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2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

22 Jul 03 - 04:15 PM (#988335)
Subject: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ferrara

Hi, everyone,

I'm program chair again this year for the FSGW Getaway. The Catch-22 about the Getaway is that I can't design the program until I know who's coming, but the registration forms aren't even out yet much less being sent to us!

So, I'd like some input from you folks in Mudcat land. (Will also put a version of this message in the September FSGW newsletter).

First of all, who's planning or hoping to come?

Second, if you've been here before, what workshops/concerts etc would you like to see repeated?

Third, do you have suggestions for workshops?

Fourth, do you know someone who has a special interest, is hoping to come, and might lead a workshop or do a half hour mini concert? Or would you like to do so?

You can PM me about your suggestions or post them here.

I know the Shellback Chorus are planning to come. Would especially like to know more about the members of that group. I know you all do shanties and maritime music, but I'm sure there are lots of other interests too.

Workshops take two forms. First is the sing-around on a specific topic, such as "Love songs." Second is the concert/workshop, where the leaders are very knowledgeable about a certain type of music. I may ask them to do about 15 minutes of music, then ask for songs from the attendees, then do a few more songs to close the session.

Last year we had a called contra dance and also a waltz session with a pickup band. Any other suggestions for dance sessions?

Mini-concerts are half an hour. Sometimes they are people who perform regularly; sometimes they are talented folks who have something to offer even though they aren't technically performers.

Rita Ferrara

22 Jul 03 - 04:36 PM (#988356)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: CraigS

How about a workshop on songwriting techniques, or a demonstration workshop to explain the differences between the free reed instruments ( anglo & english concertinas, melodeons, accordeons, harmonicas), or a demonstration workshop to explain why any rational being would take up playing a banjo instead of putting it in a dumpster? People don't always know why they like to listen to things, and they do like to be able to appreciate the finer points of what they hear - demonstrations of the fancier stuff help this, but do not demand that they participate.

22 Jul 03 - 07:13 PM (#988433)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Unless Asscroft bans all travel, I'll be there.

22 Jul 03 - 09:30 PM (#988485)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: MMario

I will be there - If I have to bloody WALK this year...

And I'm agreeable - if we can figure out what you'd like me to do. *grin*

22 Jul 03 - 10:24 PM (#988507)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bert


I did a workshop on songwriting techniques a couple of years ago. Only five people showed up (mind you we were in the same time slot as Sandy and Caroline, so I'm surprised we even got that many against those two). I'd be willing to run one again this year if there is enough interest.

But there might be more interest in an ongoing songwriter's showcase.
I'd be willing to lead that too, again if there is enough interest. I would envisage a room where people could come and sing their own songs and tell us about them. I don't have any idea at the moment of how long it would take but I could envisage several hours being needed for all the songwriting talent at Mudcat. We could even finish with a concert of songs which have wn Mudcat awards.

Anyway it's all fun; what does everyone else think?

22 Jul 03 - 10:26 PM (#988509)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

WooHoo!!! I've been thinking it is just about time for something to appear. I'll be there even I have to miss my own funeral.

I am assuming (hoping, praying) that Lisa will do a vocal clinic?

Would love to see the contra dance happen again. (cuz I missed it last year.)

Two years ago there was a workshop on jugband/novelty music. A repeat, or something close would be nice. Or just Appalachian stringband music?

A workshop on anything Kendall wants to do it on!!!

What about a Carter family workshop?

Hey, if its about music, I'll be happy with anything.

And in advance, thanks so much for all the work you and the other FSGW folks do so we can just show up and have a wonderful, musical weekend.


22 Jul 03 - 11:25 PM (#988549)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GutBucketeer


I second the Jug band/Novelty Music Workshop! I'll be glad to help with it too. I've come to realize that I'm a real stumblebum when I have to lead anything, so I'm not so keen at leading it.


23 Jul 03 - 12:04 AM (#988564)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Big Mick

I will be there, Rita, with bells on.

How about songs about the immigrant experience in the military. I am thinking San Patricio's, Civil War, in fact any war.

Great Lakes maritime songs? Might be a nice twist with the Shellback Chorus.

I love the jug band idea.

I thought the scary songs thing two years ago was great.

Songs that stand a chance of becoming folk songs? Stuff from the last 40 years that tell a great yarn and might be interpreted and modified by the folk process.

Let me know if I can do anything to help you.


23 Jul 03 - 07:16 AM (#988683)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Noreen

Hi, Rita.
Although I will be at the Getaway (hurrah!) with the Shellback Chorus and have a wonderful time singing shanties and sea songs with them, my first and abiding love is for Irish traditional (unaccompanied) songs, and associated songs from the English and Scottish traditions.

I would be very happy to take part in or lead a workshop-type-singaround along these lines, perhaps with the help of a couple of other Shellbacks, providing of course that these didn't interfere with Shellback commitments. Perhaps a ballad workshop, with input of ballads from the different traditions from both sides of the Atlantic?

As you suspect, Shellbacks are a talented bunch in a number of fields, including (off the top of my head) English music-hall songs and humorous songs as well as non-maritime chorus songs. Anywhere a few Shellbacks gather is a focus for rousing chorus/harmony singing- so be warned!

While I wouldn't presume to volunteer anybody else, I will mention that you're looking for volunteers :0)

23 Jul 03 - 08:51 AM (#988718)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Mantid

Hi Rita,
We really enjoyed the contra and waltz dancing workshops last year. Would love to see them repeated this time also.

23 Jul 03 - 04:45 PM (#989073)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

" Anywhere a few Shellbacks gather is a focus for rousing chorus/harmony singing- so be warned!"

..sounds like some good late-night singing to be had! We will have to choose someplace other than that tiny room in one cabin... :>) (lots of places to sing at this camp...will probably be several groups going at once)

23 Jul 03 - 04:46 PM (#989074)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Barb'ry

Hi Rita
You have some great ideas going! Like Noreen, I am part of the Shellback Chorus and love the maritime songs etc, but again, my real love is for traditional ballads, particularly English and Scottish and would be happy to help out if you did want to do a 'both sides of the Atlantic' workshop.
Good luck

23 Jul 03 - 05:48 PM (#989117)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dani


Second the jugband workshop.

Loved the Kipling. And anything Lisa Null does. Also Charlie Baum. And Kendall. And Mick. And Dick. And...... parodies or just comic songs in general....

Now that you've planted the bug, I'll pull out my old papers and remember what was *most* wonderful. As if anything was less than wonderful.

Thanks, Rita!


23 Jul 03 - 06:34 PM (#989141)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Noreen

Barb, 'twas you I had in mind... now isn't that strange?!
Bill, we do late-night singing!

23 Jul 03 - 06:38 PM (#989143)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Morticia


23 Jul 03 - 06:50 PM (#989151)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

New passport arrived today, and I've already got my plane ticket.

Ballads is good. And parodies and comic songs. And music hall.
And anything else.

But late night singing, Noreen? What's wrong with 24/7?

WassaiL! V

23 Jul 03 - 06:51 PM (#989152)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Now Morty, you had a chance to come! sigh!

23 Jul 03 - 06:52 PM (#989153)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Morty - I can guarantee airfare if you guarantee to appear. "There's a $5 fine for whining" so knock it off and get your passport in order.
Come on, Morty. Pleeeease... Allan may be there.

I will be there. I loved the Tear Jerker Workshop and would be pleased to assist in another or any sort of "Over The Top" tearing at the heart strings or demanding OUTRAGE type tunes.

The Old Time (pre 1945)Country session was fun and I raved about enough to recruit a few more attendees.

I just can't wait.

23 Jul 03 - 07:13 PM (#989183)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

How about a session on political protest/peace songs, etc? Many of us find ourselves having to dust off some of the old ones, and would love to here some new ones.


23 Jul 03 - 07:18 PM (#989188)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: MMario

I'd chip in for airfare as well Morti!

23 Jul 03 - 07:25 PM (#989192)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: treaties1

I'm another Shellback member and happy to volunteer to lead a sing-a-round or similar such as

"The Song Game" An opening first song has to be followed by someone else's, but the next singer must provide some sort of link, how-ever tenuous, between the songs; and then et al. Can be free-for- all or sing-a-round format. Can be great fun.

23 Jul 03 - 07:55 PM (#989212)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Noreen

Oh, and Snuffy knows every song ever written...

23 Jul 03 - 07:59 PM (#989215)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

I know some tear jerkers that would bring a tear to a glass eye.

23 Jul 03 - 08:11 PM (#989220)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

Rita--I believe Kendall has just volunteered!

Come on over Morti--I'll chip in too!


23 Jul 03 - 09:09 PM (#989259)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: CET

Charmion and I are planning to be there.

Crime and punishment are always good subjects for singing.

Would there be enough interest in a session of songs in languages other than English?

I like Big Mick's idea of a session on the immigrant experience in war too.


23 Jul 03 - 09:41 PM (#989268)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Gorgeous Gary

Borrowing a page from Kendall, I'll be there as long as the US lets me come back **home** after my vacation in Toronto this August! 8-)

I wouldn't mind a reprise of the Kipling, I could certainly do Jewish songs again, or maybe songs from literary sources (which I once did a successful Open Sing on).

