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BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction

19 Jul 03 - 02:07 PM (#986626)
Subject: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

I have been composing stories for nearly as long as I have been using language.

For the last fourteen years, I have been a regular contributor to The Art Garden, a "literary magazine for the stage," where writers independently create works inspired by a given theme, and then gather on one night to read their work before a live audience.

And then, on June 3rd, a few days before the latest Art Garden, I received the following in my email from the Art Garden editor:

Dear Ann--

I had a wonderful experience at a conference this weekend called Women
and Power which I hope to tell you more about on Sat.

There I had a shamanic healing journey. Some images came up for me, and I thought I would like a story that incorporates these images, but many things are requiring my writing time at the moment. Then I thought- Ann !

So here's my idea: I would like to commission you to write a story for me. It's sort of like doing an Art Garden piece, except that I want to pay you for it, as one would pay any kind of healer. So think about what you would charge. Of course you retain all rights to publishing it, etc.

[snippity, snip].

Then I thought that this could be a very cool thing, if you are open to it. People could hire writers and artists to create healing art for them, or as gifts for other people. Think about it. if the idea sits well with you, I will announce it at the Art Garden. I myself am very excited!

See you soon-- Love, Irene

The letter blew me away, and it took me a few days to get my mind around it, and I'm still not sure it's all the way around it. ;-)

I mean, I've long thought of poems and stories as potentially magic -- in the literal sense of empowering the audience, and opening the way to profound change. But to have someone else actually willing to pay me to write something for her as a healer. ...the mind boggles...

It struck me at the time, and it still strikes me as such, that whatever powers that be in the universe seem to be calling my bluff:

"You say that storytelling is at the core of being human -- that the storytellers were the first shamans and magicians, who helped their clans to overcome great challenges? You call yourself a storyteller? Okay then -- Prove It!!"

So after sleeping on it, I said "Yes -- I'll do it."

And so my life, which, at the beginning of this year, seemed destined to roll on unchanging for the forseeable future, now looks like it may make a big turn in a new direction... The idea of what might be around the corner on this new path sure is exciting.

I finished that story this week, by the way, and got it off in the mail yesterday.

And just now, I've put my storywriting services up here, in the Mudcat Auction.

Heh. The first piece of advice given to writers is often "Know your subject." The advice that follows close behind is "Know your audience." Usually, that's meant in the abstract. It's a nice feeling when you know your audience as an individual person. :-)

19 Jul 03 - 02:49 PM (#986652)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Jeri

Ann, I think it's gone way past the point where the PtB expect you to prove you can write. You did that, and can keep doing it. There's no end to imagination.

Funny, how big things can sometimes happen just because we love something enough to get good at it. Cheers!

19 Jul 03 - 03:00 PM (#986657)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: katlaughing

I was just wondering the other day where you'd gotten to..hadn't seen around, lately. That is wonderful news, congratulations and well deserved.

It's funny how the Universe calls our bluff. I do a lot of *healing* work over the telephone, always offered as a gift, it's just what I do, then last year I received a letter of thanks with a $100 check for my "telephone ministry!" (And, me a pagan!**bg**) Shocked the heck out of me and I do NOT think of myself that way at all, but it did feel very validating and I was grateful for that.

I've also had some good things come of my creative/spiritual writing. It's a wonderful feeling and I am really happy that you've been recognised for the gift that you offer.


19 Jul 03 - 03:14 PM (#986664)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Mudlark

What a wonderfully reaffirming request! Sounds you are the right person for the job...good luck and congrats.

19 Jul 03 - 04:02 PM (#986682)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

I think it's gone way past the point where the PtB expect you to prove you can write. You did that, and can keep doing it. There's no end to imagination.

Oh, it's not that I think They're asking me to prove I can write per se, but asking me to put my money where my mouth is in terms of using my writing as a conscious tool for change and healing.

It's one thing to write well and store your writing in a shoe box under the bed (or in a hard drive on your computer). It's something else to risk rejection and send it to a magazine to be read by strangers. Both of those things I've done (though less of the latter than the former, I'm afraid). But it's a whole different catagory when an individual comes to you and says (basically): "Help me with your words."

