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BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote

17 Jul 03 - 09:27 AM (#985115)
Subject: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Roger the Skiffler

No, not me, the other barmy Brummie. Ozzie Osbourne is alleged to have wrestled a coyote that was attacking his chihuahua. The dog died any way.
Is this true?
Could it be:
1)He was trying to bite the head off the coyote as a rehearsal for a new stage show?
2)He had bitten the head off the chihuahua for crapping on the carpet too often and made up the coyote story to placate Sharon?
The news item also stated he had thrown poisoned chickens over his fence to kill the coyotes so I hope the US Wildlife Service are on his trail.

(at least Ozzie makes the rest of us from the City of a Thousand Trades look reasonably normal)

17 Jul 03 - 09:31 AM (#985117)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Rapparee

If he did, he's nuttier than I thought. Rabies is endemic in the US, and ol' Ozzie goin' to have to have Those Shots again.

24 Jul 03 - 01:05 AM (#989366)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote

Hillarious Mr. Skiffler!!!

Please, keep us posted to further developments.

(This little digression make you more human and add to your credibility in the PELS threads...we now share a commone interest.)

24 Jul 03 - 07:32 AM (#989394)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: harvey andrews

I wouldn't be suprised. When I used to visit him at his Staffordshire home there was a huge stuffed grizzly in the entrance hall. Knowing Oz, he probably wrestled that too!

24 Jul 03 - 07:38 AM (#989398)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Gareth

Yes, but who will need the Rabies shots ? Ozzie or the coyote ?

Beep Beep


24 Jul 03 - 08:05 AM (#989415)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Rapparee

Gareth: yes.

Hmmm...seems to me that he'd have been better off to throw poisoned chihuahuas over the fence, given what the coyote attacked.

Coyotes are wily, smart, omnivorous, and a nuisance. Still, you really shouldn't poison them. Not even if you're ol' Ozzy.

24 Jul 03 - 09:34 AM (#989473)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Roger the Skiffler

Me? Human? Credible?
Some mistake, surely?


24 Jul 03 - 11:14 AM (#989603)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Shelley C

I read in the Birmingham Evening Mail that Ozzy was going to be given the 'freedom of Aston'. (For those of you that don't know, Aston is the area of Brum that he comes from)
As far as I know, there aren't any coyotes for him to wrestle in Aston. But there may be a lynx or a puma not too far away - see the 'Big Cats in the UK' thread!


25 Jul 03 - 02:38 AM (#990209)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Roger the Skiffler

Aaah, Aston! The smell of the sauce factory on the wind,blending with the smell of the brewery....happy days! Not quite as nostalgic as the Nechells gasworks smell!

(Nechells born, Erdington bred, Handsworth educated)

25 Jul 03 - 03:40 AM (#990231)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Steve Parkes

Ah, happy days at C H Taylor's! And my lad Tim worked down road at HKL not so long back. So what will Ozzie get? The right to drive sheep along the Aston Expressway?


25 Jul 03 - 06:07 AM (#990276)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: harvey andrews

Roger your memories bring tears to my eyes! Winter snow days spent tobogganing down the slope of Aston Park, crashing into the fence at the bottom. The miserable park keeper...the secret passage from the Hall to the Church....getting ten shillings for minding the car of a Blackpool supporter when his team (and Stanley Matthews) won their 1953 FA cup semi-final at the Villa....getting my adult library ticket for Aston library and vowing to read every book in the history section...once I'd read every C.S.Forester and Hammond Innes...better stop now, or start writing the book!

25 Jul 03 - 06:52 AM (#990293)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Gurney

And a workmate of mine who had his new car painted claret and blue. Apparently he actually had it blue and claret, because he came out of one match and found it upside down......

25 Jul 03 - 09:23 AM (#990366)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Rapparee

Ah, the memories.

Running free with Barmy and Brummie, the twin coyotes, across the windswept plains of Illinois, the tall corn in stately rows over our heads, the dead chickens in our mouths dripping blood as we ran...the smell of the rain as it swept in from the West and brought new life to the parched land, the whiff of the shot and the sharp odor of powder as the farmer playfully ordered us off his land, the fights for Alpha, the song fests at night when we were all well fed....

I can't continue, the tears are streaming down now for What Might Have Been.

25 Jul 03 - 12:58 PM (#990555)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Shelley C

Aha, Roger, I now deduce from the 'Big Cats in the UK' thread, that you may be a born and bred Brummie but are now living in Berkshire.
No wonder you are getting nostalgic for the old place.

I, on the other hand am Walton-on-Thames born, living in Kings Heath, working in Northfield.

Contrary to popular belief, this is an improvement in lifestyle.

And I look forward to the day when I see Ozzy driving those sheep down the Aston Expressway!


25 Jul 03 - 01:16 PM (#990570)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Amos

Rapaire has regressed into a past life as a quadruped...never mind, though. Give him three days to rebalance and he'll be right again! :>)


25 Jul 03 - 09:00 PM (#990847)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Rapparee

No, I was raised by coyotes after my parents forgot me at a family reunion. After my diaper rotted off I never wore people clothing again until I was 18 and went into the Army. Since they retrieved me when I was 8 it was pretty darned embarassing at the Senior Prom, and pure hell trying to play the harp in marching band.

26 Jul 03 - 01:28 AM (#990938)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: rangeroger

So, are the sheep on the Aston Expressway right-hand or left-hand drive?

Maybe Rapaire should make a short trip north to the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station and then report back to us on his findings.


26 Jul 03 - 12:13 PM (#991098)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Rapparee

Okay, rr, I'll do that tomorrow. I have to clean up around here today or Pocatello will have another superfund site to contend with.

28 Jul 03 - 03:06 PM (#992146)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: Rapparee

I went. It was awful.

There they were, hundreds and hundreds of sheep, sheep of all types, all breeds. They overed the hills, looking like dirty clouds on the ground.    Then I got a whiff of their scent and the old, old feelings returned; the old animal appetites, long suppressed, again came flooding back, overwhelming me.

Shedding my clothes, I was off, into the flock, howling, barking, and being answered by my brother coyotes from the hills beyond.

They came, my brothers and sisters, to join me in a great feast of mutton and lamb. We slashed into the flocks, killing and eating, with innards matting our muzzles and blood staining our faces. Some we ate there, and some we dragged away for the pups and for later, remembering the old coyote proverb, "It don't matter how old it is, we can still eat it."

Ah, the memories! That night, high in the hills, howling at the moon, our stomachs full, all was right with the world.

Except that unlike the old days, I had to go to work. So I left them, got into my car, and drove sadly away.

Did you know that the US Dept. of Agriculture has guards at their sheep stations? Guards with guns? BIG guns?

So here I sit, using the Internet connection in this jail, facing a federal rap for being a mean, lowdown, sheep-eatin' coyote. I think that I can get off, since I'm not a coyote, genetically I mean. But when I do, I think that I'm going to head north and see you, rr. After all, the visit was YOUR idea.

28 Jul 03 - 03:59 PM (#992177)
Subject: RE: BS: Barmy Brummie wrestles coyote
From: LilyFestre

I read something about that...Ozzie wrestling a coyote to save his wife's dog. Seems to me that the pup was doomed despite the valiant thought....have any of you seen how Ozzie moves these days? They dog was likely a Scooby Snack before he ever got there.........poor pooch.

Lily =^..^=