And y'all know how dangerous I am with funny songs and parodies...

-- Gary

23 Jul 03 - 09:47 PM (#989270)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dani

How about (what's the word for it?) a workshop on songs that can be sung to other tunes, tunes used in many songs, etc? Some of you know HUNDREDS of these. Ever since I heard "O, Little Town of Bethlehem" sung to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun" I've been fascinated by this. Also, there've been songs I've learned the lyrics to on Mudcat that I didn't know the tune for, and slipped it into something else.


23 Jul 03 - 10:36 PM (#989287)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Tinker

Morti... If you haven't come up with a better excuse than airfare and Getaway fees... you better start making plans girl... PLEASE

I'd love to be part of a Music Hall Session

ANd I add seconds and thirds to tearjerk songs and ballads.

Women work and wisdom had a good crowd last year... and I've got a new round of Street Walkin' Blues (but those may be best left to late at night...BG)


23 Jul 03 - 10:49 PM (#989294)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: dick greenhaus

I'll be there (on time, this year) with Susan. Do with me what you will.

(but I may be late this time - Susan)

23 Jul 03 - 11:17 PM (#989308)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ferrara

Folks, this is an absolutely wonderful response! I am so pleased to see so much interest and so many excellent ideas. And so many folks who are already planning to be here! Good stuff.

We're having a house concert here (Danny Spooner) next Thursday and then I'm off to Augusta Vocal Week, then four days at home, and a trip to Massachusetts for a friend's 50th birthday (a mere baby!) so I may or may not be able to respond to each individual idea right away.

But I have to write up a notice next week for the FSGW newsletter asking for input. I plan to list all of your suggestions as of the time I submit it, and ask for ideas from the newsletter readers as well.

I'll see if I can get my write-up posted on the FSGW web site, too.

Keep those cards and letters coming! (uhhh... e-cards and e-letters, I guess....)

As to the ideas suggested above, I like 'em all. Really I do. There is an excellent balance of different styles and themes suggested so far, all of it interesting.

We'll see how many of them I can fit into the program. With luck, we may be able to use all of them. They are really good ideas.

Part of the challenge is to find a knowledgeable leader for each workshop. Another challenge is to have a fair selection of people involved as leaders, and to have some variety from year to year, and not to play favorites, and not to set up workshops that nobody wants to go to, and not to create too many conflicts in each hour's schedule, and not to make too many workshop leaders miserable by scheduling them against their second favorite event of the weekend, and to make allowances for people who will only be there for one day or the other, and... you get the picture.

Wow. Maybe you folks will do so much of the work for me that I won't even be an exhausted nervous wreck this year by the time Getaway weekend rolls around. Wouldn't that be nice. :-)

24 Jul 03 - 12:08 AM (#989336)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: karen k

I'll absolutely be there. Rita, don't forget gospel. I'd love to do a half hour mini-concert if it's not too presumtuous to ask. Ballads are good and I'd love the jugband workshop to happen again as I missed the last one. Well, that's my two cents for now.

Rita, see you at Augusta! Also, where are you going in Mass.? That's my neck of the woods.

I know you'll do an awesome job as usual.


24 Jul 03 - 08:51 AM (#989449)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

Oh, and Snuffy knows every song ever written...

But very little later than 1960 (apart from Les Barker and the Kipper Family!) - just can't get interested in much singer/songwriter stuff. Maybe it's the guitars that put me off.

I like Theresa's "follow my leader" idea (with a prize for the most outrageous, groan inducing link!), and I'm sure we could muster a Shellback Gospel Choir.

WassaiL! v

24 Jul 03 - 09:57 AM (#989497)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

Yo Morticia!!!!

A year from now
You'll take from us
Our good friend Allan C.
To dwell in jolly England
Across the wide blue sea.
Not only that!
We 'catter's here will be too broke to go
To Yorkshire where there will occur
The splendid Nuptials show

But we have earned the right to have
A celebration day
To toast the starry lovers here in the USA.
It is plain truth that you first met
In Maryland on the Bay
On a clear October morning
At a folksong Getaway

For ten or twelve or twenty folk
To fly to London town
And take a train to Yorkshire
Will cost too many pounds.
But some of us on Mudcat
Have said we'll pass a virtual Hat
To buy a ticket for a plane
(won't cost each more than a bottle of champagne)
And bring one favorite British lass
Back to that hallowed place.

So get your visa and your passport stamped
And pack your bags for Ramblewood Camp
We'd love to see Micca and Pixie there
Alas they'll need to find their own fare
We'll have a party
We'll celebrate
Allan C.'s and Morticia's fate
To join their lives together.

24 Jul 03 - 10:00 AM (#989500)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: JedMarum

songs sung to alternate melodies?

Try Brennan on the Moor to the melody of Ghost Riders in the Sky - it brings a surprising humor to the songs!

24 Jul 03 - 10:05 AM (#989505)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dani

I knew she was cute, but who knew she was so talented!?

She's right, you know. I'd help, too. Consider it a scholarship of LOVE.

Plan ahead, and we can make this work!!


24 Jul 03 - 10:07 AM (#989509)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,MMario

yup - fact it could be a workshop....Love songs for a TransAtlantic Couple...

heck - split the plane fair and Getaway fee fifteen or twenty ways and should be simple!

24 Jul 03 - 10:45 AM (#989563)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

*I can hear her thinking it over*

so...Jed...any chance you might make it again?

Snuffy..."Oh, and Snuffy knows every song ever written...
"But very little later than 1960 ", that's my kind of man! *grin* I was once working at a place where they played an "oldies" radio station..(as in LAST decade)..I informed them that, in the circles I hang out in, the 'oldies' meant before 1700!

24 Jul 03 - 11:50 AM (#989628)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Morticia

Goodness.....I really don't know what to say.Thanks for the brilliant poem Janie.

I couldn't be more flattered and delighted you'd want me back at all, never mind help out with the fares and yes, of course, I would LOVE to be there...and give you guys a chance to celebrate with us and us with you ( and get to see my intended)...but I honestly don't see how it can be done. I have no holiday left and unpaid leave is out of the question I'm afraid...mortgages to pay and kids and cats to feed.

Thank you all though, you have made me feel very special. You can bet I will be there with you in spirit..or spirits possibly.

24 Jul 03 - 01:12 PM (#989713)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dani



24 Jul 03 - 01:44 PM (#989751)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bert

...just can't get interested in much singer/songwriter stuff... Yer right Snuffy, they turn out an awful lot of crap at times. But that's why we need workshops, to polish our skills.

24 Jul 03 - 01:48 PM (#989759)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,MMario

or at least learn how to 'fake' older songs

24 Jul 03 - 05:08 PM (#989916)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GutBucketeer

I have been collecting information on how to build home-made instruments for some time (kid oriented). This was mostly for the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and they have made some pretty creative projects as a result.

So, what about this for both kids and adults:

Saturday Morning: A session on how to build an instrument, with several examples. I would bring some of the raw materials but would need others to contribute. Posibilities include stick dulcimers, cookie tin banjos, milk jug ukuleles, kazoos, kalimbas, shakers and percussion, panpipes, etc. And of course gutbuckets!

Saturday during the day: The participants would build their instruments and practice. Volunteers can help

Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Gather to select a song (or songs) to play at the Sunday Evening Concert. Practice it/them a couple of times.

Sunday during the day: Become brilliant on our instruments (practice)

Sunday evening: The Debut performance of the Get A Way Now Orchestra!!!!

I can bring plans and instructions, fishing line of various diameters, plastic containers and coffee cans, 1x2's, bamboo, kazoo diaphram material (wax paper), tooth picks for frets, etc.

We would need others to help contribute more supplies such as the veneer from old doors (makes great sound boards), buckets, corks, broken rakes (for kalimbas), cigar boxes, carpet tubes, etc. etc.

We would also need some hand tools that are relatively safe to use. Mostly hand saws, coping saws, files, and hand drills.

Last, and most important is having several volunteers to help monitor the kids for safe use of tools and to make and play their own instruments.

Tinker, didn't you get your cubs to build stick dulcimers once?

Do you think the kids (of all ages) would sign up to do something like this? It may interfere with their running around and Majic Card trading/playing. I think it would be worth it if we knew we had about 6 to 10 participants before hand.


24 Jul 03 - 07:19 PM (#990033)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

Morty--you will be missed!

Jim--what a great idea!


24 Jul 03 - 07:35 PM (#990055)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

I have always loved the old tried and true folk songs, but, there is also a lot of very good recently written songs to be sung too. Songs by Utah Phillips, Tom Paxton, Dave Mallett and Gordon Bok, to name a few. If it is a good song, I don't care how old it is, I'll do it. If it is a bad song, I just don't bother with it, because someone else might like it. It takes more than dust and mold to make a song good.

24 Jul 03 - 08:02 PM (#990073)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

A good song is a good song whatever its age, and I don't include or exclude songs on the basis of date.

I just find that much modern stuff doesn't "say" anything to me. But then I'm probably a wierdo anyway - I buy albums of field recordings rather than current artists. Latest purchases include 1928 recordings of shanties on dictaphone cylinders. Hard work!