I really do think that a well-crafted story (and, to a lessor extent, a poem) has much in common with a magic-religous ritual. Mostly, those similarities are merely in the outward form -- until you put intent into it -- then, it can be a very powerful act, and one laden with responibility.

I think it is that responsibility that the PtB are asking me to take up.... and that is one reason I was both daunted by the task and, ultimately, agreed to take it on. If I said "no" now, there was no telling when or if I'd ever get another oportunity to say "yes".

19 Jul 03 - 04:35 PM (#986691)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

I was just wondering the other day where you'd gotten to..hadn't seen around, lately.

I've been mostly hanging out with my other group of friends in Doctor Who fandom, building up contacts and support in preparation for attending a DW convention in Los Angeles in February of 2004... Not quite sure of how I'm going to get there, yet... But it seems that this is the "now or never" time for breaking out of my shell and turning cyber friendships into flesh and blood ones... as the time for travel gets closer (depending on the mode of transportation I choose), I may post a thread on Mudcat so I can meet other friends along the way...

It's funny how the Universe calls our bluff. I do a lot of *healing* work over the telephone, always offered as a gift, it's just what I do, then last year I received a letter of thanks with a $100 check for my "telephone ministry!"

That does not surprise me.   You are valuable and valued.

Indeed. This started back in January, when an internet friend of mine (one of those I hope to meet in February) was feeling isolated, alone, and depressed. I couldn't go to her physically, or help her out in a material way. So I gave her what I had to give: I wrote a story for her, with the intent of adressing the issue at the forefront of her stress at the time. It was a pure gift.

Less than four months later, a long-time friend and mentor asks me to do the exact same thing for pay -- asking me to set my own price. Money isn't everything. But it is one of the ways that energy is made tangible, and when arrives unexpectedly, I see it as kind of a flashing light drawing my attention to the issue or idea behind it -- like a big sign with an arrow saying:

This Way

I've known for a long time that storytelling and storylistening are central to my being, and I've struggled for the past several years over how best to use that in my life to the service of others. I think this oportunity shows one way to live that out...

19 Jul 03 - 06:43 PM (#986719)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Amos

Wonderful turns in the path!! Congratulations, CU!! Nice to hear from you, too.


19 Jul 03 - 06:54 PM (#986726)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Leadfingers

And Congratulations from this side of the pond too C U . See,I even had a look in the B S just for you.Wish you many more paid writings.

19 Jul 03 - 08:24 PM (#986782)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

From Mudlark: What a wonderfully reaffirming request!

Indeed. I am going to need the luck, though, it seems. Just as I was going to print the story and mail it, my printer died -- went from printing beautifully one moment to not printing anything at all. In the end, I resorted to having the story printed by Kinkos and delivered to my door...

(which is one reason why I set the Mud Cut for the Auction at 70%, rather than 100%).

Which reminds me: Thanks for the "Thanks," Guys... But Go!! Bid!! Not just for me but for Max and all of us! ;-)

20 Jul 03 - 02:05 AM (#986859)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Sorcha

Oh Ann, this is wonderful!! We have missed you in the chat room, please come back! Can I pay you to write a story just for my grandson Owen after he is born in late Sept/early Oct???

20 Jul 03 - 04:45 AM (#986900)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: katlaughing

You are valuable and valued. As are you...thanks.

20 Jul 03 - 07:59 AM (#986942)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Mary in Kentucky

Where is that "Bragging Grandparent Brigade" I've been hearing about? Put your money where your mouths are!

20 Jul 03 - 08:13 AM (#986948)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

Can I pay you to write a story just for my grandson Owen after he is born in late Sept/early Oct???

I will write a wondertale (otherwise known as a "fairy" tale -- my preferred genre) for anyone. :-) Though, since we don't know what Owen's quest will be until he grows up a bit, it will really be more of a story for his parents.

If you want to be sure of getting it, you can PM me, after the auction is over, and I'll let you know what my "ordinary" charge is, for this service. Since this is a benefit for Mudcat, I want the bidding to go as high as possible, so I want to keep the "street price" secret. ;-)

20 Jul 03 - 08:17 AM (#986950)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

You are valuable and valued. As are you...thanks.

