I can't find me wellies, and I remember lending me water proofs to a friends teenager before she went on an outward bound thingumummy weekend... doh!


20 Jul 03 - 03:31 PM (#987115)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: sian, west wales

Yes, but what stand, Ella????


21 Jul 03 - 02:34 AM (#987281)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: mouldy

And I thought we'd had it hot in central Europe last week! (36.5 in Budapest last Thursday, and Prague not much different). I have never sweated so much, but I haven't so much as lost a single pound, dammit, even after all the miles and miles we walked in the heat. Typical - every time we think we'll go get some warmth abroad there's a heatwave back home.

Well I'm off to Scotland in the next day or so to sit for a week and a half in my tent. Let's see if I get flooded out like I did last year!


21 Jul 03 - 04:48 AM (#987304)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Ella who is Sooze

Friends teenager still has waterproofs, and I'm assured they are now covered in a furry growth and a wee bit mouldy!

Wellies not found, so I'm resorting to my hiking boots, it's de rigeur... hiking boots and suit - ooo lovely. what a sight for sore eyes I'll be!

Please keep fingers crossed... BBC Wales said this am on the radio that there's rain there today expected...


21 Jul 03 - 05:17 AM (#987315)
Subject: RE: BS: English Summer
From: Bassic

Greg, I mostly prefer my Mudcat.............................Merged.