BTW - many of the old singers had a very wide mix, from traditional ballads to music hall stuff, but the collectors didn't want to know about the "trash" so they never noted them.

Wild Rover or Spiral Staircase? For some of us the choice is easy.

24 Jul 03 - 11:41 PM (#990167)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Barry Finn

Hi Rita

I'll be there, no way I'd miss it. I'd love to help in any way I can. When & where are you coming up to Mass? You know that there's always an open door here for you guys.

Some of the ideas & suggestions I that I liked were: Tinker's Women Work, Bert's songwriting, Mick's immigrant experience in the military (except for the Irish experience, heh, heh just fooling ya Mick) & Noreen's unaccompied Irish. Maybe even a Sean Nos workshop or push it further & do a workshop on the different Sean Nos styles, like between Paddy Tunney, 2 Conamara singers with 2 different styles Tom Phaidin Tom & Joe Heaney, Joe Gordie Hanna & & his sister Sara Anne O'Neill, the Keene Sister's (Dolores's Aunts) how about a sister act or a bother & sister act or a family affair show (am I beginning to tread on thin ice here). I couldn't do this one but I might be able to help out a little bit if there's someone who could tackle it. Always love a Ballad workshop though it is a wide scope. Here's another list, (sorry) for carrying on & on & on &.

Transportation to & from anywhere

Songs in defence of kids &/or disabilities



Songs from Whaling

West Indian & other Island cultures






Law men & bad men

Western American Pioneering

Songs that show the senselessness of war

Songs of Jigs, Reels & Hoedowns (normaly played but not usually sung) an example say songs/tunes like Sailor's Hornpipe, Soldier's Joy, Off to Calf. in the morning, What would you do if the kettle boiled over, & etc


Modern songs sucked into the singing tradition

Again do with me what you will Rita. Bill stop that, that's not what I meant. I can hear you thinking like that all the way to the North
& I can hear that chuckle too.


25 Jul 03 - 02:47 AM (#990210)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bert

That sounds great JAB, I'll see what useful odds and end I can find to make instruments from.

25 Jul 03 - 10:15 AM (#990418)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dan Schatz

I'll be there, Rita, and pleased to help out and contribute wherever you need me. I'll give some thought to workshop ideas.

Dan Schatz

25 Jul 03 - 11:06 AM (#990452)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

ah, Barry...I will chuckle at your post, THEN I will suggest to Rita that she 'work her will' on you by getting you to share(with one or two of the Shellback ballad singers?) leading one of those workshops you suggest!....something like "Singing styles of Irish traditional"

over the years we have had workshops on various 'professions', like cowboys or loggers, and also just sessions on "work songs"'s hard to decide how to set it up when it's easy to do an hour on any one of the ones you name. Perhaps this thread will sort out the way to go THIS year.

such a problem..*grin*...too many songs and too much talent!...we need a 5 day Getaway!

25 Jul 03 - 11:18 AM (#990463)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, two of our favorite people will not be able to attend the Getaway. Sandy and Caroline Paton will be otherwise engaged, and regreting it all weekend!
So, Sandy and I were going to do a hobo song workshop, and unless someone fills in for him (tall order) it wont happen.

25 Jul 03 - 11:49 AM (#990485)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bert

A 5 day Getaway Bill, Just make it a month and have done with it.

25 Jul 03 - 11:55 AM (#990489)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: DonD

Doesn't thje Getaway sound wonderful!?! I and countless others wouldn't know, never having been to one. It's easy to feel like an outsider, a pennyless kid with his nose pressed to the candy store window or the two-left-feet non-athlete who gets left out of both choose-up teams.

Wouldn't it be considerate to address something to those who aren't in the "in' crowd? When is the Getaway? How long does it last? Where is it? What's it cost? What are the accommodations and meal possibilities?

Reach out! Share the wealth! Thanks.


25 Jul 03 - 12:05 PM (#990503)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,MMario

don - type "getaway" into the filter and set the wayback machine to "all" - you will get a good "feel" for the whole thing if you read the previous threads.

I believe we've got four years worth of threads on it.

But it's in October - it's very roughly about 150 US for three days and it is INCREDIBLE! Currently being held at Camp Rambleaway in MD.

25 Jul 03 - 12:14 PM (#990511)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

Join the Shellbacks for a 10-day Getaway, Don. We're going to the NY Getaway the following weekend, and singing most days in between, including (IIRC) NYC and Mystic.

With that schedule we may need reinforcements! :-)

WassaiL! V

25 Jul 03 - 01:00 PM (#990558)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Jeri

MMario, Camp Rambleaway is the one with woodbine & ivy growing all around the door. They moved. It was poison ivy, and no one could stand all that prittle-prattling. Camp RambleWOOD is where one Getsaway.

Don, the FSGW* Getaway page is here. Most of the specific stuff (guests, schedules, etc) is from last year because this year's is in the planning stages now.

*Folklore Society of Greater Washington

25 Jul 03 - 01:07 PM (#990562)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

DonD..the 'Getaway' is the annual gathering of the Folklore Society of Greater Washington (FSGW) (details here)

it gets talked about a lot here, as it is on the east coast of the USA, near where Mudcat started and is usually attended by some of the regulars is easy to forget that we have new people each year. We don't intend to sound like an 'in' group, and if any new folks can make it, the camp will hold twice as many people as usually show up in Oct.

It is sort of becoming a tradition for some, and there are west coast gatherings, as well as English and Australian gatherings that are heading toward a similar "place to meet other Mudcatters" status.

keep reading, and see if it fits your schedule!

25 Jul 03 - 01:34 PM (#990588)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

"Camp RambleWOOD is where one Getsaway." (also called Camp Escher by some, as it does seem like it is uphill to everything at times..(the dining hall, where EVERYONE goes, is at the lowest point, and varying degrees of hills to other points)....

25 Jul 03 - 01:38 PM (#990595)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,MMario

Have I mentioned lately that my brain cell has gone missing?

25 Jul 03 - 02:49 PM (#990627)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Vixen

Alas! Alack! and Woe is Us...

Vixen and Reynaud won't be able to make it because we're booked to play a Renaissance Faire....

Hopefully we'll catch up with folks at NOMAD...


25 Jul 03 - 03:45 PM (#990664)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

"Alas! Alack! and Woe is Us.." yep...that is one lass we'll surely lack! Much to our dismay! *tsk*.... mebbe next year!

25 Jul 03 - 05:22 PM (#990739)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ferrara

DonD, I do apologize, should have given general info. Someone has brought up the 1999 thread which has some general info that may give the flavor of the event. This year it will be October 17-20. Camp Ramblewood is in Maryland, near the Pennsylvania border I think, the closest major towns are Aberdeen and Havre de Grace.

I'll try to start a general information thread, pulling together some of the details from earlier threads. It may not happen until I finish my "traveling" though.

I have been taken by surprise by the number of people who have posted on this thread in a very short time! It's wonderful and they are mostly grand ideas. I don't know if you all have been counting, I haven't, but I think we already have enough suggestions for at least four days of music!

If any of you are especially interested in any of the topics suggested, please PM me.

I can't promise that you'll end up leading your first choice. We try to make the most of the varied talents among the people who attend each year. Many of us are so multi-talented that they could lead any of several workshops. That helps me because then I can have a pool of people to call on and I can juggle workshops and leaders as needed.

25 Jul 03 - 06:10 PM (#990768)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Fortunato

Rita, how about:

"Oh, Brother Where Art Thou": Songs they SHOULD have sung.
"Nude Folk Singing, intermediate"
"The Banjo, birth control and existentialism"

Well, the first one was serious, then I got carried away.

Chance and Susette plan to be there.

25 Jul 03 - 06:35 PM (#990780)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ferrara

DonD, for general information and an invitation to (last year's) Getaway, read the first post on this thread: FSGW Getaway 2002 Once I reach Charlie Baum, I'll ask him to bring it up to date for 2003. I can't do the attractive formatting that he did....

Fortunato, thanks for your imaginative and original suggestions, I will give them all the consideration they deserve.

I've started summarizing the suggestions and other info from this thread, will put it on our web page when I have it done.

Rita F

25 Jul 03 - 10:02 PM (#990863)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Gorgeous Gary

Barry: "Transportation to & from anywhere" -- Ooooh, I could cause all sorts of mischief with that topic... 8-)

Rita: It just occurred to me that a Stan Rogers session would be appropriate. We're coming up on the 20th anniversary of his death.

-- Gary

29 Jul 03 - 11:36 PM (#993037)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

I don't dare get excited but I just realized that I may be at a two week class at Fort Belvoir in October. And the Getaway weekend is the weekend bracketed by that class. Which means (dare I hope?) that I might be going to the Getaway!

It will be a while before I know for sure. However, if I will be there I am willing to participate in the Stan Rogers workshop. And, if I put my mind and heart into it I should have a few Chamorro chants to share.

Fingers are crossed!

30 Jul 03 - 08:28 AM (#993273)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

How about a "I never knew that was a Child Ballad" workshop, looking at some of the songs that survived in the tradition but in a very altered and/or shortened state. Things like I'm A Rover, Seldom Sober (The Grey Cock), and Weile, weile, waile (The Cruel Mother). Many other example from both sides of the Atlantic.