Mutual admiration hug!!

{{{KL & CU}}} :-)

20 Jul 03 - 12:48 PM (#987037)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: katlaughing

{{{{Right back atcha!}}}}*bg*

My sister did a neat thing for my grandsons, for their 5th birthday. My sisters are twins, as are my grandsons. She wrote a personalised book for each of them which featured family pictures, esp. of her and my other sister, her twin, as well as wrote about what it was like to grow up as a twin AND included learning type questions of the boys with room for them to fill in the blanks. They were thrilled.

Not the same as a wondertale (love that term!), but still a great thing for kids.

Great thread, CU!!


20 Jul 03 - 03:44 PM (#987117)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

wondertale (love that term!)

It's actually the technical term coined by folklorists, since actual fairies hardly ever appear in "fairy tales."

And as wonderful as the "Bragging Grandparent Brigade" is, and as wonderful as these stories may be for children, they are not just for children... In fact, my three latest stories were all written with people over the age of 20 in mind...

20 Jul 03 - 05:48 PM (#987161)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: katlaughing

We all need WonderTales!!

20 Jul 03 - 06:59 PM (#987179)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

Indeed. And I beleive it was Joseph Campbell who said something along the lines that we are all on a hero's journey, just by virtue of being born...

21 Jul 03 - 05:48 PM (#987707)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Mary in Kentucky

I'm thinking about a wondertale about they were created, or they talk, or they have magical powers...

21 Jul 03 - 07:17 PM (#987743)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

I'm thinking about a wondertale about they were created, or they talk, or they have magical powers...

Well, if you put in the winning bid (or pay me the street price), I'll turn my hand and mind to that very question!

21 Jul 03 - 07:55 PM (#987775)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction

I have a story that I (and others) have been trying to write for years. Maybe this is the way to get it done.
Off to the auction.
What about copyrights?

21 Jul 03 - 11:46 PM (#987860)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

What about copyrights?

I would retain the copyrights myself, since I would be the author. This isn't ghostwriting, where I'm taking a plot that is already laid out and putting it into words, but taking a central idea or image ("a story of a wedding with an apple tree in it" or "A story about a boy with a blue eyebrow" or somesuch) and writing a wholy original story around that idea.

However, if you and your friends want to write that story idea and keep the copyrights to yourselves, I wouldn't mind helping you write it, and giving feedback... but that's a different service than I am offering for the auction.

23 Jul 03 - 01:18 PM (#988918)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

I'll tell you guys what: Because, as John Steinbeck said:

"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen."

And because, unlike tangible stuff, my collection of stories-waiting-to-hatch is not definite (I'd hope they were infinite, but one never knows...), I will write a story for every person who bids on my item in the auction.

The highest bidder will get their story written first, of course. The second highest bidder will get their story written second, the third highest bidder, third ... and so on...

Let's see if that doesn't bring out the Grandparents!

23 Jul 03 - 01:49 PM (#988933)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: Sorcha

Capri, I think I will wait until he is born, on the outside chance that it is NOT a boy.

27 Jul 03 - 05:15 PM (#991577)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

Refresh -- the auction on the story closes in six (6) days.

03 Aug 03 - 12:43 PM (#995963)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

The bidding on a story from me has closed. However, as promised, I will write a story for each person who bid, starting with the highest bid.

The "Winners" are:

Sinsull -- for her, I will write a story about Gryphons

Mary in Kentucky -- for her, I will write a story about Flowers

And Tig -- for her, I will write a story about Dragons.


Thanks for the inspiration, gals! ... Now, to get to work...

19 Jun 04 - 03:33 PM (#1210530)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

Refreshing this thread, because I just put this item in the Auction again.

And, to my surprise, it's exactly a year since I put it in the auction the first time.

My, my!

11 Jul 04 - 12:17 PM (#1223314)
Subject: RE: BS: New: life 4 CapriUni, & item in Auction
From: CapriUni

Refreshing this thread. The wondertale auction closes at midnight. But I will be writing a story for Everyone who bids, and donating 70% of each payment to Mudcat.

C'mon, folkies! It's a good cause!