WassaiL! V

08 Aug 03 - 12:55 AM (#998783)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

OK, I can get excited now! I am in the class and will be in the area on that weekend.

08 Aug 03 - 09:37 AM (#998936)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Do you have the weekend free though? Do we need to start scouting transport for you?

08 Aug 03 - 09:56 AM (#998945)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Jeri

And bedding. I don't think you're going to want to carry a sleeping bag on an airplane, but I could be wrong. I'll bring at least one spare blankie.

I've brought extra blankets 2 out of the last 3 years and they were used. I SHOULD have brought some last year!

08 Aug 03 - 12:09 PM (#998991)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

likewise...I come in this BIG van, and I always have some extra blankets & pillows, etc. Do remember, though it can be purty chilly at night, so a sweatshirt or jacket that YOU like is a good thing to pack.

Sounds like quite a party!

08 Aug 03 - 07:56 PM (#999194)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Chilly? What's that? I'll have to remember to pack the long sleeves and jackets. No shorts? I think I'm forgetting what it's like to wear long pants...

I have a little polar fleece sleep sack but an additional blanket would be welcome. I can always snag a pillow from the hotel room. As long as I return it I should be fine.

My biggest worry is that we will have some complicated homework assignment for the weekend. Could be a problem but not insurmountable.

As for transportation I hope to have a rental car. If not I will need to thumb a ride. That will work out as we get closer to that weekend.

Thanks for all the support. I am REALLY looking forward to this. I guess I'd better start working on learning some local music to share.

09 Aug 03 - 09:11 AM (#999340)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: bbc

Hmmmm...Brett. Makes me think I should try to go, too.


09 Aug 03 - 02:24 PM (#999449)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Allan C.

H-how ab-bout one on overcoming s-s-stage fright?

09 Aug 03 - 07:35 PM (#999480)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Oh... that's a great idea. How about it, all you confident, capable, cool performers?


09 Aug 03 - 11:05 PM (#999539)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

You know I suffered from stage fright when I got started. But then, at a vocal recital I watched an 11 year old kid singing her heart out and realized that if I really want to be up there then I have no reason to be frightened of it. I haven't been nervous on stage since then.

10 Aug 03 - 06:23 PM (#999883)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Claymore

Rita, I sure enjoyed the Contra Dance band we did last year with the leadership of Bill D etc. If it is done again this year, we should put out a list of tunes to be practiced ahead of time. It might be best to see who could call the dance and then have that person give a general plan as to what dances would be called, (ex: two reels and a minor jig for one dance, a country waltz, etc). Then someone could do a thread to create a set-list for the dance.

If someone wanted to do a waltz evening we should do a set list thread for that one also.

I just did Open Band at the reopening of the Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo and it was a ball. The new sound system still has some quirks to work out, but the building itself was grand to play in, the money wasn't bad, and I figure about 400 dancers showed up, to reopen the hall.

I suspect that if some of the folks who are essentially "Folk-Singers", but who are also good musicians, could understand they can make extra money playing at Contra Dances, they may decide to form a band and give it a try.

11 Aug 03 - 11:19 AM (#1000251)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: alanww

Having had my computer down for a while and having been away - at festivals(!) - for much of the rest of the time, I have just caught up with this thread ...

I am really looking forward to the Getaway - meeting new friends and swapping songs and perhaps even picking up some more ideas for playing my English concertina. I will be with the Shellbacks and so would be assumed to be an expert at shanties. But, as has already been said, there are a lot of different interests and talents in the Shellbacks.

Personally, I tend to sing more sea songs than shanties, usually those with big choruses with lots of possibilities for harmony singing. My overall repertoire could be considered a bit of this and a bit of that but I do like to sing traditional songs, if anything specialising in the big chorus song. I am just beginning to accompany myself on the concertina on appropriate occasions.

I also do a lot of songs of unrequited love and have written a separate PM to Ferrara about the possibility of such a workshop. Beginning to get excited ...!

"As I was a-walking down by the sea shore ...!"

11 Aug 03 - 03:44 PM (#1000411)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

in case anyone wonders why Rita (Ferrara) has not posted or replied 'recently'..she has been attending music workshops all week, and will be diving into this program in about a week from now..(she has good volunteer help to cope with it, too!)

14 Aug 03 - 02:35 PM (#1002110)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ferrara

Hi, everyone,

I'm home for just 2 days between vacation trips, have far too much to do before I leave again but just wanted to second what Bill said -- I'll be diving into the Getaway job in about a week or so.

August Vocal Week was a grand good time, and then I got to spend 2 days with friends in their old house in the mountains....

... and Naemanson, I hope very much that you'll be able to make it.

Rita Ferrara

16 Aug 03 - 09:34 PM (#1003411)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: momnopp

Noreen -- you and I will have to talk -- I'd love to learn some tunes from you. This Getaway is going to be the best yet!

And geez, I obviously have not been following the Mudcat gossip at ALL! I totally missed the Allan and Morty pairing until now. So, I guess I'll have to give up my mad crush on Allan C. ~sigh~

Congrats, you two -- that's exciting news!!!

I will be there Dylan will be there if we can drum up any other miscellaneous silly folk, we'll drag them along, too! I can hardly wait...


17 Aug 03 - 12:33 AM (#1003461)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Alaska Guy

This getaway sounds very cool. My wife and I will be vacationing in that neck of the woods during October and might be interested in sharing some Alaskan folk songs with you east coasties. When will there be some specific information about workshops, fees, etc. We are in the process of planning our vacation and could use some factual info. Thanks.

Mike Campbell

17 Aug 03 - 02:11 PM (#1003635)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Big Mick

Mike, if you go to the top of the page and type "Getaway" into the "Lyrics and Knowledge" search box, then unclick the "DT" box, you will get a list of threads that have discussed this and other Getaways. Let me tell you that it is a very worthwhile weekend. I have been going ever since the great annual Mudcat migration started several years ago. I now save one week vacation for this event every year. These FSGW folks are wonderful hosts, great folkies, and loaded with every kind of talent imaginable. You will have ample opportunity to learn new things, share your knowledge and talent, and stay up all night long in the Mudcat cabin singing and enjoying the company of old friends just met. I travel from Michigan and would encourage you to avail yourself of this event. And who knows, but I am told a very large Irish American always brings a cooler of Guinness to share on Saturday night.

All the best,


17 Aug 03 - 03:09 PM (#1003659)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Alaska Guy

Thanks Mick, I've been going through some of the threads and have just about convinced myself to go. I perform all over Alaska throughout the year but seldom get to play in "the lower 48". We plan to fly into NYC for a couple of days, then rent a motorhome and travel around to D.C., Philly, Boston and wherever else our wandering wheels take us. BTW,I also am a very large Irish American and have been know to keep a large supply of good Porter in the fridge. I look forward to swapping lies, songs and beer with you.

Best wishes,


17 Aug 03 - 07:09 PM (#1003767)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Dont feel bad, Judy, some of us have to give up our crush on Terri too.

17 Aug 03 - 09:50 PM (#1003814)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: momnopp

Ah-hah, Kendall - I hadn't thought of it that way. . .

Ain't love grand? :-D

18 Aug 03 - 02:18 AM (#1003859)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Hey! I have a serious problem! I can bring a sleeping bag and a pillow. And I have enough cool weather clothes. But I am goinng to need cooler space for the beer and sodas. Anyone got a big enough cooler to share? Willing to barter...

The only thing that will keep me away from this is if they cancel or reschedule the class I'm supposed to be at those two weeks. But let's not go there.

I just learned there are Chamorro chants used to lug the big outrigger canoes into the water. I need to learn one or two for this trip.

18 Aug 03 - 08:15 AM (#1003947)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Judging from the weather there in October, you wont need a cooler.

18 Aug 03 - 08:43 AM (#1003966)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Jeri

Check out Ft. Belvoir Outdoor Rec's equipment rental list.

Mick usually brings a cooler the size of a small aircraft carrier, but he's got 'stuff' in it. Beer WILL get cool at night, but it will warm up during the day. You can pretend you're British though. There are drinks (tea, coffee, and '-ade') available in the main building/clubhouse throughout the weekend as well as ice (for drinks, not coolers).

18 Aug 03 - 08:49 AM (#1003971)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Mike Mick ,

You two fellows are going to have a grand time meeting and swapping songs, and perhaps sharing a cold brew. I am getting my annual attack of jealousy!!!
Have fun, y'all!!

18 Aug 03 - 09:01 AM (#1003979)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

It's not a problem for you Merkins, but I don't think they'll allow us to bring much on the plane with us from Britain - the weight allowance ain't THAT generous.

WassaiL! V

18 Aug 03 - 09:24 AM (#1003997)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Jeri

I started 2003 FSGW Getaway - Travelers Needs because we've got people coming from all over and having the right/enough stuff seems to be a major concern.

18 Aug 03 - 11:41 AM (#1004063)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Barry Finn

Hi Brett

I usually bring a good size cooler (I end always end up over doing it) for soda, you can share the space or I can bring a smaller extra cooler (probably holds 24 cans). Just want a chant in return. See ya


18 Aug 03 - 12:23 PM (#1004084)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Big Mick

Brett, there will be room in my cooler as well. But I have a better idea. Let's just drink it before the sun comes up.....problem solved.


18 Aug 03 - 12:25 PM (#1004087)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Big Mick



18 Aug 03 - 12:51 PM (#1004101)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Mick, you make it sound so easy. The gettin' up part isn't too tough yet, it's the quick litttle weekend jaunt that is the challenge!! No doubt I would love it!!   Hmmm.........Now you've gone and got me running for the website! KT

18 Aug 03 - 01:30 PM (#1004119)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

about coolers...I have 'about' 27..(well, seems that way) I can stick a couple extra in the van..IF it still seems necessary in October..we will re-visit this issue as the time approaches...perhaps a separate thread on "what help do travelers need from locals"

18 Aug 03 - 02:17 PM (#1004152)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ebbie

If 'AlaskaGuy' is the Mike I think he is, you people are in for a treat. He is a big guy, and his voice is proportional. It is low and powerful and rich. Have a good trip, Mike.

19 Aug 03 - 11:27 AM (#1004700)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: momnopp

To all you whiners -- instead of saying, "I can't" how about trying on this phrase:

"How can I ______?" In this case, the blank could be "figure out a way to get myself to the Getaway so I can thoroughly enjoy myself."

I recommend repeating this multiple times; particularly as you go to sleep at night; this gives your brain a chance to come up with an answer while you're not busy coming up with excuses.

BTW, this works with pretty much anything: How can I bring more love into my life? How can I memorize this song? How can I learn to relax more? How can I earn $20,000 a year more than I am now? You get the idea. (Please note that the phrases are in an affirmative format, not, "How can I stop forgetting this song?" because then the focus becomes "forgetting this song")

I'm quite serious about this -- you will be amazed at what you can do with your brain if you will just get out of its way sometimes. Some of us are so skilled at figuring out ways to NOT get things in our lives that we don't even realize we're doing it.

Hope to see many, many, many of you at the Getaway!

Peace, love and music,


19 Aug 03 - 09:54 PM (#1004977)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Alaska Guy

OK, the wife and I are going to the Getaway. Now I need info on fees, schedules, sign ups, etc. etc. Can we help out in any way? My wife, Tawmmie, is a GREAT crafts person and I've been known to sing now and again. Do we need to join FSGW? We live in Alaska so probably will miss most of the events during the year. Unless you guys want to have one up here. We could start a sub-group called the Folklore Society of Way Greater Washington. Can't wait to meet you guys and share in this fabulous weekend.


19 Aug 03 - 11:24 PM (#1005003)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

go to the page noted on 25 July, 1:00PM, Mike and read all the 'stuff' *grin*(you need to scroll to the bottom and click on 'later events', I think)...short answer is, you do NOT need to join, but the price is different. You are welcome to join, and we have a number of out-of-town members, though not usually from THAT far out! You'd get a newsletter, but whether it would be worth it to you is problematical.

We do have some space available for crafts, in a very informal manner. (There is a space/room... between the dining room and one music venue... where CDs are sold by Camsco records and various folk (including Rita & I) put some of our crafts on tables and sort of abandon them until we are accosted by someone who wants to buy them..(or not...*grin*), if your wife does that sort of crafts, think about it. The music is the point of all this effort, but this crafts thing has kind of grown in the last few years..mostly because this room is there.

19 Aug 03 - 11:35 PM (#1005011)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

So, when's the new schedule coming out, huh, huh?

Pacing the floor waiting...

Still pacing...

And pacing...

By the by, thanks for all the offers of cooler space. Bill, I'll take you up on one of your extra coolers. I'm not really much of a beer drinker but I'll throw some other stuff in there as well. Plus I'll have my 19 year old daughter (new Mudcatter Tenjiro) with me and she may want to throw some stuff in there as well. I will arrive with ice and grocery bags. Just stick my name on a label on the cooler and I'll load it up when I find it. That way I won't have to distract you while you're trying to organize this shindig. Must be kinda like herding cats, lotsa cats.

20 Aug 03 - 12:12 AM (#1005025)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

ok, one spare cooler can bring be a piece of wood from Guam for the rent! *grin* (no, that is not a demand..I just troll and see what is possible)

well, as to planning, some of these folks have been coming for so many years and know the routines so well that we 'could' all just show up and have fun without detailed planning ....but Charlie Baum (currently) makes sure we & the camp know what to expect from each other, and Rita and her helper(s) figger out how to schedule things so NO ONE misses anything and EVERYONE gets their 15 minutes of fame..(yeah, right...enough talent and offers of ideas for 3 months worth of workshops... to fit into one weekend!)

as for Rita, she will be home tomorrow night from her trip and will be up to her neck in planning details of workshops for the next few weeks..(final schedule is always being tweaked until the last minute, but most workshop titles/themes get published and posted so that folks have a few weeks to think about it)

(boy, Rita is gonna shake her poor head when she tries to read all this stuff and sort it out...and she just beats me when the frustration level gets too high..*grin*)

20 Aug 03 - 03:15 AM (#1005070)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Hmmm, a piece of wood. There are so many kinds. I'll talk to the guys in the Traditional Seafarer's Society and see what we can come up with.

If memory serves you do some fancy lathe work so length isn't an issue is it? You'd rather have a chunk instead of a plank? My duffel bag is 36" long so, depending on what else I bring I could fit a pretty good chunk in it.

20 Aug 03 - 08:08 AM (#1005132)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Fortunato

Yes, Bill, but then you like the little whippings you get, don't you, you little dickens? Naughty boys must be DISCIPLINED.

20 Aug 03 - 11:51 AM (#1005281)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

Brett..I can use anything from a one inch cube on up! don't fret size! (But customs might reject anything with bark on it or little holes...bug problems)Yes...chunks are better, though. (I have even turned good stuff from the outer layers of some Palm trees!)

Fortunato...around here, naughty boys are in charge..*grin*...bad HUSBANDS get beaten! (family in joke for 15-20 years)

(I sure am littering this thread with extraneous stuff...maybe we better PM the side issues!)

20 Aug 03 - 06:21 PM (#1005506)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Maybe a test... Three chunks of wood and you figure out which one didn't come from Guam.

20 Aug 03 - 07:08 PM (#1005532)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

If this is turning into a wishlist. I want a chunk of sky from Alaska.
I will have a fairly good sized cooler which also functons as my chair. Blue icepacks keep things frozen in there for days.

21 Aug 03 - 02:36 AM (#1005676)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Alaska Guy

Hey Sinsull, I will try to bring you a bit of Alaska sky, but you will have to promise to keep it clean and fresh and pollution free. I might bring some smoked salmon for the potluck too. Hope nobody minds.


21 Aug 03 - 03:35 AM (#1005688)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Oh! Are we supposed to bring food as well? I guess I'd really better read that website.

21 Aug 03 - 08:27 AM (#1005798)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Jeri

Naemie, it's not a big deal if you can't bring food - there's usually tons. It takes me a long time to get there, so I usually bring chips or something that's just open-and-eat.

Mike the Alaska Guy, I don't mind if you bring smoked salmon. I'll eat it. (Yum!) Other people might like some, so maybe you'll want to bring extra for them.

Songs from/about the frozen north...could be Alaska, could be Greenland. Rita, you got enough ideas yet?

21 Aug 03 - 08:30 AM (#1005801)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,MMario

That's for the friday night potluck - and I think you would be forgiven for not bringing something if you make it from Guam to MD!!!! (speaking strictly for myself of course...)

21 Aug 03 - 08:49 AM (#1005815)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

Are there health or customs restrictions on bringing British foodstuffs into the USA?

21 Aug 03 - 09:21 AM (#1005831)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

British food is an oxymoron.

21 Aug 03 - 09:30 AM (#1005835)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Snuffy

Like American Humour?

21 Aug 03 - 09:48 AM (#1005842)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Allan C.

Regarding Snuffy's question about what can be brought into the USA, here is the straight poop, copied directly from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website:

Tobacco Products

You may include in your personal exemption not more than 200 cigarettes (one carton) or 50 cigars or two kilograms (4.4 lbs.) of smoking tobacco, or proportionate amounts of each. An additional 100 cigars may be brought in under your gift exemption.

Alcoholic Beverages

Nonresidents who are at least 21 years old may bring in, free of duty and Internal Revenue Tax, up to one liter of alcoholic beverage--beer, wine, liquor--for personal use. Quantities above the one-liter limitation are subject to duty and internal revenue tax.

In addition to federal laws, you must also meet state alcoholic beverage laws, which may be more restrictive than federal laws. This means that if the state in which you arrive permits less liquor, wine, or beer than you have legally brought into the United States, that state's laws apply to your importation of alcoholic beverages for personal use.

Gift Exemptions

As a nonresident, you are allowed up to $100 worth of merchandise, free of duty and internal revenue tax, as gifts for other people. To claim this exemption, you must remain in the United States for at least 72 hours, and the gifts must accompany you. Do not gift-wrap your articles because they must be available for Customs inspection.

Food Products

Bakery items and all cured cheeses are admissible. The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) publishes a pamphlet called Travelers Tips, which offers detailed information on bringing food, plant, and animal products into this country. Imported foods are also subject to requirements of the Food and Drug Administration.

21 Aug 03 - 09:57 AM (#1005845)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,MMario

cheese! bring cheese! You guys have access to so many more varieties than we do! Bring cheese! Please?

21 Aug 03 - 10:10 AM (#1005852)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Sure, like Benny Hill?

21 Aug 03 - 10:15 AM (#1005854)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

I've had some less than exciting meals in Britain, and I've had some excellent ones too. The broiled salmon in Edinburg was the best I ever had.
The thing is, our own cuisine is not up to snuff when compared to French, or even German cuisine.

21 Aug 03 - 10:25 AM (#1005862)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Allan C.

Yeah, yeah, Kendall. But can they make decent fried chicken, Brunswick stew, frybread or jambalaya? We have some mighty fine food available here that is not usually found elsewhere.

21 Aug 03 - 11:29 AM (#1005887)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Careful, there, Kendall.

Food's mighty good in Hillsborough, NC. Tonight we're having homegrown ribeye steaks in bourbon/ginger marinade, fettucine alfredo that would rival Rome's, the best Philly cheesesteak south of the Mason-Dixon line, fresh summer tomatoes and grilled eggplant.....

The James Pharmacy Restaurant kicks culinary ass, and there are plenty of kitchens in America that can hold their own. You just got to know where to look!

Good and bad everywhere, just the same as with the music. And if we'd quit paying for garbage (food and music) and made sure great musicians like yourself and some other folks around here made all the money, well, we'd finally get our priorities straight!


21 Aug 03 - 12:42 PM (#1005926)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

about Friday night potluck at the Getaway: We are still adjusting to the differences at this camp. For 30 years we were at camps with fairly easy access to the kitchen and thus, dishwashing facilities...but here, the staff does all the cooking and clean up...We had a semi-disaster 3 years ago when we did our usual "leave it all out after the potluck" and the camp staff was faced with a mess when they came in to do breakfast.

So...the deal is, we sort of put out potluck starting whenever critical mass arrives..somewhere around 6-6:30ish (yeah, some may get eaten earlier..*grin*)...and for the next 2 hours, stuff arrives and is consumed at a great rate. After that, those arriving will 'often' have eaten before coming..(like those locals who had to work Friday and wait till after rush hour to leave town)., main dishes arriving after 8-9, may not be thoroughly appreciated...some snacks for those who are up late singing ARE always welcome! Some of the late night singing happens just around the corner for the dining hall.

We are 'gradually' learning to bring main dishes in either disposable containers, or to rinse/wash them less thoroughly until we get home..etc..etc...and to have a way to wrap them up easily and store them for 2 days. (it ain't too hard to rinse/wash a pot using a bit of warm water from one of the sinks that are available...I usually do this, and since I live locally, I usually bring some main dish with meat)

The important thing is that we throw out trash and uneaten food that would spoil and NOT leave it out Friday night. Try to be responsable for YOUR contribution and leftovers (if any)...even if you go to bed early)

As was mentioned above, there is usually a LOT of food, so those travelling long distances under inconvenient circumstances should not worry. (Last year, Homeless and his friend rode up with me from BWI airport, and we stopped at big store and went to the deli section so he could pick up a few things...worked out fine!)..

No one will go hungry!

21 Aug 03 - 12:47 PM (#1005930)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Jeri

Bill, I don't think I've shown up earlier than 9. Not only do I eat some of whatever's there but I see plenty of other folks doing the same - especially last year when there was a pretty good jam goingin the dining room!

21 Aug 03 - 12:58 PM (#1005935)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Oh shite! I plowed up a snake this time. I was speaking generally. Most of the restaurants in the USA are just hash houses compared to French cuisine. There are , however, exceptions, and Dani's place in Hillsborough NC is one of those rare American restaurants that do a super job. The difference between places like Dani's and most American restaurants, is imagination. The food there is outstanding, and the owner is beautiful, talented, gracious, intelligent, has two beautiful kids who are also exceptional, and I even like her husband!
And, their dog is nice too.

21 Aug 03 - 01:13 PM (#1005952)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,MMario

nice save, Kendall. And from what I've heard - all true!

21 Aug 03 - 02:21 PM (#1006008)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

Kendall--you are still in deep shite--what about my spaghetti sauce?!!(boohoohoo--he dinnit like my cookin,, nor apparently, my old black dog) Dani-- you and I used to be best friends *sob*


21 Aug 03 - 02:32 PM (#1006015)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

Jeri...didn't mean to suggest that nothing is eaten after 9 *grin*..I know better...just that we don't need everyone arriving after 9 to bring huge pots of stew..etc..(just trying to give a picture of things for new folk)...The crucial part is about planning so that we can clean up easily!'ll all work out, it always does...

21 Aug 03 - 02:42 PM (#1006025)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Kelly

I gotta pipe up here. American food is probably my favorite for the sheer variety of it. Really, only Chinese food rivals us in a single country having so many definite variations, region to region.

Northeast: Maine Lobster, Boston Baked Beans (though some folks prefer the Vermont variety), NY Cheesecake and Bagels, Buffalo Wings (all 200-some varieties), Clam Chowder (New England or Manhattan), Chop Suey (think its Chinese? Well you're half right. It was "invented" for a Chinese diplomat, in NYC in 1896)

Mid-Atlantic: Virginia Brunswick Stew (thanks dad :)) Smithfield Ham, Apple Butter (which finds its way onto my toast every morning), Maple Syrup, Philly Cheesesteaks, Chesapeake Blue Crab, Calabash seafood fry (North Carolina invention). Every variety of Squash (pumpkin, summer, spaghetti, winter, acorn and more!)

South: Red beans & Rice, Gumbo, Jambalaya, Crawfish Etouffé and anything else one can think of in that tell-tale Cajun-Creole style of cooking, peach pie & peach stew (Don't ask) courtesy of Georgia, South Carolina low-country crab cakes, Hushpuppies, Alligator, High-scald fried chicken, fried green tomatoes, fried pickles.. fried everything!

Mid-west: Tennessee Corn Chowder, Pizza of every kind, Red Hots (aka hot dogs), fry bread (yummy), Buffalo burgers!!! And stew, and steak and pot pie (these Bison-made delicacies can also be found in the mid-Atlantic)

Southwest: Texas Chili, Jalapeño cornbread, Navajo Indian Tacos, Pecan Pie, Chicken-fried steak, chicken-fried chicken, fried okra,

West Coast: Salmon cakes/patties, Green Corn Tamales, Avocados on everything! Baked Fish w/ orange and lime slices, Smoked Salmon, if it swims, they'll cook it, Dandelion salad/stir-fry.

Outlying: Puerto Rican Arroz con Pollo, y Arooz con Frijoles Negros, y Arroz con just about anything. Hawaiian Poi, Alaskan King Crab, Fillet of Moose!

And, in my humble opinion, the most genuine form of American cuisine, for every region has its very own method of preparation ranging in variety of meat, sauce, cooking materials, even whether or not the meat is ground, chopped, shredded, sliced or whole.


So, hehe, from the greasy to the holistic, down-home to downtown, pretty much any food craving can be satisfied by the weird amalgam that is American Cuisine.

(Quickly says "MUSIC!" to cover herself for straying so violently off the topic.)

21 Aug 03 - 04:14 PM (#1006062)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Janie, my dear, we were speaking of restaurants. You spaghetti was yummy. And, I like all dogs.

21 Aug 03 - 07:02 PM (#1006153)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dani

And, Kendall, all dogs like you.

Holly wants to know when you and Seamus are coming back.

BTW: I was invited to cook for a gathering similar to the Getaway, only smaller scale - like the previous cooking arrangements before Ramblewood. Hoo Boy! Tough act to follow! I told them I'd get back to them...


21 Aug 03 - 08:12 PM (#1006182)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Big Mick

One of these days logistics are going to allow me to cook for a bunch of you.............

21 Aug 03 - 08:51 PM (#1006198)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

hmmm, Mick...maybe "The Michigan Spring Getaway" I might go to that...I have never been to Michigan

21 Aug 03 - 09:17 PM (#1006208)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Dani, you can do it. I've seen you do it. Am I forgiven?

21 Aug 03 - 09:19 PM (#1006210)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Tell Holly that I sold my motor home and probably wont go to Florida again, but if I do, Seamus and I will stop in to see her. She is special to us.

22 Aug 03 - 12:44 AM (#1006293)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Allan C.

Kelly, you said a mouthful!

23 Aug 03 - 09:01 PM (#1007140)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

One of the things Guam has is plenty of prepared foods, i.e., canned and in jars. And they are all spicy. The locals claim to like things HOT but I've had hotter elsewhere. There are a couple of itmes that they compare to wasabi and I haven't seen (tasted?) any reason to dispute them. Unlike wasabi this spiciness stick to your mouth. We have a new young officer who grew up in Texas. He tried some of the red peppers out of a jar. By the time he got to his fourth one he had sweat trickling down his forehead. He allowed as how he thought they might be spicy...

I'll check into the jars and cans on the store shelves and try to bring some local foods. Can I get serving dishes there? I'd use plastic but some of these foods might eat through the dish...

23 Aug 03 - 09:10 PM (#1007149)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson


Somewhere up above there are a few comments about snoring and snorers. I got to thinking about that before I fell asleep last night. I thought it would be a great idea if all the snorers were consigned to a separate cabin.

Now, I hasten to add, I am one of the guilty parties. Or so I'm told by my children, every woman who has ever shared my bed, the family pets, and even the neighbors. Last year my younger daughter and I went to Gettysburg for my older daughter's graduation. The young one was thrilled to be invited to stay with her sister in the dorm. Next morning she reported that the two mile separation was almost enough...

So, I thought it would be a good idea to separate the snorers. Then my thoughts took me further. This is after all a gathering of musicians, some of whom are pretty inventive. What would happen if some enterprising soul snuck into that cabin and with an ingenious series of clothespins and collars tried to orchestrate that noise into a musical composition. The mind boggles.

23 Aug 03 - 10:46 PM (#1007187)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

I used to entertain the idea of sneaking around with a tape recorder in the middle of the night and then playing it back at breakfast as an "guess who THIS is"...but I do hate the idea of being tarred & feathered at a Getaway..*grin*. We have tried various things, but providing a supply of those soft foam ear plugs has seemed like the best solution..that, or staying up all night! (Not sure any of the cabins could withstand ALL the serious snorers at once..**rruummmbbblllee...crash!**)

24 Aug 03 - 12:53 AM (#1007229)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Alaska Mike

Serious snoring??? I wouldn't know anything about snoring except maybe that my wife vibrates out of the bed occassionally for no apparent reason then smacks me with her pillow and says it was my fault. Does that make me eligible for the "Snorer's Cabin"?

By the way, I would be happy to lead a workshop on "songs from the frozen north" or help out in any way I could. We are looking forward to meeting you all and sharing in this musical weekend.

25 Aug 03 - 10:29 PM (#1008097)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Annie

Last year I brought my bike and whizzed down the mountain to the Conowingo Dam where there is a GREAT bike trail along the river on the old RR grade. Getting back up the mountain was a chugalug, but who cares the next day after it's over? Only takes a couple hours and we could hold a 'songs of the river' workshop along the trail so as not to go too long without song. Anyone care to join me this year?


26 Aug 03 - 03:36 AM (#1008172)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Hard to get my bike from Guam to Maryland. Guess I'll pass.

26 Aug 03 - 05:55 AM (#1008203)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

snoring can be cured

26 Aug 03 - 10:42 AM (#1008363)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Annie

There is a direct correlation between sleeping and snoring. Cure one, cure the other.

26 Aug 03 - 11:29 AM (#1008392)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

I'm serious. My ENT says a simple laser treatment can cure snoring without shooting the snorer.

26 Aug 03 - 12:18 PM (#1008418)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

But Kendall, if I quit snoring it will be the end of a family legend!


26 Aug 03 - 12:21 PM (#1008420)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Sounds like a serious lack of imagination!

26 Aug 03 - 09:31 PM (#1008674)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Janie

You're right Kendall. No matter... I will always be a legend in my own mind. Actually, I come from a family of legendary snorers. Annie must have got the recessive non-snoring gene. Either that, or she was adopted. But she loves me anyway and is masochistic enough to keep taking trips with me.

Dani says she didn't notice that I snored. All the guys next door (or Sinsull Who Doesn't Snore) must have drowned me out. (Don't hit me, Mary, please?)


26 Aug 03 - 09:48 PM (#1008683)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

No comment

27 Aug 03 - 06:32 PM (#1009246)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dani

Hate to drag this thread back around to music ; ) but have y'all seen the thread on lyrics to other tunes? The possibilities are endless, and I think it would make a hilarious (and educational)workshop.

Dani (who's already packed her earplugs)

27 Aug 03 - 07:05 PM (#1009261)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: CET

I like Dani's idea of lyrics to other tunes. This would be a great opportunity for parodies.

Perhaps I could bring up a suggestion I made earlier: songs other than in English. Considering the combined talents of Mudcatters and the FSGW we could certainly muster some songs in French, German, Spanish and Yiddish, and perhaps Gaelic and Welsh. Perhaps we could open it to translations of non-English songs. (I don't want to insult people who speak other languages. Those are just the ones that I am reasonably sure are spoken by some of the folks who go to the Getaway.)


27 Aug 03 - 07:10 PM (#1009264)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

Dani...we actually have done this workshop twice in the was moderately sucessful, but competition with other workshops is fierce!

It actually worked better a couple times done as a short interlude in and evening sing. (we had about 9 songs in a row done to the Marines hymn!)

27 Aug 03 - 09:15 PM (#1009320)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Dani

Perhaps we could combine it with the workshop where we sing every known parody verse to "Old Time Religion" ;)

Too many good ideas, too many great musicians. I'm mostly a fly on the wall there, and I'll go wherever I'm sent to soak up whatever there is to soak up.


27 Aug 03 - 09:21 PM (#1009323)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Fortunato

Dani, I'm looking forward to meeting you at the Getaway. I'm sorry we couldn't get to your restaurant. It would have been more fun I think, than much of Black Mountain and Asheville.

Let's chat! I want to plan a southern tour soon.

cheers, chance

28 Aug 03 - 08:50 PM (#1009926)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

"every known parody verse to "Old Time Religion"
well...that shoots Saturday morning!

"We will worship with the Quakers,
- - - - - - - -,
- - - - - - - -,
And it's good enough for me!

28 Aug 03 - 11:04 PM (#1009987)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Susan A-R

I'd be glad to play fiddle for any dancing that happens. If it's in the schedule Rita, I'd be glad to put together a tentative list of tunes, or to confer with a caller. The women work and wisdom one is also interesting, and I'd be glad to help with it.

Susan A-R

29 Aug 03 - 08:51 AM (#1010166)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Amos

Howard Dean.

29 Aug 03 - 09:57 AM (#1010200)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

he's probably gonna be a bit busy, Amos...but if he wants to register.....

01 Sep 03 - 11:35 PM (#1010928)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

registration form is is the page about it all (Getaway, camp, rules..etc.)

and here is a direct link to the Adobe PDF form

('almost' everyone has an Adobe PDF reader on their computer by now, if you don't,'s free & easy..(like Sally)*music joke*

(Rita will start a new thread as the workshop details are worked out)

02 Sep 03 - 03:03 AM (#1010998)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Saaaalllllyyyy, freeee and eeeeaaaasssyyyy,
That must be her name....

05 Sep 03 - 01:28 PM (#1013450)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Pauline L

I'm interested in opportunities for fiddlers, too. Those of us who play and don't sing would find playing for a dance a great opportunity!

06 Sep 03 - 09:56 AM (#1013866)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

Fiddlers who play Old Time Country/Bluegrass might look us up. Not a workshop but jamming.

Chance Shiver

06 Sep 03 - 10:03 AM (#1013872)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Alaska Mike

It's been my experience, Pauline, that there is always a need for good fiddlers whenever folkies get together.

08 Sep 03 - 05:23 PM (#1014975)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Roger in Baltimore


I just confirmed with Marge that she and I will be coming again this year, but we will be daytrippers. I would be happy to help out in any way that I can. My PM on the Mudcat is acting up, so I may just give you a holler by phone.

Roger in Baltimore

09 Sep 03 - 02:52 AM (#1015235)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

I mailed my registration form today! Of course it will be at least two weeks before it gets anywhere...

Hooray! I'm a-goin' to the FSGW Getaway!

09 Sep 03 - 08:00 AM (#1015352)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Fortunato

Glad to hear it. We'll look forward to meeting you.

10 Sep 03 - 10:27 PM (#1016634)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Annie

Count one more fiddler interested in a dance or jamming or workshop. Will look you up Chance.

11 Sep 03 - 03:10 AM (#1016734)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Good for you Roger and Brett. The Getaway is a high spot in my year.

11 Sep 03 - 09:23 PM (#1017283)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Susan A-R

My form went out yesterday, and Barry and I are making travel plans. It's really happening this year.

Any more word on program? I'll make sure to bring the fiddle and tune list, (the songs are just in there somewhere) and store up on sleep so I don't waste any valuable time snoozing.

Susan A-R

11 Sep 03 - 10:13 PM (#1017298)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Alaska Mike

Got the airline tickets, reserved the motorhome, sent in my application for membership and the Getaway fee. Making plans to see NYC, Philly, D.C. and Boston as well as meeting all of the folkies at Camp Ramblewood. Woooooppie


12 Sep 03 - 12:51 AM (#1017338)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ferrara

A quick note. I've been working on the program, mostly via phone calls, PM's and e-mails, but it's assembling itself piecemeal as I figure out one bit at a time. (This is how it always works.)

And you guys are gaining on me!!! I'm catching up on this thread tonight, but am only up to August 20 as of this writing....

The program is a moving target, as Bill said. If I put up what I have so far, I won't have many of your wonderful suggestions incorporated into it and it will give a false impression that I'm ignoring them.

I am getting some wonderful stuff set up but it's just a beginning. There are two days of workshops, with three or four tracks running simultaneously from about 9:30 am to 6 pm with a break for lunch. So it's a lot of planning!

It is NEVER, repeat NEVER, finished by mid-September. What we have now is a very rough draft. The reason is that we don't pay performers; we take our talent from whoever shows up. I sometimes learn very late in the process that someone wonderful has gotten the weekend freed up and will be coming at the last minute. So -- I work them into the program if they're willing.

Okay, so this has gone beyond a quick note. (My posts always do, don't they?)

Here's some more thoughts on the program. It may be helpful to people who are volunteering to lead things.

The Getaway is large participatory. A "Workshop" may be a sing-around (every one in turn, all the way 'round the circle), a less structured song swap, a tutorial or "How-To," or a Workshop/Concert, where the leader(s) share some of their repertoire and also invite some participation from the floor.

We also have a few mini-concerts. They aren't all "performers" or "stars," either.

With so many people meeting each other for the first time this year, I may have a larger proportion of mini-concerts.

I try to balance the workshops in each time slot: different styles, instruments, traditions, etc. This helps minimize schedule conflicts for some people... Still there are bound to be conflicts. If there aren't, I haven't set up enough interesting stuff. I probably experience the most painful conflicts of anybody who attends; after all, I wouldn't set up a workshop if I didn't think it was worth going to! In the final week or so you'll all have a chance to identify the most painful conflicts and I'll iron out what I can.

There is so much talent to choose from that I often have more than one leader for workshops. This could get confusing as I post successive drafts of the program. In the early days, a workshop may be listed with only have one leader; then I may add a co-leader as the whole thing evolves.

It sometimes happens that you may not know your co-leader, especially if you've never been to a Getaway. If it's appropriate, I try to set it up so people can exchange e-mails ahead of time, etc. but many co-leaders meet for the first time at the Getaway and it always works out just fine as far as I know. (Tinker's workshop last year with Carly Gewirz on "women's work and wisdom" comes to mind...)

Well enough generalities for now. Back to my thread reading.

Rita Ferrara

12 Sep 03 - 05:53 AM (#1017422)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Noreen

Wonderful, Rita! It's getting close now...

BTW, Alaska Mike and I were wondering in Mudchat last night, which of us had further to travel to get to the Getaway- turns out it's a remarkably similar distance (thanks for the research, Mike!):

London to NYC: 3460 miles
Anchorage to NYC (via Seattle): 3815 miles

Further than I normally travel to a festival...


12 Sep 03 - 10:48 PM (#1017963)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Alaska Mike

I routinely travel long distances to festivals, just not quite this long. lol


13 Sep 03 - 10:20 AM (#1018120)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Peg

I might be going but I may not know until kinda last minute; can I pay/register at the door, as it were? How much money do I save by doing it early?


13 Sep 03 - 11:05 AM (#1018133)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Carly

It was a lovely workshop, and it was great to meet (and hear) Tinker. I am looking forward to seeing old friends, and meeting new ones, at the Getaway. Sounds trite, but it's true. Anything I can do to help, Rita.... call me.

13 Sep 03 - 11:05 AM (#1018134)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

Peg you need to PM Charlie Baum on this. I know no one would be turned away, but details are hazy in my head. (The camp needs a basic head count to plan meals, but one extra person is not likely to matter....also, we plan ID buttons and information packs...etc..but these can be handled.)

13 Sep 03 - 11:23 AM (#1018139)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Bruce O.

I can't find what I want to know at, so I'll assume that as in the past that as a daytripper only, I don't have to register, just show up and pay cash, knowing that I probably won't be able to get meals that way. I just got the sad news (sad to me that is) that Lani Herrmann and her husband are going to Korea, so she won't be at the Getaway this year.

13 Sep 03 - 11:37 AM (#1018146)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Carly

It was a lovely workshop, and it was great to meet (and hear) Tinker. I am looking forward to seeing old friends, and meeting new ones, at the Getaway. Sounds trite, but it's true. Anything I can do to help, Rita.... call me.

13 Sep 03 - 11:39 AM (#1018148)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Carly

Oops. I'm not sure what I did, but sorry for the repeat!

13 Sep 03 - 12:39 PM (#1018167)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

I sure hope Peg can make it, what an addition to the talent there!

14 Sep 03 - 12:47 AM (#1018451)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Charlie Baum

If you want to come as a daytripper and don't want to eat with us or stay overnight, you can just show up and pay at the door.
(that may answer Peg and Bruce O). But the camp needs to know in advance how much food to prepare and we need to let them know how many beds/cabins we're going to be using, so if you want to eat with us, you should register in advance. It's not that you get a discount by pre-registering--it's that you get food and a bed to sleep in.

--Charlie Baum

14 Sep 03 - 01:52 AM (#1018464)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GUEST,Bruce O.

Thanks Charlie.

15 Sep 03 - 06:48 PM (#1019525)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Uh-Oh! I just got word that my class is rescheduled till later in the month! This may not be as easy as I thought to get to the Getaway.

Oh, and sorry to throw cold water on your comparisons but I'm afraid I've got both Alaska Mike and Norren beat as to distance traveled. If things work out I'll be coming from Guam on the other side of the world. I haven't figured out the distance yet but it's probably close to 7,000 or 8,000 miles.

15 Sep 03 - 07:42 PM (#1019574)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Distance between Agana, Guam, United States and Washington, District of Columbia, United States, as the crow flies: 7936 miles (12772 km)

15 Sep 03 - 08:13 PM (#1019596)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Alaska Mike

Yes, I never claimed that we would be traveling the farthest to Getaway. I knew you would beat us by a long shot. Noreen and I were just wondering about the distances for UK'ers and Alaskans. I am humbled by your distance.


16 Sep 03 - 06:15 PM (#1020212)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

durn, Brett.. officialdom has its ways, don't it? I hope you can work it out! (Tell 'em you sent your $$$ *grin*)

16 Sep 03 - 07:27 PM (#1020271)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

I was always planning to take a week of annual leave in conjunction with this trip. That is standard practice when you live so far from freinds and family. If the Government is paying for the trip anyway then you take some personal time to make the most of it. So now I'll take 8 days instead of 5 days and arrive in the Washington area on Thursday. I'll stay with my nephew and go up to the Getaway on Friday. Somehow I'll have to find my daughter and get her there too but those are details that can be worked out later.

I hope the fact that I'll be out of the office until November won't cut into the boss's decision to let me go to Australia later that month.

21 Sep 03 - 02:41 PM (#1022565)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program

21 Sep 03 - 09:32 PM (#1022788)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Annie

Rita - If you're still taking ideas - Two years ago Rick (and Bob I think) did a workshop for songwriting. It wasn't well attended, but it was good. Anybody else interested?


23 Sep 03 - 03:10 PM (#1023696)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GutBucketeer

I just sent in my registration for the whole weekend! Now I'll get to find out what really happens on Sunday Night. Yeah! :-).

Would anyone like to lead a workshop on how to figure out the chords (and the key) to a song. I continue to struggle with this and maybe Its something that I just will never be able to accomplish. I've read and re-read various descriptions of how to do it, but they all still seem like greek to me. Any help would be appreciated.


23 Sep 03 - 09:52 PM (#1024034)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Ferrara

Hi, I've finally gotten enough of the program roughed out to be able to put it online. It's still a draft, Preliminary, and Incomplete, but you can see it here .

The thread is
FSGW Getaway Program - 2003

Rita Ferrara

23 Sep 03 - 10:43 PM (#1024056)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bert

Hey Annie, I did a workshop for songwriters about three years ago. Also it wasn't well attended but I was up against some formidable competition (I don't know anyone who can compete with Sandy and Carolyn).

Earlier in this thread I volunteered to try again this year but haven't heard anything from the powers that be.

There's likely to be a songwriter's workshop coming up soon here in Phoenixville PA, If you are interested in getting on the mailing list send me a PM.


23 Sep 03 - 11:02 PM (#1024063)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Naemanson

Well I've just had a bucket of cold water thrown in my face. My application for my class has been disapproved. It appears there are too many Navy billets and they don't want any more. So my trip is off.

To say the least, I'm disappointed.

23 Sep 03 - 11:21 PM (#1024078)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Bill D

saw this in the Guam were so sure it would work.
Well, we will sing a few and drink a few in your honor and post pics...what a bummer!

24 Sep 03 - 04:30 AM (#1024166)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: kendall

Thats enough to piss off the Pope.

24 Sep 03 - 09:31 AM (#1024308)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: Fortunato

Sorry to hear you won't make in Naemason. I hope the disapproving bastards get a boil.

We'll hope for another time again.

cheers, Chance

15 Oct 03 - 12:08 PM (#1036185)
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
From: GutBucketeer

Last minute request for supplies and tools for instrument building:

If anyone has any of the following we would sure appreciate it in the instrument building workshop:


Hand drills and bits (or electric).
Small files
Utility knives
Coping saws


Small pieces of scrap hardwood
Nylon Monofilament fishing line greater than 40lb test
Scrap pieces of Tyvek (used to mosture proof houses, or to mail packages)
Cookie tins
Cigar boxes
Old copper tubing or PVC conduit.
Painters buckets.

Any or all would be appreciated.